40 People Who’ve Entered New Levels Of Cringe And Got Posted In The ‘Cringetopia’ Online Group (New Pics)
Think of all the cringeworthy things we do. Like realizing you were walking the wrong way and having to do a complete 180 on the street. Or assuming your coursemate asked for your number because they thought you were cute and gently telling them that you're seeing someone only to understand they just wanted to work on your group project. What about waving to someone who's definitely waving to a person behind you? That's a classic.
Now multiply the embarrassment these actions have caused you by approximately 1,325 and you'll know what to expect from r/Cringetopia. As you may have learned from our previous publications on this subreddit here, here, and here, it's the place to go to when you want to confuse and disturb your mind. Which, I guess, everyone has to do every once in a while to keep themselves in check—if you find that the content below doesn't bother you at all, please contact your shrink.
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What Were They Thinking?
This Post Is Totes Yeets Yo
It's not like the teens understand the normal language... /sarcasm
People Think That Negro Refers To The Racial Slur
Srsly, noir was an indicator of foreign language which should’ve been picked out by others
But I Have 11k Followers!
Influencers should spend more time hitting the books, just sayin.
Literal Cringe Face
How Does This Even Happen
I Can Do It But You Can’t
Cardi B Approves This Message
Come now, the guy had been drinking. He was probably sending her signals that she could take his money. Hell, he probably consented to it and is now having regrets. You know how men are. Why should we ruin this promising young woman's life just because of a fickle guy who can't keep his wallet closed?
Load More Replies...if a guy did this to a woman he would be ripped apart by the comments
20$ might have been funny, but 2000$ could've really harmed the guy. What if he couldn't pay his rent or child support? Shitty move.
"you know, if a man goes out at night with an open venmo wallet like that, he's just asking for it" --- SOUND FAMILIAR? /s/
...that's the point. when katherine said all that stuff, it was the joke/point for it to say something that sounded pro-r@pe arguments (just btw) /s/nm
Load More Replies...This is just an asshole, thief thing to do. Not the category of embarrassing cringe though.
Think the cringe is in reference to people's responses. Like a bunch of mouth breathers laughing at a house fire.
Load More Replies...Is it though? He handed his phone over to her, a complete stranger. Comes down to he said/she said, which is difficult to prove in court.
Why hand a stranger your phone and turn away?! Yes, she did a felonious act, but he's stupidly naive... Good LORD dude, have SOME common sense.
So, your Venmo means you have a app anyone can send money with, no password, if they get your phone? Holy s**t! We have Swish, with Bank-id password, you dont need cameras to track in cade you actually was tricked to enter password.
This is a common type of fraud. A person you may not know too well will ask to borrow your phone. They'll text themselves to get your number and check if you have any payment apps. Some people leave their apps open and that person now has access to your bank account.
And that's why you should never ever leave your payment apps open...
Load More Replies...I believe in most states, if someone steals money or something worth under $1,000, it's a misdemeanor, not a felony.
Load More Replies...People immediately assume that a man at a bar asking for a woman's number is an asshole and deserves his money stolen. Like, what?
When we joke about stuff like this, which happens a lot. It truly disrupts how serious it is. People joke and mock bad behavior all the time. It's become a thing. Be it spite, hatefulness, disrespect, harassment, or any other awful behavior you can think of. People joke about it, then one someone points out how serious it is. They respond with it's a joke or chill out, it ain't that serious. When it really is serious and awful. I don't know if it's because things have become so bad. When we see, hear, or read about stuff like this. We just laugh at it because we don't want to feel bad or deal with the seriousness of what's actually going on. I'm not sure why we do it but it's definitely something I've noticed happening a lot. Kind of scary when you think about it.
I don't use venmo but where I live we have a similar app and need to enter a pin code before a transaction goes through. This sounds false to me.
Soo how did she get the password to get into his ven account? Or even know where the app link was stored on a rando phone
I don't think that's funny. If a guy took advantage of a drunk women that way people would be lambasting him. She's disgusting and should be caught
I agree, what she did was absolutely wrong. The earlier comments are sarcastic, meant to shine a light on very similar situations that women endure, only instead of being robbed, they are being raped.
Load More Replies...Giving the guy a wrong number, for instance the local brothel number, is hilarious. Stealing money not so much. Felonies are rarely funny.
Your comment reminds of something...oh yes, that's it - "She was asking for it."
Load More Replies...Vegans Forgot To Read Food Chain In Schhol
He Must Not Have Been A Real Man
What Was The Point Of This?
Twitter User Discovers Empathy
At Least He Redeemed Himself
Imagine Being That Angry About Someone’s Happiness
How dare he live his life for himself 😡 how selfish, what about meeeeeee
Seems Legit
Logic Not Found
Instagram Thot Uses Her Dads Funeral And Coffin As A Backdrop For Her Latest Photoshoot
Apparently “Child” Is A Slur Now
The Baby From Nirvana’s Nevermind Cover Is Suing The Band For Exploitation. This Is Why.
So Messed Up
I Have No Words
Trying To Find Logic
Quora Moment
Oh No
What The [hell]?
Good Ole Fashion Keemstar
What The...
A "Class Clown" Threw A F**ing Trash Bin To The Teacher And Think He's Funny
Nah, This Is Cringe
Nice Guy Moment
My Wife Had A Surprise Party Last Night And Her Friend Parked Around The Corner. In The Morning She Woke Up To This Letter On Her Car…
My Iq Isn't High Enough To Find The Humor
Big Yikes
Having A Mental Breakdown Because You Got A Samsung Instead Of An iPhone
Sad Cringe
Can someone explain what's happening here? I mean, it appears to be a VR wedding. That in and of itself is rather sad. But what is she handing him? Why does it look like a díldo hidden in a flower bouquet? Is it ice cream? Is that some wedding tradition I have never heard about?
Apparently You Can't Eat Food By Yourself?
Why Tho?
That's usually what happens when I read Bored Panda.
Load More Replies...I suspect that it is ALL made-up -- by somebody not very clever!
Load More Replies...ok for that last one, people can eat their food how ever they want to, i some guy wants cheese melted on his food then let him have cheese on his food ffs
I'd just like to point out that on a lot of these posts I see KEEM Posting homophobic, redneck, racist, or sexist Posts. @keemstar is the one, so if u see him on another media page, scroll past. It's not worth it.
This has to be the very worst collection of rubbish and/or nastiness that BP has ever posted !
That's usually what happens when I read Bored Panda.
Load More Replies...I suspect that it is ALL made-up -- by somebody not very clever!
Load More Replies...ok for that last one, people can eat their food how ever they want to, i some guy wants cheese melted on his food then let him have cheese on his food ffs
I'd just like to point out that on a lot of these posts I see KEEM Posting homophobic, redneck, racist, or sexist Posts. @keemstar is the one, so if u see him on another media page, scroll past. It's not worth it.
This has to be the very worst collection of rubbish and/or nastiness that BP has ever posted !