Comedy is the lifeblood of being a human being. Imagine how dull and dreary life would be if you couldn’t laugh like a fourth-grader and found no humorous silver linings anywhere. Luckily for us, the internet is here to save the day by surprising us into smiling and chuckling even when we don’t feel like it.
There are so many social media posts out there that are so bad, they’re actually brilliant (whether unintentionally or very much on purpose). And they find their way to the r/comedyheaven subreddit. We’ve collected some of their best posts for you to enjoy. Upvote the ones that made your day a tiny bit better as you scroll down and be sure to follow ‘Comedy Heaven’ if you had fun.
London-based comedy writer and musical comedian Ariane Sherine gave Bored Panda some insights into comedy that's so-bad-it's-good and how subjective it can be. Read on for her insights, dear Pandas!
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Peepee Poopoo
The ‘Comedy Heaven’ community is quite large, boasting a whopping 1.47 million members (who are known as “Gay Jar Jars” in the group, referring to the super annoying and probably secretly-a-Sith character from the Star Wars prequels, Jar Jar Binks).
The r/comedyheaven group even has Jar Jar as their mascot in their profile photo, so we can only assume that they think the character is so bad, he’s actually good! Personally, I’m a fan of Jar Jar: he’s quirky, he’s fun, he adds flavor. But some hardcore Star Wars fans would roast me on an open fire (along with Representative Binks) if they heard me saying that, so keep this just between you and me, okay?
Comedy writer Ariane told us that as long as something is funny and entertaining, it doesn't matter how bad it is. "We might groan but we'll still enjoy it! The line between so-bad-it's-good and so-bad-it's-still-bad lies where the thing ceases to be funny and entertaining," she said.
This One Should Go All The Up
Great Power
Ariane also pointed out to Bored Panda that comedy relies on surprising the audience in some form or another. If it isn't there, it isn't comedy. "I think there has to be an element of surprise—that's where the laugh comes from."
The comedian added that humor is quite a subjective thing. "I love comedians my friends don't, and vice versa. I've sat at comedy gigs laughing my head off while a friend sits stony-faced beside me," Ariane shared. "I like puns and one-liners, whereas one of my friends loves slapstick. Physical comedy leaves me cold, I can't really see any humor in it, but Buster Keaton and Chevy Chase would never have succeeded if everybody had felt that way."
She added: "Of course, there are comics who nobody finds funny, but they tend to be at open-mic level (entry-level) and either they get better and rise through the ranks, or they stay bad!"
Jim Has Returned
Fine Nothing
No It Doesn’t
The subreddit was started in mid-March of 2018 and they’ll be celebrating their third birthday in just a couple of short weeks. We’re not sure what they have planned, but you can bet your bottom dollar we’re trying to find out.
But before you go posting on the r/comedyheaven subreddit, you have to read the rules. “This sub is for so-bad-it’s-good humor. All posts must be images that are so stupid, juvenile, or generally bad that they become funny for the wrong reasons. Ironically bad posts are allowed, but ONLY if they could pass as something made unironically. Obvious satire is NOT allowed. This may also just mean your post is unfunny,” the subreddit moderators explain.
Fuk Yu
Asian Obama
Residents Of London
T-they, errr, they’ve even made a handy flowchart for you to check if you should post something. What’s more, the posts have to be best suited for ‘Comedy Heaven,’ not any other specialized comedy subreddit. So if it isn’t so-bad-it’s-good, it might just belong somewhere else. Luckily, Reddit pretty much has a separate group for each and every taste of humor you might find. So, odds are, you’ll never run out of content for your particular palette.
Bro How?
Username Check Out
Jokes and posts that are sooo bad that they circle around and actually end up being pretty good are a personal favorite of mine. There’s nothing like making someone cringe and then laugh despite themselves. It’s corny, childish, dad-joke-like humor. And despite being low-effort (sometimes), it’s a great way to boost someone’s day. Even if it is at your own expense.
Have Fun Getting Hack
Fish Tape
hahahaha. For those who don't know the Commonwealth Bank is Australian and they charged dead people for financial advice until they were caught. The fish is too good for them
TV Tropes, one of the best places on the net to waste your time, goes into detail about the paradox created by things that are so bad, they’re good and stuff that’s so unfunny, it’s funny. “In English slang, this type of joke is commonly called a ‘groaner’ or ‘dad joke.’ Other languages also have words for this phenomenon: for instance, in Indonesian, a joke that's So Unfunny It's Funny is called a jayus,” they explain.
Hello Granddaughter
I'm unable to stop laughing at this. Just me cry-laughing alone in my room except for my cat who is staring at me. 😂😂😂😭😭I need sleep
Sebaban Gay
Yes, Sebastian IS a gay name...if its the name of a gay person named Sebastian.
“Failing so hard you succeed is a rare gift. A common variety is to have something overloaded with so many bad funnies at the end you are laughing for some reason,” TV Tropes writes.
For TV Tropes, the core of what makes something bad-but-good lies either in the self-aware intentions of the creators behind a piece of media or the reverse: in how unintentionally poor quality becomes loveable and dear to us.
3rd Gender
“Once in a while, a work turns out to be so bad, it creates a disruption in the badness continuum and wraps right around to good. Rather than it unintentionally Breaking the Fourth Wall like usual, something about the specifics of the work in question instead cause an enjoyable, though equally unintended, emotional response in the viewing public,” they detail.
Mercedes Car
“Maybe the hubcap-on-a-wire flying saucers are cute, the spontaneous brothel scene goes on for so long it's hilarious, or the technically oriented find humor in the way the hacker can suborn the traffic lights of New York with no perceptible effort. Whatever the reason, a truly horrid piece of work can become an unintentional riot and even get its own fandom for its very lack of quality. This can well be an ongoing process as attitudes change, budgets grow, and cynicism increases.”
So Talented
Because He Is A Dumbass
However, TV Tropes warns us that even something that’s so-bad-it’s-good is still… bad at the end of the day. Just because we enjoy something, it doesn’t, after all, change that it’s objectively poor in quality, possibly made with low-effort, or so random it shocks us into giggling like a schoolkid.
It's Real!
Black Baby
Glub Glub
One Star Review
How Did She Do It
Turkey Lovato
Oh No
Nasa Secret Assassin Base
Skweezy Is A Goldmine
Throat Goat
Buttfeed Shut Hell Up
Poor Melvin
Love how pax made an acc and continues to look at posts just to be a critic lmao
i like how the category for this is “people” and “social issues”
I send my husband insane things all the time. I've made him call from work and just be like, "What the f**k am I even looking at?" Then he just laughs, says he loves us, and hangs up. The more bizarre the better. I like to keep him on his toes. He never knows if it's gonna be a photo of something bizarre, a picture of our girls, or a picture of my girls.
Love how pax made an acc and continues to look at posts just to be a critic lmao
i like how the category for this is “people” and “social issues”
I send my husband insane things all the time. I've made him call from work and just be like, "What the f**k am I even looking at?" Then he just laughs, says he loves us, and hangs up. The more bizarre the better. I like to keep him on his toes. He never knows if it's gonna be a photo of something bizarre, a picture of our girls, or a picture of my girls.