50 Painfully Hilarious Memes That Sum Up The Struggles Of Being An Adult (New Pics)
Interview With ExpertStepping foot into adulthood is what many children dream about. They fantasize about finally having the freedom to eat pizza five days a week, go to a friend’s house unannounced, or stay awake till midnight on a weekday. Sure, free will is a big perk of being an adult but nobody tells these kids just how many crushing responsibilities come with it… or they simply don’t listen. Nonetheless, they inevitably learn this later on, when they’re suddenly left to make their own appointments, wonder what they’ll feed themselves, and realize the bed starts calling them at 8 p.m. Then, it becomes clear that adulthood is not the rainbow and ponyland they imagined it to be.
Undeniably, many of us are stuck in this phase, thinking that adulthood is a total scam. To make these thoughts more bearable, we compiled a full list of adulting memes shared in the Adulting subreddit. To find them, all you have to do is scroll down.
While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with Shari Botwin, LCSW, trauma expert and author of Thriving After Trauma and Stolen Childhoods: Thriving After Abuse, who kindly agreed to chat with us more about the struggles of adulthood.
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I Just Want
You Were Right
Real Adults
Once red clothes no longer turned socks and underwear pink, it was all over for that separate loads racket.
Shari Botwin, LCSW, trauma expert and author of Thriving After Trauma and Stolen Childhoods: Thriving After Abuse, believes that many people find adulthood to be hard because it feels like an overload of responsibility.
"Between managing finances, relationships, fear of failure, and for some a lack of support, adults find themselves feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about their present and future," she said to Bored Panda.
Just Some Solid Advice For Adulting
Unless it’s a dog lol , I totally agree with this I’ve been a divorced line mum for 13 yrs I’m 60 n I’m staying on my own now it’s bliss !
So Relatable
Even scientific research considers the ages between 18 and 29 to be amongst the most difficult years. Developmental psychologists call this phase emerging adulthood, as it’s full of mental and emotional challenges. Because of this, it was found that adults in these years have the highest rates of depression and anxiety.
Even Then It Burns Me Out
If I open my front door and walk through it (regardless of how far) - that counts as going out. You can't convince me otherwise.
30 😭
Everything Needs My Attention
Botwin suggests that societal pressure to have it all figured out could also be contributing to adults’ stress levels. “The fear of rejection and pressure to conform often leave adults feeling insecure and stressed out. Many of my clients have expressed feeling like no matter what they do, it is never good enough,” she shared.
Being Alone Is Addicting
I Think I Was Rushed Into Being An Adult
You can have the m&ms but only if you do the dishes first...but also, here's one as an incentive.
“Societal pressures lead to unrealistic expectations about finances, appearance, and relationships. For example, some adults have talked in therapy with me about feeling like they have let others down if they are not in a traditional family or making a certain amount of money. These unmet societal expectations often lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions,” she further explained.
My Mother-In-Law’s Wise Words About Being Upset With The Election Results
This Is Not How It Ought To Be
The hard-won 8 hour day was based on the premise that all the workers would live within walking distance of the factory. Hour commute? That's on you as a wage slave.
My Favorite
I slept like that last night and now I can't bend my arm because my elbow hurts. Lol
Over time, it gets harder and harder for those who want to conform to societal expectations to do so, as it gets increasingly more difficult for young adults to find a decent job, a partner, and buy a home. These growing challenges, combined with still-developing brains in the early 20s, often create suitable circumstances for mental health issues to present themselves in the phase of emerging adulthood.
Take The Time And Try To Find Yourself
Not just that, but all of those things will help fight burn out.
Eye Opening
Or…….actually………that you are the only one who made it through all that trauma with a modicum of functionality and situational awareness.
This Is Literally What's Happening To Me Everyday
Botwin believes that what can help people to better transition into adulthood is setting realistic education, career, and relationship goals for them. “This allows adults to move through the transition with less anxiety and stress. Prioritizing mental health and continuing to develop a network of adults who can guide and offer support also supports adults as they transition into a new phase of life.”
Don't Be The Definition Of Insanity
But even though the adulting struggle is real, it can be manageable. Botwin suggests that grown-ups practice self-compassion and implement a variety of self-care techniques, which help to manage daily life challenges. “Focusing on the positive aspects of life and making time for fun and lightheartedness makes the shift into adulthood more tolerable and less stressful. Avoiding perfectionism and making space to have a tribe of supporters lessens the burden of adulting.”
We Just Gotta Keep Pushing Through
It's harder in retail coz no matter how f****d your situation is you still gotta be nice to everyone.
“Being grown up does not mean that we have to be perfect or that we cannot ask for help,” she added. “Being an adult does not mean that we will not make mistakes and that we should never have fun. Adulting can be amazing when we give ourselves permission to be the person that we want to be, and that society does not get to decide what we should or should not be doing regarding our finances, relationships, and needs outside of our daily responsibilities.”
Mental Health Is Worth More Than Any Paycheck
Too Many Negative Stories Here, I Love My Adult Life
Ok 😶🌫️
This was originally posted early on in the pandemic. 5 years later - still rather apropos.
Is It Really Bad That I Don't Have Any "Real" Hobbies? When I Get Off Work, I Just Want To Shut My Mind Off And Do Absolutely Nothing
This So True
This!!! We Need To Learn This
Is This Really A Hack Though? 🧐
Its Never In Between!
I hate that I wasted money on this meal. I could have made this at home!
Every Single Time
A $1 Saved Is A $1 Saved
I Thought I Was The Only One?!?
Officially An Adult🥲
That's Exactly How I Feel
Childhood Punishments Are Adult Goals
Another Weekend Gone
I've started doing one load of laundry when I get home on Friday evening. It has made a tremendous difference.
For Real 😏
I Can Relate
Quite Literally
Be glad your player is benevolent! There's some people out there as put their poor little sims through the wringer.
What’s The Fucking Point When We Don’t Make Living Wages ?
How True Is This😂😂
Or…wait for it….go to the public library where it is available to borrow on DVD……..for FREE!
Just Want To Be In Bed
How True Is This?
Can you think of anyone who needs d***s on the weekend more than they do? (And anyone who can afford it any less?)
True Or No?
Poll Question
What aspect of childhood do you miss the most now that you're an adult?
Freedom to play all day
No responsibilities
Lack of financial stress
Endless imagination
Downvote goblin out and about today, so I upvoted everyone who had a downvote for no apparent reason!!
Is adulthood really that much of a struggle? Isn’t all existence from womb to tomb a struggle on some level unique to every individual who managed to stay alive?
Being an adult is doing nothing but work and sleep, but I'm broke and exhausted all the time.
Downvote goblin out and about today, so I upvoted everyone who had a downvote for no apparent reason!!
Is adulthood really that much of a struggle? Isn’t all existence from womb to tomb a struggle on some level unique to every individual who managed to stay alive?
Being an adult is doing nothing but work and sleep, but I'm broke and exhausted all the time.