Motherhood is definitely not all sunshine and rainbows. Especially when the mother is tired or stressed out. Just think - sleepless nights, added responsibility, less time for yourself, etc. Would you be smiling all the time? Of course not. Don't get me wrong, motherhood is a beautiful thing and totally worth all the sacrifices, but it definitely has a downside. These pictures of animals' expressions collected by Bored Panda perfectly capture what "the other side" of motherhood looks like. Keep on scrolling to take a look!
Do you have any pictures of animals showing what it's like to be a mother? Add them to the list and don't forget to vote for your favorites!
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Zoe Is So Excited To Be A New Mom!
This Is My Life Now
Poor Mom Felt Asleep Just Like That
Sip Away, Little Ones
"Psssst! What are we gonna do?" "I dunno--we're completely outnumbered!"
Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom
Angry Dad Cat Liked To Sit In The Sink By Himself...Until The Kittens Found Him
This Is Not What I Expected
Are You Done Yet?
Looks Like Mommy's Having A Blast
The Moment You Realize You Don't Want Children
My Cat Recently Had Kittens, Her Face Is Priceless
The "First Time Mom" Look
Well Hello There
Aaargh, They Are Running Away!
But Mooom! :p
My Cat Has Seen Things
Drained Out
I Feel Kind Of... Trapped
Happy Friday, Purrrr
Always Loving On One Of The Babies.
My Precious !
When Your Kids Attack And Stop You Strolling Full Stop In The Middle Of The Door Way
Jhalli Totally Killin It With Motherhood, Butt On
I'm So Exhausted.
Mom And Son.
Six!?! Really?!? Fml!
These babies can't be mine, albinoes? Maybe they will have my eyes. Love my babies.
Everyone's Invited
Milk Time:)
One Mommy And One Helper....
Dueling Moms! These Cats, Lola And Little Kitty, Are Best Friends Who Had Kittens A Week Apart!
They refused to be separated, and won't leave that box even for a bigger one! They're precious, and all 7 kittens are healthy!
Even Rat Mom's Need A Break
Two Heads Together Are Better Than One
Worn Out Kitty
"1 Day Gone And I'm Knackered Already!"
My Doodle Escaping From His Daughter's Hyperness.
We're Getting A New Kitten They Said, It'll Be Fun They Said...
What? Did I Hear "food"?
In Qatif Sea , Saudi Arabia
Thank God That Is Over
Wtf Just Happened?
From Top To Bottom: Einstein, Phantom, Mr. Mango, Ella, Hunio
Happy Mother Cat!
Have Kids, They Said. It'll Be Fun, They Said.
Miu" Before Disappearing
Water Sipper
Much as I love kittens, I would love seeing fewer of them. Please spay and neuter your pets. Kittens can become pregnant at 6 months.
Much as I love kittens, I would love seeing fewer of them. Please spay and neuter your pets. Kittens can become pregnant at 6 months.