50 Funny Animal Snapchats That Will Leave You With The Biggest Smile

Community member
It's always funny when somebody trips and falls or does something random and quirky, but we can guarantee, that animals getting into wacky hijinx are even more ridiculous. And what better way to snap and send the pictures of these kooky four-leggers than using Snapchat. We can bet, that if these funny animals had fingers, sufficient enough to press the camera buttons, they would share the photos themselves, but for now, we have compiled a list of funny Snapchats taken by humans.
From people walking birds to unlikely cross-species friendships to sassy facial expressions, Bored Panda continues to roll out the best and the cutest animal moments caught and shared on Snapchat. After looking at these fantastic animal pictures, you may start to see that animals are not only goofy but have some pretty intense and quirky personalities. Scroll down below to see some cute animals and hilarious photos and don't forget to upvote your favorite funny animal pictures!
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Elephants are super intelligent and sea lions very entertaining. A match made in heaven.
Even if it were to be a coincidence, as there can never be proof, it is still absolutely special. I choose to think your friend popped in. What a wonderful way to honour your friend, keeping his favourite things together as a memorial to his life. Thank you for sharing.
This is one of the greatest photographs ever, on so many levels!
I think this is a bet: which of them will succed to poo on your head when you will get out...
For dogs being licked is a sign of submission by the licker. You got old deerie right where you want it.
darkpecockevan.tumblr.com Report
Phrynosoma species - commonly called horned lizards, or horny toads. Their primary defense mechanism is to squirt blood from their eyes. The adults are tiny: they survive on ants and other miniscule insects.
This is super cool. They look like models waiting to walk the catwalk in a Goth fashion show. Love this photograph!
The way the big bear is sitting in that chair! Super relaxed, queen of the castle!
Let me guess: it fell on the Platform 9 3/4 barrier while Dobby kept it closed.
Paul Wiggin Wildlife Photography Report
When you are angry, but you are small and nobody takes you seriously.
Forget the studies, you are already living your best life if this is it!
This dog has the sweetest expression
Mine does the same thing! I got him a fake phone (like the plastic ones you get for little kids) just because of it.
FatAndInflatedFurryPornTurnsMeOn Report
Not sure if it's really so or if it's the feathers making it look like it has its feet crossed.
They say if you want to know where the most comfortable place is, see where the cats are! Not surprised.
Here in Germany, people puts these plastic or die-cast crows in their balconies in order to keep pigeons and other birds from landing there. Obviously, this one is defective. Or that pigeon isn't easy to fool.
For the birdie to fall asleep like that means he is completely secure with his human and environment. Beautiful.
not duck hunt though... (did you know player 2 could control the duck?)
Looks like a domestic that either escaped or was released, he wont make it long on his own :(
Hmm this looks like that Skittles girafffe commercial
Im just gonna comment this because I feel bad that this cute little girl has no comments. LOL
How do you know it's not a tick disguising itself by wearing a piece of packing foam?
e, they are really used to harm animals. Those exercise balls are harmful for rodents. Owners shouldn't use them, if they really love their pets. Pet feels trapped inside the ball, gets anxious and nervous and tries to escape, not to explore. They should not be sold, just like braces for rabbits or guinea pigs. Under the guise of providing the pet with a daily portion of exercisI get mad at the sight of these exercise balls. Trust me, I'm a biologist.
I have a mini pig and yes he is 100 plus pounds. I got him when he was only 2 pounds and had to be bottle feed. He is considered mini because he is smaller than a normal meat pig. I love all of him and knew he wouldn't be tiny forever. He is still my baby no matter his size.
Beautiful, intelligent birds. Rescued a baby one that was hit by a car. Had a broken leg but made a full recovery.
If you have a snake of any significant size around your neck (this one counts) - ALWAYS keep one wrist between the snake and your neck. Otherwisef it gets right round and begins to seriously constrict you can possibly pass out before you are able to get it off. Believe me - I used to have a 6ft boa costrictor thicker than my arm . Do NOT play games with them just for a photo
He looks like he has an extra ear on the top of his head!! Other bunny was camera-shy.
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Henri, happy birthday to you!
I remember getting up really early when I was kid and running next door to my neighbor's house. They had a weeping willow in their yard and every morning there were cicada's on it. Watching them emerge from their shells was always so exciting.
I like the nasty side-eye it's giving you. "You better have paid your photograph fee at the visitor's center, but I don't see a tag on your camera."
I tried to put a harness and lead on my bunny when I first got him....it took a fair bit of wrestling to get him in it and then he went and stropped out under the sofa before finally managing to get it off!
Box turtles are North American turtles of the genus Terrapene. So Google tells me.
Any odds she's the lady that tried to get famous because her support "peacock" wasn"t allowed in a plane? You know "I ccan't succed with my art, let's get noticed for my peacock"!
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Šarūnė is a List Curator here at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication. Before BP, she traveled quite a bit and now could tell you some interesting stories about Alaskan black bears or how to survive +35°C while hiking in the Portuguese mountains. Later, she worked as a freelance copywriter for a travel agency until one day, she just became a bored panda. Now, Šarūnė can easily create a list of "30 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats".
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Šarūnė Bar
Author, Community member
Šarūnė is a List Curator here at Bored Panda with a BA in Communication. Before BP, she traveled quite a bit and now could tell you some interesting stories about Alaskan black bears or how to survive +35°C while hiking in the Portuguese mountains. Later, she worked as a freelance copywriter for a travel agency until one day, she just became a bored panda. Now, Šarūnė can easily create a list of "30 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats".
This is what I came for! This right here is why I love life and animals! They are more human than we give them credit and are capable of more love than we as humans will ever be, those raw emotions are what should unite us.
This is why I have this app. I suffer from depression and the positivity on here helps me feel slightly human.
This is what I came for! This right here is why I love life and animals! They are more human than we give them credit and are capable of more love than we as humans will ever be, those raw emotions are what should unite us.
This is why I have this app. I suffer from depression and the positivity on here helps me feel slightly human.