This Artist Continues To Create Relatable Comics With A Fun Twist (35 New Pics)
Interview With ArtistJauneil Arvin Ma-ao, a Filipino artist, also known as "Idiot of the East," continues to draw "anime-ish" comics that have entertained us since the pandemic.
Jauneil draws inspiration from various sources such as memes, anime, popular movies, and TV shows to create relatable, funny, and sometimes NSFW comics. Though the name "Idiot of the East" stands as a sort of protection from insults, it's evident that Jauneil's content gets him more love than hate and that you will enjoy his unique sense of humor as well.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | ko-fi.com | patreon.com
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This is already the 4th of Jauneil’s comic posts, and he continues to provide new and exciting content for his followers, so make sure to check out his work on Instagram!
Bored Panda reached out to Jauneil, who answered if anything has changed since the last post: “In my creative process, it would still be the same, being inspired by memes and other pop culture. My content did go a bit Warhammer 40k, though, since I had a lot of support from their fanbase.”
WAIT NO THAT'S WHERE I LIVE DON'T COME HERE- *Frantically hides things*
Then bowser puts it over the water so that one of the fish jumps onto it.
Though previously Jauneil shared that initially, he studied engineering and was planning a future based on this subject, life had a different plan in mind as his studies were interrupted by the pandemic. We wanted to know whether art is something Jauneil also went to school for or if it comes naturally to him.
“I didn't really go to any arts school or digital school, it mainly started after getting bored in the pandemic and then I tried to self-learn how to draw digitally,” wrote Jauneil.
Since Jauneil first started creating, he has quite a collection to show for. Therefore, we were curious about what is his personal favorite comic so far.
“In anime culture, it's actually from a pretty f****d up story that I tried to make into a happy ending... also most of my personal friends told me it's the one they remember the most from my comics, lol.”
“Or the one with the falling giraffe.”
And lastly, we asked Jauneil to share how he handles creative blocks or moments of uncertainty in his comic-making journey.
“When it comes to creative blocks, I don't really have a problem with that since there are a lot of memes that I can use as inspiration for my work, my biggest challenge would probably be my laziness (still struggling with that)... also when it comes to uncertainty, I used to be really worried when I'm about to draw a comic that it may offend others, but as I kept doing comics, I realized that I cannot please everyone so I just do it anyway and hope for the best,” shared Jauneil.
There's two Canadian geese on the way to work, I don't hurt them, they don't hurt me, however, they death-stare me the entire way.
You're forgetting thursday, the most boring day of the week. (Edit: Ok I guess y'all have fun thursdays?)
HAHAH HA That is Gold! I watched the first few seasons but when I realized they were NEVER going to actually seem to find it, I stopped... I follow it so I understand but OMG SO RIGHT! {IM SAYING IT NOW!!! ONE PIECE IS ACTUALLY AN INNER THING LIKE, ONE PIECE WAS THE JOURNEY THE WHOLE TIME! JUST WATCH IT LOL}
I have no idea what anyone's talking about, besides that it's Dragon Ball.
Ok I swear when I made these comments before it said noting about Anime, I didn't know what I was getting myself into.
Ok I swear when I made these comments before it said noting about Anime, I didn't know what I was getting myself into.