Unless you constantly keep your finger on the fashion trend pulse, it's difficult to know just what is and what isn't considered to be "in" at any given time. But no matter how bad your sense of fashion might be, we're pretty sure we can all agree that the ugly outfits below will NEVER be in style.
Compiled by Bored Panda, the list of epic fails in fashion design will make you cringe almost as much as it'll make you laugh. From patterns on pants that resemble period accidents and ugly dresses with hidden pictures to slogans and design fails that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, the cute outfits below will certainly catch people's attention on the street...but for all the wrong reasons. Don't forget to vote for the funniest, and feel free to add your own fashion fails to the list!
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I Couldn't Stop Giggling At Her New "Flower" Dress
Couldn't Work Out Why I Was Getting So Many Odd Looks While Shopping This Afternoon... Then Got Home & Noticed Will Ferrell Peeking Out Of My Cardigan
Trollx Fabric Designer
Thanks For The Advice
So My Name Is Brodie Jonas Dean, My Grandma Found This Shirt For Me Thinking It Was A Great Coincidence. Thanks Grandma
When Pub Staff T-Shirts Go Wrong
Two Flamingos, One Vagina
Maybe Not The Best Idea To Have A Red Flower Down There
I t took a while to realise that is a flower? This has got to be the worst design flaw, ever!
I agree, this is hard too top. Should be combined with nylons with some design "freckles".
Load More Replies...It's bad enough that somebody made it . . . I cannot believe that somebody actually bought it!!
Oh god!! Every girl's worst nightmare!! Who would design a dress like that?
When women run over discretely and offering you tampons all day you know something's gone terribly wrong with ones choice of outfit
For some reason I imagined her sitting on that pothole and getting up with that stain.. idk why
Maybe she lives alone in a house with no full length mirrors.....
Um, always a good idea to check front & back when purchasing a new dress.
I think she took a lot of laxatives before she left her house. Hehe
I bet her day was filled with awkward looks, but did anybody SAY anything to her?
Maybe the front made it seem okay on the hanger?? If she knew what it looks like from the back, she would not be wearing this dress!!!
Walmart? I Think You Meant "Fist Bump"
Wife: "All Our Customers Were So Cheery Today! They All Smiled!" - And Then I Saw Her Shirt
Best Employee Shirt
It's Two Hours Before The Big Christmas Party And I Just Noticed A Detail On My Sweater
Thought I Brought The Cutest Little Pj Set From Ann Summers Until I Looked Closer At The Patter
I thought they were gentle and delicate vintage flowers........ Was vintage but very strange flowers!!! Ahahahahahah
And Santa Says "Help! I Can't Get Out!"
It Says 'Super Hitters' In Case You Were Wondering
The Design On This Guys Shirt Makes Him Look Like He Is Walking Around With A Massive Wedgie
My New Shirt Is Metal Af
Ah.. the notoriously shy crotch ferret (or is it a sloth?)... in it's natural habitat.
When You See It, You Cannot Unsee It
How It Was Even Approved?
How The Hell Do You Wear This?
I Guess Someone Said Fuck It On Their Last Day Of Work
My Friend's Shirt Has The Image File Name On It
Don't. Believing In Yourself. Quit
We're The Graduating Class Of Peninsula High This Year
Bad Fashion Or Bad Timing?
Kitten Socks
Spain's New Shirt Looks Like It Got Dirty While Eating Bolognese Pasta
Mum Bought Me A Shirt From Her Overseas Trip. She Wasn't Wearing Her Glasses
My Mom Has Been Wearing This Summer Dress For Years And No One Noticed The Pattern Until Now
Secret Message?
My Dad's In Bangkok And Sent Me A Picture Of This Rare Nirvana Shirt He Found
Amazing ! They have changed a lot , must be a pic from when they were kids
Just Hang Yourself
College Of Veterinary Medicine, Choose Your Fonts Wisely
Right In The Middle
These Are Burgers People. Burgers
Seriously, the entire thing looks like one of those Internal Organs charts.
Not Really
Now I Remember Why I Stopped Wearing This Shirt (Player's Last Name Is Fukudome)
Why On Earth
This Hoodie's Design Makes Me Fuhrious
My Girlfriend Noticed A Stitching Error On My Boxers. It's Meant To Say Animal. I Can Live With It
Pretty Good Fakes
That Tongue
That Awkward Moment When Your Shirt Is Supposed To Say Canada
My Sister Was The First To Notice What The Print On My New Shirt Was, During Dinner At A Fancy Restaurant And The Celebration Of My Grandfathers 90th Birthday! Laughs Were Had
That Time Of The Month?
I can imagine the workers in some distant factory in China seeing every one of these coming through, and going "Heh-heh-heh..." as they package them up and send them to America.
My 90-year-old Grandmother Got Me A "hawaiian Print T-shirt" For Christmas
Your grandparents were probably young in the 60s or 70s. She knows what it means.
They Said It Was Custom; They Said I Would Never Have A Shirt Fit Like This
Jesus Christ
Better Run Jesus!
Don't Even Know What It Was Supposed To Like Like
Diseased penis? Diseased fungus that looks exactly like a diseased penis? Nope - I'm out of ideas.
Salt Lake, Utah
They Didn't Really Think This Design Through On My Brother's Wrestling Shirt
Say Hi To The Gnome
Rip America
My Wife Got Our Daughters Matching Shirts
And What Exactly Happens At Grandpas?
I Miami
No, Not Quite
Design Fail Or Extremely Honest Novelty Tank Top
Walmart Never Fails To Fail
Great Shirt, Bro
Sexy Burn Victim Tights
Clearly Not User Tested
She also has one of those jeans which are one big hole, and rest of the material flying around her...
Interesting Choice Of Pattern
The Best Goatse Fashion Statement You'll See All Day
This Irma Is Amazing And Outlines All The Right Features
wtf i...is she like Alex from Minecraft?! I don't normally make fun or anything but good god, this woman had the most block like face! i though i had a square jaw.... but f**k that....!
My Wife's New Dress Has A Total Of Two Pockets, And This Is One Of Them
I Love Both Of Them
I Don't Know How I'm Supposed To Read This
Three Targets On This One
My Coworker's Leopard Print Purse Has A Leopard Asshole
Really Could've Picked A Better Place For That "Flower" Design
Says Something Different When You Cross Your Legs Though
They Missed The Most Essential Part.
Lincoln Hadn't Even Been Born Yet
Did You Type It?
It Wasn't Until I Got Home That I Noticed Something A Bit Off With The Pattern
Man, This Is A Really Nice Shirt
Unfortunate Flower Placement
If You C*nt Be A Unicorn, Be A Mermoid
The Sleeves Don't Zip Off, They Just Zip
Everything Points To...
Best Logo Ever!!
Why Cyclists Should Wear Black
Pattern Fail
The Bees Are Attracted To My Flower
So They Were Giving Out Free Dr. Pepper
Look At This Stuff, Isn't It Neat?!
look at this stuff, isn't it neat, wouldn't you think my colletion's complet, wouldn't you think i'm the girl, the girl who has everything
This Just Hurts To Read
My Friend Works In Marketing At Panda Express. This Glorious Shirt Made It Through Several Levels Of Approval Before Someone Pointed Out The Obvious. It's Supposed To Be Orange Chicken
Censors Word With The Tag "uncensored"
Negan! Glad I got the Lucille Sluggers shirt in my Megabox instead of this disservice to TWD.
Popped Up On My Instagram Feed
Soma Ulte?
Korean Girls Sometimes Have An Unfortunate Fashion Sense
The swastika, alone, is a sign of Buddhism. And very little people in Asia are aware of Hitler and the events around him. So that's not surprising.
Fake Zipper On Levi's Boots Makes Holes In Your Boot When You Walk
Legging Fail
Me And Some Friends From Med School Ordered Like 60 Of These. It Was Supposed To Look Like You Have A Stethoscope On Your Shoulders
This Dress Has A Little Hitler In The Pattern
Nothing Like Tying Up The Girls
This Shirt My Trainer Wore At My New Job Today
Even Knowing The Lyrics By Heart I Could Barely Tell What This Says
You've My Bgother You'r E My Sistbrck?
A Cell Phone Case...
Lady Rainacorns Inappropriate Horn
Sad Ronald Mchitler Is Sad
Colleen Ballinger's Dress
This Was On The News (sweden). Poor Sara!
Well, Do You?!
I Bought This Dress At A Little Shop On Mackinaw Island. I Didn't Notice The Skirt Pattern Until Later.
Pulled This Out Of Daughters Drawer This Morning. Instant Headache
The Scalloped Edges Add Just The Right Touch.
This looks like a child molester's collection of children's clothes in his basement... I kno, I have a twisted mind!
What Are They Not?
A general statement of disbelief in horses? "Just say neigh!"
Molo (cock In Finnish) Brand Vaginal Tiger Print. These Are For Kids.
I Think You Should Care.
Brown Icing Probably Wasn't The Best Idea
It's Supposed To Say Locum.
This Shirt I Bought Off A Wholesale Site For My 4-year-old...
Legitimate Merchandise I'm Sure...
Vomited Edition
You Make Me.....
Oooooooo My Target!
Paterns Are Evil
This is a common pattern in Native American rugs and designs, mostly Navajo. Folks gotta stop acting like Hitler invented this design. It is actually ancient, and cultures across the globe have variables of it. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/513199320013320144/
Made In The Usa With Loev
Zara Designers Never Followed History Class
Pattern Placement Is Very Important...
I Thought My Boxer Shorts Was "cute"
What The Hell Breed Of Dog Is That?
I Did Not See That Coming When It Was On The Hanger...
Best Word Ever.
there is just something about this word that I can't read it silently, I always hear squishy noises in my head. And now... you do too.
Choose Your Font With Care.
My Daughter's Elsa Tights
Just In Time For The New Sharknado, At The Beach That Had Just Had A Shark Attack. Thank You Target.
I Just...its A Pug
Mom Bought Some Cute Jumpers For My Daughters.
All Daddy Wanted Was A Blow Job
...the Tail Placement Though.
School Pride! This Hand Sign Is Supposed To Be The Powercat From Kansas State University, My Alma Mater. I Guess They Didn't Design It With Women In Mind.
Its A Size Large They Said, It Would Fit They Said
I Know You Know... Yeah Buddy...
Number 24...
Strained Stripes
Let's post pictures of whoever took and posted this pic and see how it feels to be judged on a public forum...
A Child's Christmas Jumper In A High End Clothing Store , How Did It Get Passed The Design Board?
the shape of the neck whole looks lime a penis with the zipper being cum driping down
Load More Replies...i love how the website made only 3-4 photos on each page so get people to refresh the page for the ad revenue and then there is me with adblock XD
#19 - Clearly hibiscus flowers. Unless I'm blind, you're forcing something that just isn't there.
I see a lot of bad shirts in China. I once saw a shirt that just had a bunch of random letters on the front that were assembled as if they should be words, but were in fact just random letters. I saw a Chinese woman wearing a "God Save the Queen" denim jacket once. The marijuana leaves are especially popular, but the locals all say they are Japanese Maple Leaves. It's sad, really.
The nazi symbol means different things in different countries. Historically it's an aryan symbol & today many countries like India it has relegious significance so do ur research before calling someone or something evil
When at an angle like depicted it is the nazi symbol, the version you are thinking of the lines are vertical/horizontal.
Load More Replies...So a lot of these pictures are of people with they're rediculous clothes in their house... which means they bought them in the first place!
real men love bowhunting jesus... they love shooting jesus with arrows
Load More Replies...Šarūnė Mac #17 is not LuLa its FabuLegs. https://www.facebook.com/groups/fabulegsmelissa/ We have awsome designs, come and check us out. www.fabulegsmelissa.com
#95 is not a Korean girl with bad fashion sense. The tshirt looks like it's from Mongolia, given the eagle, and the swastika has it's roots in East Asia where it's a sacred and auspicious symbol of spiritual principals and values, NOT of naziism. Many people in Mongolia walk around with it on their clothes, brand their horses with it, and uses it as a marker for spirituality (they are predominately buddhist or shamanist there).
with the eagle and the swastika at an angle, it is a direct symbol of Hitler's Nazis. www.google.ch/search?num=10&client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-home&site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=BT2DWZXmA83GwQLhhY2ABA&q=nazi+eagle+symbol&oq=nazi+eagle&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.1.1.0l5.4985.7519.0.8555.
Load More Replies...the shape of the neck whole looks lime a penis with the zipper being cum driping down
Load More Replies...i love how the website made only 3-4 photos on each page so get people to refresh the page for the ad revenue and then there is me with adblock XD
#19 - Clearly hibiscus flowers. Unless I'm blind, you're forcing something that just isn't there.
I see a lot of bad shirts in China. I once saw a shirt that just had a bunch of random letters on the front that were assembled as if they should be words, but were in fact just random letters. I saw a Chinese woman wearing a "God Save the Queen" denim jacket once. The marijuana leaves are especially popular, but the locals all say they are Japanese Maple Leaves. It's sad, really.
The nazi symbol means different things in different countries. Historically it's an aryan symbol & today many countries like India it has relegious significance so do ur research before calling someone or something evil
When at an angle like depicted it is the nazi symbol, the version you are thinking of the lines are vertical/horizontal.
Load More Replies...So a lot of these pictures are of people with they're rediculous clothes in their house... which means they bought them in the first place!
real men love bowhunting jesus... they love shooting jesus with arrows
Load More Replies...Šarūnė Mac #17 is not LuLa its FabuLegs. https://www.facebook.com/groups/fabulegsmelissa/ We have awsome designs, come and check us out. www.fabulegsmelissa.com
#95 is not a Korean girl with bad fashion sense. The tshirt looks like it's from Mongolia, given the eagle, and the swastika has it's roots in East Asia where it's a sacred and auspicious symbol of spiritual principals and values, NOT of naziism. Many people in Mongolia walk around with it on their clothes, brand their horses with it, and uses it as a marker for spirituality (they are predominately buddhist or shamanist there).
with the eagle and the swastika at an angle, it is a direct symbol of Hitler's Nazis. www.google.ch/search?num=10&client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-home&site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=BT2DWZXmA83GwQLhhY2ABA&q=nazi+eagle+symbol&oq=nazi+eagle&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.1.1.0l5.4985.7519.0.8555.
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