I am her biggest fan because she’s my daughter. She is not only talented, but ORIGINAL, beautiful, smart, kind, and rare, (not as in steak rare); Playing baseball is not her forté. If I were to ruthlessly sell ALL the art she has given me, not a problem, because she’ll just make more copies but if I were to sell them, then a lucky YOU would own the originals!


    It’s not DEGAS it’s KEALOHA! I LOVE this painting of a young girl’s ballet class in Oakland CA. (If I were to sell $100,000,001)

    Genessa Kealoha PARTHENON. Honestly, when I first saw this, I thought it was the REAL THING!

    Genessa was SIXTEEN when she painted this! It proudly hangs over my mantel. (If it were for sale, PRICE: $5,000,000


    GENESSA KEALOHA oil painting from School of the Arts HIGH SCHOOL, San Francisco, circa 1995.This proudly hangs in my bedroom. If I were to sell, price: $4,500,000.

    Genessa Kealoha GIANT PLANTER FOOT (NFS)

    Genessa in front of “The Gaze of Could Be Love” capturing the moment before movie character’s fall in love. NFS, both the art and the young lady (circa 2013)

    Genessa on her birthday, age 4 in a dress I made for her. (NFS)




    GENESSA KEALOHA “Pipe Selfie” (If I were to sell: $1.75m.)

    Genessa Kealoha, age 6. (If I were to sell, PRICE: $200K)