According to animator Art Babbitt, "Animation follows the laws of physics—unless it is funnier otherwise." The idea that cartoons behave differently compared to the real world (but not randomly) is almost as old as animation itself. For example, Walt Disney already talked about this "the plausible impossible" cartoon logic in 1956. And when you think about it, the popular cartoons would lose half of their charm if their characters started acting just the same as us. Our sometimes dull reality is what we're trying to escape watching the funny cartoons, after all.
Bored Panda has collected some of the most ridiculous examples of cartoon plot holes to highlight how the world of cartoon characters differs from the real one, and it couldn't be any funnier. From the fingerless Powerpuff Girl Blossom eating with chopsticks to Tom and Jerry hanging out naked all day but wearing clothes at the beach - these characters clearly aren't governed by the laws of science or the norms of any rational plot twists. Scroll down to witness severe cases of cartoon logic that make perfect (non)sense and vote for the most facepalm-y ones!
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A Portrait Of Dear Father
Earphones Logic
Naked vs. Clothed
Christmas Before Christmas
Also before the invention of Coca-Cola which is where the red santa hat comes from.
Finding Love
I'm familiar with this story but mine went round putting something else that's not a shoe on every girl
Different Kinds Of Dogs
Cell Bars
Suddenly Ashamed
Fear Of Mice
Nothing wrong with that, we are human, but we are afraid of some humans :)
Fingerless Hands
Cartoon Married Couples
If I dont remember wrong the Millhouse are actually relathed
The Cinderella Effect
Snow White Logic
Well, Crabs Don't Have Ears
Hair-Shaped Skull
I don't know about hair, but I know that their left legs have floating toes bones.
Preferable Accent
Forms Of Cannibalism
Who Taught Him That?
Underwater Physics
Phineas And Ferb Logic
The Rules Of Gravity
The Simpsons Logic
Stranger Danger
Dexter's Laboratory
Spongebob Squarepants Logic
We've seen dogs walking dogs...It doesn't matter who you are, you always gotta do your chores.
Stockholm Syndrome
Trident vs. Fork
Slipper Logic
Dexter's Laboratory
Show White Logic
I'd make a misoginism joke about women, but mama will make me swoop the entire house before even thinking about it.
Caught Off Guard
To be honest I still don' t want my mom barging in while I'm in the shower.... in my 40s.
Pokemon Logic
A Subtle Joke
Camouflage Fail
Cartoon Logic Fail
Dora The Explorer
I'm the same way. I'm only bilingual, but there's something that prevents me from seeing things I'm looking for. If I'm looking for something and it's next to me, I literally can't see it. I have to walk away and do something else. When I come back it will be there.
Powerpuff Girls Logic
Failed Spiderman Logic
To be fair they don't really look like their heart is in the whole "villain" thing
A Bird Pilot
Glued-On Glasses
Carved... they are actually carved into the face
Aquaman Logic
Spongebob Squarepants
Scooby Doo Logic
The Little Mermaid Challenge
Family Guy Logic
Forever Tanned
Bugs Bunny Logic
Lion King
Beauty And The Beast Logic
Pokemon Logic
Family Relations
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she adopted? (I know, she's still got to be the tiniest whale in the universe)
Definitely adopted because Spongebob Squarepants's are Spong and Patrick's parents are same spec so adoption :-P
Pssst : He adopted her. Her mother was killed by whale hunters and he saved her
Maybe she was adopted. It`s still weird to see a crab with a whale for a daughter. I always thought so.
Her Mom had crabs and while scratching feverishly she inadvertently gave one a whale of an orgasm .
rumors are that the crab(im so dumb i forgot the crabs f*****g name)is her baby daddy XD
This one has been explained. Her mother was killed and he rescued and adopted her. ;)
Tom And Jerry Logic
The Louder The Better
I can scream and shout after i hit the furniture with my toe, and the pain goes away faster.
Pinocchio Logic
He didnt drown, he got unconcious. He was trashed by a whale and got into a coma.
Cartoon Horse
Portable Portals
Little Mermaid Logic
Gloves vs. Shoes
Family Guy Logic
A Mouse Walking A Dog
Mickey can walk in two legs, he can do that too. A cartoon which triggered our creativity to next level in our childhood. Yes ?
Cinderella Logic
Singing Solves Everything
Pokemon Logic
Undeniable Logic
The big question is where he's putting his cigar (and it's not his mouth!)
Safety Concerns
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
um they have air gum remember? they chew it before going into space and under water. Well, except for the episode where carl asks jimmy how they breath in space, but you don't hear the answer cuz sheen is singing.
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
okay, this is just like talking to little kid that knows next to nothing about world. Too young to understand and problems are just too far away to actually care about it...
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
Babies can swim right after birth. We just forget how when we grow up Hawaian babies don't forget, they're all naturals.
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
Funny Cartoon Logic Fails
Also it's part of the whole befriending a warthog and meerkat they specifically have that conversation in the movie!!
The author has obviously never spoken to a 5 year old, who could explain all of this with perfect clarity.
"Because!" isn't exactly what I'd call perfect clarity.
Load More Replies...You guys forgot about in Spongebob, they can have campfires and drink water and shower and stuff while ALREADY BEING UNDERWATER
They forgot the biggest cartoon logic fail of all: cartoon characters wear the same exact outfit every single day, the only exceptions being whenever they have a specific occasion where they are actually required to dress differently, i.e. a formal event or a change in the weather. The Simpsons, Family Guy, Jetsons, Fairly Oddparents, Scooby Doo, Futurama, etc. There is no "wardrobe department" to worry about, but 99% of the time, they don't even bother changing the color of a character's shirt, let alone give them a different outfit. It's far easier to change the clothes of a cartoon character than a real person, yet they don't bother unless they absolutely have to. I've heard the old excuse that a cartoon character's outfit is meant to help viewers identify them, but they're cartoons, for God's sake! They already look distinctive enough that you'd have to be a complete idiot not to be able to, say, tell Marge and Homer Simpson apart.
Some shows change clothing. Some characters in A:TLA/LOK wear different clothes occasionally, and Mabel switches sweaters a lot.
Load More Replies...Dr. Hibbert and his wife don't look alike. They are both black, and that is where their physical similarities begin and end. That was just racist.
The last one is stupid though. Simba is a top predator yes but he was a cub, lions in real life begin learning to hunt at 3 months but even at 6-10 months they still rely on their mother's for food. Simba would not have been able to hunt/kill prey for himself yet.
72) Bambi did learn Thumpers name... it was in the beginning. 75) Simba eats bugs bc Timon said, "if you're gonna live with us, you have to eat like us" and then he ate a grub. He was scared and alone and dying in the desert, they came along and SAVED him! Knowing that he cannot to go back home, of course he's going to try and eat like his new "guardians". There IS logic to some of these... lol
#4 isn't strange at all. "Christmas" was a Pagan winter solstice holiday LONG before the birth of Christ. Where do you think the decoration of trees comes from? Hint: Not the Bible. The Bible puts Jesus' birth closer to the summer. When Christianity started spreading to Pagan territories, they integrated Pagan rituals in order to get them interested, like moving the birth of Christ to the solstice. That's why you have things like holly and mistletoe and wassail; those are Pagan traditions, not Christian ones.
And the Flintstones is actually set in a post-nuclear future dystopia.
Load More Replies...Who cares? It made my childhood much more enjoyable and we were KIDS at that time. Do we have to overthink any single fart these days? The dark site of the internet...really.
Why should clever jokes make you face palm? Just because you don't get the joke doesn't mean they're stupid.
Yeah, really clever to take the gory remains of your father after someone ground him up into sausage and hang it on the wall.
Load More Replies...#5 makes perfect sense... How many girls are totally unrecognisable once the makeup comes off?
Christmas has NOTHING to do with the birth of jesus. Do some research on the subject. The christians stole a Roman holiday that already existed and claimed the idea for their own
51) Pearl is OBVIOUSLY not Mr. Crab's biological daughter.... and if you think that, then you need to go back and study biology! lol
32) If they didnt give a f**k about Meowth, then he wouldnt be on their team! Since Meowth CAN talk, he can voice his own opinions and make his own choices. Even Meowth doesnt really SEE himself as a pokemon, in fact, often times he will forget in the middle of a battle bc he's so used to being like a hooman, lol 33) *Bwahahahahaha* Omfg, the PPG crack me up!!!! xD
These are all pretty damn funny! xD Gotta love cartoon logic. My fav one was the PowerPuff Girl holding chopsticks! haha 27) Well... she's impressed by a fork because it's a human object and something she dosent already see everyday in the ocean. 29) Dexter DOES have loads of security systems to keep DeeDee out, she just always somehow gets passed them! As you note in the cartoon, Dexter will clearly state, "DeeDee! How did you get passed my security system!?" ;)
the pokemon one with butterfree, she aint holding, he is using his vines to hold on to her,
The celebrating Christmas before the birth of Christ is an ignorant comment. Educated people know that Christmas (or Saturnella,) with evergreen decorating, preceded the usurping of this day by religion.
#4 is b******t. Christmas is an appropriated celebration JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE IN CHRISTIANITY.
#20 Forget the shirt. What was carrying that baby and giving birth like?
Nearly 90% of this is pure humor (Disney is just interpreted fantasy stories with logic holes from the origin).
A few of these are explained in the shows so some are just nit picking. I must say it's a good blast from the past love it
I am 60 years old, and those cartoons were AWESOME!! We didn't think in the negative ,hateful ways that are now the norm.
Although these cartoons are full of baloney, I still love them to death...
Writes comments about the stupidity of others; uses the word 'disattaches' instead of 'detaches'! LOL
I have to laugh at everyone's attempts to explain the insane world of cartoons!
Disney's Cartoon are most Mutants, then normal person, just Look at the other persons in the cartoon... There's a conspirancy about Disney's World being a post apocaliptcal world where the animals overcome the human society and some of then mutate into this.... That's would explains Pluto being a Goofy's Pet
My God, we are talking about cartoons! God help us the day they start making sense..
And yet, here you are nitpicking over another person's nitpicking. Hypocrite.
Load More Replies...#37 Atheists deny the existence of God, they do believe Jesus existed
Believing that Jesus was just a regular human being and not the son of God doesn't count as believing in Jesus at all.
Load More Replies...Right! And it's the main character. That was a weird character design.
How sad and boring would be a childhood without all of this... Children don't need logic, they have imagination which the author, and grumpy old people are clearly missing. On some islands on pacific ocean 5yo do swim alone and they good at it. Hunt for shells eg., sell it to tourist to help their parents... And children definitely don't know what cancer is... how terrifying would be their lives if they knew from early age... sorry but your logic is crooked not the cartoons. Without the imagination we would raise a brainless, joyless and scared of everything zombies... did you think about that, or you just narrow minded?
Looks like the author not long ago thought it was all real and now is angry and disillusioned.
Well I can explain some: 3 sensitive ears, so HP farther away. Always thought goofy was a cow. 10 adhesive fingers just like Spidey's.
And what exactly does logic have to do with cartoons? Go to
The author has obviously never spoken to a 5 year old, who could explain all of this with perfect clarity.
"Because!" isn't exactly what I'd call perfect clarity.
Load More Replies...You guys forgot about in Spongebob, they can have campfires and drink water and shower and stuff while ALREADY BEING UNDERWATER
They forgot the biggest cartoon logic fail of all: cartoon characters wear the same exact outfit every single day, the only exceptions being whenever they have a specific occasion where they are actually required to dress differently, i.e. a formal event or a change in the weather. The Simpsons, Family Guy, Jetsons, Fairly Oddparents, Scooby Doo, Futurama, etc. There is no "wardrobe department" to worry about, but 99% of the time, they don't even bother changing the color of a character's shirt, let alone give them a different outfit. It's far easier to change the clothes of a cartoon character than a real person, yet they don't bother unless they absolutely have to. I've heard the old excuse that a cartoon character's outfit is meant to help viewers identify them, but they're cartoons, for God's sake! They already look distinctive enough that you'd have to be a complete idiot not to be able to, say, tell Marge and Homer Simpson apart.
Some shows change clothing. Some characters in A:TLA/LOK wear different clothes occasionally, and Mabel switches sweaters a lot.
Load More Replies...Dr. Hibbert and his wife don't look alike. They are both black, and that is where their physical similarities begin and end. That was just racist.
The last one is stupid though. Simba is a top predator yes but he was a cub, lions in real life begin learning to hunt at 3 months but even at 6-10 months they still rely on their mother's for food. Simba would not have been able to hunt/kill prey for himself yet.
72) Bambi did learn Thumpers name... it was in the beginning. 75) Simba eats bugs bc Timon said, "if you're gonna live with us, you have to eat like us" and then he ate a grub. He was scared and alone and dying in the desert, they came along and SAVED him! Knowing that he cannot to go back home, of course he's going to try and eat like his new "guardians". There IS logic to some of these... lol
#4 isn't strange at all. "Christmas" was a Pagan winter solstice holiday LONG before the birth of Christ. Where do you think the decoration of trees comes from? Hint: Not the Bible. The Bible puts Jesus' birth closer to the summer. When Christianity started spreading to Pagan territories, they integrated Pagan rituals in order to get them interested, like moving the birth of Christ to the solstice. That's why you have things like holly and mistletoe and wassail; those are Pagan traditions, not Christian ones.
And the Flintstones is actually set in a post-nuclear future dystopia.
Load More Replies...Who cares? It made my childhood much more enjoyable and we were KIDS at that time. Do we have to overthink any single fart these days? The dark site of the internet...really.
Why should clever jokes make you face palm? Just because you don't get the joke doesn't mean they're stupid.
Yeah, really clever to take the gory remains of your father after someone ground him up into sausage and hang it on the wall.
Load More Replies...#5 makes perfect sense... How many girls are totally unrecognisable once the makeup comes off?
Christmas has NOTHING to do with the birth of jesus. Do some research on the subject. The christians stole a Roman holiday that already existed and claimed the idea for their own
51) Pearl is OBVIOUSLY not Mr. Crab's biological daughter.... and if you think that, then you need to go back and study biology! lol
32) If they didnt give a f**k about Meowth, then he wouldnt be on their team! Since Meowth CAN talk, he can voice his own opinions and make his own choices. Even Meowth doesnt really SEE himself as a pokemon, in fact, often times he will forget in the middle of a battle bc he's so used to being like a hooman, lol 33) *Bwahahahahaha* Omfg, the PPG crack me up!!!! xD
These are all pretty damn funny! xD Gotta love cartoon logic. My fav one was the PowerPuff Girl holding chopsticks! haha 27) Well... she's impressed by a fork because it's a human object and something she dosent already see everyday in the ocean. 29) Dexter DOES have loads of security systems to keep DeeDee out, she just always somehow gets passed them! As you note in the cartoon, Dexter will clearly state, "DeeDee! How did you get passed my security system!?" ;)
the pokemon one with butterfree, she aint holding, he is using his vines to hold on to her,
The celebrating Christmas before the birth of Christ is an ignorant comment. Educated people know that Christmas (or Saturnella,) with evergreen decorating, preceded the usurping of this day by religion.
#4 is b******t. Christmas is an appropriated celebration JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE IN CHRISTIANITY.
#20 Forget the shirt. What was carrying that baby and giving birth like?
Nearly 90% of this is pure humor (Disney is just interpreted fantasy stories with logic holes from the origin).
A few of these are explained in the shows so some are just nit picking. I must say it's a good blast from the past love it
I am 60 years old, and those cartoons were AWESOME!! We didn't think in the negative ,hateful ways that are now the norm.
Although these cartoons are full of baloney, I still love them to death...
Writes comments about the stupidity of others; uses the word 'disattaches' instead of 'detaches'! LOL
I have to laugh at everyone's attempts to explain the insane world of cartoons!
Disney's Cartoon are most Mutants, then normal person, just Look at the other persons in the cartoon... There's a conspirancy about Disney's World being a post apocaliptcal world where the animals overcome the human society and some of then mutate into this.... That's would explains Pluto being a Goofy's Pet
My God, we are talking about cartoons! God help us the day they start making sense..
And yet, here you are nitpicking over another person's nitpicking. Hypocrite.
Load More Replies...#37 Atheists deny the existence of God, they do believe Jesus existed
Believing that Jesus was just a regular human being and not the son of God doesn't count as believing in Jesus at all.
Load More Replies...Right! And it's the main character. That was a weird character design.
How sad and boring would be a childhood without all of this... Children don't need logic, they have imagination which the author, and grumpy old people are clearly missing. On some islands on pacific ocean 5yo do swim alone and they good at it. Hunt for shells eg., sell it to tourist to help their parents... And children definitely don't know what cancer is... how terrifying would be their lives if they knew from early age... sorry but your logic is crooked not the cartoons. Without the imagination we would raise a brainless, joyless and scared of everything zombies... did you think about that, or you just narrow minded?
Looks like the author not long ago thought it was all real and now is angry and disillusioned.
Well I can explain some: 3 sensitive ears, so HP farther away. Always thought goofy was a cow. 10 adhesive fingers just like Spidey's.
And what exactly does logic have to do with cartoons? Go to