45 Hilarious Amputees Who Lost Their Limbs, But Not Their Sense Of Humor
Whether you've lost a limb due to illness or accident or you were simply born without the usual number, life can probably be quite difficult at times when you're missing an arm or a leg. But as you can see from these amputee jokes compiled by Bored Panda, some people know how to make the best jokes out of every situation. Losing a limb does not mean losing your sense of humor, too!
Whether recreating famous one-legged Disney characters, scaring people with funny pranks, making their own leg from LEGO, using their prosthetic foot as a drink holder, or using their missing limb to create awesomely authentic Halloween costumes. People in these pictures don't let their amputations get in the way of having some good old "armless" fun and throwing the best pranks. After all, taking your hardships lightly can make the obstacles seem smaller and less significant, and a missing arm or a leg does not mean that all your dreams and aspirations are gone. So don't forget to vote for these funny jokes; hopefully, this list will inspire you to smile more and worry less!
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