Whether deep in a commitment with your ultimate crush or trying your luck to win them over, it’s important to ace your flirting game. The truth is, flirting with a special someone can be pretty nerve-wracking. But it’s good for your health, writes Barbara Field in a 2023 feature for VeryWellMind (1).
Not only does flirting boost self-esteem and improve communication, but it also physiologically reduces stress and makes us feel sexier. Flirting is the kind of outlet we need to express our bottled-up emotions and let a significant other know we’re interested — albeit in a simple, subtle way.
Thankfully, social media introduced modern ways to ease us into a flirting frenzy. You can send your office crush a personalized message, including a flirty “Good Morning” meme. Or, slide into their DMs with a cheeky message paired with a flirty meme for them.
Sometimes, just sending a thoughtful and humorous response to your crush’s social media posts can brighten their day. Finally, close the day and wish them a good night with a funny forwarded joke or meme you selected mainly for them — it keeps things light and breezy.
So, if you’re ready to turn up the romance and show off your flirty side, check out our favorite flirty love memes below. They’re perfect for igniting your inner Casanova and blushing your crush’s cheeks. Use them to spark a fun digital conversation, connect, and charm that special someone.
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“Just Follow Directions”
“Marriage Is a Lifetime Commitment”
One time I walked into my bedroom to get dressed and screamed because there was a man in ny bed. I'd forgotten I was married.
“Arrest Me Please”
Did You Know That International Flirting Day Exists?
Flirt Day is celebrated on February 18 each year. A couple of days after Valentine’s Day, singletons are finally granted their day to go out and mingle. It’s the perfect time to flex those romantic muscles, even if you’re far from establishing an actual relationship.
According to the 2024 Hindustan Times article by Parmita Uniyal, Flirt Day is about giving oneself a chance to connect with others (2). It’s part of the all-inclusive “Anti-Valentine’s Week.” It encourages even desperately single people to get in the mood for love.
“When Flirting Goes the Right Way”
“When You Take Love Instruction Literally”
Why Do We Find It So Difficult to Flirt?
A lot of pressure comes with getting someone special to pay attention to you and return your feelings. A pressure that comes with its own insecurities and fears. Generally, nobody wants to feel rejected, and flirting fails are rooted in this fear of rejection, explains “flirtologist” Jane Smith in her book “Flirtology: Stop Swiping, Start Talking, and Find Love” (3).
When it comes to dating or flirting, Smith adds that people tend to compare themselves to others to see if they’re “good enough,” “worthy enough,” or even “attractive enough.” But here’s the deal: The sticky comparison of self-worthiness negatively affects your flirting game, making you fumble more than usual.
The best way to up your flirting prowess is to acknowledge your personal issues so they don’t hinder your chances of finding love. In a 2023 article for NPR, Andre Limbong and Andre Tagle suggest that to improve your chances at flirting, bigger issues of self-acceptance and worth are better dealt with in your own time, not when you’re in the middle of dating (4).
Your self-worth shouldn't depend on someone else’s reactions to your advances. Avoid the added pressure to have more fun with flirting — it will make you more attractive.
“Me Trying to Flirt”
“Send Help!”
Are We Capable of Noticing When Someone Is Flirting With Us?
In a study conducted by the University of Kansas with 52 pairs of eligible single straight college students, an overwhelming 84% accurately knew when their partner was not flirting with them (5).
The study also showed that only 28% of participants could correctly perceive when their partners were flirting with them. This explains why many flirting styles and moves don’t exactly land. In short, we can all sense rejection but are almost blind to opportunity.
When comparing men and women, men are more perceptive when detecting and recognizing flirting behavior 36% of the time. Conversely, women are generally slower to notice someone making a move, making the right judgment only 18% of the time.
The research suggests that women might perceive a guy’s smile or kind gestures as merely friendly and nothing exceptional. This could be why many advances are misinterpreted.
In Debt to the End
“This Home Depot Aisle Perfectly Sums It All”
Smooth Moves
Safe Zone
“When Your Flirting Skills Are No Match for Her High Standards”
“How to Spot a Genuine Flert”
“When You Have No Idea How to Flirt Back”
“When You Realize It Too Late”
“When You Misjudge the Stare”
“When You've Become Blind to the Signals”
Dating in Your 30s vs Dating in Your 20s
“The dark side clouds everything. Impossible to see the light.” — Yoda
“It's Still Possible”
“Sorry for Inconvenience”
The Signals Are Always Confusing
“I Am Not As Bad at Flirting As Everyone Thinks”
Short and Sweet
The Morse code says "Hey do you look cute but I have a boyfriend". Not the greatest flirting opener
“There's a Treasure to Be Found”
“Make Sure Not to Miss the Hints in the Internet”
Excuse me, please don't send pictures of me on the internet!
“In My Mind There Was No Hint”
Asking Goes a Long Way
- Barbara Field. “Why Flirting Is Good for Your Mental Health.” VeryWellMind, November 30, 2023. | https://www.verywellmind.com/flirting-is-good-for-your-mental-health-5190392
- Parmita Uniyal. “Flirt Day 2024: 6 flirting mistakes to avoid at all costs.” Hindustan Times, February 17, 2024. | https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/relationships/flirt-day-2024-6-flirting-mistakes-to-avoid-at-all-costs-this-anti-valentines-week-101708178070877-amp.html
- Jean Smith. “Flirtology: Stop swiping, start talking, and find love.” 2024. https://flirtology.com/book/
- Andrew Limbong and Andre Tagle. “The key to flirting? It’s not about you.” NPR, July 7, 2023. | https://www.npr.org/2021/07/11/1014019821/flirting-how-to-dating-romance-advice
- Hall JA, Xing C, Brooks S. “Accurately detecting flirting: error management theory, the traditional sexual script, and flirting base rate.” Journal of Communication Research. May 25, 2014. | https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0093650214534972