All aboard the ‘Koala Train’. Baby koalas love to cuddle. It brings them great comfort and makes them feel safe and secure. Five orphaned koala joeys, Nell, Bruce, Samuel, Eve and Harriet, took cuddling one step further during their recent photo session with animal photographer Alex Cearns of Houndstooth Studio, and formed an adorable ‘Koala Train’. What a special treat for Alex to preserve this moment and capture them relating to each other this way.

Along with many other rescued koalas, Nell, Bruce, Samuel, Eve and Harriet are in foster care with Fauna Rescue of South Australia Inc and will hopefully be released back into the bush when they are older and able to fend for themselves. All of their mothers are deceased, so their dedicated carers take on the role of provider for them, tending to their every need.

Fauna Rescue SA is the largest wildlife rescue organisation in South Australia and cares for thousands of animals each year, including many sick, injured and orphaned koalas. They run a 24 hour koala telephone hotline, answering up to 20 calls a day from concerned members of the public.

Dog attacks, loss of habitat, and road casualties are all taking their toll on this beloved iconic species and they need our help more than ever. Fauna Rescue SA have vet bills to cover and also need funds to obtain additional equipment such as flagging poles, koala rescue cages and to build koala enclosures. They don’t receive any government funding, and as a not for profit group they rely solely on donations from the public and from fundraising to support the koalas’ needs.

Many koalas need medical attention, and are often taken to the Adelaide Koala and Wildlife Hospital for treatment. The hospital has been running for nearly 3 years and all consultations are provided free of charge. Like Fauna Rescue SA, it also relies on donations to function and is staffed by a team of volunteers and vets and vet nurses from Southern Animal Hospital. They work together to provide such a valuable service for precious wildlife.


No matter where you live, we can all help these adorable animals by raising awareness of their plight and by supporting organizations like Fauna Rescue SA and the Adelaide Koala and Wildlife Hospital.

More info: Facebook


    The ‘Koala Train’ starring orphans Nell, Bruce, Samuel, Eve and Harriet

    Nell and Harriet from Fauna Rescue SA

    Harriet weighs in on the scales


    Baby Lisa and her teddy from the Adelaide Koala and Wildlife Hospital

    Rescued Koala Honey is cared for by the Adelaide Koala and Wildlife Hospital


    “What are you?” “No, what are you!” Two babies in the care of Fauna Rescue SA Inc meet for the first time

    Baby Lisa from the Adelaide Koala and Wildlife Hospital has a snack of Eucalyptus leaves