40 Ridiculously Absurd And Funny Comics By Canadian Artist
Interview With AuthorThere's a type of comics that try to relate to our daily lives, trying to extract a nugget of wisdom, laughter, and good emotions. Goattoself comics, on the other hand, are another type: they push the absurdity of the situation to the extreme and reveal the hilarity that may ensue from such ridiculous situations. Sure, there may be a relatable moment here and there, but personified objects and caricature-like characters that border on the extreme have a reality of their own.
Cameron Spires, the man behind these comics, is a polite Canadian comic artist who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. By day, he's an advertising copywriter, and by night, he's the eccentric comic creator that just wants to make people laugh. To him, making these comics scratches a particular kind of itch that, in his opinion, stems from the classic middle-child syndrome (the seeking of attention). And the bizarre-yet-accurate humor of the comic certainly gets it.
For now, the comics are made just for the fun of it. He'll make them as long as it's fun either for him, or his fans. With time and experience, he hopes to become an even better joke writer than he inadvertently already is. And with 76k followers on his Instagram, and even more across all of his social media, the source for motivation doesn't look like it's going to dwindle any time soon. Enjoy!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | ko-fi.com | goattoself.com
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Cam gave Bored Panda an exclusive interview and shared his thoughts about various aspects of his comics. Here's how it all started: "I have such a terrible memory, but let’s just say 6 or 7 years ago. I started uploading doodles to make my friends laugh. They weren’t even really comics at that point. I would get bored at work, draw a little doodle, and take a picture with my phone. They were very low quality. Sometimes they still are."
To be fair, when you're heavily pregnant you should have allocated parking too - try waddling any distance with a watermelon sitting on your bladder and you'll get my point!
He also told how his day job interacts with his comic hobby. I use ideas from my work "all the time. If I have an idea for a commercial that doesn’t fly, I’ll often see if it can work as a comic. Rarely the other way around." He has also made it big in the comic scene, and shared how he perceives it. "It’s all fun. Maybe if I get fired from my day job, I’ll make a real go of it. I love making people laugh, so that feels pretty good."
oops, I've traveled to the weird side of the web again.....(heh he, get it?)
Cameron gave some advice to those of you that only dream of making them some day, and those that are only starting out. "If you could see how bad my original drawings were (and you can’t because I deleted them), you’d think 'hey, I can do better than that.' And you can. So do. Just start, and develop your voice and style as you go. You’ll learn what about your sense of humour in particular people respond to and that can become your whole thing."
The artist shared what he likes the most and the least about making his comics: "My favourite part is the moment before I post something that I think is good. The worst part is posting it and learning that I’m the only one who thought it was good. Oh, and the readers! They’re the friggin' best."
The doctor in the third panel when he walks out the door...he looks like he's not so sure about this situation