“One Orange Braincell”: 50 Times Ginger Cats Proved Just How Hilariously Unpredictable They Really Are (New Pics)
If you're a cat lover or just someone in need of a good laugh, the subreddit 'One Orange Braincell' should be right up your alley. Dedicated to fluffy and adorable feline gingers, it's full of endearing derpy moments.
However, despite the subreddit's name, it's not just a collection of dumb cats doing silly things. Rather, it's a celebration of all orange cats and the quirky and lovable behaviors they exhibit.
From freezing when something is placed on their head to having the time of their life with a simple string, these cats are a blast to be around and can brighten up your day even through the internet. (But then again, can't they all?)
Even though the furballs in these pictures might not appear to be the smartest, who doesn't have their moments? So continue scrolling to meet them!
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I Just Realized Nugget Has An Upvote On His Chest
10 Months Old And Still Needs His Emotional Support Carrots
When it comes to feline genetics, things like coat color and pattern are carried on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes (XX) while males have one X and one Y (XY).
Cats inherit a combination of genes from both parents, although the wide variety of colors you see in cats comes from just two main colors: black and orange (or red).
A kitten inherits two copies of each gene from its parents (one from each), and each gene can be either dominant or recessive.
Our Braincell Absolutely Loves These Little Mice Toys So I Got A Whole Box For Her Birthday (11) Last Week. I Dumped Them In A House On Her Tree She Never Uses & Found Her Like This Last Night
A Cat Had 4 Kittens At The Landfill I Work It. The Mom Left And Took 3 With Her, This Little Guy Was Left Behind. After A Week Of Leaving Food And Water For Him I Found Him His Forever Home
Awoken At Five Am By Purring For No Reason
The gene for orange coloring is dominant (O), so a kitten needs to inherit only one copy of the orange gene to display some degree of that color in its coat.
This fact also explains why most orange tabbies are male — since a female orange tabby must have two X chromosomes to be female, there is only about a 20% chance an orange kitty will be female.
Just Brought Home This Senior Orange Boy - Meet Kenneth!
He Likes Being Carried Like An Orange Satchel
Trying To Eat A Bee Gets You The Cone Of Shame And A Swollen Schnoz
This Is Kevin. He Regularly Sits Like This While We Watch TV
If a kitten displays the tabby pattern or not depends on whether it inherits a dominant or recessive agouti gene. The term “agouti” refers to hair that has alternating bands of light and dark color – this produces a speckled or “salt and pepper” appearance.
Kittens that inherit a dominant agouti gene (A) will display a visible striped pattern while kittens that inherit the recessive gene (a) will not. Solid-colored cats can still display subtle tabby patterns – often called “ghost striping” – if they inherit two copies of the recessive gene (aa).
He Always Tries To Lie On Top Of The Eggs, So We Put Ping Pong Balls In The Egg Carton
My Loud, Snaggletooth’d, Single Brain Cell, Almost 17 Year Old Floof~
Orange Cat
See Our Gremlin In His Natural Habitat: Proudly Strutting Around After Getting Into Office Supplies And Sticky-Noting His Own Butt
OK, so we know about the origin of orange cats. But are they really dumber than other felines? After all, after scrolling through these pictures and our older article on 'One Orange Braincell' you might certainly start thinking this way.
To answer that question, it would be a good idea to think about how we measure a cat's intelligence in the first place. It's a fascinating topic that has intrigued many researchers and animal lovers.
Tiger Being Orange
Nothing Going On In There. Not Even Elevator Music
This Is Noodle. He Thinks His Void Brother's Antibiotic Eye Drops Are A Special Treat, So Now I Have To Give Him His Own Pretend Eye Drops 2 Times A Day
My Girls Got Spayed Today And Once Their Surgery Suits Were On, They Didn't Recognize Each Other
It's most likely not about the suits but the smell. Cats mostly recognize each other by their smell. After surgery, the cats will smell of the vet's office, disinfectant etc. In this case, take a t-shirt or blanket that smells like you and rub your cats with it. That should do the trick.
However, there is no single or definitive way to assess feline intelligence as different methods and criteria may yield different results and interpretations. But there are some general approaches and findings that can help us gain some insight into how we can compare cats. One of the most common ways to measure animal intelligence is based on survival behavior.
Some examples in cats include:
- Hunting: Cats are natural predators that use their senses, instincts, and skills to catch and kill prey. They can also learn from their experiences and improve their hunting strategies over time;
- Navigation: Cats have a remarkable sense of direction and spatial awareness that allows them to find their way around unfamiliar places. They can also use landmarks, smells, sounds, and magnetic fields to orient themselves;
- Socialization: Cats are social animals that form bonds with other cats and humans. They can also recognize and respond to different emotions, expressions, and gestures. They can also cooperate or compete with others for resources or territory.
This Is Gus Gustopher Gustopherson
The Day I Picked Her Out At The Shelter
Does Begging For The Braincell Help?
Please, please hooman, just one braincell. Just one so the empty space doesn't feel lonely.
Such A Cute Weirdo
Another way to do that is to look at their learning ability, or in other words, how cats acquire new information or skills that can be applied to new situations. These include:
- Conditioning: Cats can learn to associate certain stimuli with certain outcomes, such as a bell with food or a clicker with a treat. They can also learn to perform certain behaviors to obtain rewards or avoid punishments;
- Imitation: Cats can learn by observing and copying the actions of others, such as opening doors, using toilets, or playing fetch. They can also learn from their own reflection or from videos;
- Problem-solving: Cats can use logic, trial-and-error, or creativity to overcome obstacles or challenges, such as escaping from a box, retrieving food from a puzzle feeder, or manipulating objects.
He's Rossini And Everybody Love Him. He Sleeps In The Stores Of The City Where I Live (Rovigo, Italy) And Everybody Respect And Welcome Him. Someone Regularly Feed Him And Take Cares Of Him But He Don't Have An Owner
After Crying To Be Allowed Outside For Hours, Melon Learned Snow Is, In Fact, Cold And Wet
And 2 mins after you let him in he has forgotten all about it and wants out again.
He Thinks He's An Ornamental Statue. Very Inconvenient When The TV Is On
High As A Kite After An Mri (Which Neither Confirmed Nor Denied The Presence Of The Braincell, But Thankfully Did Deny The Existence Of Any Malignant Braincells)
A single litter can easily include a black, orange, and calico kitten. These siblings are likely to have a good deal in common, fur color notwithstanding.
“To date, there is little evidence that these perceived differences between differently colored cats actually exist, but there are serious repercussions for cats if people believe that some cat colors are friendlier than others,” Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (Animal Behavior Society) and Certified Cat Behavior Consultant Mikel Delgado said.
“Previous research supports the existence of ‘black cat syndrome,’ where black and brown cats are less likely to be adopted than cats of other colors,” she added.
My Orange Got Scared Of Movers And Decided This Was The Place To Hide
Still No Braincell For Ron But He's Still Smiling
Adoption Picture vs. Now. Connection To The Braincell Didn‘T Improve Since Adoption But I Like To Think She‘S Happier. Meet Sadira!
From anxious to no worries in the world. That I wish for every cat in the world, because that would mean most people would feel the benefits of a relaxed cat in the house.
Took Dingus To The Vet Yesterday For His Annual Checkup And He Went And Hid, Can Anyone Help Find Him Or The Braincell?
So while there's no harm in playfully mocking all the Garfields in the wild, remember that 'One Orange Braincell' should be viewed as a silly cat lovers club, not a union against feline gingers!
Sometimes He Will Meow Until I Place My Finger Into His Nose, At Which Point He Will Start Purring Loudly
Who Else Has Child Locks On Cabinets Because “The Cat”
Kissed Him Goodbye And Forgot I Was Wearing Lipstick. Looks Like Neither Of Us Have The Braincell
Filtered Water From A Pet Fountain - No. Chair Water - Yes
Unsurprisingly These Men Do Not Have The Braincell
This Is Marx, He Is Here To Seize The Means Of Production
Trust Me... He's Orange
My calico has a single braincell too. She got stuck under the sheet as I made the bed. Poor thing had to howl to be let out of the trap she found herself in 🤣
Caesar Got By On Looks And Charm Alone. I Don’t Think He Ever Got The Brain Cell In All 15 Years Of His Life
A Visualization Of The One Orange Brain Cell Floating Around My Cat’s Head
Does Raising The Antenna Improve Brain Cell Reception?
Can't Understand What's Stopping Him
Tyler Waiting Patiently For The Brain Cell
What a distinguished gentleman.Observe how he is sitting. Human men should strive to be like Tyler. Everyone should be like Tyler.
We Demand Food Father
You Can Almost See Damon Under Leo
Thought Y'all Might Appreciate My Creature. Five Years And Still Not A Single Turn With The Brain Cell
All Hail Orange Cats
He Just Straight Up Passed Out Like This... He Didn't Move For Almost An Hour
Before My First Orange, I Thought Y’all Were Mean
Same! LOL We adopted our first orange in December 2022... we get it now!
And There Is One Missing In The Photo
His Balls Got Deleted Today, Will He Be Okay?
This Is Moose. He Has Never Had, Nor Will He Probably Ever Need, The Brain Cell
I used to have an orange. All my cats have been "special" but Orlando was on another level. I just thought it was him but clearly the beauty of the orange cat uses up all the available brain-power.
A former friend of mine used to have an orange tabby named Meathead. According to the ex-friend, the cat was a meat head!
I wanted an orange cat SO BAD when I got my first one as an adult bc I remembered this massive orange barn cat when I was growing up that would come across the field and wait for me to come home from school so he could give me headbutts then wander back to the farm next door. But I walked into the rescue and saw a void kitten & his grey sister and got IMMEDIATLY distracted and didnt put them down. Next time in 15+years (hopefully) I'll get a orange.
I used to have an orange. All my cats have been "special" but Orlando was on another level. I just thought it was him but clearly the beauty of the orange cat uses up all the available brain-power.
A former friend of mine used to have an orange tabby named Meathead. According to the ex-friend, the cat was a meat head!
I wanted an orange cat SO BAD when I got my first one as an adult bc I remembered this massive orange barn cat when I was growing up that would come across the field and wait for me to come home from school so he could give me headbutts then wander back to the farm next door. But I walked into the rescue and saw a void kitten & his grey sister and got IMMEDIATLY distracted and didnt put them down. Next time in 15+years (hopefully) I'll get a orange.