These are photos I took during the first Iowa corgi meet up.
My Corgi, Jasper the Corgi, hosted it in Cedar Rapids. All the Corgs had a great time frapping around and being Corgs!
Tongue out Tuesday frap
Look at this butt, isn’t it neat
Ahhhh, that feels good
I’m a Princess, give me shade
You can’t catch me!
It’s too hot for this Corg!
Jasper trying to hump his half sister, gross Jasper.
Corg kisses!
Blending in as a Corg
They’ve accepted her as their own. Welcome to the herd!
Our handsome little host! My little Jasper!
Brother and Sister kisses! He still wanted to hump her.
Corg profiles are the best!
Dashing in the clover field!
Maybe the heat won’t find me under here.
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