“When I Was Little…”: 40 Funny And Wholesome Childhood Stories, As Told By Our Community
We all, or at least most of us, have some cheerful memories from our childhood that will stick with us forever. Especially growing up, we find some things we did as kids pretty laughable and even cringe-worthy at times. So I asked our pandas to share their funny moments from when they were young(er).
Scroll down for some wholesome and fun stories shared by our community. What are your funny childhood memories?
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When I was little, my dad made me believe I could use the bathroom for him. Before going on trips or something, he would say, hey, I need to use the bathroom but I'm busy, can you go for me, after I would use the bathroom he would then say thank you, I'm feeling much better now.
Growing up, the rule for Saturday mornings was that the first kid up was able to choose what our father made for breakfast. My little brother E (3 or 4yrs old) got up at like 7AM and told my dad he wanted "treaded pancakes" or "shredded pancakes". My brother was still working on speaking clearly and was very upset that my father did not know what he meant. My father woke me up and asked me to translate. So I get up and ask my brother, who is almost in tears. "shtreaded pancakes!" he says. I look straight at my dad. "Waffles," I say, "The boy wants waffles."
I was four or five years old, my grandpa took me to a zoo and I saw a peacock for the first time. My delighted exclamation: "Grandpa, look, a blooming rooster!"
Mom and I were re-painting a ceiling when the dogs went crazy barking. We rushed outside to do battle (this being a very rural area, you never knew if a bear would show up)... and scared the bejeezus outta the US Postal Service guy b/c we also happened to shout PAINT STICK WARRIOR WOMEN! as we ran out wielding our paint rollers.
1st year in primary school. I was 5. At the end of the day everyone had to stand and say a prayer together before we left (Catholic school. Go figure). One day I realised that everyone, including the teacher, prayed with their eyes closed so I just left when they started.
My grandmother took me to the Jacksonville Zoo. I was 6. I was excited to see all the animals IRL that I saw pictures of, or on TV. I knew all their names and wasn't shy demonstrating my knowledge. When we got to the elephants, I caused a big stir. I noticed something odd and yelled out, "Hey Grandma! Look! Loook!! That elephant has FIVE legs! 1-2-3-4-5!" When she stopped laughing and got her breath, she explained that it was a male elephant.
Some background: When I was little, we lived abroad, my dad got a job with my uncle and brought us over too. Uncle and aunt used to live in a compound - I believe the American version is a gated community. My mom used to take us there to aunt's house and my sister and I (f) would go alone to the nearby park to play with the other kids. One day we decided to take a walk through the compound and we went pretty far from aunt's house. A little elderly Indian guy (90% of workforce in that country is Asian) was driving a minivan through the streets and saw us all alone wandering so he offered to give us a ride back home. We jumped on board and he dropped us off at our aunt's. While retelling this story to our mom and aunt when asked how was our day, they went bats**t crazy on us (for to us then unknown reasons). To this day, I shudder to think what could have happened to us if we weren't picked up, or even were picked up by the wrong person. I salute you, random elderly Indian fellow, may your offspring be protected in the same way you protected us that day.
Glad the OP and sis are safe. There was and are good people in this ugly world.
Not me but my uncle.
When my uncle was very young, he was getting dressed and he put his shoes on his opposite feet. My grandmother saw this and said "Owen, you put your shoes on the wrong feet." My uncle looked at my grandmother and then his feet, "but mom, these are the only feet I've got!"
When I was 7 or so, I was singing Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (Bette Midler). But I was a little confused on the lyrics. "He's the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of company b, said he couldn't blow a bugle so he blew me." I had no idea why my mom was laughing so hard.
Well, when I was maybe 7 or 8 years old and was in Sunday school, the girl that was seated next to me had Down syndrome (still remember her name lol and I'm 44 now). One day we were in our classroom and one of the light switches was broken and didn't have its cover, so being the a*****e I was as a kid, I told the girl to shove her finger in the hole, which she told she wouldn't do, despite me insisting, lmao. She never touched the open light switch, and I was so fricking curious that I ended up shoving MY finger in the hole, and because karma is a b****, I got an electric shock and spent the rest of the class with my hand trembling like crazy...
I touched my tongue on a hot toaster to see if it would make that "sizzle" sound. It did!
I was 12 in the 6th grade. Went to a friend's birthday/slumber party. She lived in a small community. Her house was on the corner and her bedroom faced the street, and had giant picture windows that opened to the street. Her house was big and dark, spooky, and very old. Sometime in the early morning all 7 of us were watching some silly movie, we heard a scary noice and we all jumped up and ran to her room jumping on the king sized waterbed. I was second from last on the pile from the top to jump on the bed, well someone jumped right in the middle of me and it caused me to pee on everyone under me. I jumped up and ran to the restroom. I was MORTIFIED, TERRIBLY EMBARRASSED AND SCARED. My friend came to check on me and told me it was ok and no one was mad. So everyone promised to keep slumber party events secret and that was just one of the secrets. Or so I believed.
The next school day, all of my boy classmates knew and I had to relive that over for years. At our high school graduation, the valedictorian brought it up again in her speech. I'm 47 now and have yet to live it down
Kids, even teenagers can and are still hateful and think things like that are funny. Should not have been down voted. OP try to put it behind you and be the better person.
My mom came out of the bathroom after having done eyebrow pencil, and I said, without missing a beat, "OHH, Maman, you made man eyebrows!" She went back and changed them.
When I was a kid my mom told me I couldn't lay on the floor to watch TV because of the draft from the door. Only, I though she said giraffe and I spent many evenings trying to figure out how a giraffe flattened itself enough to get under the front door and what it would do to make me sick. I was terrified.
When I was 5, we went to a wedding of a relative. My mom explained there would be a ring bearer and train bearers. I thought she said trained bears so as the bride passed I loudly said "Where are the trained bears?" Boy was mom embarrassed.
I was my dad's princess. He indulged my every whim. Of course kids like me are stinkers. First time he took me on a plane to visit my grandma, I was about 5, I insisted he get up, go to the cockpit and tell the captain to "make this plane go faster. Right now." Boy oh boy, once I reached adulthood, he told that story to everyone. I never lived it down, but we would laugh about it. Lost my precious dad in 2012. I miss him ribbing me about it. I'm not quite as demanding now.
When I was about 18 months old I was not feeling well. Sore throat. So my parents took me to the doctor. The doctor got out a tongue depressor. And I apparently was having none of it. I did a snapping turtle impression on the stick. The doctor blinked, then tried to wiggle the stick. The head bobbed but the jaw was locked. My parents were no help. They were rolling and laughing. Doc, "I think I saw enough." Yeah right. I didn't want to be poked.
So as a kid I thought I could parachute from the loft down to the first floor... with a blanket... And my parents would never know. My giant swollen foot and me withering around crying sure hid it all well!
My older siblings did the same to me but we had an old parachute, surprised I lived through it all.
Not me but my brother. One day he was trying to sing along with a BTS song, but he doesn't know Korean so it was all just gibberish. Well, my dad (who speaks Arabic, Spanish, and English) comes into the room and hears this and he starts to yell at my brother. Apparently my brother said like five super bad Spanish words in a row.
My little brother and I dug a hole in the backyard, trying to get to China. Someone told us we could, and we believed for some reason. We ended up hitting and breaking some sort of pipe and the hole filled with water. We didn't know what to do, so we covered the hole back in with dirt, and pretended it never happened. We had a swamp for a backyard for months. Our mother called the water company to complain about a large bill or two before the "burst pipe" was discovered. We never said a word. We were rotten kids. We laugh about it together from time to time. We both have kids that are mostly grown up. We tell each stories of what they think they have gotten away with.
People use to say if you dig you will get to China. They use to say that all the time.
My father told me I was born with a tail like a basset hound. We had 2 adult bassets and a litter of puppies, so I found this totally believable. I was 10 before I asked my mother if I had a scar from where my tail used to be. She was very mad at my dad!
Our mother used to tell us we had an invisible tail. We have tail bones, so when we are good it hangs down our leg and the end tucks under the big toe. But when we are misbehaving it wags behind our head to flag our parents.
When I was about 5, I had bangs, which I absolutely hated. One time we were vacationing in a hotel in the mountains, and I told my mom I wanted a haircut without bangs, "like the gentleman over there", pointing at a random other guest. The gentleman was bald.
I ate a spoonful of wasabi thinking it was mint ice cream.
When I was about 3-4 my mom told me I could have a cookie if I ate at least half of a plate of grapes. I took a bite out of every grape.
I grew up in the '80s and I was about 6 when I heard about people starving in Ethiopia. I took my plate of food and put it in a big envelope, added some stamps and asked my mum to take me to the post office so I could send it to Ethiopia.
Whenever I didn't want to finish my food, my mom would try to encourage me by saying there were "starving kids in China". Now, I had seen the child sponsorship commercials where poor kids were picking through the trash - so I thought my mom's comments were utterly ridiculous since my eating my food would actually leave LESS food in the garbage for those kids to find. I always tried to throw out good things so the poor kids would have something nice to eat.
I was 9 and we were on a river trip. We had pulled off the water to have lunch on the beach and when we were finished one of the men announced that he had "to see a man about a horse" and wandered into the rushes. I immediately got up to follow - I wanted to see the horse! Needless to say, my parents were quick to hold me back, and we had a nice chat about some of the more colorful idioms and why I couldn't take them so seriously.
I've heard this as "see a man about a dog." Sometimes, when I have to answer the call of Nature, I say "I need to see a dog about a man."
This isn't mine, it's my brother's, but when he was a toddler, our mother left him alone in his room and then realized he was being too quiet. She walked in and... baby powder everywhere. He said it was "snowing". He managed to get it everywhere inside the room.
When I was in 6th grade, I was over at a friend's house. We decided to go to the park after dinner. We were playing on the swings, and decided that I was small enough to fit in a baby swing. I did fit. Only problem was, I couldn't get out. The parents had to come and turn the swing upside down and shake it so I would fall out. It's a fun memory to hold on to!
Lol, I can just see the people walking by giving weird looks at your friend's parents shaking a kid upside down out of a baby swing.
My mom used to mix 1 part sweet cereal with 2 parts no sugar cereal in a large Tupperware tub, and I'd always be the first kid awake of the 5 of us, so I would pick out all the sweet cereal and make myself a bowl of goodness before anyone knew about it.
I was playing hide and seek with kids around the cul-de-sac.
Competitive as I was, I sat tucked in a hedgerow trying to decide what was more important - winning the game or answering the call of nature at the risk of being found.
Suffice to say I stupidly chose the former and decided it was better to wet myself. Then walk all the way back home in p**s soaked jeans.
I totally got my priorities all wrong.
But for whatever it’s worth, I have bloody fantastic bladder control as an adult!
12 year old me (and several others) walked straight into a pit of cow dung, ran out crying, and washed our faces in a creek filled with snakes. This was a school trip.
To improve memory power I would often take part in memorize and recite contests at school. My father encouraged me to do so and once while watching news in TV he said "Look at the news reporter. She is not stuttering while reading the news because she memorized the news so well . You should achieve that level of perfection!" . That motivated me like crazy. Years later I found out that news reporters read news by looking at teleprompters.
When I was 2 or 3 years old, I had a doll. I was very proud of the name I gave her and I cried and threw a tantrum when my parents forbid me to call her.... H*tler... I didn't understand why they were shocked. I didn't understand ANYTHING. 🤣
When I was about 10 or 12 my mom, my best friend & me was coming back home from the store when the car died at the intersection in town.
My mom asked us to get out & push the car so we get out & go to the back of the car & push but the car didn't move so we try again still nothing so me & my friend take off our flip-flops for better grip ( despite the hot pavement ) still nothing but we continue to try & just as the guy in the 18 wheeler gets out to try & help us the car finally moves.
Me & my friend later found out that it wasn't moving because my mom had the parking brake on & when we asked we she had it on she said because it was a red light.
There was no other cars crossing the intersection because all the other cars was politely waiting for us to move our car out of the way.
When I was like 3, I licked all the icing off of the Oreo cookies. I kept the cookie part for some reason, I don't know why. But I had them sitting on a desk in my room for like a week. My friends came over and I gave them the stale, licked cookies, and they ate them. They didn't question why there was no icing they just ate it. And they still don't know.
5-year-old me tackled mom from behind, causing her to grab hold of the china cabinet to keep from falling.
Many glass, ceramic pieces fell onto the floor, breaking.
I hid under a bed until the pieces were cleaned up. Cannot recall any type of punishment for this either.
I blame your mum for not being prepared for the attack! Rookie mistake lol
When me and my brother were little he found some hair products and put them in his hair. My mom was busy on her online college so she said for him to go to bed. He then came back and said "I took care of it mommy." Later we learn he dunked his hair in the toilet.
Well, one day I went to the store with my mom and her friend and keep in mind I was young at the time. Well, we walk by the Ziploc bag boxes and I look at them and I go "Mom, how come on the box it shows food in the bags but the bags don't come with food in them?" :)
When I was 7 years old, the dentist hurt me with one of his little stools ( nothing serious, he didn't do it on purpose) then scold me because i moved a little , because it surprised me. I bit him.
Well, in elementary school, I was a REAL animal lover. And where I lived there was this pond behind our apartments I would cross sometimes to get to my bus stop quicker. There was always animals out, birds, rabbits, and ofc... ducks. I saw a baby duckling and well, I thought it'd be a great idea to bring it to school. Teacher freaked out, so did all my classmates. I didn't get in trouble for it they just called the animal services. I promised nothing like that would ever happen again... in 5th grade I did it again :p
When my brother who is younger was around 6 years old I tried to explain to him that we were half brother and sister and without missing a beat he looked me right in the eye and said well which half of you is my sister? I still laugh about that today and he's now 44
When I was around 7 I wanted to watch Nosferatu which aired in the evening. My parents thought it wasn't a great idea. However, we had an old black and white tv upstairs so I watched it anyway... Didn't dare to go to the toilet after that for quite some time if the bathroomwindow wasn't closed :p Growing up, I loved to watch all the scary movies :)
I don’t remember it but apparently when I was little I had been quiet in my room for a while then walked out and asked my parents “what’s the last step to building a fire?”. Lmao!! I had piled some toys and clothes and put rocks around them hahahah.
When my brother who is younger was around 6 years old I tried to explain to him that we were half brother and sister and without missing a beat he looked me right in the eye and said well which half of you is my sister? I still laugh about that today and he's now 44
When I was around 7 I wanted to watch Nosferatu which aired in the evening. My parents thought it wasn't a great idea. However, we had an old black and white tv upstairs so I watched it anyway... Didn't dare to go to the toilet after that for quite some time if the bathroomwindow wasn't closed :p Growing up, I loved to watch all the scary movies :)
I don’t remember it but apparently when I was little I had been quiet in my room for a while then walked out and asked my parents “what’s the last step to building a fire?”. Lmao!! I had piled some toys and clothes and put rocks around them hahahah.