“Tastes Like Dirt”: 30 Things Some Netizens Can’t Believe People Actually Enjoy Eating
InterviewThere are a number of food items that are stereotypically hated, particularly by children. Brussels sprouts and broccoli, for example. However, everyone’s taste buds have their own little personality, so some folks end up surprised when they try popular and beloved items and end up hating them.
A netizen asked “What food/drink are you convinced people are pretending to like?” and people share their favorite examples. We got in touch with the person who posed the question to learn more. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own thoughts and examples below.
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Oysters. Slimy like swallowing a raw egg.
I admire people who are brave/adventurous enough to dig into ... IMHO... cold big boogers.
Red Bull. Tastes fruity, but also fishy, and also like old copper pennies. I’m convinced people only drink it because it amplifies the drunkenness.
I don't like most energy drinks. They just taste like cough syrup to me.
Bubble tea. It is vile and not even cheap.
Never had it, and will never try. No need for mee to risk start liking more sugary stuff for one.. 😋
Bored Panda got in touch with the netizen who created the thread and they were kind enough to answer some of our questions. Firstly, we were curious to hear why they wanted to ask the internet about this in general.
“I was probably pretty bored and thought it would be a fun question to ask to kill some time. I'm also pretty passionately against sweet potato fries. I guess it was a combination of catching people at the right time and it being a subject others are passionate about. It's a pretty light-hearted question and funny to discuss.”
Sparkling water. Like I genuinely don’t see the reason for it and it somehow tastes bitter. I feel like a lot of people drink it just cause it’s fancy? Idk.
It kinda tastes like TV Static, if you can imagine what TV static tastes like!
“Mayo and cucumber are both up there with sweet potato fries. In fact they're actually way worse, I can't stand either and they seem to make their way into so many dishes. I actually don't mind sweet potato fries, I just can't fathom why anyone would want them over normal chips,” they shared.
Now I love your regular lagers, especially draught on a hot sunny day. I even developed a taste for fruit beers too, there's definitely a time and a place for them.
But IPA.... I swear to Sue Barker that it tastes like how cat wee smells. You know that pungent almost ammonia type smell?
That's IPA for me.
I love the cool label designs and names, they have all done well with the branding, but I sort of think that's 75% of the appeal.
My nephew gave me a spare bottle and it tastes like if you just ate the icing off an entire birthday cake, despite it being low in sugar.
Better known by the scientific name: Loganus Micro-Paul-asticus
I legitimately like everything that has been mentioned in this thread so far, I think. So I am obviously not the target audience of this question.
I like all the 'weird' s**t people stereotypically dislike. Mushrooms, spinach, sprouts, olives, anchovies, stinky cheese, fermented foods, raw fish, caviar, plain water, etc. And I legit prefer these foods to the foods people are 'supposed' to like, like burgers and chips/fries. I'd rather eat a bowl of sauteed mushrooms than a bag of doritos or whatever. Any day of the week.
Whereas I could eat a bowl of sauteed mushrooms using the Doritos as little spoons.
We also wanted to hear if they had any comments or suggestions that they particularly agreed with. “Just looking back, Aperol Spritz is my favorite answer. I've tried it so many times, even tried it a few times in Italy and it's just meh. It's not nasty, it's just not nice and the color of it writes cheques its flavor cannot cash.”
The classic coriander. Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It's soooo nasty. Like soapy soil.
I'm convinced that the vast majority of the wine industry is a huge con that is built on the basis that people are vacuous twats who think spending stupid money on a drink makes them more sophisticated.
I drink it because I like it. I'm not buying top shelf though. 2nd and 3rd shelf are good enough for me.
Brioche bread should never go near a burger (it is a sweet bread) the 'chef' who made that one popular wants sacking.
Bloody Mary's. Glass of pasta sauce.
Beer. It’s disgusting, yet I’ve drank gallons.
I prob just have had max two smal cans my entire life, can't stand the taste 🙀 but you do you. 👍
"Go to the Guinness brewery in Dublin and drink a whole pint and you'll love it."
I did and it still tasted like shite. Liars.
It's the food of the devil and should be eradicated asap.
Beetroot, it tastes like dirt and can’t understand why anyone would want to have it in anything.
Caviar. If it cost 2 quid down Tesco, nobody would eat that s**t 🧐.
Dr. Zoidberg: "What is this? Fish eggs? Goose liver? I ask for rich guy stuff and you give me garbage! I had garbage last night!"
Gin. That whole phase of everyone loving gin was ridiculous thank f**k people are mostly over it.
Edit: yes whatever mix of gin you're suggesting I've tried it and I still think it's vile. I've got a few bottles in the house (gifts) and every time I try some thinking it can't be as bad as I remember it I'm proved wrong... its worse.
Expensive wines. In blind taste tests even ‘experts’ can’t tell them apart from cheap supermarket bottles.
I disagree. Not an expert, but I can easily tell the difference between à 5€ bottle and à 30€ one. Not so easily between à 30€ bottle and à 150€ one, though.
Coffee, high street coffee anyway. 9 times out of 10 it tastes like ashtray but people are still willing to pay £3+ for it. Every morning, because 'they can't even'.
Probably gonna get down voted to s**t but…ketchup
The smell of it makes me gag and I think it ruins anything it’s put on.
a dab is better then a lot, it makes stuff taste good, but drowning stuff in it is blah
Raw steak.
That s**t literally is for social media pictures. Oooh look at my red steak that I didn't cook, how cool I am.
They scrape it straight into the garbage.
Coffee. Tastes awful and makes me feel sick. Doesn’t even wake you up it literally makes me sleep.
Sweet potato fries are better than normal fries - they have to be properly deep-fried, though, and galvanized with salt/seasoning.
Cauliflower. The whole cauliflower craze with everything being made from it is baffling. I don’t want cauliflower wings, cauliflower steak, or cauliflower rice. It seems like it’s become the trendy new thing and yet its rank.
I know this is supposed to be lighthearted but really, if we can't even accept that other people might have different food preferences than us, what hope is there of living in a shared society?
Yeah for some reason people assume we all taste the same thing when we eat a type of food...we don't. While cilantro and wine taste delicious to me I can fully understand that other people aren't always experiencing those flavors the same way as I am.
Load More Replies...For some reason, I can't stand the taste of most tropical fruits. Guave, mango, dragonfruit... bluurgh, sweet but in a really odd way, and with a very odd rotting undertone. And an even hotter take; the more high cuisine the restaurant, the shittier their desserts are.
I agree, I thought I was alone with the tropical fruits.
Load More Replies...Some of the things here seem pretty okay in my book. Wait til you guys try stuff like stinky tofu, natto and tempoyak. You'd probably find this list much tamer then -_- XP
I'm surprised none of them mentioned blue cheese. I think it's genetic, but to me it tastes like vomit smells.
Brussel Sprouts to me they taste like if poop vomited disgusting my parents used to make me eat them as a kid it made me gag. Anyone who says they like the taste i am convinced they are an alien.
A lot of the world apparently uses the word coriander when they mean cilantro. I think the word cilantro and coriander being separate parts of the same plant might be a US thing/reference.
Load More Replies...Raw onion in any form tastes like hot garbage to me. The irony is I absolutely love caramelized onions and those crispy fried onions you get in a tin.
Brussel sprouts. Every British person pretends to like them at Christmas and doesn't bother with them for the rest of the year.
Boiled brussel sprouts are gross. Oven roasted, with bacon and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar glaze reduction and a sprinkle of sea salt...oh ..god !!! Orgasmic
Load More Replies...You forgot: Escargot. It's like trying to eat a garlic-coated balloon
I absolutely love escargot! So you can give me your share.
Load More Replies...I also hate the taste, plus I'm allergic to it
Load More Replies...I can’t stand tomatoes, unless they’re sun dried or ketchup lol
raw oysters ONLY if there is plenty of wasabi and lemon available.
Random people complain about what bugs them. One of the 3 main uses of the internet
Load More Replies...I know this is supposed to be lighthearted but really, if we can't even accept that other people might have different food preferences than us, what hope is there of living in a shared society?
Yeah for some reason people assume we all taste the same thing when we eat a type of food...we don't. While cilantro and wine taste delicious to me I can fully understand that other people aren't always experiencing those flavors the same way as I am.
Load More Replies...For some reason, I can't stand the taste of most tropical fruits. Guave, mango, dragonfruit... bluurgh, sweet but in a really odd way, and with a very odd rotting undertone. And an even hotter take; the more high cuisine the restaurant, the shittier their desserts are.
I agree, I thought I was alone with the tropical fruits.
Load More Replies...Some of the things here seem pretty okay in my book. Wait til you guys try stuff like stinky tofu, natto and tempoyak. You'd probably find this list much tamer then -_- XP
I'm surprised none of them mentioned blue cheese. I think it's genetic, but to me it tastes like vomit smells.
Brussel Sprouts to me they taste like if poop vomited disgusting my parents used to make me eat them as a kid it made me gag. Anyone who says they like the taste i am convinced they are an alien.
A lot of the world apparently uses the word coriander when they mean cilantro. I think the word cilantro and coriander being separate parts of the same plant might be a US thing/reference.
Load More Replies...Raw onion in any form tastes like hot garbage to me. The irony is I absolutely love caramelized onions and those crispy fried onions you get in a tin.
Brussel sprouts. Every British person pretends to like them at Christmas and doesn't bother with them for the rest of the year.
Boiled brussel sprouts are gross. Oven roasted, with bacon and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar glaze reduction and a sprinkle of sea salt...oh ..god !!! Orgasmic
Load More Replies...You forgot: Escargot. It's like trying to eat a garlic-coated balloon
I absolutely love escargot! So you can give me your share.
Load More Replies...I also hate the taste, plus I'm allergic to it
Load More Replies...I can’t stand tomatoes, unless they’re sun dried or ketchup lol
raw oysters ONLY if there is plenty of wasabi and lemon available.
Random people complain about what bugs them. One of the 3 main uses of the internet
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