Christians love themselves a joke as much as anyone else, even if their humor might stay firmly on the “safe” side of things at times. Because although church can be boring, Sunday school is a drag, nuns, priests, and all the religious beliefs, and God supposedly keeping an eye even on your thoughts, it doesn't always have to be so serious!

We here at Bored Panda are sure that He himself would approve of these funny Jesus Christ memes, which tackle Christianity with a bit of fun and a huge smile. From glorious Jesus Easter memes to admiring the Pope’s cape, there’s a clean joke for everyone here!

Scroll down below to check these religious jokes out for yourself and enjoy them, but not too much, though, okay? God would prefer that you laugh with him while looking at these Jesus memes rather than at him!


Asking For Forgiveness

A Christian meme featuring a yearbook photo of a young man named Jaylen Moore, wearing a tuxedo and smiling. The quote below his name humorously reads, "I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way, so I stole a bike and asked God for forgiveness."


Meet the Pastor Behind the Jesus Christ Meme Page

Bored Panda spoke to Michael Schaffer, a youth pastor and founder of the popular Facebook page Memes For Jesus. The page focuses “always on challenging Christians to learn to laugh ourselves, but also look at the bigger picture, and keep our focus on serving the Lord, and sharing His Good News.”

“I started Memes For Jesus under the name of Christian Memes back in 2012 because anytime I saw memes about Jesus or God, they were always written from a negative perspective and I wanted to give Christians the opportunity to enjoy the best memes they could relate to,” Michael told us.


Cloud Storage

A Christian meme depicting Moses holding two stone tablets, standing on a mountain with a dramatic sunset in the background. The text at the top reads, "Technically, Moses," and below, it humorously states, "was the first person with a tablet downloading data from the cloud."


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jcgarland31 avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I laughed in school for this and it wasn’t that funny

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Do These Funny Jesus Memes Serve a Greater Purpose?

Funny Jesus pictures and memes have quickly grown into an incredibly useful and important means of communication. Their often amusing, easily shareable format uses cultural references to cleverly get a point across. Perhaps churches could use them more regularly to reach the younger members of their faith? 

“I don’t think Christian jokes and memes are a replacement for sharing the Gospel with someone, but if they can be used as a tool to spark a conversation that will lead someone to the Lord, that’s great!” Michael says.


“While the purpose of my page has always been to entertain Christians, I do love hearing about how non-Christians and Christians have been able to connect better through the content we make.”

What Kind of Feedback Do These Jesus Memes Receive?

“I don’t make a lot from M4J, but I make enough to justify being able to spend a lot of my free-time making memes,” Michael continues. “Most of the feedback I receive is positive, however there are moments where someone will get upset over something. I typically just ignore it, but I’ll intervene if all heck breaks loose.”


Table For 26

A Christian meme featuring a humorous dialogue with Jesus requesting a "table for 26" from a waiter, who responds, "but there are only 13 of you." Jesus replies, "Yes, but we’re all going to sit on the same side." Below the text is the famous painting of the Last Supper, where all disciples are seated on one side of the table.


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klrenk avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

So the Messiah and his twelve apostles walk in to a restaurant ...

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Funny Jesus Pictures That Bring People Together

Memes For Jesus with the Jesus meme pics on it now has over 500k followers on Facebook and has been viewed by tens of millions of people. Not bad for a small project set up by a youth pastor at a small church in central Pennsylvania! 


People from all around the world join in the fun sharing Christian memes with their friends, and talk about how the community brightens their days and encourages their faith. After all, these innocent memes aren’t about making Jesus funny; they’re about bringing people together. 

Check out the page for yourself here, as well as Michael’s Patreon to see his various other projects.


Interesting Facts You Might Have Not Known About Christianity I

Courtesy of Fact Republic, here are a few interesting little pieces of trivia about Christianity that you might not know about!

  • Christian Atheism exists, in which followers believe in the teachings of Christ but not that they were divinely inspired. They see Jesus as a humanitarian and philosopher rather than the son of God.
  • In the 7th century, Mohammed wrote an open letter to Christians that declared their right to self-governance, protection for churches and monasteries, and freedom to practice their religion openly in Muslim-controlled areas. Muslims are commanded to follow this until the end of time.
  • Historians believe the fate of Christianity hinged on the Battle of Tours (732 A.D.), where an Arab invasion force was defeated by a Frankish force in present-day France, preventing the spread of Islam to all of Western Europe and preserving Christianity as the religion of Europe.

Turning Water Into Wine

A Christian meme depicting a supermarket shelf filled with bottles of wine under a sign that reads "water." The caption above humorously states, "Jesus was here," referencing the biblical story of Jesus turning water into wine.


Interesting Facts You Might Have Not Known About Christianity II
  • While we think of Christianity as a truly ancient religion, it is a relatively recent phenomenon in the scale of human existence. For example, there was more time between the start and finish of the Great Wall of China than between the start of Christianity and the present day.
  • Vladimir the Great of Russia was confronted with the choice of converting Russia to Christianity or to Islam. He eventually chose Christianity because of Islamic teaching on alcohol, saying, “Drinking is the joy of all Rus’. We cannot exist without that pleasure.”
  • The keys to the holiest site in Christianity, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, are held by a Muslim family that opens the church every morning. Meant to keep the peace between the denominations, this arrangement has been in place since 1187 A.D.

Interesting Facts You Might Have Not Known About Christianity III
  • Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all worship the same Abrahamic god. Their religious texts also feature many of the same figures, histories, and places. Jesus is also a Muslim prophet.
  • One of the scholars (John M. Allegro) who translated the Dead Sea Scrolls was convinced that Christianity was based on an ancient psychedelic mushroom and fertility cult.
  • Christianity is increasingly popular among China’s youth. As many as 100 million people, or 7% of the population, have converted to the religion. The city of Wenzhou alone has more than 1,100 churches.


Whose Is It?

A Christian meme showing a church sign on a stone wall that appears to read "AINT PETER'S CHURCH" due to a missing letter, creating a humorous interpretation. The caption above says, "Well whose church is it then?!" poking fun at the unintended alteration of the church's name.


Interesting Facts You Might Have Not Known About Christianity IV
  • While Italian diplomat Niccolò Machiavelli criticized Christianity and the Church, he also strongly believed in the use of religion as a political tool. He thought that fear of God kept society in order and that while a leader shouldn’t be too religious himself, he should make his people as religious as possible.
  • A man named Clyde Lott in Nebraska is breeding red cows and sending them to Israel in hopes of a pure red heifer being born there. Such an event will allegedly prompt Jews to build a Third Temple, which fundamentalist Christians believe will usher in Jesus’ Second Coming.
  • St. Augustine, in the 4th century, wrote that Christians should not interpret Genesis literally because if science proved it otherwise, Christian witness would be gone.
  • The bible mentions unicorns 9 times.
  • Memes are now statistically more popular than Jesus in online searches.


Worst Navigator Ever

A Christian meme featuring an image of Moses holding a staff, with the text "Wandered in the desert 40 years, Moses." Below is a screenshot of a map with directions from Cairo to Jerusalem, showing a 6-day walking route, circled in red, and a red arrow pointing to it. The bottom text humorously reads, "Worst navigator ever," highlighting the contrast between the biblical story of Moses and the actual travel time according to modern navigation.


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15bobcake avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

did anyone else say the simpsons comic book store guy's voice in their head or just me

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Sorry, We're Busy

A Christian meme featuring a tweet from the user "thomas @Barknado69." The tweet humorously imagines a conversation between Joseph and an innkeeper: Joseph says, "no rooms? Dude she's about to give birth to humanity's savior," and the innkeeper replies, "sorry we get really busy around Christmas time." Joseph then responds, "around what time." The tweet playfully references the irony of the innkeeper's statement, given the context of Jesus's birth.

Barknado69 Report

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jcgarland31 avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You know, the day that we won’t invent until several hundred years from now!

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A Truly Meaningful Way

A Christian meme with a two-panel format. The first panel shows a classical painting of Jesus with a disciple asking, "Jesus, you have returned! In what meaningful way could we honor your death and resurrection?" In the second panel, Jesus responds with a raised hand, saying, "EGGS!" The meme humorously suggests a playful and unexpected origin for the tradition of Easter eggs.



Cool Comeback

A Christian meme showing two Uber notifications. The first notification reads, "Message from Christ: I have arrived." The second notification says, "Arriving Soon: Christ is arriving soon in a Hyundai Elantra (7VSJ164). After arriving, they'll wait 2 minutes before charges begin for their time." The text above the image humorously states, "Not how I expected him to come back but okay," suggesting a humorous take on the Second Coming of Christ as an Uber driver.


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richardsamul avatar
Richard Samul
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Everyone knows Jesus drives a Honda. John 12:49, "For I did not speak of my own Accord..."

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Perfect Timing

A Christian meme showing a woman asleep in a chair beneath a painting of Jesus looking at her with a questioning expression. The caption over the image reads, "Jesus like 'what is this?'" humorously suggesting that Jesus is perplexed by the woman's behavior in front of the painting.



Christian Memes

A Christian meme featuring a baby with a funny expression, eyes closed, and arms slightly raised, sitting outdoors on a wooden surface. The text above the baby reads, "So this guy in a dress tried to drown me," and below it says, "And, I kid you not, my family just stood there taking pictures," humorously referencing a baptism event.


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glowworm2 avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

At least you aren't Jewish--then a guy with a knife stands over you, while your family just takes pictures!

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Christian Memes

A Christian meme showing two images of the same Chihuahua dog wearing a pink sweater. The left image is labeled "Your mom before church," with the dog snarling and looking angry. The right image is labeled "Your mom when you arrive at church," with the dog smiling sweetly and looking calm. The meme humorously contrasts a mother's mood before and after arriving at church.


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emiamohler avatar
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5 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


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Two Facebook Prayers Away

A Christian meme featuring a doctor in scrubs speaking to a man in a hospital hallway. The text above the image reads, "I'm sorry Mr. Jensen," and below, "We were just two Facebook prayers away from saving your wife." The meme humorously criticizes the reliance on social media prayers for serious situations, adding a satirical twist to the concept of prayer requests online.



Christian Memes

A Christian meme depicting two Roman soldiers in conversation. The text reads: "Soldier 1: 'What year is it?' Soldier 2: '50 B.C.' Soldier 1: 'What does B.C. stand for?' Soldier 2: 'Before Christ.' Soldier 1: 'Who is Christ?' Soldier 2: 'I don't have a f*cking clue.'" The meme humorously points out the anachronism of using "Before Christ" to describe a time before the birth of Jesus, creating a comedic paradox for the characters involved.


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culmone10 avatar
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Fun Fact: Romans counted the years based on who were the consuls, something like "this thing happened the second year of Papirius Crassus consulship". Counting the years based on the founding of Rome, like "in the year 324 Ab Urbe Condita" was invented really late.

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Pastor Knows

A Christian meme with an image of a man looking directly at the camera with a serious expression while sitting among a crowd. The caption above reads, "How yo mom look when the pastor says something about disobedient children." The meme humorously captures the intense and knowing look a mother might give her child during a church service when the pastor addresses the topic of disobedience.


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max_lombardi_mi avatar
Max L.
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And you know you're already in trouble before to know why.

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Christian Memes

A Christian meme featuring a scene from a comedy show where a person dressed in a school uniform is smiling and speaking on the phone, accompanied by another person smiling beside them. The caption above reads, "God after putting the male g-spot in the ass then calling homosexuality a sin." The text below the image humorously says, "I am so random. I can't believe I just did that." The meme uses irony to highlight perceived contradictions in religious teachings about sexuality.


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cathyroberts avatar
Wanda Queen
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don't confuse God with the Bible........having said that.......this was hilarious :D

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Christian Memes

A Christian meme featuring an image of Kermit the Frog sitting in the driver's seat of a car, gripping the steering wheel and looking ahead with a concerned expression. The caption above reads, "When their bumper sticker says 'I Love Jesus' and their driving says 'I wanna meet Jesus'." The meme humorously comments on the contrast between someone's religious bumper sticker and their reckless driving behavior, suggesting that their driving is so dangerous it seems like they are eager to meet Jesus in person.



Christian Memes

A Christian meme in a comic strip style with four panels. The first panel shows a portrait of King Henry VIII asking, "hey can I divorce my wife?" The second panel features a portrait of the Pope replying, "no that's bad." In the third panel, Henry VIII says "ok" and adds, "watch this." The final panel shows a blurred image of a cross and text that reads, "THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND," humorously referencing the historical creation of the Church of England after the Pope refused to grant Henry VIII a divorce.


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ariawhitaker avatar
Aria Whitaker
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

...and then proceeded to cut the head off the woman he started a whole church for a few years later.

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Christian Memes

A Christian meme with the text "Preacher: and in let me finish by saying..." at the top, followed by an image of a large block of nearly illegible, densely packed text resembling a lengthy speech or sermon. The meme humorously exaggerates how preachers sometimes continue their sermons for a long time even after indicating they are about to conclude.



Christian Relationships

A Christian meme formatted as a tweet from Jaron Myers (@jaronmyers) with the text "Christian relationships..." followed by "First Date:" and "Second Date:". Below the text are two images. The first image shows a couple on a first date, casually talking over coffee. The second image shows the same couple on a second date, where the man is kneeling and proposing to the woman, who looks surprised. The meme humorously exaggerates the speed at which Christian relationships are perceived to progress.


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hehart14 avatar
Reilly Beryll
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Holy heck. My sister’s friend would always use the Bible as a weapon and yell about how contraceptives are bad and having sex is bad and then she had her first boyfriend in years for only a few months before getting pregnant. Not even married. Karma.

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God's Creations

A Christian meme featuring a dialogue between "GOD" and a "FLY." The text reads: "GOD: you can fly and see in all directions" "FLY: basically a superhero lol" "GOD: we'll call you a fly" "FLY: not a very cool name" "GOD: and you'll eat s**t" "FLY: this just keeps getting worse." Below the text is an image of a hand, symbolizing God's hand, reaching out toward a small fly. The meme humorously imagines a conversation between God and a fly, highlighting the fly's disappointment with its role and name in creation.


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miaobrien avatar
Mia O'Brien
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5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I get it they’re pretty annoying, but you gotta sympathize for the little guys

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Christian Memes

 A Christian meme featuring an edited image of Jesus sitting in a bar holding a glass of wine, with two women in the background also holding wine glasses. The text at the top reads: "Jesus: another water please" "Bartender: not this s**t again." The meme humorously references the biblical story of Jesus turning water into wine, suggesting that the bartender is frustrated with Jesus repeatedly turning water into wine in the bar setting.



A Christian meme featuring a scene from "The Simpsons" with Lisa Simpson standing on a stage next to a presentation screen. The text on the screen reads: "Jesus was a carpenter and the Bible says that he had to deal with all the struggles and temptations of a normal man, so therefore he probably hit his thumb with a hammer at one point." The meme humorously suggests that, as a carpenter, Jesus likely experienced common mishaps, like hitting his thumb with a hammer, to emphasize his humanity. Report

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A Christian meme with text dialogue at the top: "Her: Come over, my parents aren't home" "Me: Can't, s** before marriage is a sin" "Her: I'm holding Bible study" "Me:" Below the text is an image of a person running down a street at night while carrying a large wooden cross, humorously suggesting that upon hearing about a Bible study, the person eagerly rushes over, highlighting the comedic contrast between resisting temptation and the eagerness for religious activities.

PurpleRaspberri Report

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A Christian meme featuring a painting of a person in a confessional booth speaking to a priest. The dialogue text reads: Person: "So Christ's body is the bread?" Priest: "Yes." Person: "And he rose from the grave?" Priest: "Yes..." Person: "Because of the yeast?" Priest: "Please leave." The meme humorously plays on the idea of interpreting religious symbolism literally, suggesting that Jesus rose from the dead due to yeast, creating a comedic misunderstanding in the confessional setting.


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A Christian meme styled as a Facebook post by Shane Harjo. The text reads: "Am I suppose to pray over leftovers? Me: Lord, it's me again with this spaghetti 🍝." The meme humorously questions whether one should pray over leftover food, with the speaker imagining themselves repeatedly bringing the same meal, spaghetti, before God in prayer, adding a light-hearted take on the practice of saying grace.


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A Christian meme showing a person bowing down and worshiping a bronze statue of a cartoon-like character in an outdoor public area. The caption above the image reads, "Moses: don't do anything crazy while I'm gone," and below, "Israelites:" humorously implying the person bowing to the statue represents the Israelites quickly turning to idol worship in the absence of Moses, referencing the biblical story of the Golden Calf.

@epicchristianmemes Report

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A Christian meme featuring the famous painting "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci. The text above the image reads, "Teacher: Eating strictly prohibited in this class," followed by "Kids in the back:" with the painting below showing Jesus and his disciples seated at a long table, eating and talking. The meme humorously imagines the scene of "The Last Supper" as students defying a classroom rule against eating.

Chef_Boiardee11 Report

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A Christian meme showing a mannequin wearing a blue T-shirt displayed in a shop. The text on the T-shirt reads: "Mom says 'Alcohol is your enemy'" "Jesus says 'Love your enemy'" Above the image, a caption says, "I'm in Thailand and they keep the memes here pretty dank." The meme humorously combines a mother's advice against drinking alcohol with a biblical teaching to "love your enemy," creating a playful contradiction.

bobloadmire Report

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A Christian meme in a four-panel comic style featuring a black cat with the name "Jesus" written on it. In the first panel, the cat looks sad while a hand reaches down, and text says, "I'm sorry I messed up, I really want to improve as a person." In the second panel, the cat continues to look up as the hand is still reaching down, with the text reading, "Maybe I am beyond forgiveness or love..." In the third panel, the hand gently pats the cat's head, and the fourth panel shows the cat with a surprised but calm expression as the hand pats it again with a "PAP" sound. The meme humorously represents the idea of Jesus forgiving and comforting someone despite their feelings of unworthiness. Report

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A Christian meme composed of two panels with scenes from a movie. In the top panel, a character labeled "8-year-old me" stands and offers an "offering tray" to another seated character. In the bottom panel, the character labeled "8-year-old me," depicted as the Hulk, proudly holds up a "coin my mom gave me" with a satisfied expression. The meme humorously depicts the childhood experience of giving a small donation in church, highlighting the sense of pride and importance a child feels when contributing.

Deptar Report

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A Christian meme in a two-panel comic style. The top panel shows a child writing a letter that says, "Deer Jesus, Please help my mommy with being a mommy," with "Deer" misspelled. The bottom panel humorously depicts a deer with a halo and a purple robe with a cross, responding to an adult, "Teach your kid to spell." The meme plays on the child's spelling mistake, humorously imagining the letter being directed to an actual deer instead of Jesus.


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A Christian meme styled as a tweet from "jim B o (@cathoLIT_tweets)" that reads: "St. Simeon the Stylite spent 37 years on a 60 foot pillar just so that people would stop bothering him. What a legend." Below the tweet is an image of a medieval illustration showing St. Simeon standing on top of a tall pillar with a halo around his head, while a person looks up at him from the ground. The meme humorously celebrates St. Simeon's unique method of achieving solitude by living on a pillar for decades.

@cathoLIT_tweets Report

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 A Christian meme featuring an image of the Pink Panther sitting on a bench with a confused and anxious expression, hands clasped together as if deep in thought. The caption above reads, "When the person behind you is kneeling and you have no idea when you can lean back." The meme humorously captures the awkward and uncertain moment in a church setting when someone is unsure about when it's appropriate to lean back after a person behind them starts kneeling.

@litcatholicmemes Report

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A humorous Christian meme styled as a tweet from Rick Lee James (@RickLeeJames). The text reads: "AI created image from the phrase, 'Jesus flipping over the tables in the temple.'" Below the tweet is an image depicting an AI-generated scene of Jesus dramatically flipping mid-air over a table in a temple, as if performing an acrobatic move. The meme humorously exaggerates the biblical story of Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers in the temple, presenting it in a comically exaggerated action-movie style.

@RickLeeJames Report

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A Christian meme with the caption "When you think you can pray to pass your finals instead of studying" at the top. The image below shows the Joker, in full clown makeup and wearing a bright red suit, sitting alone in a church pew with a serious expression. The meme humorously suggests that relying solely on prayer to pass exams, without any studying, is a misguided or naive approach, using the Joker's appearance to emphasize the absurdity.

@litcatholicmemes Report

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A Christian meme featuring two images from "Star Wars" movies with captions. The top image shows Yoda and Mace Windu, with the caption "Normal Families having kids," followed by Yoda's quote, "Always two there are. No more. No less." The bottom image shows a scene from the cloning facility on Kamino, with the caption "Catholic Families having kids," and a quote below it that reads, "200,000 units are ready, with a million more well on the way." The meme humorously contrasts typical family sizes with the stereotype of large Catholic families by using "Star Wars" references to suggest Catholic families have many more children.

@litcatholicmemes Report

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A Christian meme using two images from the animated show "Steven Universe." The first panel shows a character labeled "Convicted Sinners" with a worried expression, saying, "What must God think of me now?" The second panel shows another character, labeled "God," hugging the first character and saying, "Well, I think you're pretty great." The meme humorously conveys the idea that even those who feel guilty or sinful are loved and valued by God, highlighting the theme of unconditional divine love and forgiveness.

MangaMaven Report

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A Christian meme featuring a traditional religious painting of Jesus and God the Father, with a dove representing the Holy Spirit hovering above them. The text above reads: "So Son. How did your crucifixion and death go?" "Nailed it, Dad." The meme humorously uses a play on words, with "nailed it" referencing both the expression for successfully accomplishing something and the literal act of Jesus being nailed to the cross, adding a comedic twist to a serious religious event. Report

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 A Christian meme featuring an image of Scar from "The Lion King" with the text at the top reading, "Friend: 'I wish there was just a book that could tell me how to survive in this life.'" The response, "Me, a Christian:" is followed by an image of Scar smirking with the caption, "Be prepared for sensational news." The meme humorously suggests that a Christian's response to a friend's wish for guidance is to introduce them to the Bible, referencing the famous "Be Prepared" song from the movie.

zyco_ Report

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 A Christian meme featuring an image of Naruto, a character from the anime series "Naruto," performing his signature fast run inside a church. The caption above reads: "Catholics .0001 seconds after the closing hymn." The meme humorously suggests that Catholics are extremely quick to leave the church immediately after the final hymn, using Naruto's super-speed run as a comedic exaggeration of how fast they exit.

@litcatholicmemes Report

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A Christian meme styled as a tweet from Drew (@drewdyck). The tweet reads: "My annual Thanksgiving reminder: Don't ruin your family gathering by discussing politics. Do it by bringing up religion." The meme humorously suggests that bringing up religion at a family gathering, such as Thanksgiving, can be just as contentious or controversial as discussing politics, playing on the idea of avoiding potentially divisive topics during family events.

@drewdyck Report

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