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Teen Flies Alone To Meet With His Online GF, Gets Scared After He is Met By Her Dad

Teen Flies Alone To Meet With His Online GF, Gets Scared After He is Met By Her Dad


Romance is a core experience in most human lives. Usually, it’s an exciting time when you have a crush on someone, and it can make people do things they generally wouldn’t do.

Today’s story covers how a 14YO teen fell in love with a girl he met online without ever knowing what she looked like, or even hearing her voice, and flew over 2500 miles to meet her.

More Info: Reddit


    Having a crush can lead to some very bold actions, and sometimes they pay off

    Image credits: Drakie RuneScape (not the actual photo)

    A man recently approached Reddit to tell this story from his adolescence, and it touched netizens’ hearts


    Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo)


    The man, a 9-YO boy at the time, met a girl in a video game, and they talked daily for over 5 years online


    Image credits: (not the actual photo)

    Their friendship eventually evolved into a romantic relationship, and when they were 14 years old, they decided to make it ‘official’


    Image credits: u/ImpossibleEcho134

    Despite never having seen or heard each other’s faces or voices, the 14YO teen flew 2500 miles to Canada to meet his girlfriend, and they continued dating throughout high school

    Recently a man approached Reddit to tell his romance story back when he was a 14-year-old teen, when he flew over 2500 miles to Canada so he could meet a girl there. Surprisingly, it’s quite a ride, so buckle up!

    The OP (Original Poster) begins his story by setting the scenery – back in 2007, when he was 9 years old, he used to play a video game called ‘Runescape’. It’s an online game, where people can chat with each other whilst playing and do various social activities.

    Since meeting other people and communicating with them was a core experience in the game, he soon encountered a girl who he quickly befriended and grew fond of. As the years passed, the boy and the girl didn’t stop talking and even started e-mailing each other as well as talking on Myspace.


    5 years later, they were teenagers already and decided to make their relationship ‘official’, despite never having seen each other once and the distance at hand. If that wasn’t surprising enough, the OP (Original Poster) proposed the idea that he should fly and meet the girl in person, and she agreed.

    However, the plan didn’t work at first – the OP’s mom refused to let him go, but eventually, she caved in as the girl’s parent called her and said he could stay over if he came. So off he went!

    The 14YO teen flew completely by himself to Canada. He then stumbled his way through the airport, trying to find the predetermined place where they were supposed to meet. Suddenly, a 6’3” man approached him, asking “Are you, Cameron?” Of course, the teen didn’t expect to be met by a man, and he saw his love story collapsing right before his eyes.

    Image credits: Sergey Makashin (not the actual photo)

    Fortunately, the man quickly followed up with “Nice to meet you, I’m her dad” and the girl he was supposed to meet was standing just nearby. Needless to say, when OP saw her, it was cinematic – he felt like the airport crowd had parted like the Red Sea so that they could meet.


    What’s even better is that the teenagers dated throughout high school for over 5 years. Eventually, they broke things off, but their story still can be considered a success. It’s great that their story was so delightful, but meeting strangers you know online isn’t always such a good idea.

    As the internet has become a commodity, it goes without saying, but people still can get themselves into dangerous predicaments because of this. ‘Catfishing‘, or the process of luring someone by creating a fake online persona, is a growing occurrence in today’s digital world.

    There are various reasons why people catfish, as the degree can vary – for example, a person may edit or provide old pictures of themselves on dating websites to appear more attractive than they truly are. But there are more insidious ways that catfishing can be illegal, and not just a waste of time.

    There’s even a Netflix documentary called ‘Tinder Swindler‘, which revolves around a man catfishing women. The man fosters relationships with women over Tinder and then in real life, then scams them out of their money. According to research, women are more likely to be catfished as they’re more relationally oriented and socialized towards caring for others. Unfortunately, these good traits can be abused by malicious men.


    Luckily, today’s story ended on a good note and there was no harm involved – quite the opposite. What do you think about today’s story? Do you think the mom should’ve let the teen go? Let us know in the comments below.

    Netizens rejoice at the 14YO’s courage, some of them saying that they should’ve done a similar thing when they had the chance


    Poll Question

    Do you think the mom was right to eventually let her son fly alone to meet his online girlfriend?

    Yes, it was a great experience for him

    No, it was too dangerous

    Not sure

    Depends on more details

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    Monika Pašukonytė

    Monika Pašukonytė

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    I am a visual editor here. In my free time I enjoy the vibrant worlds of art galleries, exhibitions, and soulful concerts. Yet, amidst life's hustle and bustle, I find solace in nature's embrace, cherishing tranquil moments with beloved friends. Deep within, I hold a dream close - to embark on a global journey in an RV, accompanied by my faithful canine companion. Together, we'll wander through diverse cultures, weaving precious memories under the starry night sky, fulfilling the wanderlust that stirs my soul.

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    Monika Pašukonytė

    Monika Pašukonytė

    Author, BoredPanda staff

    I am a visual editor here. In my free time I enjoy the vibrant worlds of art galleries, exhibitions, and soulful concerts. Yet, amidst life's hustle and bustle, I find solace in nature's embrace, cherishing tranquil moments with beloved friends. Deep within, I hold a dream close - to embark on a global journey in an RV, accompanied by my faithful canine companion. Together, we'll wander through diverse cultures, weaving precious memories under the starry night sky, fulfilling the wanderlust that stirs my soul.

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This happened to me as well! Back in the 90s, we had chatrooms on AOL that were designed for roleplaying called the Red Dragon Inns. I was around 11 years old at the time. I roleplayed a wolf (surprise) that could shapeshift into a silver dragon. I met another person who was roleplaying a green dragon named Ravage. We became friends, and over the years, our characters became mates (we were dragons, after all!) and even had a couple of "kids". One year - I think I was 15 or 16 - Rav's parents allowed them to fly out from Ohio to California to visit for a few weeks! I was over the moon. I already had a pretty big crush on Rav online and it continued when we met IRL XD But due to crippling shyness on both of our parts, we didn't do or say anything. But it was still a great visit. We never met IRL again and lost touch while Rav was in high school, though I got back in touch with Rav recently! She recently transitioned to female and she is happier than ever and living her best life! <3

    Sunny Day
    Community Member
    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Coworker's 16yo daughter (mentally about 12 due to TBI as a toddler) met a boy over the internet. Coworker (mom) paid for the kid to fly out & spend a couple weeks with them. It actually *was* a 17yo kid, and he spent the 2 weeks asking them to buy him things. Clothes, shoes, jacket, etc.

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    LakotaWolf (she/her)
    Community Member
    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This happened to me as well! Back in the 90s, we had chatrooms on AOL that were designed for roleplaying called the Red Dragon Inns. I was around 11 years old at the time. I roleplayed a wolf (surprise) that could shapeshift into a silver dragon. I met another person who was roleplaying a green dragon named Ravage. We became friends, and over the years, our characters became mates (we were dragons, after all!) and even had a couple of "kids". One year - I think I was 15 or 16 - Rav's parents allowed them to fly out from Ohio to California to visit for a few weeks! I was over the moon. I already had a pretty big crush on Rav online and it continued when we met IRL XD But due to crippling shyness on both of our parts, we didn't do or say anything. But it was still a great visit. We never met IRL again and lost touch while Rav was in high school, though I got back in touch with Rav recently! She recently transitioned to female and she is happier than ever and living her best life! <3

    Sunny Day
    Community Member
    6 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Coworker's 16yo daughter (mentally about 12 due to TBI as a toddler) met a boy over the internet. Coworker (mom) paid for the kid to fly out & spend a couple weeks with them. It actually *was* a 17yo kid, and he spent the 2 weeks asking them to buy him things. Clothes, shoes, jacket, etc.

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