Canadians often find themselves bombarded by praise on the Internet, especially when compared to their neighbors down south. It turns out, however, that Canada is just as fun to make some of the best jokes about as literally every other country on Earth.
Maybe it's the unique ways the Canadian people survive and thrive during apocalyptic weather conditions. Maybe it's their fiendish dependence on maple syrup. Perhaps it's the fact that they're just too damn nice for their own good. Whatever it is, Canadian culture and its people sometimes become the easiest targets online. Though we don't think they'll ever get roasted as bad as Americans, we've compiled some awesome Canada jokes that'll give you a nice friendly chuckle at the Great White North's expense.
Scroll down to see them all and vote for the Canada memes that made you say, "Hey bud, that's funny, eh?"
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My geography teacher once said that Australia is trying to be like Canada whilst ending up more and more like America...
I really wish we could stop making fun of this. Yes, it's ridiculous to see it on every cup forevermore. But there was a serious lawsuit with legitimate claims behind it. That coffee that McDonald's served her was so hot it actually melted the cup it was in. She was parked when she was opening the lid to add her cream/sugar. She only asked for her medical bills, (20k) and they only offered her $800. They had had multiple warnings and settlements about the temperature they were serving the coffee at. And the punitive damages awarded were two days worth of their coffee sales. And was reduced by the judge.
Shouldn't the milky way be Bagged Milky way? Referencing to the bagged milk post..
i would love if america would just stay home and shut up and canada made friends with the world and then could bring america along later like *yeah this is my little brother, hes cool guys just dont talk to him if he gets fussy*
Well - It prompted me a Google search - Here are the results: French is the mother tongue of about 7.2 million Canadians (20.6% of the Canadian population, second to English at 56%) according to Census Canada 2016. Most native speakers of the French language in Canada live in Quebec, where French is the majority official language.
Thank god they don't do this in the US, no one wants to see Trump topless... not even Melania!
So funny!! I did that inside my daughters school books! She even has a mirror in her locker that translates " you are beautiful, you are strong, you can do it!"
The canadian stereotype here is not the moose walking into the store. The stereotype is, instead being shot to death, the moose got a free snack.
American's are gaving a fit over the Starbuck's holiday cups MAYBE hinting to same sex hand holding so.....
To all the "Hobbits are from NZ" posts, I would just like to say "Ron Swanson is not Canadian!"
I actually googled to check if it was a legit news and it freakin' was...
Do you go first or you go first thing is actually true it irritates me what a car approaches a four-way stop first and The Pedestrian waves them on don't just have your car sit there and say no you can go ahead I will turn around and start playing with my cell phone my God that's so annoying
That's actually kind of amazing! They adapted to the cold over time! ':D
Wish it was only a kind Canadian joke, but this is the sad truth. Thousands are killed in action, over a million people lost their homes because russians have no respect to other countrie's borders and sovereignity. Anyway, thanks Canada for trying, you are really good and true friend of my country.
NZ as well. We’re a fairly friendly country. Our country is basically do whatever you want and still get a hug from strangers
Why do people fail to grasp the concept that Canada's ultimate Head of State is the British Queen? Thus they have a Prime Minister and no president.
Canadians talk like Americans with British English and French thrown in for good measure. It keeps the rest of us confused. (I was married to an American-Canadian for 40 years) His family is quite uniquely interesting.
Americans may not bag milk because they don't know how to use it.
poutine. french fries with cheese curd and gravy on top Capture-5a...0a0f88.jpg
Canadians: Accomplished at winter. 2007737-5a...08d78a.gif
If you've ever wondered why Canadians are frequently the subject of playful jabs and jokes, it's suggested that their uniquely friendly nature and iconic symbols like maple syrup contribute to this phenomenon.
For a more in-depth exploration into what makes humor about Canada so enduringly popular, you can check out this hilarious collection of funny Canadian jokes.
Caitlyn and Melody lol you realize that the economy is still Obama's right? Also, Trump probably figured he had to give something back to veterans being he dodged the draft how many times. How many women are we up to now who have accused him of rape and assault? How much is he spending on the military? How much is he spending on his stupid f*****g wall that is literally pointless? How many countries consider us a joke? How many world leaders has he offended or pissed off in his FIRST year? How many people still side with him?
Load More Replies...Caitlyn and Melody lol you realize that the economy is still Obama's right? Also, Trump probably figured he had to give something back to veterans being he dodged the draft how many times. How many women are we up to now who have accused him of rape and assault? How much is he spending on the military? How much is he spending on his stupid f*****g wall that is literally pointless? How many countries consider us a joke? How many world leaders has he offended or pissed off in his FIRST year? How many people still side with him?
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