Of all the objects and furniture I have seen, there is one that I find quite regularly. They come in different shapes and styles like the forgotten past companion of music lovers or unknown virtuosos. Whether visiting a castle, mansion, villa, theater, or café, its presence changes the tone and interest of a visit. Silences are paralleled by the lost notes which once rang out through these empty rooms. Grand pianos, baby grands, concerts, or learners’ pianos, the keyboards may have been silent for several decades but call you to brush them, caress them, and discreetly test their sonority, if there remains one.
They may now be covered in dust but once they filled a family with joy on a festive Sunday, marked the end of a sacred Mass or awakened the curiosity of a child. What is left of these notes today? Nothing. Nothing but a silence barely disturbed by the passage of a music-loving visitor.
If you are interested, you can find my previous posts here and here on Bored Panda.
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Play Me My Song (Abandoned Hotel, France)
Tired (Abandoned Villa, Portugal)
Play As A Curtain Raiser (Abandoned Castle, France)
The Moment Before The Fall (Abandoned Castle, France)
Termite Blues (Abandoned Castle, France)
Tired As Usual (Abandoned Villa, Italy)
Don't Shoot The Piano (Abandoned Bar, Luxembourg)
Juke Box Baby (Abandoned Asylum, Italy)
Little Badly Crossed Out Cantata (Abandoned Villa, France)
The piano looks very restorable and I hope those are all music books on top!
I Would Have Liked To Be An Artist (Abandoned House, Belgium)
Piano Solo (Abandoned Villa, Italy)
This is a sad picture to see. all them years of entertaining and now it has been left to rot
Landing Interlude (Abandoned Mansion, France)
Are You Still In Pain? (Abandoned Mansion, France)
The Piano In Love With The Makeup Artist (Abandoned Villa, Italy)
Preliminary Fantasies (Abandoned Castle, France)
Pianos Never Cry (Abandoned Castle, France)
Here Below My Love Nothing Lasts (Abandoned Hotel, Belgium)
Unplugged Lullaby (Abandoned Castle, France)
The intricate woodwork goes so well with the wallpaper. I'm surprised the wood wasn't looted.
The Doctor's Melody (Abandoned Castle, France)
Sentimental Education (Abandoned Presbytery, Belgium)
Dark Blue Note (Abandoned Church, Belgium)
Struggle For Pleasure (Abandoned Mansion, France)
Memory Of A Haunting Melody (Abandoned Bar, Belgium)
Dream Of Love By Franz Liszt (Abandoned Mansion, France)
Oooo those carpets would look great with my italian cabinet from a few photos above.
Shame to think elephants gave their tusks for what was later abandoned. Mankind is not kind . . .
Pianos require special movers, who can be expensive. Nowadays, people don't buy pianos very often. When my mom died last year, I was devastated by the prospect of throwing away her beloved piano. I finally convinced my sister to take it. She had to pay a lot to transport it, plus a lot to have her crappy instrument disposed of.
I wonder what happened to the owners. Suerly you don't abandon something as beautiful and expensive unless you have to
Did anyone else hear piano music in their heads while looking that these photos, or is it just me? Beautiful photos, so sad, yet elegant.
I saw a guy do a better version of this post last year... https://www.boredpanda.com/abandoned-places-pianos-photography-romain-thiery/
Never noticed the beauty of abandoned pianos... what a good discovery!
Shame to think elephants gave their tusks for what was later abandoned. Mankind is not kind . . .
Pianos require special movers, who can be expensive. Nowadays, people don't buy pianos very often. When my mom died last year, I was devastated by the prospect of throwing away her beloved piano. I finally convinced my sister to take it. She had to pay a lot to transport it, plus a lot to have her crappy instrument disposed of.
I wonder what happened to the owners. Suerly you don't abandon something as beautiful and expensive unless you have to
Did anyone else hear piano music in their heads while looking that these photos, or is it just me? Beautiful photos, so sad, yet elegant.
I saw a guy do a better version of this post last year... https://www.boredpanda.com/abandoned-places-pianos-photography-romain-thiery/
Never noticed the beauty of abandoned pianos... what a good discovery!