People Are Cracking Up At These 50 Funny Christmas Cards Folks Created To Congratulate Their Friends And Family
InterviewChristmas trees are not the only things that are selling out like hotcakes. Funny Christmas cards are flying off the shelves one after another, making it increasingly hard to find a funny Christmas card at the shop nowadays. Most of them are generic, with the same lame joke and photo stitched on the cover. However, there are a lot of elements that make a fun Christmas card really stand out. And luckily, with holiday cards, there is plenty of room for creativity. Yet, if you want to obtain a truly special Christmas card, you might have to make one yourself.
While there is a really thin line between funny and cringy cards, a little cringe ain’t never hurt nobody, especially during the holiday season. Taking funny Christmas card photos really is the way to go if you want to craft a unique holiday card. A Christmas card is only as good as its cover image, thus it must combine comedy with holiday vibes. If the vibes are off, you won’t feel that Christmas spirit. Funny costumes and hilarious poses are present in many goofy Christmas cards. The more goofy and funny it is, the higher chance it has of becoming one of the funniest Christmas cards you have crafted yourself.
So ready your camera and gather the family, and create a Christmas card that will shatter everyone’s expectations. Someday, it will feel nostalgic to find some fun Christmas cards and remember the days they were taken. Nothing beats that feeling. So if you are out of ideas and are looking for some funny Christmas card ideas to “borrow,” look no further. The list below might provide you with some funny Christmas card photo ideas that you are lacking. If a Christmas card photo pushed a smile out of you, be sure to upvote it. But if you already took a familiar photo, comment down below how your friends and family reacted!
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This Year's Christmas Card
The Happiest Christmas Card
I like the way he's stroking a stuffed tiger, like he's some sort of James Bon... No... Austin Powers villain
When Dad's In Charge Of The Family Christmas Card
Bored Panda has reached out to Reddit user u/wayofcain, whose Christmas card you can actually find in the list. It's the one where he, his wife and their not-so-satisfied kitty cat are posing as if they're anticipating a call from the '80s who want their retro wood-panel wall back.
"Cain told us that this was actually their first Christmas card. "We saw some vintage clothes at a reseller and ended up coming up with the idea," elaborated Cain. "The cat was obviously tired of being held and the perfect photo was caught. Afterwards, it was so popular we make a new theme every year."
And if you're wondering, the cat's name was Lift. Sadly, she passed away a few years back, but her legacy lives on in the form of an angry feline stuck in a retro holiday card.
Christmas Wishes
He Lost An Arm. She Had A Double Mastectomy. This Is Their Christmas Card
The best kind of cure is laughter. Whoever these are. Wherever they are. I hope they continue to laugh every day.
Me And My Cat's Christmas Card Was Deemed "Sacrilegious" By A Few People. What Do You Think?
Cain's holiday card became so popular among Redditors, it garnered over 28,000 upvotes on r/funny.
Many marveled at the iconic watermark effect (which was quite popular back in the day) done with the cat. Others were amused by how the cat's furious in their arms, but serene in the watermark. All the cat needed was glasses to complete the look.
I Work At A Photography Store In Norway. This Was Our Christmas Card This Year
Grandma Got This Christmas Card From Her Mailman
Wife Called To Let Me Know That She Took The Perfect Christmas Card Photo
I feel like the 4 people in this photo represent the 4 stages of life. The baby represents childhood - young, oblivious, naive. The child in the middle, id our teens to late 20's - happy to be growing up, away from school and now can finally be their own person. The crying child represents our 30's and 40's - We underestimated everything! We want out!. The Santa represents us as we age - We've seen it all, and we know you'll be just fine.
This Years Christmas Card With The Roommates Turned Out Better Than The Expected
Since then, Cain and his wife have been doing annual Christmas cards.
"Usually [the process is] spontaneous. We have to start in August to make sure everything is done and each year they get more outlandish," explained Cain.
For example, 2020's Christmas card references E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, specifically that one scene where E.T. and Elliott take off into the skies with their bike. While it does take a jab at the whole pandemic thing with the caption "Everything's Terrible 2020" (either that, or it doubles as a critique of the E.T. video game on the NES that many people love to hate), otherwise it's solely a tribute to the classic 1982 movie.
Other epic examples of Christmas cards from Cain and his lovely wife include this, this, this, and this.
My Girlfriend Celebrates Hanukkah. I Celebrate Christmas. Here Is Our Holiday Card
are these people rich? this is a very professional looking card with a set and everything. could be photoshop, idk
Every Year I Illustrate My Sister's Family's Christmas Card In The Style Of Norman Rockwell. Here's This Years!
Our Parents Got Divorced, Re-Married, And Divorced Again. So During The Holiday Season This Is The Best My Sister And Me Could Do
Grandpa Eugene Had Professional Pictures Taken Of Himself For His Christmas Cards
My Friend Got A Christmas Card From His Nephew... He Decided To Copy It And Send It Back
Mind you, most people who create Christmas cards do it on an annual basis, and Cain's family is no exception. He admits that the most challenging part of it all is coming up with ideas that would, at the very least, match the previous year's card, and ideally beat it.
But challenge means payoff, and that's what Cain highlighted: "The most rewarding part is the response we get after they arrive in people’s mail." He explained that some who get the physical cards might end up keeping them up on their fridge all year round because of how good they are. This is besides all of the success they end up getting among Cain's friends on social media.
Speaking of social media, you should probably share this list on your wall. Or whatever the kids call it these days. Otherwise, keep scrolling—there's plenty more where that came from.
My Single Sister's Very Single Christmas Cards
Making My Own Christmas Cards This Year. Nailed It
My Friend's Christmas Card
Our Christmas Card This Year
When I Was 7, My Mom Had Us Take Christmas Card Pictures
My sisters wouldn't stop fighting, so I did what older brothers do best.
It looks like he just beat the living s**t out of them and is happy about it, I am so thankful for the context because without it that’s what I would’ve thought happened.
My Wife And I Went Retro For Our Christmas Card Portrait This Year
An interview with the creator of this Christmas card can be found in the article.
Got This Christmas Card From My Neighbor
This Year, I Began Living Alone For The First Time. This Is My Christmas Card
I Took The Best Outtakes Of My Daughter From Our Holiday Card And Edited Them Together
My Mormon Co-Worker Finds It Funny When People Ask If He Has Multiple Wives (He Doesn’t). For His Christmas Card, He Decided To Commit To The Bit To Freak People Out
My Friend Greg (Gerg) Thought He Was Sending Us Holiday Cheer. Instead, We Received Nightmares
That Girl
It's Never Not Fun
Roommates And I Took In A New Housemate Who Is Less Than Thrilled To Be In Our Christmas Card Photo
Year Two Of Owning My Singleness. Happy Holidays!
My 2019 Holiday Card!
Every Year I Send Out A Holiday Card To All My Conservative Relatives. I Think I Have A Winner This Year
You, sir, are an absolutely brilliant person (keep on winding up those haters !!)
I Decided To Make My Own Cards To Show Off How Awesome My Life Is Going Right Now!
I keep getting holiday cards from my friends of them with their husbands or new babies. I decided to make my own cards to show off how awesome my life is going right now!
My Roommate And I Sent Out Our New Holiday Card. My Dad Thinks I Am Gay Now
Yeah.. That’s How Today Went
My Grandpa Stepped Up His Game With The Christmas Card Photo This Year
Created Our Christmas Cards Last Night
Mom Wanted A Picture Of The Dog For Our Christmas Card. Nailed It?
My Favorite Picture From A Friends Christmas Card
My Dog Asked Me To Make A Holiday Card He Could Email To The Ladies
My Christmas Card This Year
My Husband And I Create Christmas Cards With Our Cat Every Year. This Is The One For 2018
Each Year I Try To Capture The Essence Of Raising Two Boys In Our Christmas Cards... Here They Are
That is so creative and funny and it made me snort a gogurt out of my nose into my cup of orange juice. No questions.
Love To Start The Holiday Season With The Greatest Christmas Card Photo Ever Taken. All The “Joy” Of The Season In One Snap
The kids on the floor ... oh this brings back so many happy memories ... shudder!! :D
Best Christmas Card
My Friend’s Family Christmas Card
The song says "don we now our gay apparel" not "don we now our goth apparel".
Did Our Christmas Card In 10 Minutes At JCPenney
My Forever Alone Christmas Card
Our Christmas Card This Year Will Be Lost On The Grandparents
Mis-Addressed Christmas Card. Best One Of The Year. Thank You Anonymous
There are some malicious downvoting trolls on this page today. Given upvotes when I can. Down votes are not dislikes, people are receiving unnecessary suspensions and bans even when posting inoffensive comments and opinions. Save your down votes for the spam bots and the out and out racists/misogynists etc.
I mentioned this in a different thread and now I have -3. Some are in a bad mood today I guess. Oh, it was the tipping thing. Sheesh.
Load More Replies...A friend of mine (F, mid-thirties, and single) sent a card this year... just her and her dog. Great photo, glad to have it! She deserves to celebrate just as much as everyone else!
There are some malicious downvoting trolls on this page today. Given upvotes when I can. Down votes are not dislikes, people are receiving unnecessary suspensions and bans even when posting inoffensive comments and opinions. Save your down votes for the spam bots and the out and out racists/misogynists etc.
I mentioned this in a different thread and now I have -3. Some are in a bad mood today I guess. Oh, it was the tipping thing. Sheesh.
Load More Replies...A friend of mine (F, mid-thirties, and single) sent a card this year... just her and her dog. Great photo, glad to have it! She deserves to celebrate just as much as everyone else!