The things that you know, all the skills that you’ve honed over the years—all of these can give you a massive advantage in life. Sure, pretty much everyone knows the phrase that knowledge is power, but how often do we realize how true that is? And sometimes that knowledge can make people feel guilty that they know it at all. The burden’s just too big to bear.
Some bits of info feel practically illegal to know even if they’re technically not. From being able to pick locks to knowing how atomic bombs work and how people taste and more, Reddit users opened up about the most esoteric, ‘forbidden’ pieces of knowledge they’ve accidentally stumbled upon.
We’ve collected the most honest and intriguing insights from these two r/AskReddit threads right here and here to give you a glimpse into a darker, more uncomfortable side of real-life, Pandas. Read on, upvote the answers that impressed you the most, and share your own bits of info that feel illegal to know in the comments. But before you do, take a look around to check if the FBI and CIA aren’t nearby in an unmarked white van.
Pssst, Pandas, if you’d like even more captivating but dark facts, you should definitely check out Bored Panda’s earlier article right here.
Bored Panda reached out to Steven Wooding for a chat about 'forbidden' knowledge, limiting access to information, and responsibility. Steven is a member of the Institute of Physics in the UK and part of the Omni Calculator Project team. He created the Weird Units Converter.
"There have to be some limits to information, for the protection of the general public and those trying to use such information," Steven shared with us. "One area where this is common is in the field of computer security. The fine details of how to do an exploit are withheld to stop low-level hackers from simply following a recipe to cause havoc on the internet. We mustn't make it too easy for bad people to do bad things." Read on for the full interview.
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I am a criminal in 72 countries. Being gay is weird.
Steven absolutely believes that people have more and more responsibility, the more information they know. "If you know potential dangerous information, you should protect it from the general public, or more specifically, people who would do bad things," he explained to us.
"That's why government labs in sensitive areas keep the information they have a secret to protect the general public from threatening uses of that information," he added.
The little “i” in a circle on YouTube ads is clickable and if it’s an unskipable ad you just click it and click stop seeing this ad and your back to your video.
Most adults have no idea what they're doing, they just make it up along the way and go with it.
Mate, all adults have no idea what they are doing. I guess being adult, is owning what you do!
Bored Panda wanted to know if scientists have a duty to figure out the truth about how the world works or if there have to be some limits in place. "You probably can't stop things from being discovered. If you ban it in one country, another will pursue it to gain a competitive advantage. And if all countries agree on a ban, some curious people will probably continue to work on it," Steven shared his opinion.
"In general, I think we should learn about everything about how the world and universe work. It's how that knowledge is applied later on that is debatable," he said that the focus has to be on how that knowledge is then used, not the actual fact that you know something.
You could argue that human beings are hardwired for curiosity. We want to know as much about the world as we can because our survival depends on it. And the more fringe the knowledge, the more obscure the facts, the more curious some of us get. This applies both to real-life facts, as well as to entertainment. ‘Forbidden’ knowledge and learning about the dark side of humanity are hard to resist. Especially in the digital age where so much information is just a few internet searches away.
Dollar store pregnancy tests are just as effective as their more expensive counterparts.
The reason they don’t put good pockets on girls pants is so they can sell you a purse.
The fact that whales have a 42 inch anus and that their fart bubbles can hold a horse
"When considering why the darker side of humanity and entertainment are so compelling, we have to first look at our evolutionary journey as human beings. For the majority of our existence, we were prey and always hyperaware of threats to our safety, which created a negativity bias that we are drawn towards," psychologist Lee Chambers told Bored Panda earlier.
"But in today's safe and often sanitized world, we are rarely threatened significantly, and the ability to explore evil, frightening and gruesome entertainment is one of the few ways we can visit this part of humanity while remaining safe and comfortable. There is a level of novelty to it, it removes boredom quickly, and it helps us to discover our emotional limits while understanding the minds of those who go beyond social norms and potentially gaining knowledge of how we might avoid being victims ourselves. They also offer closure, with many stories ending with the mystery being solved, and the criminal being brought to a level of justice," the mental health expert explained to us why exploring the darker aspects of humanity hooks and reels so many people in.
Healthcare in the US doesn't actually cost as much as we, the citizens, are led to believe.
There’s a website called SciHub that allows you to access scientific papers for free. I’m fairly sure it’s legal, but it feels like cheating to go around the paywall.
You can also look up and directly email the authors and most oftentimes they will gladly send you a copy of their paper. They don't get a cut of the profits when copies of their papers are sold.
That the Chinese Government murdered a bunch of it's own people in Tiananmen Square in 1989
What's sad is that most Chinese kids who were born after that massacre probably know absolutely nothing about it, as the government has totally swept it under the rug
The psychologist pointed out that some people find it comforting when they’re exposed to evil things being done in the form of entertainment, e.g. on screen. The audience feels safe but can go on an emotional inner journey.
"It can take us on an emotional rollercoaster, have us trying to solve the puzzle and test our fear in a controlled way. The permission to explore evil is powerful, as we so rarely get the chance elsewhere, and in itself, it is healthy and normal in moderation," Lee said that this is why so many folks love true crime entertainment. It’s the forbidden aspect of it that entices so many viewers and listeners to tune in day in, day out.
How alot of places just let you and a friend in if you wear a construction vest and helmet and carry a ladder.
In America, you can
A. Own a pet bear
B. Own a tank
C. Own an RPG launcher
D. Own a pet bear which is riding a tank while practicing firing an RPG
Statistics are super easy to manipulate to say whatever you want. I see so many commercials and other companies that try to claim their product is the best according to these statistics, but really, they fail to meet basic rules and ethics in statistics. Still, even if they were to follow all the rules of statistics, there are many ways to manipulate it to your advantage.
There's lies, damn lies and there is statistics. Oh, and then there is Boris Johnson....
However, consuming too much dark content isn’t all that healthy for us. “The challenge we face is the fact that consuming too much of this can desensitize us, and cause us to become less empathetic to the suffering of others, more fearful of our own environment, and potentially be more likely to use aggression ourselves,” the psychologist warned.
“It can also cause us to be triggered by our own previous adverse experiences, make it harder to manage our own emotional balance, and increase our stress levels, so moderating our consumption is something we should have front of mind, even when we get embroiled in the latest series that is pulling us in."
Social media tracks you to the point that it records every message you write and stores it in a database, every call, message,voice message,image and posts are recorded. You are being monitored to the point that the computer even times the amount of time you spend looking at each post and the longer the time is on topic the more of those types of videos you get, just to keep you engaged in the app and entertained. Over time the computer learns everything about you and knows you better than you know yourself
Even though the joke is 'tastes like chicken', humans actually taste like pork according to cannibals e.g. Arthur Shawcross.
Which made perfect sense to me when I found out. In med school we dissected cadavers including human muscle and fat, and xenografts (tissue transplants from one animal to another) are generally pig (or cow) e.g. porcine heart valves are still used for heart surgery in humans.
Nutmeg, when eaten in large quantities, is a psychedelic drug that can cause hallucinations, coma, or even death.
That there is no federal law preventing a private citizen from owning a flamethrower.
Jury nullification. In the US at least, even if all of the members of a jury are convinced that the defendant is guilty, if they don't like the law, they're allowed to vote not guilty.
Jeff Bezos works on the 6th floor of his building Day 1 in Seattle. He has his own private security on that floor (different from building security). A silent alarm goes off when you press the elevator button and you're not Jeff Bezos and his security will be waiting to arrest you when the elevator opens.
You’re allowed to rip the tag off your mattress.
It's illegal for the retailers to remove the tag. It's legal for the owner to remove it.
An 18 year old can legally adopt a 17 year old
I'm not sure about this information... Or it depends on the country. Because here, in Canada, the law is very clear on this subject : if you want to adopt someone, you have to be AT LEAST 18 years older than this person.
We can all easily find out what people paid for their house. Seems kind of personal, but it’s very public. Same with divorce records.
If you google pizza hut, you get an ad for 30% off dominoes pizza (where I live anyway).
A decent number of popular youtubers' subscribes are probably deceased.
It takes minimal negotiation and paperwork to set up a vending machine. You can probs stock it up for 100 bucks buying bulk and then you'll make like twice that back.
Edit since this has a decent amount of upvotes, a bonus fact! The Ford F-150 is the smallest vehicle that can be used as a tax write-off up to iirc a $1.2 million return, but it only applies if you use it for commerce. (I'm no tax expert so I may have gotten something wrong)
That sometimes, science works a little like politics. It's sad and it doesn't feel good.
ye my chem teacher said that when he did his doctorate in polymers, he discovered a new polymer or something and he submitted it and they said they wouldn't accept it bc it wouldn't make enough money for them
I'm trying to lockpick. I'm terrified how easy was pick my bicycle lock. My first attempt and it took 5 minutes.
I keyed household locks for a couple takes seconds to get through them. Get some slide locks.
The casino has a mathematical advantage
In my town, there are some mountain paths that have a big "ENTRY BANNED - LETHAL DANGER" sign.
The truth is that:
Entry is not banned, it's just that you can't count on public services if you get hurt
The danger exists only from Monday to Saturday from 9 AM to 5 PM - it's caused by the construction of avalanche barrier. Outside of that hours, it's safe to enter.
If you dont consider things like rattlesnakes, bears, and wolves a lethal danger. .
That restaurants often do really disgusting things and have disgusting issues.
I used to waitress and then later manage a pizza place — mosquitos in the drain, nests of mice, stink bug infestations, flies feasting on food that falls behind the appliances that isn’t cleaned up frequently like it’s supposed to be, mold in the soda machine, expired ingredients still being used, etc.
It’s just.. a lot. I was very, very surprised. I knew that most restaurants naturally deal with these things from time to time, but I didn’t expect it to be this often. I also didn’t expect for management to be so nonchalant about going against inspections and regulations.
Other restaurants that friends of mine have managed/otherwise worked at have also had similar issues and it’s pretty wild.
I’ve never eaten at the restaurant that I worked at since quitting. I wouldn’t trust it.
So you managed a pizza place, and you didn't expect for management to be so nonchalant about regulations? Something smells here..
I play tabletop RPGs and googled a lot about making bombs, security and guerilla warfare.
My google search history could alarm people. Not because I'm interested in learning about certain topics but I'm trying to follow along with a story or there was a topic/word I randomly heard and didn't know understand it. Then down the rabbit hole I go.
Just reading BP has caused many rabbit holes for me. LOL
Load More Replies...for my epq ( extended project question) i had to write about infertility & IVF. when I was researching causes of infertility, I had to search alot about STD's and eventually stumbled down a rabbit hole of human trafficking and stuff lmao. the IT technician had to come check up on me to see if everything was alright and I embarrassingly said it's for my epq 💀
I do 3D modeling in school... it's not nice when you have to look for anatomy references for kids (arms, legs, overall shape) because that's an assigment for school... (We had to learn character modeling and kids were the easiest shape to start with...)
DnD led to me figuring out how to make a sword out of blood, and how to get enough blood to make said sword.
Fellow D&D player and you really can't comment this and not elaborate. My rogue needs to know.
Load More Replies...I'm working on how to play/GM edge of the empire so this would be helpful (I think)
A few years ago, my crew had a project involving the use of explosive actuated fasteners. Our hearing protection was good for steady noise, but not for explosions. I did a search for suitable hearing protection. The site vice-president and the head of security were in my office before I finished the search.
I feel so bad for article writers, journalists, etc... their search histories, by virtue of THEIR JOB likely has them on some national watch list.
I’m a bit the same, I always said heaven help me if anything ever happens to my husband, I would be screwed if they look at all the things I look up, just out of interest.
My ADHD does this - I watch a lot of The Walking Dead and end up googling things like "are train windows bulletproof?". Oops!
My wife is an author and ghostwriter... She does a lot of motorcycle club and mafia romance.. meaning she has had to look up torture methods, ways to poison someone, dismemberment, ways to dispose of/hide a body..... It's a good reminder to never p**s her off. Lol
Everyone who was an even a remotely chemistry related major in college can make explosives, nitroglycerin for example is disturbingly easy to make for how dangerous it is.
Yeah, many people do for various reasons. Anything from LARP, school reports, writers, morbid interest and whatnot. You may be on a watchlist somewhere but unlikely to be considered a threat unless you start ordering components to make or do something worrisome.. It's like going to Home Depot for an axe, a shovel, and rope.. chances are you're just going camping.. but if you are up to anything nefarious then at least there are the receipts of you buying that ...
Thank you for sharing,the ATF will be by your home shortly to have a conversation.
When I've planned certain units and lessons I've laughingly told my students they'd need to be my witnesses in case something happened to my husband. My forensics unit in particular.
My son learned how to hot wire cars from the King County (Seattle) library system computer. (So proud).
I wouldn't worry too much about that. You'd have to try pretty hard to warrent more attention than the insane amounts of actual domestic terrorists and "nice guys" in the US. I totally downloaded the anarchist cookbook in the mid-ninties and I'm still a free man. Proof positive.
I watch and listen to a lot of true crime stuff and constantly google murderers and serial killers. Im sure my search history would look disturbing lol
Pandemic hobbies, indeed. More responsible than having a baby, in many cases, u guess
Scroll up a bit & ready Missy's comment - it has to do with role playing games.
Load More Replies...Yeah, why? You were trying to figure out why BOMB doesn't spell BOOM?
To build your character in the game. I play RPGs and use Google for reference. For one game, I was the commander of an army that was at war with another country so I researched battle strategies to help me choose my characters next step in the game.
Load More Replies... Really (before 1997/98 or so) old microsoft product keys relied on a REALLY simple validity check.
They were numbers in the form XXXX-YYYYYYY. The first 4 digits were specific to the software (I think Office 97 was 0402?) and fixed. The last 7 .. the check was just that the sum of all digits has to be able to be divided by 7 without rest.
So 1111111 worked all the time. 1234567 worked all the time, 7777777 did.
I know how to make meth, anthrax, homemade claymore, among other explosives and poisons
On those annoying sies that show part of the article and then block it asking you to turn off your ad-blocker, just go to the site's properties (right click the URL) and turn of JavaScript, then reload the site, no more popup asking you to turn off your pop-up blocker!
I missed the part where most of these seem like illegal knowledge. Most were just..huh, go figure facts.
It wasn't that most are illegal, it was just that it felt subjectively illegal...
Load More Replies...Years ago I used to know someone who would copy video games. For the sake of privacy I'll call this person "I". For Playstation 2 or Xbox, I would have to mod the console (buy a $40 chip, open the console and solder connections onto the motherboard) to get the copied games to work, because those systems and all games had a proprietary encryption on them. Sega Dreamcast wasn't so wise and had no encryption. I just bought a regular Dreamcast, downloaded a copy of the game from Napster or Limewire or whatever totally illegal software I was using, and then burn it onto a CD and I was ready to go. Unfortunately, most Dreamcast games weren't worth playing.
Okay that formatting is really clever. But the Dreamcast had some real gems on it.
Load More Replies...I've got one. Your address and phone number is not private information. My job has taught me how to find that information on just about anyone as long as you have a first and last name, or some part of the information already. Plenty of sites will offer you information as a subscription service, but will give you enough for free that you can check it with other sites. Just about every piece of information on the Internet will connect with something else, allowing you to easily find someone's address and phone number, including their living history for themselves and family.
Yup...I started with zabasearch...was my fave...
Load More Replies...I work as an audit manager for a financial institution and also over see all branch audits. I know where all the cameras are. My fob works on all doors. I know where all the dye packs are and where they are kept in teller drawers. I know the location of all secret alarms and the security phrase that the police will use under a hostage situation to call in for all clear signal. The only thing I don't physically have is the dual combo to the vault. Most bank vaults have 750K or less in them. As an auditor, I could easily walk in before the branch opens, force the two tellers to open the vault and then leave. Sure I'll be on camera, but I'll smash the phone box that controls the alarms and take their cell phones. That will give me a good amount of time to run 😆
I use ad free software for everything. If it doesn't work for commercials I speed up the video 5x.
My friend's dad is an EMT, and my friend found the handbook on how to make medicine. It tells you how to make many illegal substances in there.
Bollocks. EMTs aren't pharmacologists, they don't make medicine themselves. More likely your friend found a formulary, which is merely a book containing all current drugs, their usage, known side-effects and interactions/contraindications.
Load More Replies...On those annoying sies that show part of the article and then block it asking you to turn off your ad-blocker, just go to the site's properties (right click the URL) and turn of JavaScript, then reload the site, no more popup asking you to turn off your pop-up blocker!
I missed the part where most of these seem like illegal knowledge. Most were just..huh, go figure facts.
It wasn't that most are illegal, it was just that it felt subjectively illegal...
Load More Replies...Years ago I used to know someone who would copy video games. For the sake of privacy I'll call this person "I". For Playstation 2 or Xbox, I would have to mod the console (buy a $40 chip, open the console and solder connections onto the motherboard) to get the copied games to work, because those systems and all games had a proprietary encryption on them. Sega Dreamcast wasn't so wise and had no encryption. I just bought a regular Dreamcast, downloaded a copy of the game from Napster or Limewire or whatever totally illegal software I was using, and then burn it onto a CD and I was ready to go. Unfortunately, most Dreamcast games weren't worth playing.
Okay that formatting is really clever. But the Dreamcast had some real gems on it.
Load More Replies...I've got one. Your address and phone number is not private information. My job has taught me how to find that information on just about anyone as long as you have a first and last name, or some part of the information already. Plenty of sites will offer you information as a subscription service, but will give you enough for free that you can check it with other sites. Just about every piece of information on the Internet will connect with something else, allowing you to easily find someone's address and phone number, including their living history for themselves and family.
Yup...I started with zabasearch...was my fave...
Load More Replies...I work as an audit manager for a financial institution and also over see all branch audits. I know where all the cameras are. My fob works on all doors. I know where all the dye packs are and where they are kept in teller drawers. I know the location of all secret alarms and the security phrase that the police will use under a hostage situation to call in for all clear signal. The only thing I don't physically have is the dual combo to the vault. Most bank vaults have 750K or less in them. As an auditor, I could easily walk in before the branch opens, force the two tellers to open the vault and then leave. Sure I'll be on camera, but I'll smash the phone box that controls the alarms and take their cell phones. That will give me a good amount of time to run 😆
I use ad free software for everything. If it doesn't work for commercials I speed up the video 5x.
My friend's dad is an EMT, and my friend found the handbook on how to make medicine. It tells you how to make many illegal substances in there.
Bollocks. EMTs aren't pharmacologists, they don't make medicine themselves. More likely your friend found a formulary, which is merely a book containing all current drugs, their usage, known side-effects and interactions/contraindications.
Load More Replies...