Airports are a place like no other, and we'll also tell you why. They have long served as gateways to our adventures, places where a vacation or a new life begins before we've even stepped foot in our destination. But have you ever paused during your endless airport navigation, with your carry-on suitcase in tow, and realized that airports are, quite frankly, a peculiar kind of chaos?
It's where reality bends a bit and all social norms seem to crash against a bit of turbulence, giving life to hilarious airport moments. Pajamas in public? No problem. Vodka at 8 AM? Nothing weird here. A grown man sprinting like he's in the Olympic finals just to make a flight? All totally ordinary sights, which is why airports are often seen as some kind of lawless place, where "being inappropriate" is a pretty much subjective concept.
People who fly through airports on a regular basis have seen some pretty incredible things — things you might not believe if we told you about them. So why not let these crazy airport pictures speak for themselves?
The internet has graced us with so many funny airport pics, and we won't deny that we spent an unhealthy amount of time scrolling through the ones we selected for this list.
Ensure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position, and prepare for takeoff. Our voyage through the funniest travel moments is about to begin! From outrageous sleeping positions to the most unusual carry-on items (we're looking at you, man with a full-size desk lamp), this is travel humor at its finest.
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Flying Home For The Holidays Dressed To Surprise The Family.
"Before the flight, I met this stranger at the airport. Instant best friends."
A Sign Outside An Airport In Helsinki, Finland
During A 12 Hour Flight Delay My Boyfriend Wandered Off.
"When I found him he was in the middle of a pixar movie marathon with a group of 5 year olds. He's the one for me."
there are airports with kiddie waiting rooms?! i wish my local airport had this
Son Made A Friend At An Airport. They Don’t Speak The Same Language But They Can Co-Exist Nicely
Oh No, Someone Spilled All Their Puppies
Soup Of The Day At An Airport
Gandalf On The Ceiling Of A New Zealand Airport
Saw This Pilot At The Airport, Yesterday
This Man Is An Everyday Hero.
"After waiting for our bags at heathrow terminal 5 for 4 hours the only person who was still there was a pilot, who helped over 300 people get there bags back. In case he sees this I just want to say thank you!"
A Wholesome Airport Reunion
At The Airport Tonight And After Sitting Began To Hear The Soft Sound Of Reading Aloud (With Voices!)
"This man is reading the lord of the rings to his children and it reminded me of my mom. I hope to be that kind of parent someday."
My, now adult, son is on the autistic spectrum. It's always been hard to know what he's capable of and his reading ave at school was way behind his interests. I was still reading him bedtime stories at 15; I got right through the Lord of the rings and was on the 5th Harry Potter book when I realised the book mark had been moved. He normally used the PC in the evening but since the internet was down he'd decided to read instead. He was perfectly capable of reading to himself, it just hadn't occurred to him to do it. What he actually struggled with were books which didn't interest him and reading aloud.
At This Airport, Luggage Comes Out Of The Car Trunk
Workers At Prague Airport Having Fun
At Airport, Just Handed This... Challenge Accepted... Good Luck Buddy. Standby For Results, Take Off In 40
Just Saw This At The Airport Waiting To Pick Someone Up
At This Airport, They Have A Machine That Will Print Off Free Short Stories For You To Read While You Wait!
Sign In The New Orleans Airport Bathroom
Airport Has A Section Of Rocking Chairs In Baggage Claim
Denver Airport Owning The Crazy
This Dog Watched Me On The Toilet At The Airport
This Bathroom Mirror In Tallinn Airport Has Instructions On How To Tie A Tie
Now if only I could figure out how to tie a bowtie. I've even watched video tutorials, and I'm still confused!
This Airport Hired Actors To Walk Around As Star Wars Characters On May 4th
Props To The Troll That Put This Sticker On The Wall In A Busy Airport Terminal.
"Been here for 10 minutes and have seen 5 people try it. Cruel."
My Local Airport Added A New Display To Mimic The Inside Of A Plane. They Chose An Underwater Scene As The Background. How Reassuring
Meanwhile At 10:30 Pm In The Denver Airport
I Saw This Majesty Today While Visiting The Airport
Working At The Airport, We See Many People Tag Their Bags. Someone Will Tie The Rope, Someone Tag Name, Who Will Sign. Today Came Across This
Mom Finally Got To Meet The Fonz, He Was Nice Enough To Stop When Leaving For The Airport
The Pensacola Airport Changed All Its Airline Gates To Stargates
Found At An Airport Drop Off Zone
So My Friend Is In An Airport In Morocco And Sees These Guys Trying To Buy Seats On A Plane To Switzerland For Their Falcons
My Cousin Met A Victoria's Secret Model At The Airport. Perfect Day To Be Wearing That Shirt
Just my opinion but I don’t think young kids should be wearing these kinds of shirts
This Airport Has A Recombobulation Area. First Time I Have Ever Seen This Word Used
The Plane Leaves When?!
Sassy Looking Pole In The Nashville Airport Parking Garage
Waiting For My Bestie At The Airport…
Met This Fellow At The Airport. He Explained That He's Going To Meet His Fiancé
At The Airport Waiting To Embarrass Jimmy
In The Narita Airport Of Japan, While It Says "Welcome To Japan" In English, The Japanese Text Says "Welcome Back"
Pet P**ping Station At The Airport
Hawaiian Airport Has Restroom Sign With Hawaiian Attires
Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
This Guy Wasn’t Letting A Delayed Flight Ruin His Day.... Hooked Up A Playstation To Airport Monitors!
There's A Roulette Minigame At The Frankfurt Airport Baggage Claim
I Didn’t Realize This Was A Requirement Now
My Son's First College Roommate Picking Him Up From The Airport After Spending Christmas At Home
When Your Mate Says He'll Pick You Up From The Airport On Christmas Eve
Realistic Sculpture Titled “The Traveler” In Orlando International Airport
Noticed This Woman's Skirt Blended In With The Floor While Waiting For My Parents At The Airport
Bathroom At San Jose, CA Airport
This Washroom Sign In An Abu Dhabi Airport Lounge Looks Like Arabian Batman
I think they're quite funny. I'd love someone to do one of those for me.
I enjoyed this, I was pleased, fond of, entertained by and further more delighted in reading this post. This post was very enjoyable. I would like to read more, therefore you guys, at bored panda, should post more of these, for I, Coolwhip, really am fond of these posts and should see more of them on the bored panda website, because I, Coolwhip, like them very much. This was enjoyable.
I think they're quite funny. I'd love someone to do one of those for me.
I enjoyed this, I was pleased, fond of, entertained by and further more delighted in reading this post. This post was very enjoyable. I would like to read more, therefore you guys, at bored panda, should post more of these, for I, Coolwhip, really am fond of these posts and should see more of them on the bored panda website, because I, Coolwhip, like them very much. This was enjoyable.