It’s the most wonderful time of the yeeeeeear!
Merry Christmas, pandas! If you’re celebrating this year, I hope you’re warm and cozy at home snuggled up with your loved ones and surrounded by countless delicious treats. Today should be all about showering your friends and family with love and embracing the holiday spirit. Unfortunately, however, bad luck doesn’t seem to take holidays off, and it will happily strike when we least expect it.
Down below, we’ve gathered some of the most painful Christmas fails people have experienced to remind you pandas that the day can always get worse. From cooking nightmares to injuries that left people hospital-bound, there’s no shortage of tragedies that have taken place on Christmas each year. So gather with your friends and family, sing your favorite carols, and pray that Santa doesn't bring you glass in your pie or a smashed car window this year.
Keep reading to also find an interview we were lucky enough to receive from Thom Crowe, co-host of 'Tis the Podcast. Be sure to upvote the photos that you find most tragic, and let us know in the comments below what the worst fail you’ve ever experienced or witnessed on Christmas was. Then if you’d like to see even more reminders that your holiday could always get worse, you can find Bored Panda’s previous articles featuring Christmas fails right here and here!
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Caught This Chonker Stealing A Christmas Tree From A Neighbors' Yard
There's no way to ensure that any day goes perfectly as planned, so Christmas is absolutely no different. And to remind you pandas that we're all capable of experiencing a tragic holiday failure, we reached out to Thom Crowe, one of the hosts of 'Tis the Podcast, a show dedicated to keeping the spirit of Christmas alive 365 days a year by ranking, reviewing, and discussing Christmas movies every week for the past 5 and a half years.
We asked Thom if he could share about some of the less magical Christmases he has experienced. "We have never had a burnt Christmas dinner, but I have been to a Christmas dinner where the Turkey was carved and the middle was uncooked," he told Bored Panda. "It was a huge fail because everything else was ready. As you can imagine, people were somewhat less than enthusiastic. We ate all the sides of Christmas and had a whole turkey left over."
We Have Been Putting This Little Chewbacca In The Christmas Tree For Ages And I Never Really Knew Why... I Just Found Out My Mom Thinks He Is A Gingerbread Man
In The ICU On Christmas Because My 28-Year-Old Girlfriend Had A Stroke
We were also curious if Thom thinks anything can be done to prevent Christmas disasters, or if they're bound to happen eventually. "Honestly, slowing down a bit," he recommended. "During the holidays, everything is rush, rush, rush, and people don't focus on what they're doing, which leads to accidents."
On a lighter note, we asked Thom about some of his favorite Christmas traditions. "We typically keep our PJs on throughout the day," he told Bored Panda. "Every year since I was young I wake up extra early, full of excitement. The good thing about having kiddos around is you can wake them up, and no one can say no to excited children on Christmas morning."
My View For The Past 8 Hours And The Next 23. I Won't Be Seeing My Family This Christmas
31 hours straight, I took this shift cause I'm the only one with no kids from our company. I wanted my coworkers to spend the holidays with their kids, so I took the shift no one wanted.
I Sat There, Staring, Wondering Why My Religious Mother-In-Law Had A Severed Toe Christmas Tree Ornament. Upon Closer Inspection
Now We Need New Christmas Tree Toys
And when it comes to what Thom loves most about Christmas, he shared, "Aside from the historical/religious aspects, I really enjoy how everyone comes together at Christmas time. People are jollier, friendlier, and generally more positive and hopeful. There's so much going on around us throughout the year that leads to cynicism and negativity - it's nice to see the brighter side of humanity on display, glowing brightly like Christmas lights (super cheesy, I know)."
I couldn't agree more. If you'd like to hear more about Thom's Christmases or hear him discuss the best films and shows to watch this time of year with his fellow co-hosts, be sure to check out 'Tis the Podcast right here!
Christmas Morning - Doggo Rips Out Santa's Innards Then Falls Asleep On His Limp Corpse. No Remorse
Merry Christmas
Not So Merry Christmas. Not The Best Thing Just A Week Out From Christmas
So woke up on Friday to my wife screaming fire. She got the kids out and I got the pups before it all went up in smoke. Fire started in my living room, the firefighters suspected it was a faulty power outlet that ignited my couch. My PC was an innocent bystander. There was no other option, stuff is nice but my family is everything.
I’m no stranger to Christmas fails myself. The last time I had a stomach bug was when I was 12 years old, and it was on Christmas. RIP to all the delicious food I had eaten that day… A few years ago my family’s oven completely shut down on Christmas Eve and didn’t work for almost all of Christmas Day. We found out later that it had somehow been set to Sabbath Mode, where it will not work to respect Jewish Sabbath. The one time in my life that I’ve had to have stitches was when I was 10 years old and face-planted on a basketball court while giving my younger brother a piggy-back ride the week before Christmas. I split my top lip and chin open, and I remember watching the Jim Carrey version of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas while sitting in the ER waiting room. Christmas fails can happen to us all.
It's Out Of The Box
Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night
Merry Christmas Everyone! Out Of All Days, My Kidneys Decided To Stop Working Now
Unfortunately, we can’t ever guarantee that a day will be injury free, even Christmas. And according to the National Accident Helpline in the UK, a phenomenon called the “Festive Fear” might be a contributing factor to why so many accidents occur around Christmas time. They explain that the seasonal stress associated with having to entertain guests, shop for gifts, fight traffic, spend exorbitant amounts of money on food and presents causes people to start panicking and rushing, which can lead to dangerous accidents. The NAH notes that the kitchen is a particularly scary place for those experiencing the Festive Fear. One study found that 49% of people preparing Christmas food had suffered an accident. 11% have spilled hot fat on themselves, and almost 1 in 5 people have cut themselves when preparing vegetables.
Just Used A Bath Bomb I Got For Christmas And Now The Bath Looks Like Urine
I Finished The Christmas Present For My Boyfriend When He Broke Up With Me Unexpectedly
My Cat Has Declared A War On Christmas
Putting up Christmas decorations can also be a dangerous feat for many, as nearly 3% of people have suffered from electric shock due to badly wired Christmas lights. Using ladders to place decorations on rooftops or high up on Christmas trees is also often a disaster waiting to happen. 1 in 50 people have fallen while taking decorations down, and that’s not even the only way to take a tumble during this season. Nearly a third of people have fallen on ice (including myself, three times already this season!), and about 8% of UK residents between the ages of 16-24 have to make a trip to A&E during the holiday season.
Glowing Half-Stars That Look Like Underpants
Merry Christmas Mom. I Know It's A Couple Of Weeks Early But I Thought I'd Help You Open Some Gifts
Someone Broke Into My Van Last Night And Stole All My Christmas Presents For My Family
Within the home, the National Accident Helpline reports that about 1,000 people are injured annually while trying to fix ornaments and decorations high up on their Christmas trees. About 350 people suffer injuries related to Christmas lights each year, and we are all more than 50% more likely to die in a house fire during Christmas time than at any other point in the year. Please be careful during this time, dear pandas. This is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, not the most tragic!
I’m A Financially Struggling Terminal Cancer Patient And This Is What My Mother-In-Law Got Us For Christmas
The note says: "A donation of $100 has been made in your name to Nature Conservancy Canada".
It Looked Straight On The Hill It Grew On
My Friend's Tree Was Infested With Ticks And They Had To Throw It Out Just Before Christmas
Guess that's a good enough reason for me to keep putting up my fake tree. 😬🎄
When it comes to taking safety precautions during the holiday season, the National Accident Helpline recommends being extra careful when it comes to electrical and fire safety. Always remember to unplug your lights when you go to sleep and when you’re not at home. Don’t water your Christmas tree while the lights are on, and be careful not to overload your electrical sockets. If you have a fireplace, sweep out your chimney to avoid chimney fires, and never leave lit candles unattended.
So Much For A Last-Minute Trip To The Grocery Store Before Christmas
I Work At Target And Had To Work Christmas Eve. I Was Told By Our HR Person That There Would Be A Nacho Bar In The Break Room. You Can Imagine My Disappointment
Our Kitty Broke Her Leg And Had To Have Surgery Right Before The Holidays
To avoid slips and falls during the holiday season, don’t do any decorating that requires going into the attic or using ladders without other people around. Don’t buy a tree that’s too large for your home, and be sure to use a proper stepladder while decorating the highest branches. Be careful opening presents too. If they require scissors, don’t cut towards yourself, and don’t leave sharp objects on the floor to be stepped on or tripped on later. Keep your home well lit in the evening to avoid trips or falls, especially if you have elderly family members visiting.
Poor Guy At Work Invited Everyone To His Christmas Party
Not All Christmas Cookie Projects Work Out. Exhibit One, Reindeer
Broke My Fibula 2 Hours After Bragging To My Family That I’d Never Broken A Bone Before. On Christmas
That happened to me once, but right before Halloween. Talking to my friend about how I’d never broken a bone. Next day or day after that fell in a creek and broke my wrist. Made it really hard to wear my Halloween costume
I hope you pandas don’t experience any tragic Christmas fails this year, but if you do, clearly, you’re not alone! Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly tragic, and then feel free to share about any Christmas fails you’ve experienced before in the comments below. The holiday season is about spending time with our loved ones and getting to relax, so be careful not to end up spending your days in the hospital! Stay safe out there, pandas!
My Aunt “Adopted” An Elephant For Me As A Christmas Present And Her Last Known Location Was Recorded In August. I Can Only Imagine What Happened
I Made This For My Grandma, Just For It To Slip Out Of My Hands On Christmas
My Knee Went Septic On Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas Everyone
Parents' Home Burnt Down Just Weeks Before Christmas
Same thing happened to me just a little bit earlier in November rather than December. 1989 I was 10. Lost everything I ever owned as a child even my clothes.
Merry Christmas Everyone... Yayyy
Gotta be Australia. My husband and I used to spend Christmas (pre-COVID) with his family in NSW. We’ve experienced a couple Christmas floods and the Black Summer.
My Sister Spent Her Own Money For A New TV For My Dad On Christmas Opened It And Turned It On And We See This
Just When We Had Saved Up Enough For Our Kids' Christmas
Sainsbury's Christmas Tree Picture vs. Reality
My Dog Chewed Through The Gift Card I Just Received On Christmas
Opened The Mailbox Expecting Christmas Cards And Instead Got My Ambulance Bill From An Auto Accident In July. Merry Christmas
I Am Dre, Aiming Of A White Christmas
The Christmas Cakes Just Arrived... A Little Late, Thanks Post Office
My Gram Sent A Card With $200 For Christmas. It Finally Came Today Like This
I can't believe that. 13 years ago the post stole every single wedding card (found out a year later, lucky someone ask why we never reacted on the present, we called our friends and a lot had send a card, quite some with cash). I repeatatly tell my mother not to send money by mail to anyone. untill she was upset that part of the family didn't say thank you for 200euros send for Christmas. I asked why, she said it was a normal envelope, Facepalm, how could they know. They know... No one sends letters anymore with handwritten adress privately. Do never ever send cash by post.
Merry Christmas, And A Broken Femur To Me
Christmas Seems To Be Taking A Long Time To Come This Year
That took me much, much too long to see the problem. In my defence it's Christmas Eve and my brain is fried? Is that a good enough excuse?
Going For An Oil Change. Shop Drops My Truck Into Their Bay. Merry Christmas Everyone
My Initials Are DT, Husband's Is FT. My Poor, Sweet Dad Gave Us This Stationary For Christmas
My Wife Bought This $9 Christmas Ornament
Heating Emergency During Christmas. But Not The Kind You Think Of
Just Wanted To End Christmas With A Nice Hot Shower
All that glass has got to be hell, you'll be getting out of the shower a picking glass out of your feet for weeks
So This Just Happened. Now We Have To Find Take Out At 7 Pm On Christmas Eve
Dude - there are a million places for takeout of Christmas Eve for everyone who doesn't observe Christmas.
Christmas Present From My Very Karen Grandma To My African American Wife
I hope the title is a "karen" joke cause her name is karen {like my mom!} cause this sounds very sweet and nice actually, she was just called rare and valuable, with a sweet "black pearl" joke
Pants I Got For Christmas Came With The Security Tag
When I read this last night I thought about commenting 'Here's to hoping we don't lose power!' Guess what happened this morning-
Ok. Incredible downer and definitely couldn’t have a worse Christmas than this. 25 years ago this year my dad was in the hospital dying. It may be a long time ago, but 25 years is really hitting me.
And I thought my christmas gonna suck because I have flu with sinusitis. Merry Christmas, everyone!
A very stuffy Christmas from my inflamed sinuses to yours! You are not suffering alone.
Load More Replies...When I read this last night I thought about commenting 'Here's to hoping we don't lose power!' Guess what happened this morning-
Ok. Incredible downer and definitely couldn’t have a worse Christmas than this. 25 years ago this year my dad was in the hospital dying. It may be a long time ago, but 25 years is really hitting me.
And I thought my christmas gonna suck because I have flu with sinusitis. Merry Christmas, everyone!
A very stuffy Christmas from my inflamed sinuses to yours! You are not suffering alone.
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