
“Breed For Health. Not Show”: Breeder Is Reengineering French Bulldogs’ Faces To Make Them Healthier
In 1873, only 40 dog breeds and varieties were known; now, there are about 450 recognized breeds worldwide. Humans unnaturally developed modern breeds via artificial selection. Most of them were genetically engineered in the last 200 years. This is because, in 1835, dog fighting was banned in England, so people transitioned to another competitive sport of dog showing.
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
A big part of dog shows was about the animal’s appearance, so breeders tried to make the dogs look more appealing to the eye. But sometimes, that meant sacrificing the dogs’ health. That’s what happened when breeding French bulldogs. It led to them having breathing problems, and now people are trying to fix that by reengineering their faces.
One of those people is Chantal van Kruining, who started the Hawbucks French Bulldogs Kennel and is passionate about reducing French bulldogs’ health issues. Her vision is to “Breed for health. Not show” and to change people’s mindsets so they care more about their pets’ health than their appearance.
What is the Biggest Problem With French Bulldogs?
Due to French bulldogs’ anatomy, they suffer from Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS). This means that they have difficulty breathing, and they start panting with their tongues sticking out even during a light walk. The syndrome is caused by a skull malformation developed by selective breeding.
The Flat Face and Narrow Tracheas Are the Cause of French Bulldog Health Problems
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
The skull malformation made the nostril openings of the Frenchie bulldog too narrow. The dogs have a long, soft palate and relatively narrow tracheas, which adds to their breathing problems. It can also cause an early death.
These French Bulldog Pictures Highlight Their Flattened Snout
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
This Led to the Vision of “Breed for Health. Not for Show”
Image credits: MattyIce6969
Some people really care about this issue, one of them being veterinary assistant Chantal van Kruining from the Netherlands. She fell in love with the breed, but her heart broke after witnessing her dog’s pain.
The Bulldog Was Born With a Body Type That Was Designed by Humans Who Didn’t Consider Its Health
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
That’s why Chantal’s vision is to “Breed for health. Not show.” She wants to change the mindset of dog owners, breeders, and dog show judges to care more about the Frenchie’s life expectancy and health.
The Dog Shouldn’t Suffer Because of the Action of Breeders
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
Because Chantal didn’t want to see French bulldogs suffering anymore, she dived right into the world of dog breeding. The sad truth she noticed was that breeders didn’t give that much attention to dogs’ health, and she wanted to change that. She began researching genetics and studied abnormalities that occur in the breed. Even though she doesn’t claim to know it all or be breeding perfect dogs, she feels she is on the right path.
Chantal Wants to See Bulldogs Living a Healthy Life
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
On her website, Chantal says she would like to see French bulldogs being more athletic and playing and running without being out of breath.
The French Bulldogs Need to Be Bred Better
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
You may think that the whole problem is in the Frenchie’s short muzzle, but in reality, it’s more complex than this. The Hawbucks French Bulldogs website says that the short muzzle is only for aesthetic purposes. You can’t tell just from the length of it whether a dog will have breathing problems or not. However, it does make the risk higher.
Breeders Need to Learn More About the Dogs’ Health
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
Breeders need to learn the facts about French bulldogs’ health and ensure that their trachea and throat cavities are wide enough. Their tongue shouldn’t be too long and thick, and their nostrils should be opened more.
Chantal shares her vision of what kind of dog she and her team hope to evolve from the French bulldog on their website. “We strive for a French bulldog that is built a little more athletic. A French bulldog how they were meant in the beginning of the development of the breed. A dog that can run and play for several hours without trouble. A Frenchie that does not make a sound when breathing, under any circumstance.”
Dog Health Testing Should Be Made Public
Image credits: Krijn de Haas
Chantal also believes that dog health testing should be transparent. She is frustrated that dog breeding is shrouded in mystery. Breeders hide information about the dog’s health, and some people seem to find these abnormalities in French bulldogs normal. That is why the veterinary assistant is so precise with her tests; all the results are available on her website. Transparency is key. She encourages people to ask questions, which she is prepared to answer.
People on the Internet Said That They Prefer the Longer Muzzle as It Looks Healthier
Did These French Bulldog Facts Surprise You?
All of these cute bulldog pictures shouldn’t distract you from the fact that Frenchies need to be treated better and deserve to live healthier lives. What do you think of Chantal’s efforts to make the breed healthier? Do you feel that French bulldogs will lose a part of their charm if their muzzles are longer? Tell us how you feel in the comments down below!
Share on Facebookthe concept is interesting, but adopt not breed is maybe even more logical (my 2c)
Load More Replies...Oh I agree yes, there are way too many dogs in shelters or in the streets but if people wants to breed theirs they should at least do it responsibly.
I think there are benefits on both sides. I have had both bred for show and rescue pets and I love them all the same. It's actually the registered breeders that do a better job at spay/neuter all their animals, unless they are intending to breed from them. It's the 'backyard' breeders and puppy/kitten mills that are the problem, pumping out millions of poor little animals and selling them 'entire'.
this problem unfortunately does not only concern the French bulldog but all breeds victims of hyper type: cocker king charles, german shepherd and many others (ditto for cats). From the moment the animal's health is threatened and or its living conditions become uncomfortable, this should be prohibited.
Check out Retropugs. Efforts are already underway and the results are brilliant.
It happens with show horses too. Everything that is judged on appearance tends to eventually evolve into unhealthy extremes. When all the animals in the class meet the criteria the judges pick the most extreme. Then the extreme becomes the ordinary and ever more extremes win like a vicious cycle.
In non-performance areas like halter Quarterhorses and Arabians. In sport horses it’s all about functional conformation and execution of desired traits like soundness, intelligence, and things like scope
I agree! https://www.boredpanda.com/pugs-malformed-inbred-animals-not-cute-tumblr-thread/
There are "retro pug" groups that are trying to breed out the short noses, pop eyes, and corkscrew tails from pugs for their health.
Load More Replies...I feel like, for sake of basic decency, normal pugs should be outlawed. Their very existence is constant suffering from birth to untimely death.
The dog with a virtually non-existent snout, looks positively deformed. How can any show judge award points for that!?
@Jade Slocombe, it is wrong to say that. All dog breeds have been shaped by humans to meet specific needs, but not to the point of threatening their comfort and physical integrity. The hyper type (I don't know exactly how to say it in English) is totally detached from this principle and has tried to exaggerate the physical features considered "cute" or "aesthetic" to the detriment of the health of the animal. .
Lying about that dog being a winner - maybe. Lying about the issue as a whole? Nope.
Kennel Club standards for certain breeds are to blame actually, which is usually led by shows. It's all there in both UK and American kennel club standards info 🤷♀️
The breed clubs issue and update their breed's standard, not the Kennel Club.
https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2008/dec/05/dogs-pets-crufts-bbc-animal The Kennel Club is the 'parent' of each breed club, and takes on the breed specifics after being voted on by the breed clubs, but they are a branch of the Kennel Clubs. They aren't a different entity entirely, and the Kennel clubs are responsible for pushing breed standards. There are documentaries about this, one of the best is mentioned in the article.
Same. I think dogs with more suitable and longer snouts are more "fashionable" than flat faces.
The fixed faces are leagues cuter than those ugly smashed things. No offense to existing dogs who can’t help it.
So glad this is happening. Far too many dogs look like what they are, disturbing lab experiments. English bulldogs can't mate, can't whelp without surgical intervention. Clearly that is animal abuse.
ADOPT DON'T SHOP! ... and just have an animal that is healthy! Why do humans do this to animals? ... *sigh* They're living beings, not ornaments!
Seriously I got downvoted for that? Many a wonderful dog has been a mutt, or a rescued purebred, so I'm sorry, no, I'll continue to prefer adoption to buying from breeders. Best dogs I knew were rescues.
Load More Replies...Yes and no. Adopting is amasing and should be encouraging. But sometimes adopting a dog from a rescue is not a good idea or not possible. Its not good to judge people for not going to a rescue.
I'm all for encouraging adoption. However my best experiences with owning dogs have been from reputable breeders where health and behavioral traits were priorities.
By reputable you mean their rep not the dog breeders association they are members of? I have read of breeding associations and they do nothing but register the dogs and take fees that allow the breeder to charge more money for their dog. They don't check out the facilities either upon joining or any time in the future. Back yard breeders can join if they have the fee and answer the questions right.
I don't know if you are from the USA, but you have to realize not all countries have a shelter problem. Also, taking a dog with records of parents' health and with a fresh start is the right option for many new owners. Rescues are a totally different thing and you should not guilt trip people from getting their dog from a responsible breeder.
I have never understood why a squished face became desirable for dogs anyway.
Cuz certain people think it's appealing and adorable. A permanent puppy face.
Load More Replies...Why not cross-breed with a breed that already has a proper nose? Sure, they'd technically not be "purebred" any more, but "purebred" is really just another way of saying "limited gene pool and inbred".
As long as idiot people and "breed standards" exists, things will never change. Fine people for owning or breeding dogs that are unhealthy as these and I think it's more realistic to change
This should be the same thing, shows should judge on breed *traits*, not reward breed *extremes". The whole "pedigree" thing is a joke anyway, inbred animals that people buy for huge sums of money and then constantly have to spend more on and they die sooner because of inherent genetic flaws.
For the USA: all AKC breeds have a rescue group, nationwide, to save dogs from kill shelters and from being abandoned or just need to be rehomed. Most shelters know this and contact the breed rescue whenever they get a dog from any breed. Even some mixes that are obviously part of their target breed. If you want a specific breed, contact that breed's rescue group. You can find all of them at AKC.org, under your breed of choice. I got 2 Lab/Golden Rtvr mixes from the NorCal Golden Retriever Rescue group.
My step-daughter has a flat faced Frenchie and his breathing is truly horrible, these dogs look so much cuter and probably don't make nearly as much noise just attempting to breathe. I wish her dog was like these
How did your daughter end up with one of those dogs?
Load More Replies...She probably bought it or rescued it, dingbat, like how anyone else ends up with one!
The healthier dogs are very good looking. Poor smashed dog. He's still a good dog though, ain't his fault he's deformed. 😢
God bless you for having the love of the breed before the profit and yes unfortunately losing sales and sure some breeders have been rude that you’re taking the high road. We have two Frenchie’s and a English. Our 9 year old was 100% bad breeding and made it to 9, our 10 year old shows no signs of stopping…so many times our baby frisco scared us, we always had cool collars, mats, hammocks ect. Didn’t change the fact he just couldn’t breathe. My heart is aching so much over him and it hasn’t even been a year yet. The breeder (an acquaintance) got him to breed. But decided not to, and asked if we would take him in…so happy we had 9 years but his life definitely wasn’t lived to the fullest…,💔💔
There is a higher chance of birth complications with flat faced breeds, puppies need a snout to get them through the birth canal.
Oh thank God. I've felt so bad for all the poor creatures who have been bred to be something that should never be. They're uncomfortable, or in actual pain much of the time. Bless you, and thank you. I hope people will finally stop cruel breeding practices.
frenchies aren't the only ones with this issue. boxers were much different looking in their original form. but now, they seem to have similar problems as described in this article. i can't walk my boxer if the temp is too high, too humid without her overheating. and, they aren't built for extreme cold, either. so her walking is limited to a block or so and only on days when the weather is appropriate for her.
Sadly, almost every breed has its specific health issue. I know folks who think that snoring of French bulldog or pug while breathing is cute... It's good to know that there is such initiative to help those dogs.
I've never understood why breeders seem to prefer malformed over healthy. I think the absolutely most horrendous example is what breeders are doing to Damascus goats which are actually very adorable before the malformations are purposely bred in. If you are at all squeamish, don't look that up.
It's partially a side-effect of the breed standards, I think. Over time the interpretation of the text of the standard changes, as judges reward certain aspects in the show ring. Unless the breed standard expressly forbids it or the fancy calls a halt, the tendency is to become more, well, more, and it can reach absurdity. As above in the post, historically French bulldogs had longer snouts. Look at old photos of Siamese, and you'll find robust cats with rounded heads; and Persians used to be solid cobby cats with short but not flat faces. I'm glad there are breeders working to breed-back to more reasonable standards.
Load More Replies...Yes please. Extremists on the internet would call my uncle (a man who loves his dogs as much as his kids) a “backyard breeder” just for having a pair of dogs and occasionally breeding them for no profit (gives them to friends or recommended people). His dogs are not purebred, are extremely healthy and have straight backs. Those extremists as the same time claim that only “reputable breeders” can breed animals while they are the ones inbreeding them and following inhumane breed standards like the sloped backs.
For a long time, I have been disgusted with breeders, not a concern about health, after reading the comments below, they say exactly my thoughts, why has it not been addressed, a long time ago, what about having, some laws for Bad Breeding, laws for animals, can be made, or change the poor ones, there should be no animal suffering !!!
The AKC in the US is terrible in allowing all these physical changes. The Bull Terrier is another example of this. 100+ years ago it was a very handsome dog, which was used to heard bulls. Now it too has no muzzle, is short and stubby, and severe breathing issues. Don't get me started on all the other breeds that have different medical issues, but are bred anyway because they look a certain way. Despicable.
Not only is it much healthier and more humane but in my opinion, he looks much cuter to
Yep my french lady can't even walk 8km routes anymore and she's just 4 years old. She's a very muscular dog and to keep that muscle mass she needs working out, unfortunatelly that takes 2-3 sessions a day for 5min max as she's out of breath. Also it's funny and sad to see that she's basically brushing all the ground with her LIPS in order to sniff dog things.
It’s so unfortunate that backyard breeders even exist and I am sad to say I know veterinarians who are backyard breeders!! Some people love genetic mutations that should never ever be encouraged to be reproduced like the new cat that has the shortened forearm! It’s so sad how humans breed for genetic mutations or anomaly’s which should have never been embraced nor encouraged. As a result we have more breeds that are in physical trouble then not. Take into consideration one dog breed: The Irish setter which you don’t see anywhere anymore at all. This is due to bad breeding. The sloping back legs of the American German Shepherd…. Don’t get me started I don’t even understand why!! European German Shepherd look so much healthier, They lack that shortened back leg look. It’s heartbreaking what we’ve done a man’s best friend
It’s not “backyard breeders” only. People pretend that professional “reputable” breeders are good while they also follow unhealthy standards. Here in Europe pedigree German Shepherds also have a slopped back unless they are from working lines.
Load More Replies...My 4 year old male has an extremely smushed in face... He had a nose job, palate shaved, teeth removed... He sleeps with a ball or a toy in his mouth to get air. My 2 year old Female has a much more elongated snout and can sleep upside down, does get collapsed trachea here and there, but not like my Boy - he is always struggling to breathe... Regardless - I them both to DEATH 💞
I am not a fan of this look she claims is “healthy”. The dog on the left with the smashed face isn’t breed standard either- that is a ridiculous, erroneous example. Frenchies have a muzzle- this article is spreading misinformation. I’ve owned 3 Frenchies, one passed. 2 of the dogs snore and make piggy noises, no actual breathing issues. My 3rd has no issues and has the correct muzzle. This breeder is not only changing the muzzle but is breeding pointy ears, changing the eye spacing and their bodies structures are just off. Not the look of the dogs I so love.. I would not buy one.. curious how much she charges considering these dogs are not breed standard… cute, but all dogs are “cute..”
Wow we already have those. They're called Boston Terriers. This breeder isn't making anything new. JFC.
This lady Chantal has been a long time coming ! I hope she can influence ALL breeders of all the other dogs and cats that suffer, because of the same reasons ! Perhaps should even influence show judges to ban all of these nasty practices ! I hope she does well in her venture, she certainly deserves it ! Never lose your focus Chantal !
I was about to comment on this post,but it has all been said....Thumbs up for the BPs !!
We humans have to stop playing God. PLEASE let's not create monsters like in the movie Frankenstein and enjoy this breed for what it is.
The one on the right is so cute! I never was into French Bulldogs cause they look like the abomination on the left! Same for pugs: I realized how cute they looked once after I saw the first retro-pug. (Own a shibe and a poodle. Would have adopted a (middle sized) shelter dog as second dog and searched for months, but thanks to Covid19 our shelters are almost empty, cause people adopt like crazies!)
Breeds have already been changed; that is why the health issues are so terrible. Search the evolution of pugs, English bulldogs, German shepherds, etc... Many breeds look very different now. It's very unfortunate. There really needs to be strict legislation for breeders anyways. We have millions of dogs dying in shelters and people just keep breeding dogs. It's shameful.
Frenchies are adorable, but I don't like the "Face is a Paperweight" look.
The Neapolitan Mastiff rescue is so full right now that we have to turn dogs away because we don't have enough fosters. This means 150+ pound dogs with behavioral problems have to stay in a home that shouldn't have had the breed in the first place until the rescue can find a foster for him. Most behavioral issues have been the males. Neo's are a guardian breed but bad breeding is making behavioral issues even more problematic. The one's with health issues have to stay in a home that can't afford to treat them until we get a foster that can take them. This too is because of bad breeding practices. I wish that every breeder would do what Chantel is doing. There needs to be a change for the better with almost every breed out there today. The breeders need to stop breeding for looks and worry about health and behavior.
I applauded whst she's doing! I believe that this should be the practice for each and EVERY breed! I have a 4 year old Neapolitan Mastiff that's has bilateral hip dysplasia and severe arthritis in both knees and is now starting in his shoulders. He's had entropian and ectropian surgeries and is on multiple pain medications several times a day. The typical neo can't run and play without being winded and fatigued after a significantly short amount of time. My poor boy can't even run. I adopted him through a rescue that is breed specific and almost all the neos that come through thr rescue from all over the US have major joint issues, excessive wrinkles causing entropian, other eye issues, cherry eye, and sometimes so much extra heavy wrinkly skin hanging over their eyes that they have to have the equivalent of a facelift. Breeders ought to be ashamed of themselves. Health and behavior should be the only concerns when breeding.
My frenchie (thank goodness) has more of a snout and even our vet has commented that this is so much healthier for him and longevity of his life.
So many dogs have been destroyed by breeders, look at the dachshund, legs too short body too long. So many breeds have been taken from useful working dogs to useless cushion sitters. I have never wanted a bull dog tye breed because of health issues and they snot all over everything trying to stay alive. No better in the cat or horse world. Arabian with faces so dished they look like it was photoshopped by a 3 yr old. Then cats with no legs... Munchkins. So cute they can't jump up on the couch, scratching their own ears is a chore and this is a new breed that has just been accepted into the register!! Come on people, Health is the only thing that matters, looks are nothing. Beauty is only skin deep. Beauty is in the eye if the beholder. A dog that suffers to breathe is not a happy dog.
This whole thing makes me crazy. It makes no sense to create damaged animals on purpose. Cruelty and nothing else. Don't think it stops with dogs! Cats are victimized as well. Persians with pushed-in faces, naked Sphinxes. My GSP's have long, fully formed snouts with large noses and they are beautiful!
Why not simply STOP breeding French bulldogs!! And other poor deformed dogs. The breed clubs have a LOT to answer for.
I believe they also cannot reproduce normally? Pugs are another breed that are being bred for health: "Retro pugs", as they're called. All the cuteness, none of the suffocating, eye-popping, or infections!
What I want to know is how are they being bred healthy. Knowing about the genes are they going to cross breed something in the line to get rid of the DVL2 gene mutation? Only way to breed healthy French Bulldogs is to get rid of that mutation by cross breeding with a breed with healthy genes into their line.
Chantal is doing a great service to this charming breed! I have a Frenchie who is very devoted to me and it's horrible to see her struggle for breath after a mere walk around the block! I wish I'd understood this aspect of the Frenchie's physiology prior to selecting her. I feel very guilty about this and work hard to make Lily's life with me as comfortable as possible.
It's obvious that breeders are in it for the money. If they had ever experienced air hunger, they wouldn't do this to any living thing. It is the worst way to die (IMHO) and that's what these dogs go through constantly!
The picture pages of the puppies? I’M DED! 💕 http://www.hawbucks.nl/franse-bulldog/en/litter-1-photos/
Not saying that it never happens, but breeding like that is illegal in The Netherlands. Any and all (show)breeding that jeopardizes the health of the animal, or the breeding of animals that are unable to give birth by themselves is forbidden. Frenchies, King charles spaniels, flatnosed Persian cats, you name it, illegal to breed them
Both dogs in the initial image are out of standard. I keep seeing the one on the Left touted as an award winning dog...he got one behaviour award in a ring. They're both conformationally incorrect. The standard calls for a middle ground between these. Importantly, the text here is incorrect as well. Frenchies do not by default have BAOS - they are brachycephalic, meaning muzzle length shorter than the skull, but BAOS is a specific condition that, as mentioned clumsily above, occurs when other issues are also present. This includes soft palate issues and stenotic (closed) nares (nostrils). It is backyard bred frenchies, and other brachy breeds, that are the issue. Support breeders who health test and prove their dogs if you want to get a puppy. It means waiting, but BYB work on supply and demand. Remove the demand and dogs stop being born to suffer. To demonstrate the point, take a look at Frenchies doing agility - a dog struggling to breathe couldn't do that.
Don't know why you're getting downvoted. You've explained what a GOOD registered breeder does and explained it well!
Load More Replies...Breed for the health of the animal, not the look. Better yet, don’t backyard breed. I can’t stand how shelters are piling up because people can make money force breeding or being irresponsible pet owners. If you do want a purebred dog/cat go with a reputable breeder. Good breeders don’t breed unhealthy animals just because they are “cute”.
HI My name is Jonathan Demme, am from France i will brief you more oncei hear from you as soon as possible i will like to discuss with you,but not here in boredpanda email me to (dj76354641@gmail.com) With Regards Jonathan Demme
A lot of words for “I don’t care about the health of my dogs because I am a monster”
Load More Replies...the concept is interesting, but adopt not breed is maybe even more logical (my 2c)
Load More Replies...Oh I agree yes, there are way too many dogs in shelters or in the streets but if people wants to breed theirs they should at least do it responsibly.
I think there are benefits on both sides. I have had both bred for show and rescue pets and I love them all the same. It's actually the registered breeders that do a better job at spay/neuter all their animals, unless they are intending to breed from them. It's the 'backyard' breeders and puppy/kitten mills that are the problem, pumping out millions of poor little animals and selling them 'entire'.
this problem unfortunately does not only concern the French bulldog but all breeds victims of hyper type: cocker king charles, german shepherd and many others (ditto for cats). From the moment the animal's health is threatened and or its living conditions become uncomfortable, this should be prohibited.
Check out Retropugs. Efforts are already underway and the results are brilliant.
It happens with show horses too. Everything that is judged on appearance tends to eventually evolve into unhealthy extremes. When all the animals in the class meet the criteria the judges pick the most extreme. Then the extreme becomes the ordinary and ever more extremes win like a vicious cycle.
In non-performance areas like halter Quarterhorses and Arabians. In sport horses it’s all about functional conformation and execution of desired traits like soundness, intelligence, and things like scope
I agree! https://www.boredpanda.com/pugs-malformed-inbred-animals-not-cute-tumblr-thread/
There are "retro pug" groups that are trying to breed out the short noses, pop eyes, and corkscrew tails from pugs for their health.
Load More Replies...I feel like, for sake of basic decency, normal pugs should be outlawed. Their very existence is constant suffering from birth to untimely death.
The dog with a virtually non-existent snout, looks positively deformed. How can any show judge award points for that!?
@Jade Slocombe, it is wrong to say that. All dog breeds have been shaped by humans to meet specific needs, but not to the point of threatening their comfort and physical integrity. The hyper type (I don't know exactly how to say it in English) is totally detached from this principle and has tried to exaggerate the physical features considered "cute" or "aesthetic" to the detriment of the health of the animal. .
Lying about that dog being a winner - maybe. Lying about the issue as a whole? Nope.
Kennel Club standards for certain breeds are to blame actually, which is usually led by shows. It's all there in both UK and American kennel club standards info 🤷♀️
The breed clubs issue and update their breed's standard, not the Kennel Club.
https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2008/dec/05/dogs-pets-crufts-bbc-animal The Kennel Club is the 'parent' of each breed club, and takes on the breed specifics after being voted on by the breed clubs, but they are a branch of the Kennel Clubs. They aren't a different entity entirely, and the Kennel clubs are responsible for pushing breed standards. There are documentaries about this, one of the best is mentioned in the article.
Same. I think dogs with more suitable and longer snouts are more "fashionable" than flat faces.
The fixed faces are leagues cuter than those ugly smashed things. No offense to existing dogs who can’t help it.
So glad this is happening. Far too many dogs look like what they are, disturbing lab experiments. English bulldogs can't mate, can't whelp without surgical intervention. Clearly that is animal abuse.
ADOPT DON'T SHOP! ... and just have an animal that is healthy! Why do humans do this to animals? ... *sigh* They're living beings, not ornaments!
Seriously I got downvoted for that? Many a wonderful dog has been a mutt, or a rescued purebred, so I'm sorry, no, I'll continue to prefer adoption to buying from breeders. Best dogs I knew were rescues.
Load More Replies...Yes and no. Adopting is amasing and should be encouraging. But sometimes adopting a dog from a rescue is not a good idea or not possible. Its not good to judge people for not going to a rescue.
I'm all for encouraging adoption. However my best experiences with owning dogs have been from reputable breeders where health and behavioral traits were priorities.
By reputable you mean their rep not the dog breeders association they are members of? I have read of breeding associations and they do nothing but register the dogs and take fees that allow the breeder to charge more money for their dog. They don't check out the facilities either upon joining or any time in the future. Back yard breeders can join if they have the fee and answer the questions right.
I don't know if you are from the USA, but you have to realize not all countries have a shelter problem. Also, taking a dog with records of parents' health and with a fresh start is the right option for many new owners. Rescues are a totally different thing and you should not guilt trip people from getting their dog from a responsible breeder.
I have never understood why a squished face became desirable for dogs anyway.
Cuz certain people think it's appealing and adorable. A permanent puppy face.
Load More Replies...Why not cross-breed with a breed that already has a proper nose? Sure, they'd technically not be "purebred" any more, but "purebred" is really just another way of saying "limited gene pool and inbred".
As long as idiot people and "breed standards" exists, things will never change. Fine people for owning or breeding dogs that are unhealthy as these and I think it's more realistic to change
This should be the same thing, shows should judge on breed *traits*, not reward breed *extremes". The whole "pedigree" thing is a joke anyway, inbred animals that people buy for huge sums of money and then constantly have to spend more on and they die sooner because of inherent genetic flaws.
For the USA: all AKC breeds have a rescue group, nationwide, to save dogs from kill shelters and from being abandoned or just need to be rehomed. Most shelters know this and contact the breed rescue whenever they get a dog from any breed. Even some mixes that are obviously part of their target breed. If you want a specific breed, contact that breed's rescue group. You can find all of them at AKC.org, under your breed of choice. I got 2 Lab/Golden Rtvr mixes from the NorCal Golden Retriever Rescue group.
My step-daughter has a flat faced Frenchie and his breathing is truly horrible, these dogs look so much cuter and probably don't make nearly as much noise just attempting to breathe. I wish her dog was like these
How did your daughter end up with one of those dogs?
Load More Replies...She probably bought it or rescued it, dingbat, like how anyone else ends up with one!
The healthier dogs are very good looking. Poor smashed dog. He's still a good dog though, ain't his fault he's deformed. 😢
God bless you for having the love of the breed before the profit and yes unfortunately losing sales and sure some breeders have been rude that you’re taking the high road. We have two Frenchie’s and a English. Our 9 year old was 100% bad breeding and made it to 9, our 10 year old shows no signs of stopping…so many times our baby frisco scared us, we always had cool collars, mats, hammocks ect. Didn’t change the fact he just couldn’t breathe. My heart is aching so much over him and it hasn’t even been a year yet. The breeder (an acquaintance) got him to breed. But decided not to, and asked if we would take him in…so happy we had 9 years but his life definitely wasn’t lived to the fullest…,💔💔
There is a higher chance of birth complications with flat faced breeds, puppies need a snout to get them through the birth canal.
Oh thank God. I've felt so bad for all the poor creatures who have been bred to be something that should never be. They're uncomfortable, or in actual pain much of the time. Bless you, and thank you. I hope people will finally stop cruel breeding practices.
frenchies aren't the only ones with this issue. boxers were much different looking in their original form. but now, they seem to have similar problems as described in this article. i can't walk my boxer if the temp is too high, too humid without her overheating. and, they aren't built for extreme cold, either. so her walking is limited to a block or so and only on days when the weather is appropriate for her.
Sadly, almost every breed has its specific health issue. I know folks who think that snoring of French bulldog or pug while breathing is cute... It's good to know that there is such initiative to help those dogs.
I've never understood why breeders seem to prefer malformed over healthy. I think the absolutely most horrendous example is what breeders are doing to Damascus goats which are actually very adorable before the malformations are purposely bred in. If you are at all squeamish, don't look that up.
It's partially a side-effect of the breed standards, I think. Over time the interpretation of the text of the standard changes, as judges reward certain aspects in the show ring. Unless the breed standard expressly forbids it or the fancy calls a halt, the tendency is to become more, well, more, and it can reach absurdity. As above in the post, historically French bulldogs had longer snouts. Look at old photos of Siamese, and you'll find robust cats with rounded heads; and Persians used to be solid cobby cats with short but not flat faces. I'm glad there are breeders working to breed-back to more reasonable standards.
Load More Replies...Yes please. Extremists on the internet would call my uncle (a man who loves his dogs as much as his kids) a “backyard breeder” just for having a pair of dogs and occasionally breeding them for no profit (gives them to friends or recommended people). His dogs are not purebred, are extremely healthy and have straight backs. Those extremists as the same time claim that only “reputable breeders” can breed animals while they are the ones inbreeding them and following inhumane breed standards like the sloped backs.
For a long time, I have been disgusted with breeders, not a concern about health, after reading the comments below, they say exactly my thoughts, why has it not been addressed, a long time ago, what about having, some laws for Bad Breeding, laws for animals, can be made, or change the poor ones, there should be no animal suffering !!!
The AKC in the US is terrible in allowing all these physical changes. The Bull Terrier is another example of this. 100+ years ago it was a very handsome dog, which was used to heard bulls. Now it too has no muzzle, is short and stubby, and severe breathing issues. Don't get me started on all the other breeds that have different medical issues, but are bred anyway because they look a certain way. Despicable.
Not only is it much healthier and more humane but in my opinion, he looks much cuter to
Yep my french lady can't even walk 8km routes anymore and she's just 4 years old. She's a very muscular dog and to keep that muscle mass she needs working out, unfortunatelly that takes 2-3 sessions a day for 5min max as she's out of breath. Also it's funny and sad to see that she's basically brushing all the ground with her LIPS in order to sniff dog things.
It’s so unfortunate that backyard breeders even exist and I am sad to say I know veterinarians who are backyard breeders!! Some people love genetic mutations that should never ever be encouraged to be reproduced like the new cat that has the shortened forearm! It’s so sad how humans breed for genetic mutations or anomaly’s which should have never been embraced nor encouraged. As a result we have more breeds that are in physical trouble then not. Take into consideration one dog breed: The Irish setter which you don’t see anywhere anymore at all. This is due to bad breeding. The sloping back legs of the American German Shepherd…. Don’t get me started I don’t even understand why!! European German Shepherd look so much healthier, They lack that shortened back leg look. It’s heartbreaking what we’ve done a man’s best friend
It’s not “backyard breeders” only. People pretend that professional “reputable” breeders are good while they also follow unhealthy standards. Here in Europe pedigree German Shepherds also have a slopped back unless they are from working lines.
Load More Replies...My 4 year old male has an extremely smushed in face... He had a nose job, palate shaved, teeth removed... He sleeps with a ball or a toy in his mouth to get air. My 2 year old Female has a much more elongated snout and can sleep upside down, does get collapsed trachea here and there, but not like my Boy - he is always struggling to breathe... Regardless - I them both to DEATH 💞
I am not a fan of this look she claims is “healthy”. The dog on the left with the smashed face isn’t breed standard either- that is a ridiculous, erroneous example. Frenchies have a muzzle- this article is spreading misinformation. I’ve owned 3 Frenchies, one passed. 2 of the dogs snore and make piggy noises, no actual breathing issues. My 3rd has no issues and has the correct muzzle. This breeder is not only changing the muzzle but is breeding pointy ears, changing the eye spacing and their bodies structures are just off. Not the look of the dogs I so love.. I would not buy one.. curious how much she charges considering these dogs are not breed standard… cute, but all dogs are “cute..”
Wow we already have those. They're called Boston Terriers. This breeder isn't making anything new. JFC.
This lady Chantal has been a long time coming ! I hope she can influence ALL breeders of all the other dogs and cats that suffer, because of the same reasons ! Perhaps should even influence show judges to ban all of these nasty practices ! I hope she does well in her venture, she certainly deserves it ! Never lose your focus Chantal !
I was about to comment on this post,but it has all been said....Thumbs up for the BPs !!
We humans have to stop playing God. PLEASE let's not create monsters like in the movie Frankenstein and enjoy this breed for what it is.
The one on the right is so cute! I never was into French Bulldogs cause they look like the abomination on the left! Same for pugs: I realized how cute they looked once after I saw the first retro-pug. (Own a shibe and a poodle. Would have adopted a (middle sized) shelter dog as second dog and searched for months, but thanks to Covid19 our shelters are almost empty, cause people adopt like crazies!)
Breeds have already been changed; that is why the health issues are so terrible. Search the evolution of pugs, English bulldogs, German shepherds, etc... Many breeds look very different now. It's very unfortunate. There really needs to be strict legislation for breeders anyways. We have millions of dogs dying in shelters and people just keep breeding dogs. It's shameful.
Frenchies are adorable, but I don't like the "Face is a Paperweight" look.
The Neapolitan Mastiff rescue is so full right now that we have to turn dogs away because we don't have enough fosters. This means 150+ pound dogs with behavioral problems have to stay in a home that shouldn't have had the breed in the first place until the rescue can find a foster for him. Most behavioral issues have been the males. Neo's are a guardian breed but bad breeding is making behavioral issues even more problematic. The one's with health issues have to stay in a home that can't afford to treat them until we get a foster that can take them. This too is because of bad breeding practices. I wish that every breeder would do what Chantel is doing. There needs to be a change for the better with almost every breed out there today. The breeders need to stop breeding for looks and worry about health and behavior.
I applauded whst she's doing! I believe that this should be the practice for each and EVERY breed! I have a 4 year old Neapolitan Mastiff that's has bilateral hip dysplasia and severe arthritis in both knees and is now starting in his shoulders. He's had entropian and ectropian surgeries and is on multiple pain medications several times a day. The typical neo can't run and play without being winded and fatigued after a significantly short amount of time. My poor boy can't even run. I adopted him through a rescue that is breed specific and almost all the neos that come through thr rescue from all over the US have major joint issues, excessive wrinkles causing entropian, other eye issues, cherry eye, and sometimes so much extra heavy wrinkly skin hanging over their eyes that they have to have the equivalent of a facelift. Breeders ought to be ashamed of themselves. Health and behavior should be the only concerns when breeding.
My frenchie (thank goodness) has more of a snout and even our vet has commented that this is so much healthier for him and longevity of his life.
So many dogs have been destroyed by breeders, look at the dachshund, legs too short body too long. So many breeds have been taken from useful working dogs to useless cushion sitters. I have never wanted a bull dog tye breed because of health issues and they snot all over everything trying to stay alive. No better in the cat or horse world. Arabian with faces so dished they look like it was photoshopped by a 3 yr old. Then cats with no legs... Munchkins. So cute they can't jump up on the couch, scratching their own ears is a chore and this is a new breed that has just been accepted into the register!! Come on people, Health is the only thing that matters, looks are nothing. Beauty is only skin deep. Beauty is in the eye if the beholder. A dog that suffers to breathe is not a happy dog.
This whole thing makes me crazy. It makes no sense to create damaged animals on purpose. Cruelty and nothing else. Don't think it stops with dogs! Cats are victimized as well. Persians with pushed-in faces, naked Sphinxes. My GSP's have long, fully formed snouts with large noses and they are beautiful!
Why not simply STOP breeding French bulldogs!! And other poor deformed dogs. The breed clubs have a LOT to answer for.
I believe they also cannot reproduce normally? Pugs are another breed that are being bred for health: "Retro pugs", as they're called. All the cuteness, none of the suffocating, eye-popping, or infections!
What I want to know is how are they being bred healthy. Knowing about the genes are they going to cross breed something in the line to get rid of the DVL2 gene mutation? Only way to breed healthy French Bulldogs is to get rid of that mutation by cross breeding with a breed with healthy genes into their line.
Chantal is doing a great service to this charming breed! I have a Frenchie who is very devoted to me and it's horrible to see her struggle for breath after a mere walk around the block! I wish I'd understood this aspect of the Frenchie's physiology prior to selecting her. I feel very guilty about this and work hard to make Lily's life with me as comfortable as possible.
It's obvious that breeders are in it for the money. If they had ever experienced air hunger, they wouldn't do this to any living thing. It is the worst way to die (IMHO) and that's what these dogs go through constantly!
The picture pages of the puppies? I’M DED! 💕 http://www.hawbucks.nl/franse-bulldog/en/litter-1-photos/
Not saying that it never happens, but breeding like that is illegal in The Netherlands. Any and all (show)breeding that jeopardizes the health of the animal, or the breeding of animals that are unable to give birth by themselves is forbidden. Frenchies, King charles spaniels, flatnosed Persian cats, you name it, illegal to breed them
Both dogs in the initial image are out of standard. I keep seeing the one on the Left touted as an award winning dog...he got one behaviour award in a ring. They're both conformationally incorrect. The standard calls for a middle ground between these. Importantly, the text here is incorrect as well. Frenchies do not by default have BAOS - they are brachycephalic, meaning muzzle length shorter than the skull, but BAOS is a specific condition that, as mentioned clumsily above, occurs when other issues are also present. This includes soft palate issues and stenotic (closed) nares (nostrils). It is backyard bred frenchies, and other brachy breeds, that are the issue. Support breeders who health test and prove their dogs if you want to get a puppy. It means waiting, but BYB work on supply and demand. Remove the demand and dogs stop being born to suffer. To demonstrate the point, take a look at Frenchies doing agility - a dog struggling to breathe couldn't do that.
Don't know why you're getting downvoted. You've explained what a GOOD registered breeder does and explained it well!
Load More Replies...Breed for the health of the animal, not the look. Better yet, don’t backyard breed. I can’t stand how shelters are piling up because people can make money force breeding or being irresponsible pet owners. If you do want a purebred dog/cat go with a reputable breeder. Good breeders don’t breed unhealthy animals just because they are “cute”.
HI My name is Jonathan Demme, am from France i will brief you more oncei hear from you as soon as possible i will like to discuss with you,but not here in boredpanda email me to (dj76354641@gmail.com) With Regards Jonathan Demme
A lot of words for “I don’t care about the health of my dogs because I am a monster”
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