The relationship between the boss and the employee is significant to company productivity. Do you know what else is? A batch of funny work memes for when that relationship goes down the drain. What else can save the day after your horrible boss and coworkers take all the glory for your work? Or tame your temper after they micromanage every little thing you do? 
Bored Panda has compiled a list of the best memes, and they’re so relatable they will definitely remind you that the universe hasn’t conspired against you and you’re not the only one going through this nonsense. So, continue scrolling through your favorite job memes. In the meantime, don't forget to enjoy and upvote the ones that help you to go through the week!


Capitalism In A Nutshell

Boss meme with a man leaning on a sports car, showcasing humor about working hard for luxury.



    Great Work Meme

    Funny boss meme featuring tweets about co-workers and thrift store shopping.

    tecnogamer Report

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    Ruth Harper
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They don't care about actually taking care of employees, they only care about how they look to others.


    Hate My Job Meme

    Man humorously showing contrasting shirts about his job feelings, with and without his boss present, in a funny boss meme.



    Colleague Teamwork

    Two construction workers with safety vests and helmets creatively taking a break, embodying a funny boss meme.



    Micromanaging Boss Meme

    A funny meme showing a dog and child, capturing the idea of a boss micro-managing tasks.

    servingmemeshotallday Report

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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is the most accurate picture of all. Bad leaders really care for every s**t instead of for the big turds.

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    If Only It Was That Easy

    Employee telling boss they need the rest of the day off; a funny boss meme featuring office humor.


    How Bosses Can Earn or Lose the Respect of Their Co-Workers?

    What’s the difference between a good and a bad boss? Well, usually, the way they make their employees feel. Even though employers don't have to be liked by their employees, it is important to set up staff members for success and to support them in their work. According to The Balance Careers, those who repeatedly fail to do this will lose the respect of their employees and might even become disliked as people.

    Bosses should be honest with themselves about their skills and their confidence. If they’re unsure of themselves, faking it is the worst way of going about it. employees will know, and they won't be willing to look to them for guidance. And the more they try to fool them, the bigger the resentment.

    However, if bosses feel like they’re in over their heads, they can win the respect of their staff by confronting the shortcomings and making them a part of the solution. Seeking help from the employees who may have knowledge, experience, or insight that the bosses themselves lack is the way to go.


    Before You Go Work Meme

    Person closing eyes with caption about boss interruptions, illustrating funny boss meme.

    viralbuzzmagazine Report


    When Coworkers Steal Your Ideas

    Boss meme featuring a man in a suit pointing at a presentation graph with a humorous text overlay about idea ownership.



    Workaholic Boss Meme

    Person in a full-body cast in a hospital bed with the text "Bosses be like: You're still coming to work right?" for boss memes.


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    Daria B
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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In my case, this one applies not to my boss, but the days-off system we have. TT_TT

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    Boss Always Makes The Best Jokes

    Collage of a man laughing used in a boss meme about salary increment and bad jokes. Report


    When The Boss Is On Vacation

    A person joyfully spins in a meadow with mountains, under text about a boss being out of town, highlighting a funny boss meme.

    insufficientmemery Report


    Ordinary Tuesday Work Meme

    Woman running from a car with a caption about bosses and after-work favors, capturing a funny boss meme idea.


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    Petra Schaap
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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    when i just started working as a cleaner, one day I was a bit late done with work. I was still in the building, but already had my coat on when someone came running to me in panic: a guest threw up and no one wanted to clean it up. I could have said "nope I'm gone" but didnt, and found a whole circle of people around the mess, and the poor woman sick as a dog and crying of shame. I was so pissed off (not at her) I cleaned it up rapidly without blinking an eye while everyone just stared. The next week, xmas gifts were given out, and I got an envelope with a 150 euro gift voucher in it. The person who handed me the envelop told me this was the first time ever that the cleaning woman got a voucher too. Apparently I impressed everyone with cleaning up someones puke in my own time, without complaining or blinking an eye :-D

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    How to Avoid Being a Bad Boss and Losing Your Employees’ Trust

    Employees recognize when a boss is simply using them to make themselves look better or to further their own professional goals. They will be especially resentful if they are blamed for making their boss look bad. Everybody should have a role and know that role. To put it simply, it should be about the department or the company as a whole meeting a goal rather than the leader taking them there. To regain the respect of employees, a boss has to make sure everyone’s role is defined and that they all have an opportunity to share in the team’s success.


    And even the most humble managers can incorrectly assess how much managing an employee needs. If they micromanage and nitpick their ideas and work, they will never tap into their discretionary energy or the best they have to offer.

    Of course, this doesn't mean that employees in training and employees who change their positions or acquire new responsibilities are OK without guidance. But, if leaders aren't guiding them to lessen their own involvement, there’s a problem. Micromanaging good and productive employees is the easiest way to demotivate them.


    No Emails After Working Hours

    Blindfolded woman on a boat with children, symbolizing funniest boss meme about after-hours emails.

    sacredmaymays Report

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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nobody should have to work without pay after working hours anyways

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    Flexible Scheduling

    Boss meme with a man in a red shirt explaining flexible scheduling humorously while sitting in an office chair.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Boss Be Like

    Flooded street with cars submerged, captioned "Boss be like... you're still coming to work right?" Funniest boss meme.


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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This legit happened to me. Heavy downpour that flooded the parking lot outside my apartment,, the water had risen over all the cars and was on the porch coming through the doorway and flooding the downstairs apartments. I called my boss and told him what was going on. He said "you can't walk?" I said "it's at least 6 ft of water and I'm 5'4 and I'm not swimming to work for $7/hour."

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    Saturday Work Meme

    Boss meme of a man with a cigar, highlighting typical workplace humor and irony in a professional setting.



    Thursday Work Meme

    Man relaxing on a pool float with a magazine and drink, capturing a funny boss meme about working from home.

    lamewhiteboy Report

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    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also you: last home-offe day for the next five years...

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    Monday Morning Meme

    Talk show host asking a guest a humorous question, with text overlay about weekend stories and Monday mornings. Boss meme.

    onefunnybiitch Report

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    Community Member
    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why do you have your boss on social media?? I have mine blocked!

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    Work From Home Meme

    Man gesturing with hand, text says "When you call your boss and ask for 'work from home'. Boss: 'We don't do that here.'" Funny boss meme.

    memesbyac Report

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    Community Member
    5 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Even though it doesn't matter whether you sit on the computer at home or at work

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    Laugh Your Way Through a Stressful Workday

    Whether you love or hate your boss and coworkers, you can always find some humor in their quirks and antics. The great work memes are sure to make you chuckle, relate, and maybe even make your day. Share them with your friends on social media or co-workers on Slack—have fun at work, followed by a good laugh! After all, laughter is the best medicine and motivation to survive a stressful workday.