Cats spend an average of 16 hours per day dozing off, and this is fine—it’s their choice. What’s a bit dodgier is that they do this in the most bizarre places ever. Like, terrariums, vases, laundry racks, trees, your bed, your dog’s mat, the list is never-ending. We documented this phenomenon in our previous articles here, here, and here.
At this point, it’s fair to say that cats would sleep anywhere except their perfectly fine, brand-new, super comfy, and very stylish cat beds. Does that mean you wasted your money on a cat tree? Well, kinda. And that vegan hipster mat you got your feline last Christmas? You could have splashed the money elsewhere.
But it's better to understand cat logic late than never, so please get ready for Bored Panda’s new list of cats who nap anywhere but where they should.
This post may include affiliate links.
Cat Was Tired And Jumped Into My Daughter Doll House And Actually Used The Bed
Mom, He’s In My Bed
One of the funniest..i haven’t seen the funny side of what’s happening around since the idiot who started COVID was around
This picture is adorable, but that bunny shouldn't be living in such a tiny cage. An aduly rabbit needs at least a 4x4 ft inclosure.
Cat and rabbit obviously get along, so my guess is that bunny gets the run of the house, and just uses cage for toilet /food / sleeping.
Load More Replies...Bunny : "uhm...scuse me... but there seems to be an issue with the sleeping arrangements... not a big deal... but I would like to sleepies soon..." Cat: "Nope... sleeping arrangements seem good to me..."
I have waited this long in my life to find out what an annoyed bunny looks like. Thank you.
My bunny sometimes faces his butt at me and side-eyes me from over his bunny shoulder. That's how you know a rabbit is PRETTY annoyed. They also do a thing called foot-flicking, which is basically your bunny trying to flick dirt at you and using bunny body laungauage to curse.
Este coelhinho está com as patinhas dianteiras cruzadas, pedindo pelo amor de Deus, por favor, tire este gatinho da minha casinha, ele é muito folgado.
My daughter's dorm mate had a cat the always wanted to sleep with my daughter's bearded dragon. I think she liked the heat lamp.
CAn't... stand... this... level... of... cuteness...
I wonder how bunnies and cats get along? I’d like a bunny to add to my family
I got admit I read purrmaids text I Was like how is that funny it’s just a cute little bunny the one I think that’s kind of cool cause I just accidentally rhymed that But then I saw the bunny all right well that’s cute I don’t know how it’s funny Though And then I scrolled up and saw the cat and I’m like oh also that look on his face is just wow
One better, that's really the bunnies litter container 😅 kitty will have to explain what those small dark balls, stuck to his fur are.
I had a rabbit looked just this one named Elliot...he was a classroom rescue. At spring break, he was supposed to go home with a student and no one wanted the responsibility. One dad wanted to put him out in a field! Elliot had a BIG cage where he only stayed at night.....the rest of the time he had the run of the house. He played with his toys and with my cats.
My Cat's Kittens Have Found A New Cozy Bed... In A Cup Holder
To find out more about feline sleep peculiarities, Bored Panda reached out to Mikel Delgado, a postdoctoral fellow in animal behavior at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. Mikel told us that as predators, cats tend to “work hard, sleep hard.”
But their sleeping patterns are quite different than ours. “Cats tend to sleep for short periods throughout the day and night, unlike humans, who tend to sleep in one long (hopefully!) bout.” In total, felines sleep 12 to 16 hours a day, and all that sleep helps them to “conserve energy for when they need it most—to hunt.”
We Got Him A Bed, But Then A Paper Towel Fell On The Floor, So Nevermind
Get Him A Bed They Said
My Cat Has 3 Beds
Mikel also explained that most cats sleep a lot during the day since their humans aren’t at home and their environment isn’t active enough to keep them stimulated. “Providing your cat with a window perch, food puzzles, enrichment like cat grass, and safe solo play toys can help keep them more active when you are gone.”
It turns out, cats may be sleeping in all these weird places due to the fact that they fall asleep much more easily than we do. Plus, “they are also more flexible so they can fit into spaces that do not look comfortable to us.”
I Think Someone's Got The Wrong Bed
I Think I Wasted Money On The Cat Tree
I Planted Oat Grass For The Cat To Snack On, She Decided It Makes A Good Bed
Mikel explained that some of those spaces may “provide cats with a sense of safety, or the ability to see what is going on in their environment.” Because even though we focus on cats as predators, they are also prey animals, so they need to be aware of what's going on around them.
Spent 10 Minutes Looking For My Cat Before I Went To Bed, Found Him Asleep In A Wok On Top Of The Freezer
4 Beds For 3 Cats And They Do This
My Cat Has Been Sleeping On My Pants On The Bottom Shelf Of Our Closet Lately, So I Asked My Wife To Move The Pants And Put A Cat Bed In There. Cat's Response
My Cat Has Never Quite Figured Out How His Bed Is Supposed To Work
My BF Spent 3 Months On An Outdoor Heated Cat House For My Guy. Hasn't Stepped Into It
Five Beds And Ten Chairs In The House. He Sits On The Eggs
Cat Logic Is Beyond Reality
Money Not Well Spent
this is what i would do if i was a cat and cats were giant: Screenshot...75a493.png
Bought Our Kitten (Mac) A New £40 Bed And Walked In To Find Him Asleep Like This
how dare u give Mac a mere £40 Bed when the coach is clearly worth more
My Girlfriend Brought A Pot To Bed Because She Felt Ill. The Next Morning We Woke Up To This
Got Them A Bed And 10 Different Blankets, They Won't Sleep Anywhere Else Than On My Laptop Bag
How To Get Your Cat To Use A Pet Bed
Got Emmylou A Cat Bed
Sent My Mom A Cute Cat Bed For Her Two Cats. She Sent Me Back This Picture
Bought Him A Nice Cat Bed- Refuses To Use It Without The Box Inside It
He Has Access To About Seven Cat Beds But He Prefers Hanging On The Back Of A Chair. Why
Cat Logic
Best $300 I Ever Spent
Expectation vs. Reality
Cat Logic Is Difficult To Understand, They Said!
My Little Ones Have A Soft Cushy $30 Pet Bed Yet Prefer To Nap In Their Dad's Slippers
I Just Spent $70 On A Cat Bed And Woke Up To Find This
I had a cat that had a peculiar habit: she would curl up in a grocery bag like that one, my job was to gently pick it up by the handles and hang it from a doorknob. I did it first to tease her; she quickly learned to enjoy it and would curl up for an hour or so to nap. When done, she would slice out the bottom of the bag and drop down.
Ruby Loves Her New Bed
Just Bought A New Cat Bed. That's Not How You Use It, Sweetie
New Bed
We Put Our Cat's Bed Inside Of A Box So She Would Use It
There Are Three Cat Beds In The Room. No Need To Share
Two Cat Beds, One Human Bed, One Human Couch, And An Endless Amount Of Pillows And Blankets And He Chooses The Heater
Bought New Bed For The Cats
My Mom Made A Fancy Bed For Her Cat Out Of An Old Suitcase
Ungrateful Cat
She Dragged This Cardboard Onto Her Bed Instead Of Just Laying On The Bed
This Was In The Way Of Padma's Usual Napping Spot, She Made The Most Logical Decision
Ah, A New Bed For Me
Al Chooses To Hang Out In The Trash Instead Of His Bed
Cat Logic
Has An $80 Cat Bed, And Yet She’s Been Sleeping In This Bag For 2 Days Now And Won’t Get Out
Why Lie Down On The Cat Bed When You Can Use The Fruit Basket Instead?
Finally. Ginger Uses The Cat Tree I Bought Her
Bella Started Sleeping On Clothes On Top Of The Rabbit Cage. Bought Her A New Cat Bed Specifically For That Purpose Like A Nice Human. She Used It Once
TL;DR: People don't understand cats and think they're small clawed dogs or kids you can bend to your will. Cats will think outside the box, but mostly sit inside the box.
My cat was worst than a dog, i have a dog that is worst than a cat now. My cat was always with me, at university, air bnb, any room. The pic where my cat is using a tiny place before his hommock? It's because his hooman found this thing on the streets, thought it was the good size, but it was not. He was happy and didn't want to hurt my feelings. I adopted him and he was just happy and using anything i will give him. He had a great life with me for less than one year, the shelter made money on him with a pulmonary cancer. I spent more than 4000 euros for him, he was a treasure, i will never ever trust a shelter. dscn2718-5...635198.jpg
Sorry for your loss. He was such a beautiful little cat. I like black cats very much.
Please don't blame all shelters, you happened to get a bad one, report them !!!
Seems like cats enjoy the feeling of small enclosed spaces and being high up. Smooth solid walls (like cardboard boxes) may appeal to them more than a soft cushion open to the room. Think of defensibility, comforting smells, familiarity. Plan around your cat's needs and desires.
true, a lot of cat bed companys are like "a soft, cushy, cat bed your cat will love" and its like no, no they will not love that. they will love a stiff soft bed. they are not humans. (my theory is that they feel like their sinking into it and avoid it for that reason)
Load More Replies...okay, idea: a bed, that's just a softer version of a cardboard box :D not too soft tho
Some cats don't really dislike the bed but find something wrong with the smell. They're much more sensitive and very particular.
After it sits around and absorbs the house smells, they'll start using it.
Load More Replies...Yes, also take a cloth, rub over the cat, then rub inside the bed !!!
Never bought my cats a bed. Waste of money. Take a cardboard box, maybe an old sweatshirt which smells like the owner (in my case the sweatshirt I used to wear horseback riding) and put it in a shelf so it's not that much of an open space and a little bit higher up and done. Happy cat :)
Sometimes it works out like you thought it should. A month or so of really boring work and Ginny loves it. She is very elderly. Virginia-5...e5fe93.jpg
I think that when you crochet something for them they like it because it has your smell all over it. My cats always prefer things I crochet over brand new things
Load More Replies...Cats are the most interesting animal in the world! Their logic is beyond understanding. I have 3 and they drive my husband insane because he's logical. He's also a dog person! I don't think we wil ever understand them.
This reminds me of a poem I learned as a child. Cats Sleep Anywhere by Eleanor Farjeon (1881 - 1965) Cats sleep anywhere, any table, any chair. Top of piano, window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge. Open drawer, empty shoe, anybody's lap will do. Fitted in a cardboard box, in the cupboard with your frocks. Anywhere! They don't care! Cats sleep anywhere.
It's puuurfect human, just my size! (notice the cat hamoc on the right) 20170710-5...351bb9.jpg
My cat belongs here as well, and no, she isn't a vegetarian
its funny cuz i,ve been living on my own now for 11 years i,d say.don,t think ive ever felt "alone" tho because of my two fur babies. the amount of crazy things they do never ceases to amaze me. i spend most days laughing at them---and they know. i can see them plotting my downfall
Love the post, I have had dogs, now just two cats, adopted at different times, they are entirely different, they chase around my small apartment, they amuse me, make me laugh, one cat sleeps a great deal, the other is more playful, and follows me like a puppy, I was told, she was the last of her litter to be adopted, she was alone fore some time, so it seems that she was so lonely, therefore, it seems she is unable to get enough love and attention, I am retired so I have the time she needs, for play and cuddles, both girls complete my life, I must tell everyone, if you see those gloves, for grooming, buy one, they are great, and remove more fur, and the cats prefer them, unlike brushing, they purr while I groom them !!!
a thing that most cat beds get wrong: CATS LIKE STIFF SURFACES. we got out cat a stiff cat bed and she loves it with all of her heart and drags it to her next sleeping location. its rlly cute actually. also we tested a few cat beds for science, and she liked the soft stiff one the most, and the cushy, floofy, soft, one the least, and if it did or did not it have a cover didn't affect her majorly. ta-daaa! when you look for cat beds, too much floof or softness rlllly messed it up for my cat, idk about yours, but go for stiff.
this is why i make all my cats houses out of cardboard. he gets a new box made by me every year
I think it's the placement of most of the beds. Cats like sung places and like to be high up so they can observe their area. Our cats use their catio, beds, and cat trees after we moved them around - to their liking 😺 once they got used to the scent. And if one starts to use the item, all will.
If you layout tape on the floor in square a cat will sit on it for hours. Try it.
cats like to be in boxes and bags because they can keep the heat
I have no idea why people spend money on cat beds. Cats don't need them, they're quite capable of finding somewhere comfy to sleep. We've had many cats and never bought a cat bed.
Small note: everything on this page was adorable.
Real question: If cats are known to like cardboard boxes, why buy them beds when it's not what they want or use?
This is whole article sums up my dog, not my cat. My dog has multiple dog beds around the house, but refuses to lay in them. My cat uses them far more often than my dog. Another thing; at night my dog has half of a huge bed, but for some reason decides to lay in the one spot so I can't straighten my legs lol.
My questions the ownee(yes they own me) why do these people send money in expensive beds the leave cardboard boxes next to them?
cats sit in boxes to reduce stress, that may be why a lot of these cats are sitting in boxes instead of their beds
Great Post! Made me laugh ou loud, but also a little melancholy as I no longer have cats sharing my life. Fingers crossed I'll be able in the future to have cats again. Every life should have nine cats.
my cat sleeps on a chair when there is LITERALLY a bed right next to it, other times she with sleep on the concrete floor in the basement next to my clothes (i think it is cute she wants to sleep near things that smell like me ❤️❤️❤️❤️) i also had a cat sleep on a freaking tutu.
One of my cats started napping on the washing machine, so I put a soft blanket on it for her, but she would knock the blanket to the floor before laying down. At one point, I put a rubber-backed door mat on the washer, not for her but I just needed somewhere to put it down temporarily. She tried to knock it off, but only managed to fold it over and then decided she liked sleeping on the bare rubber side.
I bought two beds and my Eli, my Chihuahua, won't sleep in his unless it's on the couch or in the closet. Sora, my cat, won't sleep in them because she decided their Eli's. Usually both of them sleep on the couch when I'm home taking up 2 and 1/2 couch cushions, with 2 large fuzzy warm blankets, my hoodie, and my robe. If one of the fluffly nesting makers is missing I get dirty looks from both of them. Eli nests constantly, constructs beautiful perfect round nests and then Sora fights him for them and takes them over so he's left with either making a new nest or just grumbling and laying down. Both weigh less than 9 pounds and they take over my dang couch.
I remember coming home one day and finding our cat sleeping on top of a bucket of rubble. And it wasn't like pebbles or sand, it was the sharp pointy uneven stuff from a reconstruction in the house. She slept like a baby (until I accidentally woke her up). Still miss her. <3
I can't watch what I want on TV cause the cat sleeps on the cable box
The floor is the coldest spot in the house. Set the bed on a couch or chair. Want to grow your own cat grasses? A handful of wild bird seed is all you need to plant. There's usually catnip seed in there too!
TL;DR: People don't understand cats and think they're small clawed dogs or kids you can bend to your will. Cats will think outside the box, but mostly sit inside the box.
My cat was worst than a dog, i have a dog that is worst than a cat now. My cat was always with me, at university, air bnb, any room. The pic where my cat is using a tiny place before his hommock? It's because his hooman found this thing on the streets, thought it was the good size, but it was not. He was happy and didn't want to hurt my feelings. I adopted him and he was just happy and using anything i will give him. He had a great life with me for less than one year, the shelter made money on him with a pulmonary cancer. I spent more than 4000 euros for him, he was a treasure, i will never ever trust a shelter. dscn2718-5...635198.jpg
Sorry for your loss. He was such a beautiful little cat. I like black cats very much.
Please don't blame all shelters, you happened to get a bad one, report them !!!
Seems like cats enjoy the feeling of small enclosed spaces and being high up. Smooth solid walls (like cardboard boxes) may appeal to them more than a soft cushion open to the room. Think of defensibility, comforting smells, familiarity. Plan around your cat's needs and desires.
true, a lot of cat bed companys are like "a soft, cushy, cat bed your cat will love" and its like no, no they will not love that. they will love a stiff soft bed. they are not humans. (my theory is that they feel like their sinking into it and avoid it for that reason)
Load More Replies...okay, idea: a bed, that's just a softer version of a cardboard box :D not too soft tho
Some cats don't really dislike the bed but find something wrong with the smell. They're much more sensitive and very particular.
After it sits around and absorbs the house smells, they'll start using it.
Load More Replies...Yes, also take a cloth, rub over the cat, then rub inside the bed !!!
Never bought my cats a bed. Waste of money. Take a cardboard box, maybe an old sweatshirt which smells like the owner (in my case the sweatshirt I used to wear horseback riding) and put it in a shelf so it's not that much of an open space and a little bit higher up and done. Happy cat :)
Sometimes it works out like you thought it should. A month or so of really boring work and Ginny loves it. She is very elderly. Virginia-5...e5fe93.jpg
I think that when you crochet something for them they like it because it has your smell all over it. My cats always prefer things I crochet over brand new things
Load More Replies...Cats are the most interesting animal in the world! Their logic is beyond understanding. I have 3 and they drive my husband insane because he's logical. He's also a dog person! I don't think we wil ever understand them.
This reminds me of a poem I learned as a child. Cats Sleep Anywhere by Eleanor Farjeon (1881 - 1965) Cats sleep anywhere, any table, any chair. Top of piano, window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge. Open drawer, empty shoe, anybody's lap will do. Fitted in a cardboard box, in the cupboard with your frocks. Anywhere! They don't care! Cats sleep anywhere.
It's puuurfect human, just my size! (notice the cat hamoc on the right) 20170710-5...351bb9.jpg
My cat belongs here as well, and no, she isn't a vegetarian
its funny cuz i,ve been living on my own now for 11 years i,d say.don,t think ive ever felt "alone" tho because of my two fur babies. the amount of crazy things they do never ceases to amaze me. i spend most days laughing at them---and they know. i can see them plotting my downfall
Love the post, I have had dogs, now just two cats, adopted at different times, they are entirely different, they chase around my small apartment, they amuse me, make me laugh, one cat sleeps a great deal, the other is more playful, and follows me like a puppy, I was told, she was the last of her litter to be adopted, she was alone fore some time, so it seems that she was so lonely, therefore, it seems she is unable to get enough love and attention, I am retired so I have the time she needs, for play and cuddles, both girls complete my life, I must tell everyone, if you see those gloves, for grooming, buy one, they are great, and remove more fur, and the cats prefer them, unlike brushing, they purr while I groom them !!!
a thing that most cat beds get wrong: CATS LIKE STIFF SURFACES. we got out cat a stiff cat bed and she loves it with all of her heart and drags it to her next sleeping location. its rlly cute actually. also we tested a few cat beds for science, and she liked the soft stiff one the most, and the cushy, floofy, soft, one the least, and if it did or did not it have a cover didn't affect her majorly. ta-daaa! when you look for cat beds, too much floof or softness rlllly messed it up for my cat, idk about yours, but go for stiff.
this is why i make all my cats houses out of cardboard. he gets a new box made by me every year
I think it's the placement of most of the beds. Cats like sung places and like to be high up so they can observe their area. Our cats use their catio, beds, and cat trees after we moved them around - to their liking 😺 once they got used to the scent. And if one starts to use the item, all will.
If you layout tape on the floor in square a cat will sit on it for hours. Try it.
cats like to be in boxes and bags because they can keep the heat
I have no idea why people spend money on cat beds. Cats don't need them, they're quite capable of finding somewhere comfy to sleep. We've had many cats and never bought a cat bed.
Small note: everything on this page was adorable.
Real question: If cats are known to like cardboard boxes, why buy them beds when it's not what they want or use?
This is whole article sums up my dog, not my cat. My dog has multiple dog beds around the house, but refuses to lay in them. My cat uses them far more often than my dog. Another thing; at night my dog has half of a huge bed, but for some reason decides to lay in the one spot so I can't straighten my legs lol.
My questions the ownee(yes they own me) why do these people send money in expensive beds the leave cardboard boxes next to them?
cats sit in boxes to reduce stress, that may be why a lot of these cats are sitting in boxes instead of their beds
Great Post! Made me laugh ou loud, but also a little melancholy as I no longer have cats sharing my life. Fingers crossed I'll be able in the future to have cats again. Every life should have nine cats.
my cat sleeps on a chair when there is LITERALLY a bed right next to it, other times she with sleep on the concrete floor in the basement next to my clothes (i think it is cute she wants to sleep near things that smell like me ❤️❤️❤️❤️) i also had a cat sleep on a freaking tutu.
One of my cats started napping on the washing machine, so I put a soft blanket on it for her, but she would knock the blanket to the floor before laying down. At one point, I put a rubber-backed door mat on the washer, not for her but I just needed somewhere to put it down temporarily. She tried to knock it off, but only managed to fold it over and then decided she liked sleeping on the bare rubber side.
I bought two beds and my Eli, my Chihuahua, won't sleep in his unless it's on the couch or in the closet. Sora, my cat, won't sleep in them because she decided their Eli's. Usually both of them sleep on the couch when I'm home taking up 2 and 1/2 couch cushions, with 2 large fuzzy warm blankets, my hoodie, and my robe. If one of the fluffly nesting makers is missing I get dirty looks from both of them. Eli nests constantly, constructs beautiful perfect round nests and then Sora fights him for them and takes them over so he's left with either making a new nest or just grumbling and laying down. Both weigh less than 9 pounds and they take over my dang couch.
I remember coming home one day and finding our cat sleeping on top of a bucket of rubble. And it wasn't like pebbles or sand, it was the sharp pointy uneven stuff from a reconstruction in the house. She slept like a baby (until I accidentally woke her up). Still miss her. <3
I can't watch what I want on TV cause the cat sleeps on the cable box
The floor is the coldest spot in the house. Set the bed on a couch or chair. Want to grow your own cat grasses? A handful of wild bird seed is all you need to plant. There's usually catnip seed in there too!