TikToker Shares “Fun Facts You May Have Not Wanted To Know”, Here Are 30 Of The Best
Interview With AuthorMore and more TikTok creators are using their platforms to share some interesting bites of knowledge, whether it's facts that sound too crazy to be true, or psychological facts you didn’t know, or interesting cat facts for feline lovers, or facts that show just how rare our bodies are… the list is endless!
For any skeptic out there, we can just point out the fact that learning things on social media is basically using it to your advantage. Especially when keeping in mind it’s also a place for not so pretty things like competition, toxicity, and body dysmorphia.
Tuning in for the facts craze on TikTok, social media content creator and upcoming music artist Kiyahshi has been sharing some very interesting “fun facts you may not have wanted to know” and they've proven to be a huge success, amassing hundreds and thousands (and some, millions!) of views. It seems like Kiyahshi’s audience is growing rapidly with 1.2M followers, so you'd better keep an eye on her and scroll through some fun bits of knowledge right below!
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"This twelve-year-old from Ethiopia was on her way home and she was snatched up by four men. A week later, the group of men encountered these three lions and these lions chased the men off and kept the little girl. And they stayed with this little girl without harming her until the police found her."
"In Florida, these nurses were hired for the same shift, the same hours, the same floor, and then soon realized they were sisters that were separated at birth in Korea 40 years ago."
"Whenever a bee finds a source of alcohol, whether it's bad fruit or somebody's drink, they can get drunk. And not only that, if they go back to the hive, the bees won't let him in until he's sober."
To find out more about the author of these viral TikTok video series, we reached out to Kiyahshi, who said she started making them totally random. “When TikTok first came out, I was a little skeptical about it but decided to give it a try and I’m glad I did! I have amazing followers and love to entertain them.”
It turns out, Kiyahshi is also an up-and-coming music artist and she started making beats and Acapella skits on the 2009 Apple Mac on a garage band. “Now, I make beats and record them on my phone. I taught myself how to play guitar on YouTube and it’s been my baby since,” she told us.
"In 2007, a whale was found with a harpoon in its neck. They took the harpoon and realized that it was from the 1800s. This whale has had a harpoon in it for a century."
"If any animal is built different, it's the lobster. Its brain is located in its throat, the nervous system is in its abdomen, the teeth are in its stomach, the kidneys are located in the head, it hears with its legs and tastes with its feet. And just like humans, they're either right clawed or left clawed."
"In 2011, a tsunami hit this area and 300ft on a hill sits this rock. This rock has been recorded to be sitting there for over a century and it warns: "do not build your house below this rock"."
“The fun facts I talk about come from many different sources from "wtffacts," "k4knowledge," "knifefeedfacts" and many more. I love reading them and checking the accuracy behind them to see whether it’s true or not. Learning them, in general, is amazing,” Kiyahshi said about her viral video series.
"These conjoined twin sisters actually share a brain, but not only that, they can hear each other's thoughts and they can see out of each other's eyes."
The Hogan twins - they are actually 15 years old now, and yes, it's true they share thoughts, but while Tatiana can see out of both of Krista’s eyes, Krista can only see out of one of Tatiana’s. Also one controls 3 legs and an arm, the other 3 arms and a leg. Totally mind-blowing 😲
"This is a relic that actually was made in the 1500s. It was made from a single piece of boxwood and it was so small that they had to use microscopes to look at the inner layers of the joints. And while they were microscanning, they found needles that were smaller than grass seeds."
"There's actually a travel company that will book your flight, book your hotel and make you take a survey. Now this survey asks you questions on where you like to go, what is your budget and things you like to do, but they do not tell you where you're going. This company allows you to have a mystery adventure and will send you somewhere that goes along with your survey and budget. They also tried to minimize the travel time so you can go somewhere fast and quick and fun."
The TikTok creator also believes the fun facts make it a perfect conversation starter throughout the day. “‘Did you know' could become a 1h conversation to some people. Knowing information that people wouldn’t know is such a cool thing to talk about. It lets people discover, debate, wonder, or even surprise,” Kiyahshi said.
When asked about the most interesting fact she came across, Kiyahshi said it’s “that an artist named Michael Richards who focused most of his art on planes and even made a sculpture of himself being pierced with planes, died in his art studio on 9/11 in one of the twin towers.”
"Not making your bed exposes bed mites to fresh air, which dehydrates them. But if you make your bed, you're exposing bed mites to moisture, which makes them flourish."
Good enough reason for me. I don't see much point in making the bed, it's not like anyone sees it.
"Originally, putting a fish in a fishbowl was a very big misunderstanding. It actually came from Chinese displays because goldfish were meant to be in ponds. And when guests come over, they would temporarily put the fish in a fish bowl. But then it became a popular thing where people are putting fish in a fish bowl permanently. And it's also banned in Rome, making it animal cruelty."
Ιt is. Especially small bowls. Fish need to swim. Also, please don't tap on the bowl/aquarium, the sound is amplified through the water and it's not good for the poor creatures
"When Ashton Kutcher was 13 years old, he tried to commit suicide by jumping off a hospital balcony. All because he wanted to save his brother and donate his heart."
Wow, so glad he was caught before he actually went through with it. Good news is that they did find a donor for his brother.
"Two UK brothers actually made a real life Tikes car. It's legal to drive and the thing goes up to 70 mph."
"The photographer about lost his life taking this picture."
"This was made by a sculptor named Michael Richards, and he focused all his art on planes. This was actually a sculpture of himself. And he died in 9/11 on the 92nd floor."
"Don't feed ducks bread. It fills up their stomach and they end up getting no nutrients from the bread anyways. And the bread also causes malnourishment."
"In the Jurassic Park movies before the CGI is added, this is what the velociraptors look like."
"After they got done filming the movie I Am Legend, Will Smith actually wanted to buy the German shepherd Abbey and begged the owner if he could buy her. But the owner was like: 'same, my dogs are my children.'"
The Sheperd belongs with its owner. Money can't buy everything. Sorry Hollywood.
"Justin Bieber saved this man's life from a bear attack. This man was minding his business when this bear came along and attacked him. What saved this man is the ringtone his granddaughter put on his phone. The ringtone was 'Baby' by Justin Bieber, and it scared him off."
"This man right here rode from India to Sweden to meet up with his wife. The trip took four months and he passed through eight different countries."
I've read about it somewhere else. The two met when she was on holiday in India. They fell in love but she'd gone back home, so the man decided to look her up. I think I've seen a photo where they're older and still together. That's all I remember.
"This little Russian boy named Ivan was raised by a pack of dogs from age four to six. The dogs ended up fighting off the police three times until the police outsmarted them and grabbed Ivan."
Awh... the dog's mut've thought that Ivan was their baby... how sad for them
"When lions get injured, they can have mane loss. So when a lion sees a male with a long mane, they avoid fighting with him because they think he is stronger at combat."
"If you've heard somebody say honey never goes bad, it doesn't because there's not enough water in the honey for microorganisms to live on."
"Sunflowers can clean up radioactive waste. Sunflowers are good at eating up pollutants, especially radioactive metal contaminants. And they store all the waste in their stems."
"So this is called a public semi-transparent toilet. You cannot see in, but you can see out."
I would literally be paranoid the whole time that people could somehow see me.
"Back in the day, Egyptians had pregnancy tests. So women at the time who thought they were pregnant would urinate on barley or wheat seeds. If they urinated on barley, it was for a boy. And if they urinated on wheat seed, it was a girl. And if the plant ended up sprouting and growing, you were pregnant. And then in today's time, they went and tested this and 70% of the time they would be pregnant. They also did it on non-pregnant women and the plant didn't grow."
"Kit Kats are actually made of Kit Kats. Whenever the factory makes Kit Kats, they actually don't waste them. They take the Kit Kats that didn't make the cut and basically put them back into the system. So these are layers of unfinished KitKats that didn't make it to the package."
"During medieval times, the Japanese would dye their teeth black. They also used this to help tooth decay. It was actually a fashion trend. Also, people thought this was very beautiful."
"This is actually a mummified Mermaid. But in 1930 it was a hoax because they did an X-ray on it. It was made from a fish body, it had a monkey's head, glass eyes and ivory teeth."
This article felt like it had been written by an 8 yo. The facts range from vague to plain wrong, with a lot of very dubious and unsourced ones. I would have expected better from a BP article
You expect better from BP based on what exactly? Most articles are pulled from other sites and no one fact checks any of the facts. This conversation is had in every single "facts" article BP posts.
Load More Replies...This article felt like it had been written by an 8 yo. The facts range from vague to plain wrong, with a lot of very dubious and unsourced ones. I would have expected better from a BP article
You expect better from BP based on what exactly? Most articles are pulled from other sites and no one fact checks any of the facts. This conversation is had in every single "facts" article BP posts.
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