We all used to be kids at some point, but child logic still remains largely a mystery. Even when we grow up and become parents ourselves. Imagine stuffing your backpack with "beautiful cube rocks" or bathing in paint containers after your parents spend $150.00 on a pool.
A subreddit r/KidsAreF***ingStupid offers a priceless collection of clueless little ones, both adorable and hilariously funny. “Like what, you seriously can't hula hoop? Jesus Christ,” says the description of the group with a whopping 1.7 million members. All that you're gonna see below will make you wonder whether you too were like this, and the answer is most likely positive.
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Lemme Go Take A Quick Nap So I Can Understand You
Kid Just Wanted To Be Sure
Wholesome Stupidity
To us adults, kids oftentimes look like aliens from another planet. Full of genuine excitement, curiosity, and honesty, they carry the traits many of us lose on our way into adulthood.
Vineet Nayar, the founder of the Sampark Foundation based in Delhi, believes that such traits are so valuable, leaders should take lessons. “The games kids play often have an element of ‘imagine’, which we leaders overlook in our obsessive focus on movement on the road ahead and the rear view mirror.”
I Love Him Tho
Oh No. Not The Tomato
singing *attack of the killer tomatoes, attack of the killer tomatoes. They'll beat you, bash you, squish you, mash you....*
Load More Replies...The idea of a rampaging tomato is quite scary. You don't see a lot of those.
This generations version of the stay-puft marshmallow man.
Load More Replies...Me and my siblings would go around the living room spinning chanting tomato like we were tornados. It was weird but fun.
Our storm shelter area was a small room in the basement that we used as a pantry. I insisted on bringing the can opener with us just in case we got stuck down there.
OMG THIS EXACT THING HAPPENED TO ME IN PRESCHOOL I thought there was a giant evil tomato outside that would crushh us all now I hear about it all the time from my parents.
Girl I’d be scared too if I was hiding from a tomato. Be like veggies taking over the world 👀
One of my kids took Attack of the Killer Potatoes (heard that instead of Tomatoes) so much to heart that the occasional bump the radiators made was frightening.
I'm sorry she was afraid but I would have been laughing so hard !
Then, after, make her watch the movie "Attack of the killer tomatoes".
Another After Another
In this small world of ours, Vineet claims, we should ask childlike questions like "Why not?" The little ones are also hungry for information, soaking in all the tiniest everyday experiences that turn the world into an enormous playground. Given the opportunity, every child is ready to explore.
“We can discuss other traits of children—trust, loyalty, intuitiveness, responsibility, dedication, competitiveness, collaboration, excitement, adventure, challenge, moral fulfillment, et al.—and apply them to leadership,” argues Vineet.
Words Can’t Explain Their Stupidity
Kids Are Bigbrain
Well, It's Better Than Being Asked "Are We There Yet?"
Dad Of The Year
Straight Out Of The Fantasy Book
There seems to be something terribly wrong with catholic school sex education.
Speaks For Itself
Deception: 100
It’s The Same Dog
They’re Pretty Wholesome At The Same Time
Blaming On A Doggo. Heckin Bamboozled
My Son's Latest Attempt At “Hide And Seek”
If you consider how the brain developes, this is another stange and a great achievement. At first, children believe objects they do not see do not exist anymore. Than they think if they cannot see something, they cannot be seen. This child found a great way to hide himself altogether, "just" not perceiving yet that a semi-transparent box will not do the trick. Once he fully developed the theory of mind, he will also understand. In short: not stupid, but a good sign of development!
Child Sacrifice
My Kid Swallowed A Penny While Showing His Little Brother How He Accidentally Swallowed A Sim Key The Day Before
I see doctors' bills in your future, pricey, pricey doctors' bills
The Other Team
this makes me love children...until my niece gets an attitude then children are evil XD
He’ll Never Have Get It Back
Some Siblings Love
Mashed Potatoes
My GF Teaches 1st Graders. Her School's "No Tag" Policy Is Working Great
The Wonders Of Childhood
You Telling Me There's Someone Else In This House That Draws Like A 4-Year-Old?
Ah, My Favorite Letter
I laughed way too hard at this. If I were his wife, I wouldn't have even batted an eye and said "I guess we'll find out when the 23 and me results come in" hahahaha
It Wasn’t Even Double Stuffed Smh
One Time My Uncle Put A Wig On My Cousin's Head And Told Him It Was Permanent
Friend Thought His Dog Wouldn’t Like Him Anymore
and then the concerned dog came over to comfort you and it was all better?
The Next Picasso
Seems Like A Good Trade
Close One, Kiddo
Kid Buys Farts From Amazon
"Bears Don't Live Here!"
Lol I used to do something similar. I watched a documentary about rats living off food washed down kitchen sinks to feed their sewer babies. I always used to stuff food down the drain (no waste disposal as I live in the uk) I did this until I was 16
Just Like We Practiced
How Do You Lose A Cello?
If It Fits, It Goes In The Drain
Makes It Easier To Predict A Child’s Future
I'm so sorry. I may have laughed a little too much and a little too loudly at this.
150.00$ On A Pool For This Kid To Rather Be On A Paint Container
They’re Identical, How Did Their Mom Notice?
I Believe I Can Lie
Haha, I use to tell my kids I could see the lie in their eyes so of course they would lower them or close them completely when telling a lie ;)
I Mean, He’s Not Wrong
Found My Old Diary Entry From 2000
2020 Vision
Kid Describes Colour To A Blind Person
Oh Dear
I agree wholeheartedly! Little kids are still learning about the world; incidents like these are part of the learning process. When I was a little kid I complained to my Dad about a burnt flake in a box of cereal. He said, "Oh, there's always one like that." I interpreted his answer to mean that for each box of cereal, one flake sacrificed its life and got burnt in order to insure that all the other flakes turned out a perfect golden brown! :-D
Load More Replies...It is sad to see how often adults call children, particularly toddlers, stupid, when they really do not understand how they mentally develop, asuming they perceive the world like they do. This actually is really stupid behaviour from those parents. And on top of this, quite a few of the entries here show a neglience of supervsision. Children are hillarious, and children do a lot of stupid things, but it gets much funnier if you try to understand how they think!
For those who perceive me as grumpy. I do condemn the notion of children being stupid, merely because they have no brain developed as an adult. Do you ridicule adults for not still possing the curiosity, endless creativity, and ability to relentlessly practicing movementsa child has? I laugh a lot when my children do weird things, but I also laugh when they make me realize what weird habits adults develop. And I would never make them feel that they are stupid! Be positive people, even in humour!
Load More Replies...whats even worse is actually saying to a childs face that they are stupid.
I will never understand the need to label something silly a child does as "stupid". Children are constantly developing and figuring out a world that is probably extremely daunting for them at times. Children do some really strange things that make us really scratch our heads, but to them it may make perfect sense. They're exploring, learning, and taking the world in. Now, can we have an article entitled "stupid things I've seen grown adults" do?
Ok these are fantastic and I was like I wonder if my kids do these. JUST as I thought that, my mother shows me a pic that someone put the cheese grater in the fridge. My 15 yr old is on dishwasher duty. 🤦♀️
Does anyone else select the "show (x) more" button and it doesn't show you more? It happens to me in quite a few articles, especially ones with 100+ posts. It's really annoying cuz I wanna see more.
It's just fun! Don't take calling stupid as offensively. I do understand that they are just little humans who honestly don't know anything about the world and are still learning so tagging them stupid is very wrong. But hey no one is tagging them here.. we r just having a little fun. And I do agree that calling them "cute or funny" would be more appropriate as responsible adults. We can still laugh at these incidents !! Having said that I'm Looking at my 1yea old wondering what he will do.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
When I was young my dad said he would make a 3-D printed version of me, I then freaked out because I thought he was gonna love the 3-D printed me more than the real me.
Stupid fits the description. Nothing wrong with being a little ditz sometimes, adults do worse than these kids anymore. Some of them have the logic down just need some fine tuning.
I was talking to my sister on the phone and heard my two nieces shouting at each other in the background. When I asked my sister what was wrong, she said 'oh they're arguing about who is going to close a drawer'
My son wanted to take me to a secret place he and his brother discovered. To assure me we wouldn't get lost, he said "Don't worry. I know this place like the back of my head."
These comments! Chill out, Kids are stupid and it is cute at the same time, I highly doubt any of these parents actually call them stupid to their faces and if they do it will be meant playfully. Stop bloody judging everything 😏
If you tell a kid they are stupid or dumb, they will believe you. If you tell them something they did is dumb or stupid what they many times hear is you are stupid, you are dumb. You can't use these words playfully with a child.
Load More Replies...I agree wholeheartedly! Little kids are still learning about the world; incidents like these are part of the learning process. When I was a little kid I complained to my Dad about a burnt flake in a box of cereal. He said, "Oh, there's always one like that." I interpreted his answer to mean that for each box of cereal, one flake sacrificed its life and got burnt in order to insure that all the other flakes turned out a perfect golden brown! :-D
Load More Replies...It is sad to see how often adults call children, particularly toddlers, stupid, when they really do not understand how they mentally develop, asuming they perceive the world like they do. This actually is really stupid behaviour from those parents. And on top of this, quite a few of the entries here show a neglience of supervsision. Children are hillarious, and children do a lot of stupid things, but it gets much funnier if you try to understand how they think!
For those who perceive me as grumpy. I do condemn the notion of children being stupid, merely because they have no brain developed as an adult. Do you ridicule adults for not still possing the curiosity, endless creativity, and ability to relentlessly practicing movementsa child has? I laugh a lot when my children do weird things, but I also laugh when they make me realize what weird habits adults develop. And I would never make them feel that they are stupid! Be positive people, even in humour!
Load More Replies...whats even worse is actually saying to a childs face that they are stupid.
I will never understand the need to label something silly a child does as "stupid". Children are constantly developing and figuring out a world that is probably extremely daunting for them at times. Children do some really strange things that make us really scratch our heads, but to them it may make perfect sense. They're exploring, learning, and taking the world in. Now, can we have an article entitled "stupid things I've seen grown adults" do?
Ok these are fantastic and I was like I wonder if my kids do these. JUST as I thought that, my mother shows me a pic that someone put the cheese grater in the fridge. My 15 yr old is on dishwasher duty. 🤦♀️
Does anyone else select the "show (x) more" button and it doesn't show you more? It happens to me in quite a few articles, especially ones with 100+ posts. It's really annoying cuz I wanna see more.
It's just fun! Don't take calling stupid as offensively. I do understand that they are just little humans who honestly don't know anything about the world and are still learning so tagging them stupid is very wrong. But hey no one is tagging them here.. we r just having a little fun. And I do agree that calling them "cute or funny" would be more appropriate as responsible adults. We can still laugh at these incidents !! Having said that I'm Looking at my 1yea old wondering what he will do.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
When I was young my dad said he would make a 3-D printed version of me, I then freaked out because I thought he was gonna love the 3-D printed me more than the real me.
Stupid fits the description. Nothing wrong with being a little ditz sometimes, adults do worse than these kids anymore. Some of them have the logic down just need some fine tuning.
I was talking to my sister on the phone and heard my two nieces shouting at each other in the background. When I asked my sister what was wrong, she said 'oh they're arguing about who is going to close a drawer'
My son wanted to take me to a secret place he and his brother discovered. To assure me we wouldn't get lost, he said "Don't worry. I know this place like the back of my head."
These comments! Chill out, Kids are stupid and it is cute at the same time, I highly doubt any of these parents actually call them stupid to their faces and if they do it will be meant playfully. Stop bloody judging everything 😏
If you tell a kid they are stupid or dumb, they will believe you. If you tell them something they did is dumb or stupid what they many times hear is you are stupid, you are dumb. You can't use these words playfully with a child.
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