Father Illustrates The Friendship Between His Tiny Baby And Giant Dog And The Comics Are Adorable
Being a new parent can be extremely tiring, but new father, Nate Anderson found his baby boy to be the endless source of creative inspiration. His webcomic series 'Boy & Dog' chronicles the hilarious adventures of his son, Rowan, and their family dog Murphy.
Anderson told Bored Panda the idea for the cute comics came after the birth of his son last year. "My life was changed by this wiggly, squishy boy that filled my home with laughter and poop. The family pets didn't know what to think of him at first, but my Golden Retriever, Murphy, decided that he was pretty cool," he said, "Rowan loves his animal friends and would squeal with delight whenever Murphy was around him. I started to draw the funny comics to show what I imagined in my head was transpiring between these unlikely best friends."
His Boy & Dog cartoon drawings include conversations, hijinks, and even some crude jokes between dog and baby. "Everything is new for the boy, and I imagined that it was the dog's duty to teach him all about the world from a dog's point of view," explained Anderson.
This is not the artist's first time trying his hand at a webcomic. Anderson's first series was called "Quackyboys" and featured him and his college roommates having "wacky adventures," but eventually died off when they moved on. A college drop-out after freshman year, he said he is largely self-taught, "I was already working as a professional Illustrator/Designer at the time, and I feel that I learned more working in the industry than I ever did in school with very uninspiring instructors."
While his comics are quite eccentric, Anderson admitted he's not very good at talking to people and uses his talent to communicate, "My comics give me the ability to tell funny stories and make people laugh with silly gags. I like making people happy. I like making people laugh. Unfortunately, I'm a little socially awkward so this is a better platform for my jokes."
Inspired by artist Glen Keane, he said he loves traditional hand-drawn animation, "I am a huge Disney nerd and when I get into a slump, watching one of the movies he worked on gets me drawing again. Disney's Tarzan has been a huge influence on my desire to animate." As for his own work, he creates each comic entirely on Photoshop from rough layout, sketching, linework, coloring, and dialog.
For Anderson, his overall goal with these cute drawings is to spread some laughter and joy to his viewers, "I know I'm not the only one who deals with baby problems and dog problems, so if I can get people to relate to my goofy drawings and have a chuckle then I will consider myself successful."
New comic strips for Dog & Baby are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on his website. Scroll down below to see some cute stories from this series and don't forget to upvote your favs!
More Info: Website

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A Good Set Of Chompers Make Chomping Things Much More Fun
I Told Him He Was A Baby. Babies Will Believe Anything You Tell Them
Rowan Doesn’t Move Too Great At This Point. He Really Tries Though
I had an expierence like this. A baby I was babysitting for would refuse to be away from the cat. She’d sit on it, play with it , and the cat wouldn’t care. I put her on her play mat, and the cat walks to the litter box. The baby scooched across the floor (the play mat wasn’t very far away) to the litter box and plopped in it. You can guess how this ends...
I Don't Move Fast Enough Sometimes.
Hahaha! My daughter is getting better and better at this! Now that she can walk and even run, she takes what she wants and go to hide in another room... And is not happy when is followed and stopped! :)
To Say That Murphy Loves Walks Would Be An Understatement. It's More Of An Obsession
By This Definition, I Am Also A Dog
This. All Day. Every Day
I Went To The Hospital With My Wife And All I Got Was This Wiggley Burrito
Why Don't They Make Adult Sized Jumpers Like That? I Need One To Replace My Computer Chair
This Boy Is Always Eating. I Am Living My Dreams Vicariously Through Him
Milo Weighs In At 20 Lbs. Of Cat Muscle. Outweighs The Baby By 8 Lbs
Murphy Is A 90 Pound Lap Dog. At Least He Thinks He Is
The Cat Has Been Bringing All The Bugs (Still Alive) Into The House. He’s Quite Proud
Lick All The Things. Result: All The Things Now Belong To You
I had to go back and check for the blond swoosh under the dogs left eye irl and it’s there! :)
The Next Few Comics Will Contain One Of The Stories That I Have Made Up And Told To Rowan. Proof That I Should Never Be Allowed To Influence Children In Any Way
Scooches Are The New Hot Item
We Have Had Many Deep Conversations With Rowan Over A Juicy Meal. Many Conversations
Chewing Is So Much More Work Than Just Drinking Everything
Kids, you can always count on a dog to eat the food yu don't want.
Like Bringing A Squirt Gun To A Fire Hose Fight
Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy Bum!
Why Does Rowan Do Things? Nobody Knows.
Snot Removal Is Best Accomplished With 3000 Pounds Of Sucking Force
Always With The Licking. Every Surface Of My Home Have Been Touched By This Dogs Slobber Dispenser
How Else Are You Supposed To Learn About New Stuff?
This Hasn’t Happened… Yet. I’m Not Removing It From The Realm Of Possibility Though
Stop Hitting Yourself. Stop Hitting Yourself. Stop Hitting Yourself
The Real Challenge Is To Hold The Toots Until The Right Pose.
Murphy Doesn’t Care About His Food. I Don’t Understand How He Is A Dog. He Eventually Eats His Food… When He Gets Around To It
Snot. Snot Everywhere. Where Does It All Come From?
Grass Is Pretty Great.
Aaaand when he gets older, he can smoke it too... I'll let myself out now
How Am I Supposed To Watch This Baby If He Keeps Moving Around? Solution: Duct Tape
I'll never forget when my son discovered cat poo from the litter box :(
If Only There Was A Market For Baby Drool, I'd Be Above The Poverty Line
Murphy Has Reserved Seating Under The High Chair. He Offers Helpful Eating Advice To Rowan.
He’s Having A Hard Time Drinking Because He Can’t Breathe Through His Nose. Much Screaming Ensues
I love the art style, and the characters are cute! I love the idea; these comics does tell us what would happen if babies and dogs could talk to each other.
OMG, my aunt just had her baby and his name is Rowan, and her dog is named Murphy too! What a coincidence. I still love the comics though!
These are some of the funniest, cleverest, cutest, well constructed comics I have ever seen on Bored Panda. This needs to be syndicated and call Nickelodeon!
I love the art style, and the characters are cute! I love the idea; these comics does tell us what would happen if babies and dogs could talk to each other.
OMG, my aunt just had her baby and his name is Rowan, and her dog is named Murphy too! What a coincidence. I still love the comics though!
These are some of the funniest, cleverest, cutest, well constructed comics I have ever seen on Bored Panda. This needs to be syndicated and call Nickelodeon!