If you’ve played video games, you’ll know that at the end of the game or an important section, you will have to overcome a challenge. The music will swell, you’ll be in some dramatic environment and have to come face to face with what is very clearly a “boss.” But did you know that you can run into them in real life as well?
We’ve gathered the best posts from a group dedicated to gathering the best, most interesting and unhinged examples of “final bosses” spotted in the wild. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own thoughts and even stories in the comments section below.
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Stomp, The Stomper Of Girlfriends
Lockdown Woman, Hater Of People, Fan Of Lockdowns
Old Man, 21st Century Odin
It’s not just video games that feature “boss fights,” they are a staple part of martial arts films (or most action cinema in general), table top roleplaying and, if you really stretch it, a key part of the hero’s journey. Humans just have an understanding of the world where “winning” or achieving something does mean you have to “beat” some sort of major challenge.
Of course, this idea is probably the most prominent in video games. However, as you may have noticed, “boss fight” is a term that is mostly gaming-exclusive. We wouldn’t call Rocky fighting Ivan Drago his “boss fight” even if it fits the form. In general, the best explanation for this term comes from the games popular in the 80s and 90s, where the final “boss” would be “in charge” of the other characters.
Bruce, The Berry Annihilator
The 6' 10" Business Card Dealer
J. Udge He Is The Senate
All in all, games make sure the player understands that the opponent they face isn’t “normal,” that this is a bigger challenge with, hopefully, bigger rewards. Typically, this will be communicated with musical stings (or even theme music, which is also common in films) to make sure the person playing knows what is happening.
Hot Satans The Fallen Lustful Brothers
Bird Man, The Feeder Of The Bird Feeder
The Stubby Legged Wolf Of Terror And Dispair
The main thing, as in video games and these pictures, is that whatever is in front of you isn’t typical. It’s bigger, scarier, more impressive. It has, as gen Z slang would say, an unmistakable “aura” that sets it apart from anything else. Just take a look at some of the entries here, if you put your mind to it, it’s not hard to imagine the soundtrack that is playing.
The Arcane Deer, Scurge Of The Dark Lands
Real Life Square Root, The Last Math Challenge
The Last Transformer
This drama is an important part of visual and audial storytelling in games, films and really any non-written media. How do you know that something is important? It’s got spikier armor, it’s bigger, there are flames coming out of it or, at the very least, you see other folks clearly in awe of it.
Man-Made, False God
Frehnieggy, The One True Solver Of Mysteries
Lenarus, The Almighty Bloodsucker
In non-gaming circles, this might be generally called the “big bad,” the primary antagonist. The aforementioned Ivan Drago, for example, would qualify for this term. It originated, surprisingly, with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in the episode "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered," but can be used these days for any antagonist that isn’t a minor character.
Japanese Emperor Caterpillar, Ruler Of Japan
Archangel Pringlei, The First Ophanim
Yi Long Maa CEO Of China Tech
Never forget, Elon has ZERO technical, scientific or engineering background or education. He's the antithesis of a trusted or knowledgeable source.
Of course, all this rhetoric makes it sound like everyone here is some sort of supervillain, when in most cases it’s just a cool image, or, at worst, an interesting person. Indeed, in some cases, these are downright cool people. However, if you happen to be an artist and designer and need some inspiration, I’m sure there is something useful in this list.
Figaro, The 9th Passenger
Sisyphus, The Boundless
Sisyphus wins again... but given how his past times beating gods worked out for him, is this really a victory?
Warp Frog, You Already Fought Him, He Already Won
I grew up playing in creeks and this actually explains a lot. It certainly seemed like the frogs could teleport.
Ultimately, what makes any of these images memorable is that they have the aforementioned “aura,” just a sort of energy to them that is both impressive and interesting. It catches your eye, it intimidates, it maybe even inspires you. It has an, well, “it factor” that can’t be easily described, but you definitely know it when you see it.
Big Truckin Goth Farmer
The Clipsmith, Armorer Of The Fae
The One Who Walked On Fours
Trinity Of Assassin Guild
The Beast The Winter Brings - Elves Devourer
The only reason i'd ever want kids...to do insane stuff like this and warp their little minds. Gotta have something to tell their therapist.