If you're browsing the internet for laughs but the memes seem overused and the comics look like they've become a copy of each other, there's still something that might do the trick. Amazon reviews. They're honest, witty, and, best of all, self-aware. From an elderly man who just used a selfie-stick for the first time to a woman who can't pull her new turtleneck over her head, you don't have to be a writer for a late night talk show to pen something hilarious. All it takes is just a little bit of amazement or disappointment after you open your long-awaited delivery. Continue scrolling and check out some of the funniest Amazon reviews the site has to offer!
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Breeding M&M's
Omg....can’t breathe...... laughing and coughing. Doesn’t help I have bronchitis.
Dude, don’t read funny stuff when you have sick lungs—you’ll just cough yourself into pneumonia.
This is a work of art, plain and simple. It is far superior to a good many novels I've read lately! Oh and pro-tip: try reading it in a Morgan Freeman As God voice...
If so, then dude is set the greatest M&Ms-off of ALL TIME!
Load More Replies...I've done this since I was a kid, early 90's. I call it "Battle of the Planets".
Probably for this whole month for me—I can’t even begin to imagine what could top this...except for the dude who got slapped with an octopus by a seal!
Due to soy allergies we can't have m&ms. Wonder if we could do the same thing with skittles. It sounds like fun.
Please make sure you declare this "grant" on your taxes. The IRS is watching.
That's so awesome! Now I'm going to have to try that next time I have M&M's. Good work!
Fantastic story. He should have a display cabinet of champions to show us.
This person should be a writer!! His movies would kill people from laughter. Lmaooo
I love this. Please post the winner, of course. You are my kind of odd -- and funny!! :-)
I'm sure that your study insures the right temperature that is required to sustain the chocolate from melting and making sure both hands are of the same temperature as you conduct this very valuable experiment. I applaud you in your endeavor to make it possible for future chocolate lovers to always know that more of these little morsels will continue to breed for our and their enjoyment.
and one more..possibly this method c/b used all the way to cancer research? Who can say? Extrapolate!!
We've definitely found the best new food critic/scientist. Great job, looking forward to further study results.
I even saw past the grammatical errors to quite literally laugh out loud.
Dang! The "buy now" link doesn't take me to the product that is reviewed (above). Just the mini-M&M's. Guess our Judge will have to hold another contest! So funny!
Hahahahaha this is AWESOME,!!! I’m almost peeing my pants! Brilliant!!!
Omg I cant believe I read this whole thing and now I have people staring at me because I'm cracking up laughing
I take part in the M&M Fight Club as well, but I don't go as far as to send one back to factory for breeding lol
Wait I actually do this! Thought I was the only one... guess not XD
Wow! Mega deep thoughts being pump the my brain. Not sure I have the aptitude to help with your research. I always seem to just pop a handful into my mouth as soon as I see them. No time for games)research.
-and with hard boiled eggs, take one in each hand and tap the small ends together. -but I don't send the winner back, just devil it with the rest of them.
I want to keep scrolling through but I keep coming back here. I have so much respect for this person.
I once held a Peeps-jousting tournament in my company’s conference room.
Nerdiness taken to the next level! I LOVE IT!!!!! Should totally do something like this, but, knowing me, I would get carried away...
But what if this causes the M&M's to become too powerful? this could lead to the collapse of humanity and the rise of M&M overlords! SOMEONE STOP THIS MAN BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!
Trying way too hard to be funny and random, but only succeeding in being boring and annoying.
And some people just have to be a party pooper.
Load More Replies...Or maybe some people just try to find joy wherever and however they can.
According to NBC Los Angeles, however, Amazon users shouldn't base their decision of whether to buy a particular thing or not solely on the product reviews. University of Southern California social media professor Karen North said that the sellers are tricking Amazon's algorithm. "As sellers on Amazon, people know there are ways to game the system, where it looks like you have more positive ratings than you do," she said.
What A Pure Man
Prof. North also gave an example of one of the Amazon shopping schemes: sellers post a product to sell, collect reviews, then swipe out the product for a new one while keeping the old reviews in place.
Found On A 72 Pack Of Kazoos
North said sellers can do this over and over, duping buyers into thinking a product has more or better reviews than it really does. North says Amazon needs to crack down.
"They need to start thinking about whether or not people are figuring out how to game their system. And they need to figure out how to go in and clean that up," she said.
Happy You Pregnant!
I bet this guy could have used it too.
In a statement to the I-Team, Amazon admitted these things do happen: "These bad actors show a flagrant disregard for our community, and our policies ... we work with sellers and law enforcement to hold them accountable by withholding funds and pursuing civil and criminal penalties."
3 Sky Airplane For Boys – Dangerous For Girls
Beds Should Look Like Beds
To be fair, I'd be excited if I found a giant ice cream sandwich too. And it does look like one
Fair Point
A Review Of Those Incredibly Spicy Noodles
The Nightmare Fuel Of Amazon Reviews
It's like a halloween ghost costume but even creepier, now you can say that your soul is escaping
50 Ways To Eat Cock: Healthy Chicken Recipes
No Complaints
Toddler Rages Against The Machine
Review On A Roku Streaming Stick
Trimmers And Toilet Talk
Keeps The Car Cool, But Has Issues
5 Stars For Sending Them To The Hospital
Alex Jones Coloring Book Review
Senior Woman With Asthma Wall Decal
Yodelling Pickle
Was Looking For A Jump Rope
That's All I Wanted To Know
Argumentatively Better Than An Apple Watch The Way This Guy Sells It
Wife Leaves Husband For Printer
True Love Still Exists
I live in south florida and have a similar one. They are truly amazing
$16,000 Speakers
Crafting With Cat Hair: Cute Handicrafts To Make With Your Cat
These ladies have probably read this.
I would totally 100% buy this. I wonder if it'll work with dog hair. I have huskies and malamutes so it might be fun
This 5-Star Verified Review Of Noise Canceling Headphones
Bunch Of Reviews For These Fake Flower Petals That Apparently Have A Strong Odor. This One’s Pretty Good
Ho Ho... Oh
Cheese Wheel
Mmmm... it’s amazing how much more appetizing a food becomes when you add the word “wheel.”
This is actually my favorite post in a while! I really hope these are real...
This actually is my favorite (although i don't think it's Amazon) snow1-5ccc...50cb10.jpg
It is rate a species. Commentary about different animals in form of an Amazon review
I am gonna go to a random product to write a funny reveiw now..!
I recommend looking at the reviews for really pricey stuff like high-end watches. They're hilarious.
Also check out sugarless Gummi Bears (unexpected digestive results) and silver spray paint (People who've seen "Mad Max Fury Road").
I recently was looking for silicone/gel lined socks for added moisturizing..... and found some that came in different colors, one of which we white folk in america would call "flesh", but apparently, they translated as "meat"... not really interested in wearing meat (colored) socks.....
Great post! It would have been interesting to see the original products for each of the reviews - if you had put e.g. an amazon link to each review or the name of the product... I would definitely buy some of them if still available :)
HYSTERICAL!!!!! The Calculator watch had me & him on the floor!! Do they still make those?
This is actually my favorite post in a while! I really hope these are real...
This actually is my favorite (although i don't think it's Amazon) snow1-5ccc...50cb10.jpg
It is rate a species. Commentary about different animals in form of an Amazon review
I am gonna go to a random product to write a funny reveiw now..!
I recommend looking at the reviews for really pricey stuff like high-end watches. They're hilarious.
Also check out sugarless Gummi Bears (unexpected digestive results) and silver spray paint (People who've seen "Mad Max Fury Road").
I recently was looking for silicone/gel lined socks for added moisturizing..... and found some that came in different colors, one of which we white folk in america would call "flesh", but apparently, they translated as "meat"... not really interested in wearing meat (colored) socks.....
Great post! It would have been interesting to see the original products for each of the reviews - if you had put e.g. an amazon link to each review or the name of the product... I would definitely buy some of them if still available :)
HYSTERICAL!!!!! The Calculator watch had me & him on the floor!! Do they still make those?