“Consulting Humor”: 35 Painful Yet Funny Work Memes That Might Remind You That You Need Some Time Off
InterviewNearly every profession out there consists of things nobody else will understand except for the employees who experience it firsthand. And when it comes to the forever-changing world of consulting — well, it’s a doozy! After all, when people declare that their sole career purpose is to help businesses solve problems by providing knowledge, services, and guidance on an on-demand basis, it’s bound to raise a question or two.
The truth is that a myriad of different factors and challenges go into the consulting grind. Just picture the unpredictable markets, the deadlines, and the whimsical clients that bring their own perspectives into the picture. But while the job comes in many shapes and sizes, some things will be ubiquitous no matter their workplace. Need convincing? Just take a look at the 423k-strong 'Consulting Humor' Instagram account aimed to lift the mood and help get through difficult times, one joke at a time.
"But will it scale?" asks the creator of this page, and we truly wonder. We’ve gathered some of our favorite entries that consultants should have no trouble relating to down below. So pull up your chair and enjoy this list that is certain to make you muster at least a chuckle or two. Be sure to upvote the posts you find funniest, and let us know what you think of them in the comments!
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We managed to get in touch with the creator of 'Consulting Humor', Mo Yang, who was kind enough to have a little chat about the ins and outs of his social media project, as well as the universal challenges workers face every single day. Yang, who is an ex-Big Four consultant with nearly 10 years of experience, explained he started the account in January 2018 as an outlet for some of the unique, sometimes frustrating elements of the consulting industry.
At the time of writing, the account has amassed over 423k followers who enjoy being a part of a collaborative consulting community. And, of course, sharing a few laughs along the way. Yang revealed that initially, there was no specific goal in mind. "It was very much a personal place to share experiences with a humorous twist. As it turns out, my experiences overlap with so many other consultants, which is what I owe the success of the page to," he told Bored Panda about the inspiration to create the page.
there is nowhere near that many redheads in corporates.... we are a minority!
When asked to describe his community, Yang explained that people who follow the page are simply great, candid, and authentic. But if you believe that to laugh at the memes he shares you have to relate to them and actually have a job like this, that’s not necessarily the case.
"The following are mostly consultants," Yang said, "but [it] also overlaps with other professional services." After all, the nine-to-five grind holds certain shared experiences any office employee can complain about — shortly before looking for some memes to help them laugh about the misery of having to work their lives away.
I was asked to leave my nearly dying service dog with "someone else" and show to work... My psychiatric service dog, that I'd probably wouldn't need if I had family, friends or any acquaintance that I'd trust or could ask a favor of any kind. So the picture is I have a dog that I medically need, that also happens to be the whole extend of my support system and the only living being that cares about me, dabbling between life and death i. My hands, I'am panicking cause I don't have anyone I can ask for a drive to the vet (I can't drive), and the response to this is my manager telling me I don't have any choice other than to leave the dog with (Imaginary?) "Someone" and get to my minimum wage shift on time. (The dog made it. Manager and HR still don't understand why I didn't show up that day or why I handed in my resignation)
"I think a core part of the engagement is driven by user submissions, which often involve people working on their laptops during vacations, and even weddings," he continued. "The account has been increasingly difficult to manage as it has grown so much but I've enlisted the help of a great guy, Jacob, who has been helping tremendously." As stated on their website, Jacob is a consultant for one of the most prestigious strategy consulting firms in the world. Thankfully, he decided to add one more task to his list and take up the challenge of leading the business development of this project.
In general, work can be both a blessing and a curse. You can’t live without it, but only the lucky few actually enjoy dragging themselves out of bed in the morning to join the gloomy rat race. But thankfully, people can find comfort in knowing that at least, they're all in this together.
"I often forget how important relatability is," Yang said. "I get so many DMs from people going through exactly what my content is describing, and I think a lot of times it's easy to feel like you're alone. But the page provides powerful evidence that thousands of people understand your struggle, and I think that makes some of the harder aspects of consulting, which is a highly demanding field, more tolerable," he added.
As Joshua Klapow, Ph.D., a psychologist and creator of MentalDrive, told Bored Panda in a previous interview, every single employee is in need of some comic relief. "Laughter is the polar opposite of the stress, distress, frustration, and fatigue we can often feel as we work our jobs day in and day out. An intermittent dose of humor that results in a mood shift, even temporarily, can reset us emotionally and give us more emotional strength to carry on in our work," he explained.
Yet their clients still hire them for astronomical sums just to tell them to fire 20% of the work force and double the workload of who's left.
While going to work in real life often lacks excitement, memes about corporate life can provide us with much-needed entertainment and help us unwind from the grueling day. Klapow said that these jokes mainly serve two purposes. "They often connect us in a humorous way to the not so humorous situations we may find ourselves in at work. They are a way of both acknowledging the difficulties we may be having at work and pointing out the absurdity of them in a funny way."
They can also "validate our frustrations and irritations but at the same time put them into perspective by lowering the negative emotional intensity. In this way, they can at times help us to communicate our frustrations or desire for change at work," Klapow added.
Omg this one hitted me hard 😅. Found a new way of living though and my life is so much better now. Work to live, dont live to work.
We all want to find some amount of joy in the work we do. Since our jobs are the place where we spend the majority of our days, Klapow said that "even if the pay is good, you have to constantly be checking to see if the pay is justifying the emotional impact."
"Money alone will not buy happiness at work. Having friends, a social connection, a purpose for why you are doing your job, [meaning] from the work. These are all the paths to happiness at work. If they are not there, it is time to consider changing your job description or possibly moving on," Klapow added.
And the tutorials quite often have English titles! 😅 But still appreciate them indeed :).
Human Resources department: assure the supply of people to be exploited, used up and the waste product removed as cheaply as possible. The Purchasing Department does the same for all other resources.
The creator of the 'Consulting Humor' project shares this line of thinking. To anyone struggling in the consulting world, he had a few nuggets of wisdom to share. "My advice to consultants would be to do what makes them happy. A lot of consultants are driven by competitive success and compare themselves with others to see how 'successful' they are at life — basically 'am I winning at life'? I think that's the wrong question. The question is 'are you happy'? And I think that's a valuable and worthwhile introspection for everyone who feels lost or hopeless in consulting," Yang concluded.
I do this with my friends in Japan. One day I'll be in the dining room, (easy to grab snacks), the next will be in the home gym. Once I even jogged around the circular deck. 60 meters long, around the top floor. Living in Japan can get rather cramped, so just making the most of being stuck in the USA.
"Those who can, do; those who can't, teach" - George Bernard Shaw "Those who can't teach, consult." - no attribution
I met a lady when on holiday a few years ago, casually chatting she tells me she is a HR consultant. Works about 50% of the year. Uses the HR hand book she got from working at a large multi-national bank and just teaches people stuff lifted directly from it. Making x4 what she did in her previous role, and had a waiting list for future contracts.
"Those who can, do; those who can't, teach" - George Bernard Shaw "Those who can't teach, consult." - no attribution
I met a lady when on holiday a few years ago, casually chatting she tells me she is a HR consultant. Works about 50% of the year. Uses the HR hand book she got from working at a large multi-national bank and just teaches people stuff lifted directly from it. Making x4 what she did in her previous role, and had a waiting list for future contracts.