Nobody knows what’s on a cat’s mind. I mean, just look at them–the tiny furballs do what they want, couldn’t care less about hoomans and their silly rules, and pretend like they’re invincible wild tigers.
Meanwhile, hoomans adore them to the end of the world, accepting their goofy, jumpy, and often unpredictable personalities. This Reddit community with 481k followers, titled “This Is My Life Meow,” is giving us an illusion that we can get into a cat’s mind and imagine what they’re thinking (or not thinking at all) and just what it feels like to be one.
“When you just accept your life as a feline!” reads the subreddit's description and oh boy, hilarity is about to ensue. Scroll down and upvote your favorite pics!
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He Likes To Be Carried Around In A Paper Bag In The House So I Thought I'd Try It Outside. He Didn't Try To Jump Out And Just Relaxed, Enjoying The Sights. I've Become That Eccentric Neighbor Who Walks The Streets Clutching Her Cat In A Paper Bag
“I’ve only had arlo for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself”
Framing Our Best Picture
We previously spoke with Molly DeVoss, CFTBS, CCBC, CRM, FFCP, a certified feline training and behavior specialist who runs Cat Behavior Solutions non-profit organization, to find out more about the weird and wonderful feline minds.
“In spite of their solitary roots, cats are very social, and do bond quite deeply with their owners. They do see when we are not feeling well – emotionally or physically,” Molly said. She explained that is partially due to the break in ‘norm’ – when you are acting different than usual, the cat senses something is wrong.
This Is Whiskey. Earlier This Week, Someone Tried To Rob Us At Home And This Guy Sprung Into Action. Woke Me Up, Ran To The Window And Watched The Front Door As My Wife And I Called 911 And Watched The Windows. He’s Our Little Guard Kitty
Hooman, Why You Do Dis?
I Am A Defender Of The Realm Meow
The cat behavior specialist says it’s important to reassure your cat if you aren’t feeling well so that they don’t think they’ve done something bad.
"A sign of bonding is when you see your cat rubbing the side of their face against your legs, and items in your home. That area is where there are scent glands that deposit a unique smell for each cat," Molly said in our previous interview.
My Friend’s Cat Sat Like This All On His Own Meow
I Am... Pocket Monster
He Thinks He’s Being Sneaky
According to the cat behavior specialist, cats are most comfortable in environments that smell familiar; like them.
"They are basically claiming you as their own when they do it. You will also know your cat is bonded when it wants to be near you. Some cats follow their owners around from room to room and others want lap time. Even when a cat isn’t fond of touch, they can be closely bonded with their owner," Molly said.
This Is Not My Picture, But If The Phrase "The Audacity " Had A Face, I Think It Would Be This
Omg! This is my life. I have a stray cat that doesn’t have a home and needed food. It refuses to come inside so I keep food out for it and now it shares with a possum.
Yep. The possums and raccoons clean up whatever our outdoor kitties don't. I try not to leave it out unattended, but it still happens. We also have some old coolers turned cat shelters and I was surprised to see a possum help himself to a 'room' one day - middle of the day, right by our backdoor!
Load More Replies...rob? my food is being stolen! rob? my food! ROB WHERE ARE YOU HELP ME
I was feeding a stray kitten on my front porch, putting out food and water. One night a possum showed up and was eating the cat food. The kitten was sitting 6 feet away watching. I opened the door and that damn Possum looked up at me and hissed. I ran that sucker off. Shortly after that I got the kitten inside. She is a beautiful cat, she sleeps next to my head at night. She's the first thing I see when I open my eyes in the morning. Life is good.
Think he just collects his salary. I think he’s underpaid. A single marsupial can eat between 5,500 and 6,000 ticks a week, thus keeping the number of ticks down in the American wild. You should see it as something very positive if there are possums near where you live - they don't root in garbage cans, don't spread diseases and don't attack pets.
Our outside cat Jackie, hosts dinner parties almost every night. In addition to Violet the possum, we are joined by the Monroe Brothers, two racoons. Jackie just sits a little distance away and there is no confrontation.
We have possums, groundhogs, raccoons, skunks (no, they never spray), and one extremely sassy bluejay who share outside food.
They Will Sleep There From Now On
This Is My Life Meow
I Have To Earn My Keep Meow
Can you imagine people following the cat, trying to get through holes in fences, walking along the tops of walls only to find it visits several houses for snacks and by this time it is late evening.
It doesn’t mean, however, that cats bond with their owner straight away. Molly said that on average, it takes about three months for a new cat to fully settle into his new home and bond with the family.
“The history and genetics of a cat predicts how quickly they become affiliative. If a cat was raised without humans around, it will take a while for them to bond. If a cat has a trauma event involving humans in their past, they too will take longer to bond,” the cat behavior specialist explained.
I Am Becoming The One With My Pillow
I Guess I Am A Decoration Meow
Took My Pants Off To Weigh Myself & Looked Over To Find This
Molly also said that establishing a routine as quickly as possible will help your new cat to settle in. “Providing environmental enrichment, so the cat can express its natural behaviors comfortably, will make them feel more relaxed in the home,” she concluded.
Thinking About The Life Choices That LED Him To This Point
I Am Carrot Farmer
Mobile Check Deposit Background
"You Will Pay For This!"
All Kitchen Visits Are Now Monitored And Require A Toll
Sunbeams... My Only Weakness
I Put A Heating Pad On My Face To Treat A Migraine
Maverick stays on my head anytime I feel bad/sick enough that I have to go to bed. He will not leave my side for anything. When I had my heart attack in November and was recouping we had to put his food and water dish on the foot of the bed so he would eat and he only went to use his box when I would go to the bathroom. I don't know what I'd do without my sweet furry bundle of pure evil!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Undecover Agent
“Well…at Least It’s Just Pillows.”
"Finally Some Peace And Quiet"
I Am Plant Meow
I downloaded this picture from either here or Cheeseburger. It made a challenging puzzle.
I Am... Kiwi Fruit
Ceiling Cat, Watches The Wicked, Observer Of Galaxies
I Am A Rug Meow
Not About That Human Nonsense
Studies Show That 2 Out Of 3 Cats Have, At Some Stage, Been A Victim Of Non-Consensual Smothering
The curse of my younger cat's life. He's fluffy, warm, cute and the perfect size for tight hugs.
A Lil Help ?
I Guess I Live Here Meow
Pick Yours Up
Cat In Hair
A Little Help
I Think He Thinks I Can't See Him
A Little Help ?
My Friend’s Cat Is A Bit Too Spicy For The Vet. She Gets The Space Helmet With Every Visit Meow
Put Your Thinking Cat On
I'm A Plant Now
I Was Told You Guys Would Appreciate This
Security Guard Life
That Facial Expression Says It All
Cats are everything! A cuddly potato baby, a big strong lady, a mobile check deposit background, and a phone stand!
Bill Clinton’s Cat “Socks” Being Hounded By Paparazzi
This is pathetic. And cruel. It's a f*****g cat for heaven sake. Just because it belongs to a recognisable person. Paparazzi are like vultures.
I Guess I Am Nyan Cat Meow
I love cats so much, you could repost the same pictures every 2 months and I'll enjoy them just as much as I did the first time
I love cats so much, you could repost the same pictures every 2 months and I'll enjoy them just as much as I did the first time