Throughout my life, I have met a lot of people, both for work and in my social life, and I think it is safe to say that most human beings don’t know how to start a conversation. Most people either use the same round of boring questions as conversation starters or go straight for the very personal stuff. And we get it, starting a conversation with a stranger can be tough, so people usually opt for the safest alternatives, but there are so many fun things to talk about, all you need to do is have a couple of topics up your sleeve.
On the other hand, if you are pretty comfortable socially but would like to update your stock of good conversation starters, may we suggest trying out funny questions to ask your new acquaintance? Sharing a laugh is always a good icebreaker, and if they actually decide to think of an answer, this could lead to a very engaging talk, and possibly even to a great relationship. But remember one thing: Funny and rude are not the same, so be sure your questions are not offensive. You may choose absolutely random topics to talk about as long as everyone still feels comfortable.
To get you started, we collected a bunch of conversation starters on a whole range of fun topics. We absolutely encourage you to go and try them out, but don’t forget to come back and let us know which ones sparked the most lively conversations. Meanwhile, vote for the ones you like the best, and share this article with friends who might also need some help in learning how to start a conversation.
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"What is your greatest, yet strangest talent?"
I can touch my wrist with my thumb, I can bend just the last joint on every finger and I can bend my fingers backwards to touch my wrist. I can get out of any sort of handcuffs easily (do not ask how I know this). Basically very flexible hands
"What is the silliest way that you’ve been injured?"
Sleeping. Woke up and I had pulled a muscle in my back and could not stand up.
"What two items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable?"
As a cashier, it's not what you buy, it's how you act that makes me uncomfortable.
"What old person tendencies do you have?"
"What about your teenage self embarrasses you the most?"
"What did you last Google?"
"What is the craziest dream you’ve had?"
Probably the one where I was given the power to jump extremely long distances, but couldn't land without breaking my legs.
"What is the best type of cheese?"
I'm allergic to most so my options are limited. As a treat I'll go for some Red Leicester, by I'm quite partial to Mozzarella or a few Dairylea slices.
"If you had to name a chapter in your life right now, what would it be called?"
"If animals could talk, which animal would be the rudest?"
"What would be the absolute worst name that you could give your child?"
"What movie completely changes its plot when you change one letter in its title?"
"What did you think was cool as a kid, but isn’t actually cool now?"
"Do have a funny story from a blind date set up?"
"If we could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you want to go?"
"What is funniest sound that you can make?"
I do a pretty good Gizmo impression... Oh and I can inward whistle louder than I can do a normal whistle.
"What topic could you give a 30-minute presentation on without any preparation?"
"What do you think is a complete waste of time?"
Makeup and fashion (though I understand why some people like them)
"What was the last thing that you did for fun?"
I feel like the person expected something similar to "this one time at band camp"
"If you could start a secret society what would it be called?"
People Against Dumbasses. It would be guarded by problems that require common sense to overcome.
"Which animal would be super cool if it was made into the size of a horse?"
"What would you name your boat if you had one?"
Stolen from the Flintstones. Fred wanted the Nautical Queen. Barney wanted the Sea King. They compromised by taking the first three letters from both names. The NAUSEA. Thats my boat.
"If the color blue had a smell, what would it smell like?"
Depends on the shade. Light blues smell like ice. Dark blue smells like salty air.
"What’s the weirdest way you have met someone?"
"If you had an extra part of your body what would it be?"
a functioning pancreas, with the islets of Langerhans to make insulin.
"Do you collect anything random or silly?"
"Is hot dog a sandwich? Yes or no? Why or why not?"
"What is the weirdest thing that you have put on your pizza?"
"What would be the worst thing for the government to declare illegal?"
"Is a deep dish pizza a casserole?"
"What is the weirdest thing you are afraid of?"
"What is something that across the board, everyone looks stupid doing?"
"If a squirrel could talk do you think it would have a really high voice or a really low voice?"
"What is something that hasn’t happened yet, but would certainly break the internet?"
"What quote or saying do people often say, but you believe is complete trash?"
'What doesn't kill you, only make you stronger!' Total BS, damage is damage, and it has a lasting effect!
"What is a funny excuse that you have given to leave a party early?"
"If you had to change your name to something totally new, what would be your new name?"
"What would the book about your life be called?"
"What is the weirdest thing that you find attractive in a person?"
"If money wasn’t an issue, what would be one of your goals in life?"
"If you could trade lives with one other person who would it be?"
"What friend do you play in your friend group?"
You know that weird one that you're sure how they came to be a member of the group, but when you need to talk some serious shite, they give a great unbiased, independent opinion and alway seem to have an answer. And you KNOW they will help you not only hide the body, but will probably carry out the murder for you... Yeah, that me!
"In 50 years, what random thing do you think you will be most nostalgic for?"
"What is the worst purchase you’ve made?"
"What isn’t real, but you wish was real?"
"What is the most annoying habit that someone else can have?"
"What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you when you were younger?"
"What’s the weirdest thing that a guest has done at your house?"
"What kind of music do you like?"
"Did you know that penguins have knees?"
"What was the last board game you played?"
"How do you think the universe ends?"
"Tell me an embarrassing, yet funny story."
"Which of the Seven Dwarves is most like your personality?"
"What is one of the most embarrassing phases you went through?"
"What is your go-to joke?"
Why does the Easter bunny hide the eggs? He doesn't want anyone to know his gf is a chicken
"Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? Why or why not?"
I would absolutely not make it, although I have spent a disturbing amount of time trying to figure out the best place in my house to hide out.
"What’s the craziest food you want to try? I’ll make it for us for dinner."
"What is the worst pick-up line that someone has said to you?"
Too far outside my field of experience for me to even be able to come up with a joke about it.
"What is a random funny thing that happened to you on vacation one time?"
On the steps of Sacré Cœur I asked someone to take my picture. He wanted to be in the pic too, so I his friend took the photo. And now I have a photo with a random Aussi that makes me smile every time I see it.
"What is your guilty pleasure?"
"When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?"
"What is the strangest situation that you’ve walked into?"
"Who do you think would be the worst person to get stuck within an elevator?"
"What is the worst advice you received?"
"What’s your favorite way to waste time online?"
"What is the worst place that you’ve been stuck for a long time?"
"What do you love to do with your friends?"
"How often do you stay up past 2a.m.?"
"What movie should be made into a musical?"
"What is the most fun thing to do at an amusement park?"
"What is the strangest thing you’ve been asked in a job interview?"
"Do you have a signature dance move?"
"If you were a candy bar what candy bar would you be?"
"What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?"
"What is your favorite quote from a movie?"
"What is the worst text that you’ve ever sent?"
"What movie universe do you want to live in?"
"If you could master any skill what would it be?"
"What qualities do you look for in a person? Please tell me humor is one of them. If so, I got you covered."
"What animal looks the silliest?"
"What is the best type of bread?"
"What fairytale story would you like to be in?"
"If you were a minor god in a pantheon, what would you be the god of?"
"Is a burrito a sandwich?"
"What thing in life makes you smile uncontrollably?"
"What would your dream job combination be? Mine would be a space-cowboy!"
Something with cemeteries but without the being outside in bad weather part. Like digitalizing burial records.
"What makes you laugh?"
"What is the weirdest thing that you have ever eaten?"
"What is the funniest story you know?"
"What is the worst date you’ve ever been on? I promise ours will be the best!"
"What is your favorite way to show affection?"
Stop whatvever I am currently doing and giving them my attention. Then expect compensation for doing so in cuddles.
"What is your weirdest deal breaker?"
"What is a quality that you like the most in a partner and a quality that you like the least?"
SPICE- strength, patience, intelligence, compassion, empathy. Least attractive trait: a lack of empathy.
"Where is your favorite place to hangout in the area?"
"What is your favorite pick-up line?"
"What was the weirdest thing about your last romantic relationship?"
"How would you describe your sense of humor?"
"What is your greatest hope?"
"What does love mean to you?"
Love is caring about somebody, not despite their flaws, but regardless. It's putting their needs, not always above, but at least equal to yours. It's doing those tiny, insignificant little things that nobody else would notice or understand, but you do them because it puts a smile on their face. Love is wanting someone to thrive, even if its not with you. It's unconditional. It's knowing that, even if they make you so mad you just wanna shake them, you'd still run to their aid in an emergency. Love is seeing every part of a person, good and bad, and saying "This is somebody I want to share my world with."
"What role does laughter play in your life?"
"Which family member are you most like and why?"
My Great Aunt Harriet because as my Dad says, I will call a spade a f*cking shovel just like Aunt Harriet!
"What is the most interesting thing you have read this week?"
"What book would you bring to a deserted island?"
"Are you a morning person or a night owl?"
"What do you do to get rid of stress?"
"What is the biggest diss you can think of?"
My favorite diss of all time came from a child at my work. Super angry at her brother, she goes "youre the ugliest flower! More uglier than grass! I hope nobody ever picks you!". . . I mean as a kid it's a mean enough statement. As an ADULT? "I hope nobody ever picks you" is just really really hard. 🤣
"Do you curse often? If so, what is your go to cursing insult?"
"What is your favorite indoor activity?"
"Where’s your favorite place to nap and why?"
"What is the weirdest habit that you have?"
"Do you think there are aliens on other planets?"
"What was your favorite restaurant as a kid (Yes, Chuck E Cheese counts)?"
Chevy's TexMex. It is inedible now. Really sad what more management does.
"What is your favorite drink to order at a bar?"
"What’s your favorite thing about a first date?"
"What is the best purchase you’ve made?"
"What animal do you think is the worst?"