Our pets can, just like us, be assholes. Dogs are a bit clumsy, mischievous, and often motivated by greed. They will rip up your couch cushions just because it's fun to do. But there's no malice involved and they really do love you, they are just idiots sometimes.
Cats, on the other hand, are something else entirely. Sometimes it seems like they know exactly what they are doing, and they take a kind of perverse pleasure in pissing you off. They are cold, calculating assholes, and they aren't shy about it! Why else would they poop in your sink or sit on your pizza?
We asked our readers to send in pics of their cats being mean for no particular reason, and were amazed with the hilariously evil submissions we received. Scroll down below to check them out for yourself, and don't forget to upvote your favorites!
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Ha! Caught Her In The Act!
Life Of A Tree
Are You Missing Underwear?
Lost About 40 Minutes Of Work Just Now. PSA: If You Have A Cat, Don’t Buy A Computer Case With An Upward-Facing Power Button
You Home Earlier Today Hooman
"What's happening Jim?" "The hooman's home, Monty! Don't move and they'll think we're part of an art installation!"
"I'll Do It. I Swear To God, I'll Do It."
Of All Places
Made A Pie Crust. Turned Around To Get Filling. Turned Back Around And This Is What I Found
Good Thinking
Wife Drives To Grandma's House. Amount Of Fucks Given By Our New Rescue Cat: Zero
Ugh - Walked Away For A Second!
Always in search of warm place, buy a heating pad and put it next to laptop, that really solves this problem.
I've Altered Your Signal. Pray I Don't Alter It Any Further
Connecting with rest of cats in entire galaxy and preparing for a final invasion.
We Locked Our Cats Out Of Room Due To A New Baby. After Hearing Frantic Scratching And Meowing At 2am I Flipped The Lights On To This Sight. We Have No Idea How He Managed To Do This
Over The Last Week Our Kitten Has Discovered She Can Climb Sh*t
Had To Unplug The Touch Lamp To Prevent This Adorable Bastard From Turning It On Whenever He Was Hungry At Night
The touch lamps are indeed annoying, there's like five different lightings to it. I imagine this cat does it two hours before you wake to work
Oh, Hai There
Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour the holy cat?
Cats Always Know
The Cat Knocked My Daughter’s Fish Bowl Off The Dresser
This Little Fella Being Caught Seconds After Being Told He Couldn't Have Any
I love his expression in the second photo. Just want to skritch his face all over!!!
I don't how long I watched till it all become groggy and had to scroll down.
Don't Sit On The Keyboard? Ok
She Wasn’t Happy Until I Gave Up And Left My Warm Tea Mug There
My Boyfriend Was Wondering Why His Room Is So Cold
Who cares about the room? As long as the cat is warm, all is good!
Glad You Find Them So Comfy...
Some Cat "Helped" With This Paving Stone Near My House
When Mom Turns Her Back And You Steal The Leftover Corn Muffins From Dinner
I Just Want A Selfie With My Cat
She Pushes Her Toy Mouse Under The Stove More Than 5 Times A Day And Then Meows Until I Crawl Under To Get It. She's An A**hole
Woke Up To This At 3:46am, Thanks Billy
The Murder Plot Thickens...
That cat is definitely has me on it's black list. Hopefully the next object that falls on my head isn't a bowling ball or clothes iron. Like it happened in Home Alone
F*cking A**hole
I Live Alone And The First Time My Cat Did This I Was Taking A Bath And Thought I Was About To Be Murdered
This Is Why She Doesn't Do Yoga Anymore
I Guess It's Time To Talk To My Cat About Her Changing Body
"Cat, you will experience extreme mood swings, like hitting your hooman while they is giving you belly rub."
Trying To Take A Selfie With Your Cats
This Is What I Woke Up To Today. Jerk
"Can't a guy wash his balls in the middle of your food without having every a*****e who comes along taking pictures?"
This One Won't Stop Unplugging The Fan
Your Spawn Can Sleep On The Floor For All I Care
You Want Me To Be Careful? How's That, Is That Careful Enough?
Oh You're Playing? Well... I'm Tired, Let Me Just... Purrfect
Walter Likes To "Hide" In The Tub And Attack When You Try To Pee
Every Morning When I Brush My Teeth
Your Pillow And Your Boyfriend Are Mine
New Cat Doesn't Play Well With The Dog
Discovered My Cat Had Stashed Over 100 Of My Hairbands Under A Single Piece Of Furniture
One of my cats eat whatever he finds ... one time he threw up a few wall stickers (we were wondering where they went as we couldn't find them on the ground), a few rubber and hair bands and a paperclip
When I Woke Up This Morning I Found My New Yoga Blocks Like This And Found A Smirking Orange Tabby With Green Foam In His Nails
The Computer Is Too Small!
This Cat Can't Handle His Fish
Must've burst through the hole (background) to fetch his meal but his human keeps snatching his fish away
Must He Lie On The Flowers In Order To Enjoy Them?
Your Homework? Never Heard About It
You can't hate cats, you just can't! They are miracles of nature!
No, you're a bad person for so many reasons other than not liking cats. You were happy when your cat died? You're f*****g gross.
Load More Replies...What I cannot understand is why all these people allow their cats to get on the counter, table or food. That's just totally disgusting! You can train cats, people. I've had cats my whole life and I've never had a cat on the counter, on my table or anywhere near my food. I also do not have cats that claw the furniture.
They are totally on your counters, tables, and anywhere else you don't want them as soon as you walk out the door.
Cats like warmth so thats why they hop onto your computer and other warm places. And they also need to sharpen their claws that's why they sometimes scratch stuff. Cats also want a lot of attention usually so they might climb onto the counter and knock your food or phone off. But ikr SERIOUSLY? YOU LET THEM DRINK FROM THE SAME CUP AS YOU DO? bro...
No, you've never had a cat on the counter. Not that you've seen . . . .
You don't deserve cats. They belong anywhere they want to go. They are NOT disgusting.
I posted a comment eerily similar to this. I completely agree with you. I couldn't even eat at someone's house if I knew they let their cat up on the counters.
Some of these are hilarious. And some of these just p**s me off. Cat doesn't something like sit on food, and they take a picture instead of taking care of the problem.
One day my sister and I couldn't find her kitten. We hunted for 4 hours, then eventually decided to have a break and some juice. Opened the fridge and out she pops, freshly chilled after a hot day. More recently I had a cat that would sit on my chest and suck on my beard at night. You eventually get used to waking up with a sticky face that smells like a*s.
Funnily enough, I had to stop my cat from eating my homework yesterday!
Don’t hate me for this, but cats just aren’t my favorite. A everyone says they're smarter than dogs, which is a blatant myth. I think cats are kind of overrated on the internet, but everybody has their own opinion. I still think cats are alright though.
Dogs and cats are both awesome. All the animals are awesome. The end
Load More Replies...Both animals are awesome! It's so weird to me how cat people seem to love all animals, while dog people constantly talk down to cat owners and seem to hate cats. I don't know how anyone wouldn't love all animals.
You can't hate cats, you just can't! They are miracles of nature!
No, you're a bad person for so many reasons other than not liking cats. You were happy when your cat died? You're f*****g gross.
Load More Replies...What I cannot understand is why all these people allow their cats to get on the counter, table or food. That's just totally disgusting! You can train cats, people. I've had cats my whole life and I've never had a cat on the counter, on my table or anywhere near my food. I also do not have cats that claw the furniture.
They are totally on your counters, tables, and anywhere else you don't want them as soon as you walk out the door.
Cats like warmth so thats why they hop onto your computer and other warm places. And they also need to sharpen their claws that's why they sometimes scratch stuff. Cats also want a lot of attention usually so they might climb onto the counter and knock your food or phone off. But ikr SERIOUSLY? YOU LET THEM DRINK FROM THE SAME CUP AS YOU DO? bro...
No, you've never had a cat on the counter. Not that you've seen . . . .
You don't deserve cats. They belong anywhere they want to go. They are NOT disgusting.
I posted a comment eerily similar to this. I completely agree with you. I couldn't even eat at someone's house if I knew they let their cat up on the counters.
Some of these are hilarious. And some of these just p**s me off. Cat doesn't something like sit on food, and they take a picture instead of taking care of the problem.
One day my sister and I couldn't find her kitten. We hunted for 4 hours, then eventually decided to have a break and some juice. Opened the fridge and out she pops, freshly chilled after a hot day. More recently I had a cat that would sit on my chest and suck on my beard at night. You eventually get used to waking up with a sticky face that smells like a*s.
Funnily enough, I had to stop my cat from eating my homework yesterday!
Don’t hate me for this, but cats just aren’t my favorite. A everyone says they're smarter than dogs, which is a blatant myth. I think cats are kind of overrated on the internet, but everybody has their own opinion. I still think cats are alright though.
Dogs and cats are both awesome. All the animals are awesome. The end
Load More Replies...Both animals are awesome! It's so weird to me how cat people seem to love all animals, while dog people constantly talk down to cat owners and seem to hate cats. I don't know how anyone wouldn't love all animals.