40 Movies Nobody Ever Talks About, But Are Cult Classics According To People In This Online Group
The rule is that if a movie is good, it will become popular because people will be talking about it. Then they will be able to share their opinions on it, what they liked and what they didn’t like, was it like they expected it to be, but there are exceptions to this rule.
There are movies that some individuals consider to be the best they have ever seen, but it seems that others haven’t even heard of them. It’s a shame that good movies with interesting plot lines and good acting work aren’t seen by more people, but Reddit user darkweirdvalley probably changed that by asking “What’s a movie you love that you swear no one ever talks about like the world has forgotten it?”
More than 35k people joined the thread to share what they think are cinematographic masterpieces more people should know of and to find like-minded people. It’s safe to say that the movies they mentioned are not forgotten and they finally found someone to talk to about them.
Upvote the answers that you agree with the most and if you think that there are more movies that deserve more recognition, let us know in the comments!
More info: Reddit
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LandLadyAndTheTramp said:
The Birdcage
ThatsMyOnionJerk added:
The Birdcage is comedy royalty in my mind. I mean, Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, Diane Weist, Gene Hackman, Calista Flockhart, Christine Baranski and Hank Azaria!
Everyone played their roles to perfection, either over the top yet endearing, or the straight man role that facilitated the comedy.
Seriously im going to watch it now.
I probably watch this one a few times a year. Worth the price of admission just to see Gene Hackman in drag. gene-hackm...3b0e96.jpg
Death becomes her.
My all time fav movie, amazing cast and plot but I have never found a single soul who would praise it with me :/
A Fish Called Wanda. I don't know anyone irl, under the age of 40, that knows this movie! It's one of the funniest movies ever. My favorite Kevin Kline movie, hand down!
Love this one. Comedy perfection. "To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! I've known sheep that could outwit you! I've worn dresses with higher IQs!" michael-pa...00e4b6.jpg
Constantine with Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weiss. Love that movie, but no one ever seems to know what I’m talking about
This is one of my top 10 favorite movies. It got a lot of hate because it really didn't do a good job of interpreting the source material but I still love both the movie and the comic book. Brilliant casting with Tilda Swinton as the angel Gabriel.
I searched (this thread) and didn't find it (listed already), so (I decided to add)
Batteries Not Included.
It's a cute little 80s movie about some alien robots who took up residence in this old apartment complex and when the residents are threatened with eviction so the place could be torn down, the robots help the tenants and the tenants help the robot aliens. Anyways, I enjoyed it.
Short Circuit, literally everyone that I talk to has never watched it, or heard of it. It's sad too, because I love that movie so much.
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
"Does your dog bite?"
(dog snarls and bites him)
"I thought you said your dog doesn't bite?"
"That is not my dog"
Grosse Point Blank. Hitman goes to high school reunion.
OVS2 said:
manrealityisab***h responded:
A great 1980s sword and sorcery movie.
yes, just be prepared for the cheesiest 80s synth score known to man. however, it is what i really mean when i say i want dark fairy tales. serious subject matter (religion, corruption, lust, greed, guilt, etc.) but with the happily ever after and the true love.
Cat-aclism said:
AEsylumProductions added:
Who would've thought Tristan would turn out to be such a great Daredevil?
You can practically never go wrong with Neil Gaiman and Robert deNiro in drag.
pseudologiann said:
Secret Garden (1993)
alpevado shared:
Funny story with this one. I studied the book at school, so I had read the book a lot. That year for my birthday the movie came out around the same time. I have a fractured family structure so none of them really talk to each other. For some reason nearly every family member decided that they wanted to take me to a screening of the film. So I saw the film nearly 7 times in the matter of two weeks.
My grandma was one of the last, I didn’t have the heart to tell her I had already seen it 6 times already. We were sitting and watching and unintentionally, I was saying the lines word for word. My grandma noticed and she asked “have you seen this already?” I responded “no, it’s just very accurate to the book” to which she replied “wow, you must have read the book many times.
The Secret of NIMH
Enemy Mine.
The end scene still gets me.
So I Married An Ax Murderer
Drop Dead Fred "That's not how the pigeons do it!!" "Cobwebs" Absolutely fell in love with Rik Myall from the very first time I saw that movie!!
Aside from one instance on Reddit, I’ve never heard a single person talk about the 2005 movie Robots. It’s got adult jokes that kids won’t catch, a lot of humor, and Robin Williams.
I didn't realise it wasn't that popular, I thoroughly enjoyed it and even have it on DVD.
Mystery Men
moonbunnychan responded:
I like reminding people that All Star is from that movie originally, and not Shrek.
Mouse Hunt
Nathan Lane, Lee Evans, Christopher Walken in one of his best roles
One of my childhood favorites
Fly Away Home. Was obsessed with it and it is never mentioned. Was it a fever dream???
Wonderful movie! Yeah, I remember it, I should watch it again, but mainly I want every human being aged 10-16 to watch it. One of the best coming-of-age movies ever made, and one of the few that tells kids that growing out of childhood isn't just about falling in love.
Balto! Which I could have sworn was massively popular!! When people started talking about The Swan Princess again randomly, I assumed Balto would be next as they were two of my favorites as a kid. Yet when I mentioned it to my friends and such, no one recalled it.
Also please let me mention the 10th Kingdom which is technically a series! Ah suck an elf.
Thank You for Smoking. And the irony of the whole film is nobody actually smokes a cigarette as well. I always loved that small detail.
Although there are deleted scenes of them smoking but thankfully they decided to keep them out of the theatrical release.
“9” directed by Shane Acker, produced by Tim Burton.
I thought it was amazing, but the only time k bring it up, 90% of people have never heard of it, the other 10% hate it.
It sucks, but I’m convinced I’m the only fan of that movie. It was so different and dark. And the cast was amazing, it was a fantastic adult animated tale.
It just sucks no one is ever able to fan boy over it with me.
ConcealingWillow said:
The Court Jester. I've never met anyone outside of my family who has even heard of it. It's really old so I understand why, but It's a shame more people haven't seen it.
GormenghastCastle responded:
OH MY GOD! Every time I see a movie post like this I open it to check for The Court Jester and you're the first time I've seen anyone mention it! And it's so high too (at least as of commenting this). Finally my persistence pays off!
Dundunduuunnnnnnn said:
The Last Unicorn
HappyChaosOfTheNorth responded:
That movie was my childhood and when I got the meet the author of the book it was based on I cried.
The Borrowers
WildManOnLSD said:
Down Periscope.
Lordmorgoth666 responded:
I showed my kids that movie (12 and 15 at the time) and that scene when the cook farts during silent operation, my daughter legitimately pissed herself laughing and my son was in pain from laughing so hard.
Think I’m gonna put it on again this weekend.
Zathura 100% If you haven't seen it, it's like Jumanji but in space, it's made by the same creator, if you have seen it, tell me im not alone
Adding onto this, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and it's sequel, The Next Level. I thought it'd be crap because it's a reboot, but dear god was is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.
Psychological_Bat865 said:
Treasure Planet
Humble-Grumble added:
This is my favourite movie of all time and it definitely defined a large part of my childhood. The art kicked off my interest in drawing (usually bad OCs, but it was fun); the aesthetic and story inspired my imagination to run wild; the awesome soundtrack fueled those fantasies (hello, maladaptive daydreaming); it got me to read Treasure Island; and it started an interest in sci-fi, fantasy, and, oddly, naval history...the latter bringing me closer to my dad, who's really into naval history. Treasure Planet meant so freakin' much to me that it's almost embarrassing when I look back on it (I was shamefully obsessed). It also had a Hell of a cult following online.
Yet 90% of the time I mention it to someone, I get a blank look. That whole era of animated films is vastly underappreciated.
This movie and Atlantis: The Lost Empire. I watched both for the first time a few years ago and I was shocked with how good they were.
levEL-1boi said:
we-buy-ugly-people responded:
It gives me anti-fairytale Shrek vibes. Little me loved that movie. Esp the grandma
McMurphyo said:
Death to Smoochie
DubiousDrewski responded:
I just can NOT understand why this movie isn't universally loved. Robin Williams and Edward Norton playing completely against-type in such a hilarious way. Catherine Keener is excellent. Danny Davito and Harvey Fierstein are perfectly cast and perfectly hilarious.
I just don't f*****g get it! 42% on Rotten Tomatoes! What the F**k? WHAT THE F**K?
This movie's lack of success proves to me that I do not understand the world. I do not understand art. This movie is brilliant and hilarious, and I do not understand why more people don't see this.
I have never logged in here before, even though I have wanted to many, many times, but this entry... this entry right here is reason enough to log in. Death To Smoochie is comedy gold. Edward Norton is hilarious... I still want to see someone get drunk on alfalfa drops and orange juice! And Robin Williams... oh, gods, to see him playing a villain. I have this gem on DVD, and love watching it when I'm feeling depressed. It is ridiculous, but so, so, so worth it!
Drop Dead Gorgeous. MOAST SMAERTEST.
One of my favorite movies is an old black and white one from the 40s called "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir". I never meet anyone who's even heard of it.
I remember this one. A classic for sure. I think that Star Trek TNG paid homage to it when they had that episode where Beverly Crusher fell for that "ghost."
Load More Replies...Muriels Wedding. Very sweet and funny Australian movie about a girl in a small town, who is always mocked about how unsuccesful and ugly she is, until she takes her life in her own hands while being morally supported by ABBA songs. The Waterloo revenge scene is my favourite.
Another one that should be on this list: What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding jr. Robin Williams in such a serious, straight laced role really opened my eyes to what an absolute gem and artistic talent he was. I miss him endlessly, and I really should watch that one again in his memory.
I LOVE this movie! Saw it in the theatre and everyone I went with (a very diverse group of 10 people) loved it too. Robin was such an amazing talent at basically everything he did
Load More Replies...One of my favorite movies is an old black and white one from the 40s called "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir". I never meet anyone who's even heard of it.
I remember this one. A classic for sure. I think that Star Trek TNG paid homage to it when they had that episode where Beverly Crusher fell for that "ghost."
Load More Replies...Muriels Wedding. Very sweet and funny Australian movie about a girl in a small town, who is always mocked about how unsuccesful and ugly she is, until she takes her life in her own hands while being morally supported by ABBA songs. The Waterloo revenge scene is my favourite.
Another one that should be on this list: What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding jr. Robin Williams in such a serious, straight laced role really opened my eyes to what an absolute gem and artistic talent he was. I miss him endlessly, and I really should watch that one again in his memory.
I LOVE this movie! Saw it in the theatre and everyone I went with (a very diverse group of 10 people) loved it too. Robin was such an amazing talent at basically everything he did
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