Artist Makes Comics About Her Daily Life With A Boyfriend And A Cat, And Here Are The Best 40 Comics (New Pics)
Interview With ArtistJulie, best known for her series called "In Your Face Cake Comics", is an artist from Europe who tends to create hilarious and quirky comics inspired by her real-life events, and especially by life with her cat Panini.
"Many of them are just from me being stupid or silly," she told Bored Panda in her last interview. "I like making fun of myself and when you're an idiot you'll never run out of material."
Julie's work was previously featured on Bored Panda and you can find some of her posts by clicking here, and here.
More info: twitter.com | Instagram | imgur.com
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Bored Panda reached out to Julie with some questions! First, we asked the artist to tell us how she started making comics.
“I started making them with inside jokes about me and my friends and it just grew from there. I still make inside joke drawings but they stay in the group!”
Given how many comics the artist has published, we were wondering if perhaps she had some sort of routine based on how often she publishes them. “Not as much as I would like, to be honest. I get overwhelmed when many things are going on and if I'm doing other creative stuff at the same time, it drains my brain real quick.” Said Julie.
More often than not, Julie's comics go viral across social media, so we wanted to know how she feels about that, “It's a great feeling that something you spend so much time on to be seen gets seen by many people. It’s also nice that I can make more people laugh with my work. Though, at times, it does suck when your name gets cropped out so people can't find your page.”
🎶Your butt stank! Your butt stank! Your butt so very stanky!🎶
Artists tend to get demotivated at times, especially if they feel underappreciated, so, we kindly asked Julie if she had any advice to share in that situation.
“You neeeever know what's gonna go viral so keep throwing stuff out there. I can be super happy with a comic and it does bad, then I make one I don't think much about and it gets shared like crazy. A lot of it is luck, but if you have something you know is solid, then keep going.”
Why is it that we remember the names of the dogs we see frequently on walks but NEVER their humans' names? XD
We asked the cartoonist if there were any series of works we should be looking forward to, and here's what Julie revealed to us, “I'm always trying to come up with new comics, but I did make some special ones that are going to be in a magazine in Norway or on my Patreon. Other than that, everything will be posted as normal. Sometimes I also post my paintings.”
We also asked Julie, if perhaps she had a favorite comic of hers, and she was quick to share her thoughts!
“Uh, that's a hard one, but one of the newer ones I love is the one about bed space! You can find it by clicking here. With that being said, he (my boyfriend) helps me make the shaking effect whenever it's in the comic, haha.”
Artists are always looking for ways to improve or perhaps even try something new, we asked Julie if she had a specific art genre she'd love to try.
“I've started painting the last year. Colour theory is HARD but fun to try something other than comics. And it makes for great gifts!”
Speaking of art, we were wondering if the cartoonist had any tips to share with those of you who might be just starting out in the field.
“The biggest thing, I think, is making clear what is going on visually. It can be as simple as stickmen but still be clear about what's going on. Also, one needs to make sure the point comes across so everyone understands it and it is not just an inside joke.”
Most creators tend to receive some type of comments about their work pretty much every day, but sometimes some of them stand out more so than others.
“There are so, so many sweet and funny ones telling me to keep making comics and they are so motivating! This spring I made a comic about how I was upset as a kid because it turned out some dinosaurs had feathers... People started arguing about it in the comments, haha.”
Lastly, we were curious to find out if Julie had any other hobbies besides making art.
“Making art is not my full job YET! But that would be sweet. I love movies, video games, playing with Panini (the cat), annoying my boyfriend with my amazing jokes, and scrolling way too much TikTok. Could those count as a hobby?”
My older cat knows "shake paw", "other paw", "sit", "lay down", and "stand up" (on hind legs). She uses these skills all the time... to get treats from me XD I've wanted to teach her "speak!" but she is a cat, after all; all she DOES is meow at me all the time already :|
If my Mama ever called you by your full name you knew you better RUN!!!!!!
I can't stay awake when I'm supposed to, and I can't sleep when I need to.
There do be those people who have to make everything about them and how THEY have it worse, even if you're just mentioning your bad day/poor night's sleep/injury/sickness/etc. in passing :| I know this well, as I am related to one (...thankfully via adoption and not genetics, but still.)
Mine will literally hop up on the table to knock over a glass even if the entire family is there having dinner.
Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right at me?
Hey BoredPanda, ENOUGH with the idiotic censorship. Let's see a list of the words that you censored in these comics: 1) Pussy, 2)C**p, 3) S**t, 4) Porn, 5) F**k, and 6)B***h. What is up with this website anymore? You have no trouble banning your users for getting downvoted yet you think that censorship is alright?
Can yall tell me how to get the three panels I wanna become a comic just like her
No, but my guess is that she wants to signal being a bit silly.
Load More Replies...Hey BoredPanda, ENOUGH with the idiotic censorship. Let's see a list of the words that you censored in these comics: 1) Pussy, 2)C**p, 3) S**t, 4) Porn, 5) F**k, and 6)B***h. What is up with this website anymore? You have no trouble banning your users for getting downvoted yet you think that censorship is alright?
Can yall tell me how to get the three panels I wanna become a comic just like her
No, but my guess is that she wants to signal being a bit silly.
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