First dates are notoriously tricky. Especially if you have only spent time with the person in a friend group capacity or haven't met them in real life at all.

No wonder why coffee shops are such popular destinations — there's a good chance the two of you will be unable to hit it off and you'll need a quick and easy exit.

So we at Bored Panda decided to take a look at what turns people off the most and found two Reddit threads (one started by the user HomeTattoo and another by Kiwicarebear) that has folks sharing their first-date dealbreakers.


People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Went on a date with a guy yesterday who was a christian (I'm an atheist, but that's fine) and went on an unprompted monologue about how homosexuality is not God's will (not fine). I am a man, we were both men, it was a gay date. It was very confusing.

anon , RDNE Stock project Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date I wore heels on a blind date. The guy looked me up and down, then said "You know it's rude to wear heels on a blind date right?" I said "I'm sorry I didn't premeditate the fragility of your ego." He back-peddled and begged me to stay for the meal. I had half a drink and had to walk out. When someone shows you their true colours, why waste anyone's time after that?

    candacelarissa , Luis Quintero Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date If they expect sex.

    Fun story, I went on the WORST date a while ago. Guy seemed nice enough when we first met, but during the first date, I realized he was a total sleaze and maybe crazy? He asked me out of the blue if I was on birth control. When I said yes, he said, "sweet, that means I don't have to wear a condom."

    I was so taken aback. Who says stuff like that? At that point, I knew I'd never touch him - not when a ten and a half foot pole - but I felt weirdly compelled to explain to him how stupid that was. I asked what he'd do if he knocked me up. "Oh, it's no big deal. You'll just get it taken care of, that's all." He didn't understand that abortions aren't cheap, easy to get, or fun. When I expressed that, he rolled his eyes and said condoms *weren't fair to him* and that *having to wear a condom is a deal-breaker.*

    I left that restaurant so fast I must've made his head spin. He tried to backtrack, said "maybe I can make an exception for you!" I declined and told him I wasn't interested. Then he tried to call me up nine months later to hang out. Because "no girl in all of DC wants to go on a date and it's so frustrating." Uh... maybe because you're gross and awful, dude? Also, this guy was 30. I'd expect this b******t from a teenager. Not a 30-year-old.

    sleepyhollow_101 , cottonbro studio Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date If they don’t like animals. I’ve always had dogs (have two right now) and went on a date once where he said he hated animals. I left shortly after.

    anothersadpisces , Steshka Willems Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Well, one guy showed up to the wrong lunch location and made ME drive to meet him (I was working, he was not) - strike 1. I arrive and he gets out of his car wearing sweats (he made me wait over 2 hours while he got ready - strike 9). Is 7 inches shorter than he said he was (which isn’t a problem unless you LIE about it - strike 13). And then... he was missing some critical burger eating teeth (that’s not even a strike - at this point I was in for the entertainment value this would add). Then he got into a loud, long anti government rant that only paused when I realized my car was being broken into. I run outside and defend my car expecting my date to be gallantly by my side. He was not - he just sat in the booth content to let me fight off someone rummaging through my car. Strikes 1000-39276651.

    Oh. And he cried twice.

    And watching him eat a burger wasn’t even close to being as entertaining as I wanted it to be.

    MissMurphysLaw , Louis Hansel Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date When they’re nice to you but not to the waiter.

    Because one day, you’ll be in the waiter’s position.

    LongDiddly , Yan Krukau Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Being nice to me and not others just tells me they’re not nice and they want something from me. It’s likely they’re manipulative and definitely transactional. Ironically, not towards the people with which they’re having overt transactions.

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date From personal experience, casually dropping that the Earth is only a few thousand years old and rock stars get famous by making a deal with Satan. The worst part is the moment when you have to stop laughing because you realize it wasn't a silly joke.

    mildly_gone , Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Lying. If someone is significantly different from anything they have led me to believe prior to the first date I’m immediately not interested. I don’t really care that much about their weight, height, political leanings, religion, etc, but lie to me first thing and we’ve got nothing else to talk about.

    almostahermit , Iwona Pytlowska Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date If it’s a one way conversation, me asking them questions and taking interest in their life and them asking none or minimal questions about me.

    TheJadedSF , Ron Lach Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Being constantly on their phone.

    actualclaudemonet , Bibhash Banerjee Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had such a date. The guy barely looked at me, he was so absorbed by his phone, his messages, his social media. He even posted about the restaurant we were at. And then somebody called him and they talked for like, 20 minutes (nothing urgent, just trifles). At some point I got up and told him I'd go to the bathroom, and he just waived his hand at me: "yeah, no problem". Got my purse, went to the bartender, paid my coffee and left in a taxi. Texted him from the taxi :))) He was genuinely surprised: "Why did you leave? Are you upset?"

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date When she tries to spritz me with Holy Water since I was never baptized.

    Anon , ROMAN ODINTSOV Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She just had some with her? Was it neatly packed with her vampire stake, silver bullet filled gun and garlic? Enquiring minds need to know...

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date If in the midst of conversation you have to brag about how much your parents make or how they gave your brother an Audi, I’m done.

    I’m not saying coming from a rich family is bad, but if you feel a need to bring it up on the first date, I’m going to assume you have nothing better to bring to the table.

    baconcheesescone , Jack Sparrow Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wealth as personality. Sadly, it meets so many people’s approval as a fundamental characteristic.

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Talking non-stop about wanting a "traditional" family where mom doesn't work. Like sure, but that's not me so move on.

    Or bringing up being an alpha male. Just no.

    Cotheron , Tibor Pápai Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a rule of thumb, if someone specifically claims to be an "alpha male", then they most definitely are not an alpha male in the slightest.

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    Had someone on a dating app using 20 year old pics, lying about her age to an extreme extent, she said she was 25, i was 19 and she asked if i minded dating older women. I didnt mind at all but she showed up and the first thing i thought of was "wow she takes really good pics" but I decided since i was already there might as well make the best of it.

    I found out she was 49 and had a son older than me, because he ended up working at the bowling alley we went to, I thought she seemed a little uncomfortable when we arrived to the bowling alley but shrugged it off to her being nervous about an internet date. Until i went to go get some food and her son who WORKED AT THAT BOWLING ALLEY pulled me to the side to ask what I was doing with his mom, he told me she was 49 and married, and then the best part, he was 6 months older than me.

    anon Report


    Dating in my teens and early 20's I was naive and insecure. So loved it when a guy said I was so much better than his last girlfriend who was a b***h. Dating again in my 50's (being wiser and secure with myself) my response to the ex-b***h story is, "What the hell did you do to her???"

    kaffie27 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes! This one is in the category of, "everybody eles is crazy/ dumb/ an a*****e but me".

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Bad hygiene. Ended up nicknaming him halitosis boy.. Had a guy turn up to a date once like he hadn't showered in months. He smelled so bad I had to lean back in my chair to get away from the smell. So gross. He was the worst but lots of guys make no effort to look or dress nice on a date too. Always makes me think... This is as good as it gets so that's a nope!

    SeaActiniaria , rayul Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There are definitely some professions that give lingering smells that are extremely hard or impossible to wash off, which makes it hard for those individuals to date outside of their profession, but other than that, there isn't a good excuse, imo. I'm those cases, is still say to wash, but it doesn't always work and that should be information the person provides ahead of time.

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Being married.

    Bringing your friend to the date because you were nervous.

    Bragging about your knife collection at home.

    Never knew these things would come up in the first dates I’ve been on, but here we are.

    pelicanfriends , Brooke Cagle Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a really nice Damascus steel Santoku. A long paring knife, and a wooden chopping board I made myself from old hardwood crates. I see nothing wrong with talking about this.

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date When he brings up his idealistic woman physically and I match none of those. For example, “All girls should have straight hair”.

    dentduv , Priscilla Du Preez Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Starting a sentence with "All girls should" = major red flag!

    Benita Valdez
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Too many guys have had an issue with my curly hair.; I have long thick curly hair. I have one ex that actually bought me a very expensive hair straightener so I could make my hair look nice. I like the convenience and easy maintenance of straight hair but screw you; I'm stuck with curls and I like them so if you don't like it we won't work out.

    Pascal’s Swagger
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The hair isn’t the issue. It seems this person just liked to make women feel insecure about their looks.

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A box builder makes for horrible date. Figuratively. I’ve no information or opinion on actual box builders.

    🇳🇬 Asi Bassey 🇳🇬
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Probably why both parties should exchange photos before actually meeting. No point wasting each other’s time if the other person doesn’t fit what you’re looking for.

    Pascal’s Swagger
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It happens even when you do sometimes. Some men like to destroy women’s self esteem. And even if you’re not that person’s physical preference, no need at all to say anything about it. After the initial meetup they can say “nice to meet you but I can tell we’re not compatible and I wish you luck in your search.” There’s no situation where something like this is appropriate or in any way justified.

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Being racist and sexist without realizing it and then kinda shaming you for what you are.
    I didn't call her back.

    10_Virtues , cottonbro studio Report


    I went on a date with a woman I'd been talking with for a couple of weeks. We lived in different towns, decided to meet up in a pub in her town.

    I lasted less than a pint. All she did was run men down, say how useless we are, all after one thing, etc.

    She seemed genuinely surprised when I stood up and said goodbye and walked out.

    Away_Swim1967 Report


    Back before I met my bf, I went on a tinder date with a guy who was new to where I lived at the time. During conversation I mentioned offhand that there were certain places you didn’t want to walk after dark because a lot of people got mugged in those areas. This guy started mansplaning to me how it would be fine to walk there after dark, you just need to be confident, he’s a world traveler, nobody has ever bothered him etc. I was like, no dude trust me it isn’t safe, but he just kept talking over me. He seemed to view it as a challenge. He was arrogant in general but this was what made me make an excuse and leave the date early. Like ok dude, if you’re so tough then feel free to go get mugged

    avocado_kowalski Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You should have dared him to actually walk in those places after dark... could be a useful life lesson ;)

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date When he tells you he's married, but wants something "on the side".

    Upset-Experience-615 , Le Vu Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you want something on the side just order a salad then 😡

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    Being inconsiderate...went on a date recently where the guy speed walked to the cafe exit and let the door close behind him as I was just getting to the door myself. I purposely slowed down to see his reaction and there wasn't even a backwards glance or motion to re-open the door or check I was okay (to account for why I wasn't immediately behind him).

    I hold the door for people all the time so I don't see this as a gender thing.

    Also not apologising when you made a mistake in an effort to seem infallible or self assured or whatever.

    TLDR: Lack of consideration and lack of humility.

    Responsible_Hand_789 Report


    I had a guy choke me during a bit of making out on the first date. I said I wasn't into that in public, definitely not with someone I'd just met and not while a bit buzzed. He proceeded to try/actually choke me during two follow up kisses (I was a bit drunk, if I was sober I would have ended it sooner) and then sulked and said it was just a joke when I said I was paying my half of the bill and going home alone.

    So... Major deal breaker, don't choke someone you don't know.

    martianpumpkin Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How about don't choke someone ever, unless you are both into it and that has been clearly established and consent given...

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    She brings her 3 kids that she failed to tell me about.

    TrailerParkPrepper Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Being late. I’m not talking a few minutes late, I’m talking a half hour late or anything later than that.

    VorpalBender , Meruyert Gonullu Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date No sense of humor or one that doesn't mesh well with mine.

    -eDgAR- , Khoa Võ Report

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    Mrs Irish Mom
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had one date like this and im always laughing and joking, thought he was just nervous on 1st date so i went on 2nd date and he was giving out because i was laughing too much at the comedy club we were at 🤦‍♀️

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    Constantly one-upping.

    segflt Report


    When they start clowning on your interests.

    snellysnz Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a blind date with a guy whose response to everything I said was "Wow, that's really stupid." Date ended, and he leaned in for a kiss. I leaned away, and told him that was really stupid.

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    He only had a couple of lawn chairs as furniture in his living room because he’d just moved to this apartment. Later he explained that he didn’t have furniture because he had actually just got out of the State Penn.

    Before I noped out of there, he explained he’d just talked to his mama about me, and knew I’d be a “real special, understanding lady.”

    Turns out I’m not!

    FantasticWittyRetort Report

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    Super Beast
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I dont understand why people are so hard on ex-cons - although talking to mama about you before the first date and having expectations would be weird for anyone

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    I had one date and the guy spent the whole time insulting me. Didn’t like my long nails, thought I looked to high maintenance, wanted someone “more country”, didn’t think I’d be any fun.

    This was during one drink, he asked me if I’d like another, I said sure why not. He looked shocked and said “I’ve never got past the first drink on a first date before”.

    Never saw him again.

    anon Report

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    Teresa Burress
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lol I had almost the same date. I got the impression he was looking for a petite woman not 145 pounds and 5'6. Then he said I watch my weight and ordered a salad, I'm like F this guy, I ordered a bacon cheeseburger FF and a beer. I told the waitress to bring two checks, he paid for mine and seemed pissed off about it. I hate to say it but I laughed all the way home

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    Really dirty finger nails. Like there's no chance I'm ever going to want you to touch me with that amount of visible bacteria on display.

    Arcanicspirits Report


    When they try to dominate the conversation and make everything about themselves while cutting you off.

    Alteredego619 Report

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    General Anaesthesia
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, enough talk about me, let's talk about you. What do you like the most about me?

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    Someone once leaned over and took a sip of my drink through the straw without asking.

    …like what? I’ve known you for 20 minutes!

    impressingMarinacci Report


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date If we don't hit it off as friends. I haven't been in the dating world for a long time and everyone's a bit nervous on a first date. But if we couldn't just talk about movies and video games and goofy s**t together, just have a relaxing time chatting without everything feeling like a weird competition or pageant, I knew it wasn't gonna work.

    Also, people who get *way* too pissed off over disagreements in media taste. If casual disagreements -- not core values disagreements, just *casual* disagreements about gameplay preferences or special effects quality or how good the writing in a novel is -- make the other person red-faced angry, I'm moving in the other direction.

    rednightmare18 , RDNE Stock project Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The only time my husband has ever raised his voice to me was during our argument on how time travel works. A week later we watch avengers and hulk tells his theory of time travel (same as mine) I just looked at my husband smiling and asked if was going to yell at Hulk now.


    When the guy offers to pay for something and then loses his s**t when I want to pay myself. If he can't even respect me trying to be nice then nope.

    anon Report


    If they ask me about my salary. Too soon, and not relevant.

    square3481 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’ve a practically pathological fear of people asking me about money. Growing up as a white, towhead European/American in rural hill stations & off-the-path villages in southern India in the 1970’s, I was naive & often taken advantage of by other kids, older kids, even adults. Many friendships ended with me as a little kid broken-hearted, because they only hung out with me for what I had or could offer/buy. At my paternal ancestral home, my family was known so that compounded it. By college, not hai my to work or have loans made me a target & I had to be vigilant. Many short term relationships & friendships ended because of a false perception that I was wealthy. Relatively speaking, I’m not. Never have been. I have a real hang up when my personal value is determined by my financial worth and the paranoia has carried over to adulthood. Clearly I can afford the date. That doesn’t mean I can afford to pay your rent.

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    Anyone who mentions star signs non ironically... even for a moment.

    UrFutureStep-dad Report


    My mom went on a date like a week ago and he wouldn’t stop talking about how “Hillary should be locked up”. I guess he brought it up several times even after she said to stop. That was her dealbreaker, and he didn’t like or understand it.

    cocostandoff Report

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    ShaZam Beaubien
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would think it would be extremely difficult dating someone with opposite political beliefs.

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    When they ask about your relationship with Jesus....

    Eponarose Report

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    Pink Aesthetic
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fr like, I don't ask what your relationship with santa or tooth fairy is, either!

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    Is anyone else put off if they're too, I dunno, clean? I don't mean dirt, I mean like, their performance. I want a person to occasionally say something stupid, or ramble nervously, trip over their words, drop something, spill a drink, misinterpret a facial cue/hand gesture. If someone doesn't make a few mistakes I start to wonder what the hell their game is.

    Zeruvi Report

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    David A Paterson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good one. People who are all persona. Their game can be that they're an alcoholic and are doing their best to hide it.

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Being dumb. Just can't spend time with that. Had to stop seeing a girl after a few because she simply wasn't intelligent. Real nice girl, too. Too bad.

    fudgiepuppie , cottonbro studio Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had a couple of boyfriends in this category, hot physically but too dumb to be real, I thought I was being pranked by one of them for some reality show it was that surreal after a few weeks..

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    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Gross table manners, smacking their lips, chewing with their mouth open, etc.

    I once never saw a guy again because every time he took a bite he moaned a bit because the food was so good. It was...disconcerting. I don't think he knew he was doing it.

    RiotousOne , cottonbro studio Report

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    A girl
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I understand the food moan aversion. That being said, my husband does it. Not a moan so much as a soft growl. He absolutely denies it. His grown kids and I can hardly keep from bursting out laughing when we share meals.

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    I'm an American living in a third world country.

    So a big deal breaker for me is a girl saying how much she hates the country and wants to live in America. I'm not your meal ticket.

    anon Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel like I need to say this before someone makes the joke - NO THE USA IS NOT A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. It undoubtedly has way too many problems, but the quality of life and facilities available to the majority of its residents are way beyond that of a third world country.

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    When they start confessing their love to you.

    anon Report


    General hatefulness.

    10_Virtues Report

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    ShaZam Beaubien
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't want to date someone who is hateful at the world. Why would I think he wouldn't turn that emotion on me?


    People Share 30 Deal-Breakers That Make Them Instantly Nope Out From A First Date Not appearing as shown on tinder. I've had several dates where either creative photography or just ancient pics of oneself were used. I mean once I see you in person, you can't hide that your 50lbs heavier than advertised.

    Chaos_emergent , Good Faces Agency Report


    Trauma dumping.

    PaintedLady5519 Report

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    David A Paterson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had one where I was trauma dumping (had had a seriously rough time since daughter died) and she out-traumaed me (finding a dead man on her doorstep etc.)

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    If she greets me at their door wearing a furry outfit. I'm not against people being furries, I just don't want to go down that path, yet if ever.

    anon Report

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    Lakota Wolf
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel this one is kinda BS-y. You KNOW someone is a furry before you meet them. Most furries don’t hide being a furry and will have photos on their bios of them in their partial suits, or fullsuits, or even just the kemonomimi (ears and a tail). I spent a while in the fandom and most furries don’t hide being a furry so much that you’d have no idea before you met them IRL. Plus, none of them would wear a suit on a first date with a non-furry.

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    Expecting the me (the guy) to pay for her. I mean I will but if you are expecting me as if it is my job then f**k you.

    B_024 Report

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    Mrs Irish Mom
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Had a friend that dated guys and if they paid for food and all the drinks she would go on a 2nd date but if they said, do you wanna get 1 round in on 2nd date she was out, she wouldnt even buy 1 round

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    Bad breath.

    Hyphylife Report

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    David A Paterson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I find that strong perfume is worse. Makes my throat and nose swell up. Have to get out of there before I die of suffocation.

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    Never letting me have the chance to talk. Like, give the other person some time to breathe or something. 

    Cheetodude625 Report

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    Way too much eye contact. Now don't get me wrong, eye contact is great. It shows you are engaging and at least seem interested in what the other person has to say. I went on a date where the guy just straight up stared at me the entire time. It made me so uncomfortable especially since I knew he was literally watching everything I was doing. He never turned away even though I felt myself trying to look away from him constantly. It was just too much. At the same time, it just made him feel more creepy the longer I was with him.

    that_collegegirl Report

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    Super Beast
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    some people have problem keeping eye contact and they are usually put down for it, so they try really hard to keep it, ending up being called 'creepy'.

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    If they turn into a girls gone wild chick after a couple drinks. Thank you but no thank you ma’am.

    ZeroXTML1 Report


    Start every sentence with "my mom always says" Go on and on about his mother and how nice she is. If he does that, she's NOT NICE AT ALL.

    CountessMeowington Report


    * Exes - especially if there seem to be too many of them

    * Bragging or moaning about sex life

    * Any evidence of a condescending attitude or a tone which suggests I'm being made fun of. This is not the same as flirting or simple teasing

    * Any kind of detectable annoyance or irritation with what I'm saying

    I once ghosted after a first date due to a combination of the above.

    These to me are the equivalent of a "serious" fault on a British driving test. You have failed immediately and there is no going back, but you complete the rest of the test as a formality and don't find out until the end.

    Eddie_Hitler Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Detectable annoyance seems unfair, if it is, say, an opposing veggie on an important matter they could easily be annoyed and bad at hiding it

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    Had a first date where they told me the wrong coffee shop to meet up in. The right one was across town, and he didn't drive so I had to wait for him to get there.

    Decided to take a walk in the park, halfway across town. I had to drive. Not a big deal having the lady drive, but this wasn't a walkable area that my date lived in. It's, at best, a "big town" kind of "rural city"

    Then he kissed me. Not just once, not just quick, but like forcibly make-out. I ended up with an excuse to leave. Then he'd text me, asking me to come over and drink (I was under the legal drinking age) and I knew there was no way in hell I'd do that after the whole make-out thing. So I told him to get lost and he called me names. Stand up guy /s

    ETA: He also lied about his height, and was a good half a foot shorter than me. I have a complex about feeling like a giant, and I told him about that but he stuck with the lie that he was right around 6'...

    greysister23 Report

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    Teresa Burress
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yew gross, what is with men forcing themselves on women. Dude keep it in your pants. I might be desperate at times but I'd like to keep my self respect why can't he do the same. And don't ask me to jump through hoops for you, have some respect

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    Smoking. Huge nails (strongly hate those disgusting gel / acrylic nails).

    Estarolas_PT Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I oddly like the taste of cigarette on a woman's breath, I don't smoke myself.

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    I’m awful but a bad laugh will throw me in the wrong direction.

    RealisticYogurt6 Report


    When, in the first 5 minutes, someone has to revert to ‘so hows the weather’.

    anon Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's equally a sign that you're not engaging them well, so you should look at your self rather than just blaming the other person.

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