See How Others Perceive You: Answer These 20 Questions Honestly And You’ll Uncover What Others Think Of You
Have you ever wondered what people think of you and how they perceive you?
If your answer is yes, thank you for telling the irrefutable truth. If your answer is no, you should check your nose, because it might be growing as we speak. 🤓 We have prepared 20 questions about everyday events and your reactions as well as feelings towards seemingly random things. According to your answers, you can get different results, but it’s important that you choose the answer that is the closest to your point of view. Lastly, please answer the questions honestly and your answers shall reveal how others perceive you. 🕵️
"You don't seem like a people's person" - haha! I work for myself because of that very reason! But actually most of my friends say I'm extremely diplomatic and good fun to be around (when I'm up for company).
It was true for me. I am the hermitest of hermits.
Load More Replies...You are literally a walking green flag. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sure, ok.
Moi aussi. Same reaction. Why, if so, have I been so unpopular sll my life?
Load More Replies...Got to question 4 about close friends...I have no friends and I hardy have acquaintances either so gave up.
To clarify I am not some social extroverted guru or something...The opposite, actually I am extremely insecure. Due to having a horrible physical disability which constantly makes me not want to impose on ppl... Meaning I tend to questions if they feel like they have to fake interest in me and stuff like that. I spent a lot of time being too stupid and not seeing the obvious solution to this. If they ever reach out on their own just to hang out... Then see you as a true friend. Even if there is still doubt you can honestly talk about such doubts with them..... So i am not a social butterfly and i have an EXTREAMLY harsh filter for ppl. Yet i have applied what i described before to make friendships across continents and years...PPl from my hometown, from where i immigratd too and online from gaming... That last part is what helped me get over the insecurity actually XD I saw the surprise of one of long time online friends when she saw me IRL for the first time. (Not bad it was actually wholesome kind of surprise) But to her there was an image of me based on actions, text and voicechat! aka just personality THAT was what counts! SO if this way of making friends works for me there is a good chance it could help you too. Or maybe you can be inspired to figure out your own way and not give up as loniless is an weful thing i don't wish on anybody! ps: I have to mention that with guys specifically there is alot of external AND worse...internalized misandry that demonises them... Especially in the west which was surprising for me??? PPl who think it is "macho" to be stoic and loney are f*****g idiots. Those who think it is creepy to want friends as an adults are idiots too... The whole sentiment that it is "weak" and "pathetic" to not want to be loney is simply false... ALSO anyone who is irrationally scared of you for simply talking to them have their own issues they need to work on. Try to keep that in mind. Some ppl in certain soceites and cultures just never had a social net or were in a toxic one... Anyone who assumes you are bad by default because of that is a misandrist. Some women in the west obviously have to deal with this too but from my subjective experience i would say they have more nets and considerably less stigma with wanting to form a social circle... But women have to worry about other types of unfairness cus life is a b***h like that! Wish you best luck and as I said giving up is...Not something I recommend. Especially when it is a normal wholesome desire. I am in the "rage against the dying of light" type of person. You chances of getting what you want and the thing that makes you happy could be 0.00001% near zero but it only truly becomes zero if you give up!
Load More Replies...Did I need to take a quiz to learn I’m “not everyone’s cup of tea”? No. But, it’s nice to have confirmation.
No idea which 'couple' I'm most like as I haven't a clue about Murican sitcoms.
Ouch... "You are delulu, but a cute one for sure. Not too much. But yeah, you are a little delulu. Your close ones think you are very decisive and convincing at times. You seem especially gifted when it comes to convincing yourself. You are smart as well as creative. You think outside the box. Not everyone might have the privilege to get to know you well, but those close ones around you appreciate your uniqueness and your overall presence for sure." 😅
Me too Suzana, but I like this assessment! 🍷lets have a glass of wine and chill.🙂🙃
Load More Replies...Apparently I'm as chill as a chill thing that's been extra chilled. I "may be the chillest Homo sapiens known to humankind." Then again, I had to randomly select some of the answers as I just didn't understand the questions. What is this "colour pallet" thing of which you speak, for example? TBH I nly filled them all in to see how funny the result would be, and yes, I got a bit of a laugh from it, so time not wasted.
What was this all about ? I completed it, but there was no result. I had no idea about # 13 ?
Reasons for visiting Greece could either be the nightlife, the beach culture, or the history - which require very different personalities.
Agree. It's on my bucket list - I've visited quite a few Countries in Europe, but so far, not Greece - to sight-see, as I'm not into sunbathing. I get bored after 5 minutes just lying around.
Load More Replies...Hahaha!! My family calls me a hermit. I'm not everyone's cup of tea.
I'm not everyone’s cup of tea... But I am their double shot of whiskey!
I give off main character energy, no idea what thst means, but it does not sound nice 🤣
I don't kiss a*s. But i know how to be supportive when the need arises. Friendship is organic. It needs nurturing and lots of work.
You are literally a walking green flag. It feels impossible to hate you or even dislike you. Some may try and they might think they have good reasons to be annoyed by you, but they just can’t. You have this energy that is unique and vibrant that makes you irresistible. Your energy and your vibes are on point. You are simply a ray of sunshine and your close ones feel lucky to have you.
Hey, a according to this I'm the dogs bollocks!!! Let's go for s beer.
"Ray of sunshine"? Most people I know are constantly asking me if there's anything wrong. That's why I hate these stupid things. You can't guage how people feel about you through a few vague questions. Also, there are plenty of reasons for people to be annoyed with me.
Ok ... They didn't have 'Writer' in the option : last Q, and I'd only watched Friends in the couple one, so chose the USA-version of The Office couple - hopefully it was a good choice?? Can anyone let me know the dynamics of their relationship? I got walking green flag ... I thought I'd get "Raging Introvert who equates the word 'books' as 'friends'"
I dunno how to feel about this... Usually these things are vague psudo science based bs BUT the statement given is frighteningly accurate... "You’re not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay. You are simply different. You are creative, unique, and judgemental at times, but hey! One thing about you is that you’re 100% honest. Those who love you intend on being there for you for a very long time, and those who are not particularly interested in you might not know you well, but their jealousy may be the reason why they feel prejudiced towards you." This description of me was told to me by "Those who love you intend on being there for you for a very long time" paraphrased, but the meaning is...100% accurate. I mean even that last part about jealousy and prejudice... I was at a hangout with the squand and this dude who is on the fringe of the group kept being weirdly passive agressive and hostile...Questioning me and doubting me on everything... I dident know him well so i asked one of my close friends after the event if i was correct in feeling that animosity. If so i wanted to know what i did to antagonise him...Not only did my friend confirm it... The words he i used were "He is jealous and feels called out by you. He feels like he cant compare. You don't have to worry about it. He is dealing with his own issue." Ehh so much for being UNIQUE! If i can fit in a general pattern based on so few questions!
"You may be the chillest Homo sapiens known to humankind. Vibing, chilling, and every once in a while going off-script. Your low-drama and high-drama episodes in life contribute to your exciting and energetic yet cool, calm, and collected presence. You are like a hilariously self-aware character from a sitcom like Jim/Michael from The Office minus the extremely goofy and embarrassing moments. You are undefinable in a very good way and people can’t seem to get enough of you." Man, are you full of s**t!
"You definitely give off main character energy." Nice! I had difficulties answering some of the questions, I haven't got a slightest clue how to deal with exes because I've never had one, I'm aroace.
"You don't seem like a people's person" - haha! I work for myself because of that very reason! But actually most of my friends say I'm extremely diplomatic and good fun to be around (when I'm up for company).
It was true for me. I am the hermitest of hermits.
Load More Replies...You are literally a walking green flag. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sure, ok.
Moi aussi. Same reaction. Why, if so, have I been so unpopular sll my life?
Load More Replies...Got to question 4 about close friends...I have no friends and I hardy have acquaintances either so gave up.
To clarify I am not some social extroverted guru or something...The opposite, actually I am extremely insecure. Due to having a horrible physical disability which constantly makes me not want to impose on ppl... Meaning I tend to questions if they feel like they have to fake interest in me and stuff like that. I spent a lot of time being too stupid and not seeing the obvious solution to this. If they ever reach out on their own just to hang out... Then see you as a true friend. Even if there is still doubt you can honestly talk about such doubts with them..... So i am not a social butterfly and i have an EXTREAMLY harsh filter for ppl. Yet i have applied what i described before to make friendships across continents and years...PPl from my hometown, from where i immigratd too and online from gaming... That last part is what helped me get over the insecurity actually XD I saw the surprise of one of long time online friends when she saw me IRL for the first time. (Not bad it was actually wholesome kind of surprise) But to her there was an image of me based on actions, text and voicechat! aka just personality THAT was what counts! SO if this way of making friends works for me there is a good chance it could help you too. Or maybe you can be inspired to figure out your own way and not give up as loniless is an weful thing i don't wish on anybody! ps: I have to mention that with guys specifically there is alot of external AND worse...internalized misandry that demonises them... Especially in the west which was surprising for me??? PPl who think it is "macho" to be stoic and loney are f*****g idiots. Those who think it is creepy to want friends as an adults are idiots too... The whole sentiment that it is "weak" and "pathetic" to not want to be loney is simply false... ALSO anyone who is irrationally scared of you for simply talking to them have their own issues they need to work on. Try to keep that in mind. Some ppl in certain soceites and cultures just never had a social net or were in a toxic one... Anyone who assumes you are bad by default because of that is a misandrist. Some women in the west obviously have to deal with this too but from my subjective experience i would say they have more nets and considerably less stigma with wanting to form a social circle... But women have to worry about other types of unfairness cus life is a b***h like that! Wish you best luck and as I said giving up is...Not something I recommend. Especially when it is a normal wholesome desire. I am in the "rage against the dying of light" type of person. You chances of getting what you want and the thing that makes you happy could be 0.00001% near zero but it only truly becomes zero if you give up!
Load More Replies...Did I need to take a quiz to learn I’m “not everyone’s cup of tea”? No. But, it’s nice to have confirmation.
No idea which 'couple' I'm most like as I haven't a clue about Murican sitcoms.
Ouch... "You are delulu, but a cute one for sure. Not too much. But yeah, you are a little delulu. Your close ones think you are very decisive and convincing at times. You seem especially gifted when it comes to convincing yourself. You are smart as well as creative. You think outside the box. Not everyone might have the privilege to get to know you well, but those close ones around you appreciate your uniqueness and your overall presence for sure." 😅
Me too Suzana, but I like this assessment! 🍷lets have a glass of wine and chill.🙂🙃
Load More Replies...Apparently I'm as chill as a chill thing that's been extra chilled. I "may be the chillest Homo sapiens known to humankind." Then again, I had to randomly select some of the answers as I just didn't understand the questions. What is this "colour pallet" thing of which you speak, for example? TBH I nly filled them all in to see how funny the result would be, and yes, I got a bit of a laugh from it, so time not wasted.
What was this all about ? I completed it, but there was no result. I had no idea about # 13 ?
Reasons for visiting Greece could either be the nightlife, the beach culture, or the history - which require very different personalities.
Agree. It's on my bucket list - I've visited quite a few Countries in Europe, but so far, not Greece - to sight-see, as I'm not into sunbathing. I get bored after 5 minutes just lying around.
Load More Replies...Hahaha!! My family calls me a hermit. I'm not everyone's cup of tea.
I'm not everyone’s cup of tea... But I am their double shot of whiskey!
I give off main character energy, no idea what thst means, but it does not sound nice 🤣
I don't kiss a*s. But i know how to be supportive when the need arises. Friendship is organic. It needs nurturing and lots of work.
You are literally a walking green flag. It feels impossible to hate you or even dislike you. Some may try and they might think they have good reasons to be annoyed by you, but they just can’t. You have this energy that is unique and vibrant that makes you irresistible. Your energy and your vibes are on point. You are simply a ray of sunshine and your close ones feel lucky to have you.
Hey, a according to this I'm the dogs bollocks!!! Let's go for s beer.
"Ray of sunshine"? Most people I know are constantly asking me if there's anything wrong. That's why I hate these stupid things. You can't guage how people feel about you through a few vague questions. Also, there are plenty of reasons for people to be annoyed with me.
Ok ... They didn't have 'Writer' in the option : last Q, and I'd only watched Friends in the couple one, so chose the USA-version of The Office couple - hopefully it was a good choice?? Can anyone let me know the dynamics of their relationship? I got walking green flag ... I thought I'd get "Raging Introvert who equates the word 'books' as 'friends'"
I dunno how to feel about this... Usually these things are vague psudo science based bs BUT the statement given is frighteningly accurate... "You’re not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay. You are simply different. You are creative, unique, and judgemental at times, but hey! One thing about you is that you’re 100% honest. Those who love you intend on being there for you for a very long time, and those who are not particularly interested in you might not know you well, but their jealousy may be the reason why they feel prejudiced towards you." This description of me was told to me by "Those who love you intend on being there for you for a very long time" paraphrased, but the meaning is...100% accurate. I mean even that last part about jealousy and prejudice... I was at a hangout with the squand and this dude who is on the fringe of the group kept being weirdly passive agressive and hostile...Questioning me and doubting me on everything... I dident know him well so i asked one of my close friends after the event if i was correct in feeling that animosity. If so i wanted to know what i did to antagonise him...Not only did my friend confirm it... The words he i used were "He is jealous and feels called out by you. He feels like he cant compare. You don't have to worry about it. He is dealing with his own issue." Ehh so much for being UNIQUE! If i can fit in a general pattern based on so few questions!
"You may be the chillest Homo sapiens known to humankind. Vibing, chilling, and every once in a while going off-script. Your low-drama and high-drama episodes in life contribute to your exciting and energetic yet cool, calm, and collected presence. You are like a hilariously self-aware character from a sitcom like Jim/Michael from The Office minus the extremely goofy and embarrassing moments. You are undefinable in a very good way and people can’t seem to get enough of you." Man, are you full of s**t!
"You definitely give off main character energy." Nice! I had difficulties answering some of the questions, I haven't got a slightest clue how to deal with exes because I've never had one, I'm aroace.