Roots of April fools day are not known to this day, though there are some variations from where it stems. For example, it might be the April 1st in 1698 when many Londoners were tricked into coming to see "the Lions washed." It also might be as early 1381, when Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales were published, in which a depiction of Chauntecleer tricked by a fox took place on April the 1st. It doesn't really matter where this tradition comes from since it has gained worldwide popularity and gave us a chance to laugh with April fools pranks.
Best April fools pranks probably come from newscasters and newspapers. BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) once tricked the whole nation with their funny prank that spaghetti grows on trees in Switzerland. Or the hilariously good prank that Taco Bell played, assuring that they have bought the Liberty Bell, now to be known as Taco Liberty Bell. The best pranks, though, come in good spirits while causing no harm for the receiver (except being shamefully tricked, that is).
So if you are a fan of good April fools pranks, take a look at our compilation below. We don't advocate destroying people's property or hurting them (physically or mentally), but everything else is fair game! Happy pranking!
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Insect Lamps
Balloon Prank Fake Out
Plant A Grass Garden In Your Coworker’s Keyboard
Create An Infinite Loop Of Shopping Carts Around Their Car
Attach An Airhorn To Their Seat
Mouse Prank
Delight Their Taste Buds With Caramel Onions
its so evil everyone on youtube has done it already this prank isn't gold anymore its just old
Load More Replies...I might do this to my family hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well that Is your fault for doing it cue dab emoji boom savage! im on a computer so I don't got dem emojis
I did this one year for Halloween. 1/2 of the Trick-or-Treaters got Onions and the other half got Apples. Trick or Treat! LOL
Hey I just found out about this new prank! :
This not nice. One can easily guess that they r onions by smelling them. Bruh!!
Doing that is your loss to whoever you are doing it to because they wil get f*****g onion breath
This is totally appreciate for Halloween.thatll teach those pesky kids to come by my house! :P
Become A Seat And Watch People’s Reactions
Hang Kim Jong Un On The Staff Picture Wall
Make Mentos Ice Bombs For Your Friends That Love Soda
Replace Air Freshener With Shrimp Scent
Prank At Walmart
Leave A Surprise For Whoever Redoes The Carpet
The Cage Copier
When someone tries to copy something, Nicolas Cage's face would appear on their copy.
Paint Soap With Clear Nail Polish And Leave It In The Shower
Install An Airhorn As A Door Wall Protector
Good idea... the pressure from the horn will blast the door back... :P lol I'm not that stupid
Bathroom Is Occupied
Cups Full Of Water
More work for whoever has to fill the cups and place them, than for whoever ends up dumping them out. Wasteful, too.
Offer Them Some Water In An Original Way
Mentos Prank
Chicken Soup Shower
Plant Your Own Lawn In The Office
Chewbacca Roar Contest
Turn Their Cubicle Into A Bathroom
Make Dinner For Your Friends
Leave This In Your Roommate's Bathroom On April Fools' Day With The Door Shut
Give Them An Office Technology Upgrade
Fake Poop
Mix Skittles, M&m's And Reese's Pieces
Infest Their Office With (fake) Rats
I would love to try a couple of those out... especially the chair outfit :)
Those pranks were hilarious in every way! I will totally do some of these to my office mates
It was SUPER funny but waaaaay too much work! I forgot about April Fools Day until (Which is April Fools Day) so I need a last minute prank
It is 11:40 3/31/2016. I put my moms keys in jello and laid out 3 water filled cups. My brother and I put flour in her hair dryer and she nearly caught us putting coffee in the back of the toilet.
Happy Loki's day (April Fools) to everyone! I plan to commit to this April fools by creating an army of pranks for my poor victims! Mwehehehehe
nice article best way to prank friends thank u very much
Some of these were a bit extreme. My fave is putting scotch tape on the sprayer in the kitchen sink so the next person to turn it on gets sp
It was a good article can you check related article to pranks 7 crazy April fool pranks ideas
i sent my bf 1000 texts hahahaha it was going off for like 30 mins or something..
Find the best april fool whatsapp statuses on
I would love to try a couple of those out... especially the chair outfit :)
Those pranks were hilarious in every way! I will totally do some of these to my office mates
It was SUPER funny but waaaaay too much work! I forgot about April Fools Day until (Which is April Fools Day) so I need a last minute prank
It is 11:40 3/31/2016. I put my moms keys in jello and laid out 3 water filled cups. My brother and I put flour in her hair dryer and she nearly caught us putting coffee in the back of the toilet.
Happy Loki's day (April Fools) to everyone! I plan to commit to this April fools by creating an army of pranks for my poor victims! Mwehehehehe
nice article best way to prank friends thank u very much
Some of these were a bit extreme. My fave is putting scotch tape on the sprayer in the kitchen sink so the next person to turn it on gets sp
It was a good article can you check related article to pranks 7 crazy April fool pranks ideas
i sent my bf 1000 texts hahahaha it was going off for like 30 mins or something..
Find the best april fool whatsapp statuses on