In life, we all get our chance to shine, like nailing an important presentation at work or leading the football team to victory. Such highs make us want to share our joy with everyone. On the other hand, we also have those embarrassing moments—searching for our keys while holding them or misplacing our groceries.
On such occasions, our common sense takes a backseat, and our brain refuses to function—a brain fart, if you will. But don’t worry, you are not alone. Sometimes, people are hilariously clueless and naive and thankfully, someone captured it on camera.
To help you momentarily forget your goof-ups and lift your spirits, Bored Panda has collected a list of silly things that people have said and done.
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Blaming Young People For Being Triggered
Same sidewalk, cemetery, church, school, neighborhoods, department stores, restaurants, gas stations, supermarkets, colleges etc.etc.etc. Even though those institutions are supported by Black taxes, so yeah...Black people have always subsidized white people by white people giving themselves the majority of the handouts. White people benefit from Black taxes
For non-American Pandas - this was NOT all of the USA. Jim Crow laws were state and local laws and were in the SouthEAST (sorry, typo) areas of the United States. I lived through the 60s and had never heard of them. My parents probably had but I was a little boy. Point being I was never taught to treat a black (or any other 'not white' ) person any differently than I would another white person. Map of jim crow states -
These are the people who loose their minds when a tv show dares to have a gay character
…as long as you’ve been there at least 4 generations
Load More Replies...Bigots are the most fragile of fainting violets. Ew, scary gay cooties! Wah wah!
SOME people wouldn't share a bathroom or drinking fountain with someone of a different skin color, but a whole lot of us didn't care and shared. Some Americans embraced the mid-20th century and some refused to leave the middle of the 19th century. And even after legislation banished the tattered remains of the 19th century, some sections of the country still linger there in the shade of a Spanish-moss draped myth.
Do people know that libs want segregated bathrooms, doorms, communities again now? So how is this reply a "burn" when its happening again?
Sorry, you’ll have to explain what “libs” has to do with anything?
Load More Replies...Better make sure that he can afford it first.
Load More Replies...Yes, which is a giant wuss-ism caused by fear of anyone “not like us”
Load More Replies...nothing has really changed, we are hopeless as a society
50's and 60's had no issue. Now the Southern States, yeah, but they were run by Demoncrats, not Americans.
To be fair, they were TAUGHT to be racist. Blame is on the parents born in the 20s & 30s. Or maybe blame THEIR parents…
Only a valid excuse if you are still a child. Adults question and adjust their beliefs and behaviour as they gain experience and maturity
Load More Replies...Glad I never knew segregation because not drinking from a drinking fountain as someone of a different color just seems like when someone in elementary school had cooties.
Here we go again. NOT ALL AMERICANS, NOT ALL USA STATES. I personally have never seen any kind of signage restricting any race. And I'm a Boomer.
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Load More Replies...Many times when such ignorance shines bright with others overly offended...I wonder if its more about a difference in view and how people self define certain words. Like wusses.
We did shared where I grew up. Speak for your own stupid town. Our home coming queen was black in a predominantly white school in '66. Don't make claims you know nothing about.
your one experience in your one small town in NO way negates the lived experience of millions of black people who can confirm the fact that, not only was racism pervasive throughout the entirety of america in the '50 and '60s, it is STILL pervasive throughout the entirety of america today. honestly, your comment is giving "i can't be racist, i have a black friend."
Load More Replies...Don't tread on me = I'm white and afraid of everything
those were Dixiecrats, beloved, who splintered from the national Democratic Party over sweeping civil rights initiatives that the national party was promoting to help historically disenfranchised black people. the dixiecrats were pivotal in the migration of racist southern democrats to the republican party, which itself had slowly switched ideology over the years to become the party of big business and the wealthy, groups that felt they had done enough to help black people. the democrats of the '40s, '50s, and '60s is the GOP we "enjoy" today. ... nice try, tho, champ.
Load More Replies...Lesson Learned
Never Get A Tattoo If You Can't Understand What It Says
Have you ever been in a situation where you randomly blank out or end up doing something silly, and wonder, "What was I thinking?" Welcome to the world of brain farts – those awkward moments when our mind stops functioning, leaving us confused and sometimes embarrassed.
Our brains are incredibly complex organs, capable of processing vast amounts of information efficiently. But they experience hiccups from time to time, or 'cognitive dysfunction'.
It's Just Sad
All Because He Felt Bad He Didn’t Pay Her Enough
Prove Me Wrong, Gladly
A brain fart, which can be linked to cognitive dysfunction, perfectly describes those instances when our mental processes seem to malfunction. Thankfully, many of these glitches are quite common and easy to manage.
We can hit a roadblock when our stress levels skyrocket or we are exhausted. This causes our attention to waver and our memory to play hide-and-seek. Picture this: you're working late in the night, trying to finish a last-minute project, and you keep reading the same paragraph over and over again, unable to understand a word of it.
It is hard to concentrate when our brains are pushed to the limit. In order to recharge our batteries, we should indulge in relaxing activities or hit the gym. This will not only soothe our soul but also help kick stress to the curb.
The "Fidget Stick" Was Bothersome
Ah, Yes, $4k Rent
Every Job Should Be Appreciated
$15 Tacos
What Is This New Email You Speak Of?
In today's fast-paced world filled with distractions, staying focused can be difficult. One moment of distraction, and bam! our train of thought derails, leaving us wondering where it all went wrong. That's the magic (or rather, the mischief) of a brain fart, it sneaks up on us when we least expect it, turning our well-laid plans into hilarious moments.
Participating in meditation events or learning new breathing techniques helps to sharpen our attention and focus on the present moment. In fact, organizational tools such as calendars or to-do lists are a great way to keep your appointments and tasks in check. A structured approach helps prevent those "oops" moments.
Judging A Book By Its Cover
Is That Why, Like, 3/4 Of The Population Is Lactose Intolerant?
So Penguins Are Mammals Now
While multitasking is impressive, sometimes it's a recipe for disaster. When we attempt to do too many tasks at once, our brains get overwhelmed, like a computer that has too many tabs open. And just like that, we start to lag because of the overload.
To avoid going from lightning-fast to snail's pace, one should focus on one task at a time. When we keep switching between different things, our brains need time to refocus and this prevents us from fully immersing ourselves in the task at hand. It’s harder to achieve meaningful progress while multitasking. So, remember to take a deep breath, and tackle things like the productivity pro you are.
She Doesn't Know What's Coming
A Person Who Hacked My Credit Card Emailed Me, Asking Why I Canceled His Flight
My credit card was hacked. I think the guy did it by hacking my Gmail account because he signed up for Priceline using the Gmail login button.
I called my bank and canceled it. I logged into Priceline to see if I could get any information about the person who booked the flight. I saw I could cancel it for no charge. So I did it because it was going to be faster to get a refund from Priceline than my bank.
Two days later I got this email. It had his photo and phone number. It matched the name on the flight too.
Excuse Me?
Don’t forget, sleep is your brain's secret weapon that keeps your cognitive powers in top shape. Not getting enough rest can impair memory, attention, and your decision-making abilities. Imagine: You are staring blankly at the fridge, wondering what exactly you are looking for. It's like your brain hit the snooze button along with your alarm clock.
That's why it's important to prioritize quality sleep. Aim for a solid 7-9 hours of uninterrupted shut-eye every night, and it will help you efficiently tackle whatever challenges the day throws your way.
Gatekeeping Gen-Xers From Their Own Music
Only one of those people would have spent time in the 90's listening to Nirvana, etc and the other.........thinks "middle aged" people can't wear band t-shirts of popular bands or of bands they like.
Umm... So Who's Gonna Tell Him
Freedom Of Religion, Never Heard Of It
With a bit of mindfulness, a good night's sleep, and some stress-busting techniques up our sleeves, we can turn those dumb moments into tiny blips on the radar of our brilliant minds. Meanwhile, it never hurts to enjoy those occasional silly situations where we goof up. Have you ever experienced a brain fart? Tell us about your funniest struggles in the comments below.
Of All The Things That Didn’t Happen, This Did Not Happen The Most
My Sister Called And Asked Why Her Dryer Kept Stopping
Ladies And Gentlemen, The Substances My Cleaning Woman Reported To The Police. It's A Thermal Paste For A Computer, Found Next To PC Parts
Trust lost. Sign of stupidity. It's literally written on the syringe. Fire her, before she burns down your house.
I Have No Words
Probably Shouldn't Have Replaced The Carrots
Toxic Masculinity At Its Finest
Virgin Mary Strikes Again
"Can You Do This Report With Someone Who Doesn't Have That British Accent?"
Stepdad Thinks Eclipse Will Burn Us Alive
My stepdad will not let me remove this thin foil for the entire week because he thinks the eclipse will burn us somehow, and now the entire apartment looks like a cave (the first photo is my room, and the second is the kitchen/living room).
I'm surprised that he didn't use all the foil making his hats.
Apparently, Cleopatra VII Was African-American
The Sunburn Won’t Give Her Cancer, The Sunscreen Will
And Gay Men Were Breastfed By Their Fathers?
Don't Park In Front Of Fire Hydrants, Folks
They do this intentionally to teach you not to park in front of hydrants.
An Idiot In A 34-Ton Cement Truck Tried To Drive On A 4-Ton Wooden Bridge
Man Punctures Leg With Drill, Treats It With Homeopathic Remedies
"He Looks Very White For A Spanish Guy"
Apparently, Crying At Your Wedding Is Considered Gay Now
When Main Characters Expose Themselves Like This
Well in fairness, think of the people he probably hangs with. He might just be the top 86%.
Women Lose Their Autism If They Have A Child
Blood Is Blue, Apparently
This is sadly a common myth. Deoxygenated blood is a darker red than oxygenated blood, but both are still very much red
I May Not Be A Smart Man, But I Know What Stupid Is
Someone Forgot How An Acronym Works
Fiancée Wanted An Iced Latte
Imagine Settling Into Your Nice First-Class Seat And Having To Deal With This The Entire Flight
I would be mighty tempted to take the money - and continue coughing in his direction for the rest of the flight
The Entitlement Is Strong With This One
The Client Used Paper To Walk Into The Room Along The Floor With Glue While We Were At Lunch
Science Is Too Hard
My Mom Threw All The Chocolate Waffles Outside For The Birds, Thinking The Chocolate Was Mold
Most of these must have come from R/MildlyInfuriating cuz these sure raised my blood pressure significantly.
I think I follow politics to closely so I just laughed. This is run of the mill stupid compared to Republicans, Tories our conservatives in Australia.
Load More Replies...I once taught a 16/17 year old girl who said it was impossible to have anything above 100% and this girl had a C in GCSE. Another time, and this was the WHOLE room of adults I mentioned the experiment where two object were dropped on the moon (feather and hammer) that proved in a vaccum things fall at the same rate - I got called a moron... By EVERYONE.
I asked the person at the counter at Baskin Robbins for a quart of a certain flavor of ice cream. She said they had no more one-quart containers. I said, ok just give me two pints for the same price. She froze, stammered, acted like I was trying to trick her, then refused. Another excellent product of our public schools.
I understand this, though. You have to ring things into the cash register, mostly using bar codes. If you don't physically have a one quart there to take the code from them you cannot make the cash register give the one quart price, it won't do it. Also, 2 smaller things are more expensive than one big one due to packaging and transport costs (round containers make you transport a lot of air in your truck) and the costs of handling and storing the items in store, so they are not the same price at all and not interchangeable. Cashier likely working out if this is possible with her register and without getting fired, and that jammed up her brain in being able to respond.
Load More Replies...I think we've kinda eliminated natural selection...
Load More Replies...A stupid thread where scientific facts are downvoted... because people apparently doesn't agree with science 🤷♀️
Most of these must have come from R/MildlyInfuriating cuz these sure raised my blood pressure significantly.
I think I follow politics to closely so I just laughed. This is run of the mill stupid compared to Republicans, Tories our conservatives in Australia.
Load More Replies...I once taught a 16/17 year old girl who said it was impossible to have anything above 100% and this girl had a C in GCSE. Another time, and this was the WHOLE room of adults I mentioned the experiment where two object were dropped on the moon (feather and hammer) that proved in a vaccum things fall at the same rate - I got called a moron... By EVERYONE.
I asked the person at the counter at Baskin Robbins for a quart of a certain flavor of ice cream. She said they had no more one-quart containers. I said, ok just give me two pints for the same price. She froze, stammered, acted like I was trying to trick her, then refused. Another excellent product of our public schools.
I understand this, though. You have to ring things into the cash register, mostly using bar codes. If you don't physically have a one quart there to take the code from them you cannot make the cash register give the one quart price, it won't do it. Also, 2 smaller things are more expensive than one big one due to packaging and transport costs (round containers make you transport a lot of air in your truck) and the costs of handling and storing the items in store, so they are not the same price at all and not interchangeable. Cashier likely working out if this is possible with her register and without getting fired, and that jammed up her brain in being able to respond.
Load More Replies...I think we've kinda eliminated natural selection...
Load More Replies...A stupid thread where scientific facts are downvoted... because people apparently doesn't agree with science 🤷♀️