50 Memes That You Might Like If You Don’t Really Like People (New Pics)
If one day you woke up and realized that every other person on planet Earth had vanished, what would you do? Panic? Try to find the meaning of life? Join the rest? Or have the biggest party known to now non-existent man, celebrating the fact that you’ll never run into another extrovert again?
If you’re part of the last group of people, then have we got a treat for you today! Bored Panda has previously covered the fantastic memes created by the Instagram page fittingly named Antisocial Memes. And today, we have more to share!
So strap on in, dear Pandas, and get ready for a funtastic ride. Don’t forget to vote on your favorite most relatable memes, and leave your thoughts and comments below, sharing your experiences! Let’s get into it!
More info: Instagram
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What does the word ‘introvert’ mean to you? Do you immediately associate it with someone who’s shy and reserved? Someone who likes to keep to themselves? A person that hates crowds? Whilst those are all characteristics well associated with being an introvert, there’s more to it than meets the eye.
Maria started the Antisocial Memes Instagram account 6 years ago not only to explore all the sides of introversion and the perception of antisocialness, but also as a means of self-expression. “I started the Instagram profile to overcome my social anxiety and shyness,” she told Bored Panda in a previous interview.
“I am an introvert and I needed this page to help me accept myself through creating and sharing memes related to introversion, social anxiety, and shyness.” Once the page started getting traction, the followers growing to an impressive 310K, she realized that she was not alone in her feelings. “Their support made me feel better and I hope that we make other people laugh. All this made me not quit, but continue creating and sharing content,” Maria said.
As Maria stated previously, there is no secret to the success of Antisocial Memes. “There is only hard work, persistence, good and healthy humor,” she told Bored Panda. “We express our feelings and we find that many people in the world feel like us and that makes them follow the page.”
According to WebMD, there are a wide range of ways to be an introvert, as introverts usually have a few extroverted traits mixed in with their introverted ones, and vice versa. They identify four different subcategories: social, thinking, anxious, and restrained/inhibited introverts.
Whilst many people think of introverts as shy, the two aren’t linked, as introversion is a personality type, while shyness is an emotion. Introverts prefer being alone or in very small groups not because they have strong negative reactions to larger gatherings the way that shy people do, but because they feel more energized or comfortable doing things on their own.
He will forever remember how to spell “reconnecting” now, so he did learn!
However, introverts typically go through quite a bit of backlash, their demeanors being dragged through the mud. The difference between an extrovert and an introvert is the way they get rejuvenated and the way they contemplate and present ideas: one thrives through social interaction and lots of stimuli, while the other thrives in alone time and taking the time to analyze before speaking. Neither is better, nor worse.
Susan Cain, a Harvard Law School graduate and author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, argues that introversion is often mistakenly perceived as being antisocial. As was discussed previously, being unsociable doesn’t necessarily mean one is antisocial, as the two terms mean very different things.
Asociality refers to the lack of motivation to engage in social interaction or a preference for solitary activities. It’s otherwise referred to as being solitary or reserved. Antisociality, or Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. Sociopathy is another term for it.
Now that we’re dealing with a lot of terms and descriptions, let’s get back to the root of the matter—the criticism of introversion. Those that misunderstand introverts try to “help them out” by pushing them out of their comfort zones, then getting mad for them being distant and irritable.
Interject passive aggresively with movie quotes: I will spare your life, if you just walk away 🤷♀️
It’s strange how much we think introverted qualities are negative, as compared to those of extroverts. Imagine if everyone was extroverted; we’d get absolutely nowhere in life, spontaneously combusting like poor Mary Reeser did. Life is all about balance, and the two different personality types work best when they work together.
So instead of us trying to change our friends, colleagues, and family members, how about we make the space comfortable for everyone? Meanwhile, let’s enjoy some quality memes, and as you keep scrolling through, don’t forget to upvote your favorites and leave some comments too!
Bon voyage and ‘til next time!
As a child this happened to me and I hated it. As an adult, this doesn't happen to me and I hate it.
…at night in bed on Bored Panda, cracked .com, and The Onion
i'm at that very special age where i have only one thing on my mind........ homicide.
Ha! I just got back from driving away my friend due to oversharing.
Wednesday is a cool kid overall though and always happy in her element, which is death, but she's still happy. Lol
Why can't you just go: "Insert appropriate compliment here" in discussion?
my brother and I would do that and I was the one who had to nip out to see if they were still there. If the coast was clear I would get him, if not, we used secret codes to let each other know that coast is NOT clear >.< later we used text messages! we're both older now but still find it funny doing this! :D
Hi Frances! The differences between the two are discussed in the article, as you're correct, being Asocial/Introverted is not the same as being Antisocial. The latter, however, is in the name of the Instagram page, on which this article is based on, so we, unfortunately, have no say in this matter. Hope this clears it up! :)
Hi Frances! The differences between the two are discussed in the article, as you're correct, being Asocial/Introverted is not the same as being Antisocial. The latter, however, is in the name of the Instagram page, on which this article is based on, so we, unfortunately, have no say in this matter. Hope this clears it up! :)
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