People Are Joining This Thread Ranting About Overhyped Foods They Don’t Understand And Here Are 34 Of Them
It is probably impossible to find a food that everyone loves, there will always be someone who hates it with all their heart. Even the most common things that a lot of recipes may contain. It is interesting how different people can eat the same thing, but have a different reaction to the taste or even perceive it differently.
Even though the Latin maxim says that there is no point in disputing tastes, people love to give their opinions on food. Reddit user jamboamericano wanted to know people’s opinions on foods that are hyped up but “quite simply suck.” They received 3k responses so take a look at the most popular ones that quite a lot of people agreed on.
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I don't get the appeal of chili that is made to be as hot and spicy as humanly possible, to the point that it hurts to eat it. "I make my chili with the five hottest peppers known to man and a dash of snake venom to kick it up a notch" Why?
That, and tofu.
Instagram food (so foods with so much added nonsense just for the sake of a photo, not for taste)
I feel like whoever buys that s**t doesn't actually like it and uses it to flaunt their money
This is just silly. There are types of caviar that aren't expensive, particularly because you're not meant to shovel it in with a fork. I absolutely love caviar, and it has nothing to do with showing off or being rich (I'm not).
Oysters, I've never tried them and I never want to, they just look like big boogers to me, sorry for the mental image.
Pickled eggs, pickled pigs feet, etc. Can't do it nope.
Macarons. Expensive air cookies that still manage to stick to your teeth.
Kombucha. I know it is a drink, but still
As someone from the UK I don't get why so many people here love mushy peas. I find peas relatively tasteless and gross as they are, mushing them just makes the texture gross as well
Kale. I don’t care how it’s prepared, there’s just no point to it.
If it's prepared and cooked properly, Kale is delicious. Especially Scottish black kale. My family loves it and it's full of nutrients like iron and vitamins.
Candy corn, s***s a*s
Lobster. I uh, I don't get it. It always tastes a bit flavorless and just alright to me. Then I see people dip it in butter and yea thats fine and all and it tastes great, but then I get the feeling I'm just tasting the butter and what the f**k is the point of this $30 dish exactly?
Like a lot of shellfish, it has to be fresh from the ocean. If you have it in a tank at the supermarket where they just sit there it's not worth it. Back on PEI, Canada; 70% of houses are having fresh lobster on Mother's Day right off the boat. Can't beat it.
This will not be popular…Taco Bell.
Only edible if it’s absolutely drenched in hot sauce. It’s mushy, bland, makes me bloated, and strangely, sometimes gives me a headache. 2 out of 5 times found a hair in the burrito. I gave up.
Or if you’re drunk, the bar closed, and there’s no other place open.
Five Guys. Not sure if it’s the same as in the US (I’m in the UK) or I just got a dodgy meal but it was just greasy overpriced mess.
Pop tarts
Hot Cheetos. I absolutely love spicy foods but they taste like bleeda**. whatever that means
Hot Flamin' Cheetos is my guilty pleasure. My butt does not thank me the next day, though
Truffle oil
The majority of truffle oil isn't actually made with truffles. The main ingredient is a chemical designed in a laboratory to mimic the aroma of truffles (synthetic 2,4-dithiapentane).
Beets. My wife tried to convince me to like them by saying "they taste like dirt!" Needless to say, this was an ineffective approach.
Ranch dressing. It’s vile. People put it on EVERYTHING. gross. Just stop it.
When it was first introduced, it was a packet mix that you combined with mayonnaise and real buttermilk. It was delicious then. You can still buy the mix and that's the only way to prepare it IMHO.
Kimchi, it just doesn't taste as interesting as people say it does
Shrimp, and any other sea-roaches
Shrimp is pretty cool if it's cooked well. Not overcooked and not drenched in seasoning. With most of these you just got to cook it lightly with minimal additions to keep the true taste.
Seafood. It stinks, it looks gross, and every time I've been convinced to try it it's been rank. My husband and I have agreed many times that we'd have to be starving to death before we ever considered seafood as a meal. I do not understand how anybody can enjoy it. It creates a visceral negative reaction in me.
I love seafood, but I'm careful where I source it. No dodgy diner seafood, please.
Food: Sweet potato
Drink: Kombucha
I can't understand the enjoyment of either, as both taste like dirt
I don't think it sucks but I don't get why popcorn is so cherished.
I don't like the flavor, the texture, or the f*****g kernels that get stuck in my teeth. The smell is always terrible to me and it lingers.
But what I really hate is having to explain to people offering it to me that I actually don't like popcorn, no, I really don't, yes, even that type, yes it's a popular snack, no, I really don't like it.
Reading these posts makes me think these are a lot of pizza, burgers, and fries fans. It is interesting to branch out and try other foods. I don't know why some of these foods are considered to be "hyped". Who hypes tofu????
I think some are conflating over hyped with simply being well known. To me, over hyped is akin to saying it's the best and nothing will compare to it.
Load More Replies...Seems like people love hating on some of the healthiest foods you can eat. They might not all taste great, but your body will certainly thank you in the long run.
I think a lot of healthy foods can taste great if you learn how to prepare them well and the way you like best!
Load More Replies...This thread makes no sense! Someone likes some type of food, some don't.
Reading these posts makes me think these are a lot of pizza, burgers, and fries fans. It is interesting to branch out and try other foods. I don't know why some of these foods are considered to be "hyped". Who hypes tofu????
I think some are conflating over hyped with simply being well known. To me, over hyped is akin to saying it's the best and nothing will compare to it.
Load More Replies...Seems like people love hating on some of the healthiest foods you can eat. They might not all taste great, but your body will certainly thank you in the long run.
I think a lot of healthy foods can taste great if you learn how to prepare them well and the way you like best!
Load More Replies...This thread makes no sense! Someone likes some type of food, some don't.