Finland is often considered to be a nation of introverts, and the Finnish people are usually the first to make fun of themselves about it. "An introverted Finn looks at his shoes when talking to you," goes a popular Finnish joke about their personality types. "An extroverted Finn looks at your shoes.”
You don't need to be from The Land of the Midnight Sun, however, to appreciate Finnish Nightmares, a series of funny comics created by Finnish artist Karoliina Korhonen. After all, who doesn't feel at least a tiny bit of social anxiety when standing in an elevator with a stranger? Or what about that awkward moment when you accidentally touch the salesperson while collecting your change? A real horror story for the anti-social Finn. See below for more examples of socially awkward situations that all Scandinavian people and introverts, no matter where they're from, will relate to.
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Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
I can't take a compliment either for some reason... I just play it off and change the subject...
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
or just pray to all the gods that someone else has the same stop as you and wait for them to yell.
Finnish Nightmares
Also when you run into someone you know unexpectedly. Sometimes I pretend to not see them and get away.
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Or 'tell me about yourself'. My mind immediately goes 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Finnish Nightmares
That's me, I use to move a little bit further from the person so (s)he doesn't have to touch me but the person get closer... One day I'll get hit by a car or fall into the metro rails idk.
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Lucky I'm not Finnish, I always just take food as soon as I see it :P
Finnish Nightmares
I know that feel! Sometimes I go away without being noticed, and sometimes I'm really not noticed. So sad x'D
Finnish Nightmares
haha.. exactly this a few days ago on my promotion... I was really happy and kept wondering why everyone said I didn't look happy...
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Can't relate to this. Someone not accepting your generosity can be quite annoying.
Finnish Nightmares
The usual way is to start stirring, take out your gloves, cough. I hate it! Oh and of course there is the option of just getting suddenly up at your bus stop without saying anything and charging through.
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
I must have some Finnish blood in my veins. I have to check that out!
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
I'd rather catch pneumonia and die, than engage in idle chit chat with a complete stranger!
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
I hate it. It sounds for me like: "Do you want to buy something seriously or just make a mess here?" Somtimes I just look around to see what is available in that shop and when I really need it I just go in and buy it. If I need help, I can ask for help, you don't need to ask me.
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
OH MY GOD, THIS! The worst. These are all pretty dead on for us Finns, but this one really gets me.
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
I hate this so much! People trying to sell you something do it all the time - it's taught as a method of 'building rapport' - which will instantly kill my desire to buy whatever they are selling, even if I desperately need it!
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Shaking inside. But it gets worse when I open my hands to get the change and they put it in the table... Sometimes it takes time to pick up the coins... They get stuck on the surface and there I am blushing as hell!
Finnish Nightmares
That damn bus that is always 10 minutes late... except when you are 5 minutes late yourself!
Finnish Nightmares
Yeah! Riding on polar bears and listening to metal. That's epic! I want to do that every day of my life. 😂😂😂
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
I let most strangers think I have a husband when in fact I have a wife cause I don't wanna embarass their assumptions or come out to a stranger I will never see again. We both do it!
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
I usually just tremble in the corner and keep the door triple locked ;_;
Finnish Nightmares
Nope, I like when it's a person totally grabbed to her/his phone. Muahahahah!
Finnish Nightmares
Ahhh, bottle recycling machines... Briliant thing to save up to 10 euros for bigger shopping or some night out ;)
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
It's not the lack of milk that's nightmarish, it's the fact that you just asked for something thwy don't have.
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
Finnish Nightmares
When someone is speaking close to you that you can smell their body odor, but you can't step back because that would be rude. So you hold your breath, fake a smile and wish to die...
For a Finn smelling someone's bad odor is just a reminder, that you too might smell bad when close to others. One more reason to keep 3 meter gap in future. While close to someone smelling bad, you would also hope it is not you that smell but the other guy. yep, I'm from Finland.
You are not from Finland guys, you just have some kind of social anxiety :D
When someone is speaking close to you that you can smell their body odor, but you can't step back because that would be rude. So you hold your breath, fake a smile and wish to die...
For a Finn smelling someone's bad odor is just a reminder, that you too might smell bad when close to others. One more reason to keep 3 meter gap in future. While close to someone smelling bad, you would also hope it is not you that smell but the other guy. yep, I'm from Finland.
You are not from Finland guys, you just have some kind of social anxiety :D