This Facebook Group Is Dedicated To Crappy Wildlife Photos That Are So Bad They’re Good (40 New Pics)
No matter how good our intentions, no matter how steady our hands, eventually we’ll take a bad nature photo. Professional wildlife photographers aren’t immune to making mistakes, so neither are we. Fortunately, crappy wildlife photos shouldn’t be something that we ought to be embarrassed about—they ought to be celebrated!
And the perfect place for that is the Crap Wildlife Photography Facebook community. With over 320k dedicated members, the group collects the most unintentionally hilarious photos of animals that are so bad they’re actually good. We’re featuring some of the freshest best new CWP images, so scroll down and enjoy, dear Pandas. Let us know in the comments which photos were your favorite and why and be sure to check out the CWP community’s social media pages.
Tristan Kennedy told Bored Panda that he created the group back in 2015. "Someone asked on another group called 'Crap Bird Photography' if there was a page for all wildlife—there wasn't one that I could find so I created it." Scroll down for the rest of our interview with Tristan about how his page went viral this year, in part thanks to all the attention from you, dear Readers. And check out our previous articles about the CWP community and its awesome content right here and here. We’re pretty darn sure these posts will brighten up your day, too.
More info: Facebook (Group) | Facebook (Page) | Instagram | Twitter
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Photobombed By A Bug
That Time A Squirrel Gave Me The Finger
Costa Rica Ant Eater- Will Dance For Ants
Tristan revealed to us that before this year he only had one other moderator. "Growth was always slow but steady until about January this year when I added the first bunch of new admins, as dealing with the increased traffic was becoming too difficult on my own. Numbers increased from about 15,000 in January to about 45,000 at the start of April. The first Bored Panda article triggered a large spike in numbers—our group numbers spiked from about 45,000 to 100,000 in a few days. Overall, 300,000 have joined since January."
According to Tristan, part of the mass appeal of crappy wildlife photos is that pretty much everyone has taken bad photos at one point or another in their lives. "The 'good' photo groups aren't interested in bad photography, of course, so it gives people somewhere to share their lesser quality photos and have a laugh at themselves."
Behold, The Majestic Manatee!
I Still Can’t Tell If This Is Crap Wildlife Photography Or Just Incredibly Cute Wildlife Photography
"I Have No Idea What I'm Doing"
Tristan also pointed out that the submissions to the CWP group have increased exponentially during the coronavirus quarantine. "Over 1000 submissions per day," he said before adding that not all of them make it onto the page.
"We get a lot of very similar photos (deer and squirrels seem to be the most common), we try to keep the page interesting by posting a mixture of different kinds of wildlife. We try to make the group as inclusive and light-hearted as possible, somewhere to have a laugh and forget about reality, so to speak."
Long Story Short... I Was Trying To Photograph A Blue Jay
Throwback To Taking A Poorly Timed Picture Of A Praying Mantis On My Windshield Before Leaving For Work
Couldn’t Think Of A Better Place To Post This
The Crap Wildlife Photography group is so large that it needs a strict system in place to keep its members in line and to monitor what kind of content gets uploaded. For example, if you want to join the group, your membership has to be approved and you’re also asked to fill out an online form. That’s right. There are applications. And rules.
Obviously, the CWP page does what it says on the tin. It’s meant for “poorly executed, poor quality, or otherwise photography faux pas” which means no high-quality snapshots that perfectly capture the magnificence of the natural world. The group’s admins joke that photos that look “too good” will be gently mocked or given bad photography advice.
The Majestic Woodland Caribou
I Found This Wizard Squirrel In A Pile Of Trash. It’s The Best Crap Photo I’ve Taken.
This Is An Emu That Attacked My Car Window Several Years Ago At A Wild Animal Park In Oregon. Barely Got My Window Rolled Up Before This Demon Seed Tried To Attack Me. Note: It Was Light Outside But For Some Reason My Flash Went Off, Adding To The Drama
The community also takes a firm stance on how people behave. They want people to have a good time, so they ban political and religious comments, as well as dark humor about animals being hurt.
They’re also pretty clear about how all the photos are supposed to be of wild animals. So no sneaking in a goofy pic of your adorable doggo or meowjestic floof of a cat! If you want to make it big in the CWP community, you’ll have to go on an adventure with your toaster of a camera to get the best worst wildlife photos that you can! Share your own crappy wildlife pics in the comments below, dear Pandas.
Have You Ever Laughed So Hard Water Squirted Out Your Nose?
Oh S**t
Whilst I Was Attempting To Catch The Grace And Elegance Of This Magnificent Pelican, Percy Slipped And Face Planted The Rock.
I Heard Him Whistling As He Walked By. True Story
I Call It "Preaching To The Choir" But Draw Your Own Conclusions! Something Very Strange Is Definitely Going On Here!
Spread Ur Wings, Point Ur Toes And Jump ... This Was Almost A Cool Pic
I Just Wanted A Nice Picture Of A Duck For A Uni Assignment...
I Was Trying To Take A Photo Of A Chipmunk For A Friend In England Who Hasn't Ever Seen One. Never Been This Badly Photo Bombed...
It Was Fun Taking Photos Of The Bear In Our Yard, Until He Decided He Wanted To Visit Us On The Deck! Bears Can Run Fast!
Deer Butt Sprinklers
Today I Was Taking Pics Of A Garden. Later As I Went Back Through Them I Wondered What That Black Blotch Was On The White Car? Turns Out I Caught A Bumble Bee Bumbling Along
Always Adjust The Iso From The Previous Shot If Photographing In Different Light!
That Time I Caught The Raccoons Smoking In The Garbage Dumpster
I Call Him Buddha ....... And Sir
When That Wolf Comes Close And You Can Get The Shot Of A Lifetime, Focus Is Critical To Capture The Rich Detail Of The Fur
Okay! Fine! Whatever...
Even The Squirrels Have Given Up On 2020 (Edit- No Need To Be Concerned...the Squirrel Is Just Resting. She Moved On Quickly After)
Fantastic Shot Of A Broken Umbrella Today
'Friendly' Magpie In The Backyard. Super-Stoked To Be Having His Picture Taken
I Was Too Slow...
Mom Owns A Nature Store And Has A Comment On Her Facebook Page From Someone Asking If She Could Identify This Bird
There's Some Soap Opera Level Drama Happening At The Bird Feeder...i Wonder What The Story Is? Squirrel Seems Worried Someone Is Tryna Take Her Man, That's For Sure...
These are great action shots. That squirrel's a street warrior for sure.
Crap (My Pants) Wildlife Photography
Carp Photography
I Present To You.......hawks On A Trampoline
This has been fun, some good laughs, and great shots, some of them, or most, would naturally be deleted, but these are unique, they made the list, thanks for the fun !!!
This has been fun, some good laughs, and great shots, some of them, or most, would naturally be deleted, but these are unique, they made the list, thanks for the fun !!!