35mm Film is quickly becoming a thing of the past. However film is the very essence of photography. Shooting 35mm film makes you appreciate and take your time in pushing that shutter button. With film you only have around 24-36 exposures on that single roll of film, whereas a digital dslr has almost an infinite amount of shots, leading to a popular (yet terrible) technique known as Spray and Pray. Film is just more personable.
Here are a few of my favorite film photographs I’ve taken these past two months.
More info: colmenerophoto.com
Her Name is Holly, And She’s My Little Pup
Shot on Portra 400
Driving to Nowhere
Long Exposure on More Portra 400
My Wonderful Companion
Shot on Portra 400
Getting Lost In Downtown
Shot on Portra 400
Some Disney Fun
Shot on Expired Kodak Gold (Circa 1993)