Suppose you’ve finally managed to plan a trivia game night and assemble your squad together. That’s a grand feat to accomplish in itself, but now you have another problem—naming the teams. But don’t worry, that’s where we come in! Today, here on this list, we gathered some really fun team names for a trivia game night (or day!)
To pick an original yet funny trivia team name, it only takes some inspiration. Like with most hilarious band names, all it takes is sitting down with your best friends and brainstorming it. Usually, it’s some sort of an inside joke that takes the spotlight, but the inspiration can also come from famous TV shows, movies, or even company slogans.
So, if you’re still unsure which direction to go, check out this collection of funny team names for trivia nights. Vote for your favorites, and don’t forget to bring out your best trivia questions!
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The Three Must Get Beers.
Cereal Killers.
Maybe you could check out Cereal Killer cafe? I think you (OP) would like it!
What Is a Trivia Team?
If you’re unfamiliar with this type of game, you might wonder what a trivia team is. Well, it’s a team in a classical sense; you have regular team members and a leader.
Let’s say you’re participating in history trivia; the whole group discusses all the possible answers, and after agreeing on one, the leader presents it to the other teams.
And that’s all there is to it! (You still have to pick a preferably funny trivia team name, but that’s just cosmetics.)
I Am Smarticas.
That's So Ravenclaw.
Trivia night is a sacred and cherished tradition for many groups of friends. And if you’re here, your friend group probably makes no exception.
It's the one night a week when you get together for a game party and prove to your comrades how much you know about the wonders of this world.
From pop culture and history to science and food trivia questions—this game will test your knowledge of everything.
Quiz Khalifa.
Let's Get Ready to Stumble!
Quiz Me Baby One More Time.
Kids Who Can't Read Good.
Choose trivia team names that prove your creativity!
We know how daunting it can be to devise a cool trivia team name. We hope tons of fun team names for trivia on this list will ease the job for you.
Ranging from silly puns to clever references, your friends will surely appreciate the creativity!
Whether you win or lose, it doesn’t matter, as you can rest assured that your trivia team will always have the coolest name in town.
One Team To Rule Them All.
Mischief Managers.
Googling Everything.
The Red Hot Trivia Peppers.
We Know Nothing.
"I know that I know nothing" -a very intelligent person (whose name I can't remember)
Let's Get Quizzical.
Walt Quizney.
Some of these I feel are just one push away from becoming a cheap porn parody name.
We Drink And We Know Things.
You're Gonna Need A Bigger Brain.
Alex Quizbec.
Snitches Get Stitches.
Gollums Geeks.
Wingardium Leviousa.
Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Drunk.
Forrest Grumps.
Me and my team were once the Infinity Stoners. We lost to the Howling Commandos. Respect among the geeks
Lightning Mcwin would have been a good one. Same with Quiztopian Wasteland.
Me and my team were once the Infinity Stoners. We lost to the Howling Commandos. Respect among the geeks
Lightning Mcwin would have been a good one. Same with Quiztopian Wasteland.