“Sagging Is One Of The Stupidest And Ugliest”: 45 People Roast Fashion Trends They Hate
When I look back at photos of myself from middle school, I cringe for many reasons: my mouth full of metal, my awkwardness (which I'm still hoping to grow out of) and, of course, my questionable fashion choices. And while I can forgive myself for those looks because I was simply a child, there are plenty of adults today who continue to follow fashion trends that they’ll undoubtedly regret.
Reddit users have recently been calling out the fashion and beauty trends they can’t stand, so we’ve gathered some of their thoughts below. Taste is subjective, so you may feel that the hate on some of these fads is unwarranted, but we hope you enjoy channeling your inner Anna Wintour as you scroll through this list. Keep reading to find a conversation with Maria Juvakka, Founder and Chief Editor of Chic Pursuit, and be sure to upvote the trends you wish would die out too!
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Fake pockets and zippers.
Yes, definitely hate those. I mean, why do they do this to us? We need real pockets!
Too long fake nails. You do you, obviously, but god dammit I hate seeing those everywhere. How do you even function with two inches of clicky clacky plastic on *your fingers*?
Doesn't it make everything you do a 100x harder? Eating a sandwich? Driving a car? Getting your phone out of your purse? Tying your shoes? Holding a spoon? Turning a doorknob? Sneezing?
Now that conjures up an image I could really have done without today.
Load More Replies...The same way you do - unless you shove your fingers up your b******e? LOL
you don't stick your hand up like you are pulling a table , you hold your hand flat like you are holding a stack of books
All physical keyboards, menstrual hygiene, cooking, cleaning, hair washing and styling, make-up, locks on jewelry, putting on a bra, petting a pet and what if something gets in the eye, I'd be afraid to dig the whole eye out of the socket.
Depending on the shape, they can actually be quite useful for petting your pet. My cats are real fluffballs, amazingly lots of long fur, and my stiletto-shaped nails double-function as a grooming device when scratching their backs.
Load More Replies...In return, they keep my @§§ clean 😜 (No!) My nails aren't nearly as long as in the picture above though
For me it's any kind of fake nails. The sight of them just makes me want to puke. They look like monster claws. I will never understand how some people look at these and think they are sexy.
you can get applicators or you push it in like pushing a button. Very carefully
Yes. And being the clumsy clown I am, I'd have already poked my eyes out and scratched my face so many times.
I have to cut my nails if they're about a centimeter past the tip of my finger. I can't do anything. I can't imagine how people who wear these manage. I just know they're far more courageous than I.
The times I've had artificial nails, they got cut down when they got long enough to interfere with touch-typing.
Makes picking your nose a much more delicate operation to avoid giving yourself the old Egyptian mummy treatment
I remember sitting watching a woman use them like a fork to stab her dinner and eat it - I just hope she washed her hands before and after
I love having my nails done....those who can have long, long, long nails obviously don't work, can't pick up small items, cannot wipe their bottom,
I see long nails, I immediately think about all the poop particles stuck under them as well as all the germs and bacteria. Plus, they're so ugly. Why would anyone want useless claws?
I dare you to Google what's under fake nails, even of you scrub them.MRSA and staph top the list
You have to have a tool for every task that your built in tools are now useless for
When they are really long, they look like claws of a monster or at least an animal. And indeed I wonder how they get things done, even take care of themselves with those - but that's their problem.
I call those the "these hands do NOT condescend to perform any useful function in life" nails.
They look ugly IMO but I also cringe at the money some folks spend on them. I have known people who go in every two weeks for a fill in (the gap where the real nail grows out from your finger) and pay like $50 bucks a pop. There are many things I could do with that extra $100+ / month. I know a woman who was spending about $300 a month between nails, hair appointments and I forget what the other thing was. Pedicure was probably in there but there was something else. My mortgage payment is under $800
Look up Vials on Instagram- she shows how she does a ton of this stuff.
OP spends too much time wondering how others could possibly just live their lives. It literally has nothing to do with you, your opinion and inquiries DO NOT MATTER. They can turn a doorknob, who the hell are you to gatekeep *how to turn a k**b*?
Exactly!!!! Aside from working in a warehouse where my main concern is one breaking and causing pain I can and have done anything and everything like normal with nails as long as three inches. My grandmother insisted I couldn't possibly function so I not only showed her I could dress and change my baby, cornrow hair, pick crab meat out of its shell and then she threw out the "how do you wipe your a$$?" ...As if me wiping my baby's wasn't proof enough that's clearly no different! Some people can't even walk in heels while others can dance in 8" stilettos for hours on end. Everything is for everybody but that doesn't mean it's wrong because you don't understand it.
To gain more insight on this topic from a style expert, we reached out to Maria Juvakka, Founder and Chief Editor of Chic Pursuit. Maria was kind enough to answer some questions for Bored Panda and reveal which fashion trends she's not necessarily a fan of.
"I’m all for embracing what makes you feel your best, but when it comes to clogs, including the popular Birkenstock Boston clog, I can't quite wrap my head around the craze," the expert shared. "While I can appreciate the fact that they must be extremely comfortable, to me, they look like a cross between a shoe and a piece of garden equipment."
Black and grew up in the hood
Sagging is one of the stupidest and ugliest fashion trends to ever grace us
Those fake eyelashes that make you look like you’re two blinks away from flying off.
fake eyelashes can look nice and then people go to far and it like they attached feathers to their eyelids
On the other hand, Maria also shared which trends she's loving at the moment. "I love the resurgence of UGG mini boots, especially the Tasman and Tazz slippers," she told Bored Panda. "Not only do they look great, but they are incredibly comfortable, reasonably priced, and versatile for indoor/outdoor wear."
"I also love the move toward more sustainable clothing, which is somewhat tied to the rise of quiet luxury and recession core," Maria added. "It’s great to see consumers becoming more aware of fabrics and production processes that are gentler on the environment."
Long fake nails that end in a point. I keep thinking that someone is going to lose an eye.
Cooking videos where the person wears rings and bracelets while mixing something (usually dough) with their hands. I’m grossed out by the hygiene aspect.
And since cropped shirts are in fashion, I would add cooking videos that include hot frying pans and bare stomach skin. Ouch. So food hygiene and safety don't matter.
Jeans with holes in them, especially those that pretty much show your entire leg and look like you are wearing rags.
My mother used to always complain and say that when she was young having holes was a sign of poverty and shame. Now that I’m older I get it and think paying for damaged clothing is one heck of an F U to people who can’t afford new clothing. Would anyone want to pay extra for a rusted out car? Asking for a friend.
Maybe not a "fashion trend" but the new trend of face tattoos. I can't help but think people are going to majorly regret them.
As far as why some of these questionable items become trendy, Maria says it's due to a variety of reasons. "To start with, celebrities and Instagram influencers of course have a lot to do with the popularity of a certain product, but it’s not the whole picture," she explained.
"In my opinion, the product must also be reasonably priced (Adidas Samba, Ugg boots, etc.) or be easily dupable (e.g. trendy sunglasses, Bottega Veneta bags), and effortlessly fit into people’s lifestyles," Maria noted. "For example, many of the current it-items are extremely comfortable to wear, like ballet flats and sneakers. I do think that people who buy into these trends genuinely like them, especially if they’re opting in for the comfort!"
Leggings that have the scrunched up crease into the buttcrack … it just looks like the outline of a weird b******e 😭
I see that a lot in the gym, hard to get that image out of my mind.
Beige leggings
I had to do a double take at work not long ago coz someone walked into the shop in biege leggings and matching biege top and for a split second I actually though she was naked
I'm not mad at trends, Im mostly mad that the s**t I like isn't as easily available because those trends take over.
But if you're not a fan of what's trending, Maria says there's no pressure to jump on the bandwagon. "Having a sense of personal style is incredibly powerful, so there’s no need to shop for current trends if they’re not the right fit," she told Bored Panda. "I would recommend doing a seasonal color analysis, preferably in person, which is designed to help you recognize what colors complement your features the best. This analysis makes it much easier to shop with confidence, and you don’t need to rely on trends to make you feel great about your appearance."
If you'd like to hear more from Maria and her team about fashion and beauty, be sure to visit Chic Pursuit!
Cropped everything
Especially cropped sweaters. What's the point? If the weather is so hot, I don't need a sweater, and if it's so cold, I don't need my sweater cropped.
Hideous clunky trainers with really thick, misshapen soles.
It's like they're as ugly as possible on purpose.
Not just ugly and ridiculously overpriced but likely doing lasting damage to your body.
When a dude wears a suit or a nice pair of slacks that show their ankles & they’re not wearing socks. It confuses me.
This wasn't/isn't something that was dictated from above by the almighty fashion tyrant in the sky. This particular trend grew out of Italy, and it grew organically out of the Pitti Uomo fashion forum in Florence. In most European cities, especially the further south you go, the bicycle is the fastest means of urban transport, and this trend that so irritates all of you is very accommodating to riding your bike to work in your stylish suit. Goggle "Pitti Uomo and Bicycle" for some real life pictures.
Putting lipstick over your cupid's bow. It's obvious and looks bad. You aren't a Bratz doll.
Also: over lining lips and putting lipstick in the corners of your mouth, you look like the Joker.
And why is it suddenly such a terrible thing to have a cupid's bow? Why so many people want to have a mouth shape of a baby?
I utterly refuse to get mad about fashion trends. Everyone, at some point in their life, has seen some bitter old a*****e complaining about "the kids these days", and I f*****g *will not do it*. I will not be that guy. If there's a dumb fashion trend, you know what? I love it. Love that people are having fun. You can't make me get angry about shoes, it's just not f*****g worth it.
You wear what you want to wear. I'll wear what i want to wear. We both reserve the right to laugh at what the other is wearing.
back in my day having a wedgie was not a flex that's all ima say about that.
fair point. The photo doesn't suit the point... but(t) maybe that's a good thing.
That weird super-clean cut beard/hair line look. Looks like someone cut their hair while thinking of how to calculate a hypotenuse
I’m just glad Target finally stopped selling those weird pioneer-woman dresses like they did in 2020. I really thought they were signaling the end of the fashion industry with those and I was like “welp, I guess society had a good run. Off to my bunker for the rest of my days, I suppose”
It was 2020, we don't question what happened in 2020 or anybody's choices.
I dare OP to come and make that statement in the Western Suburbs of Sydney
I don't understand beanies as a fashion thing. If it's cold, then f**k yeah, beanies. But the height of summer, with half the thing hanging off the back of your head? I don't get it.
Maybe they are hiding a really bad haircut or it just needs a good wash.
Most trendy clothes don't look good unless you have an 'ideal' body type (crop tops, baggy dad jeans, etc).
Over the last 5 years, i felt that fashion had lost a lot of drive in dictating what people should wear, and everyone could wear whatever looked nice on them. Baggy is indeed highly elitist in male body types. Be huge and broad or look ridiculous. Wear what makes you feel good and nice, even if it is not trending
Over lining lips, people can tell and they just look stupid and clownish
Agree 100%. Also just excessive amounts of makeup. Like...you look ridiculous! Sure, put on some mascara and maybe some lipstick but you don't need to outline your facial features - WE KNOW THEY'RE THERE!!!
Womens shirts with holes in the shoulders. LIke, shoulder windows? I dont get it. I dont like it.
I love cold shoulder sweaters. I’d like to wear snuggly sweaters in the winter but I always get so hot (even though I live in a cold climate). Cold shoulder cut out means I can enjoy the snuggliness with a little extra ventilation so I’m not a sweaty mess. Plus most of them are cut so you can wear a regular bra and not have it show, unlike off the shoulder styles
I will die before I wear anything low rise ever again
I've never liked the trend of men's suits being cut "skinny" where they look just a shade on the too-small side. Especially the pants. It reminds me of wearing my suit to church on Sunday when I was going through my teenage growth spurt. (My parents didn't want to waste money on a new suit until I'd finished growing. Can't blame them.)
I've always thought a leisure suit should look loose and "leisurely." I go for the more baggy look whether it's in style or not. (A formal suit, of course, should be tailored.)
Women fake tan specially in UK…
Also when people complain you're too pale, as if it's wrong or ugly to have the skin color you're BORN with. Never understood the tanning fad. In fact, it's kinda toxic, in more ways than one.
Skintight body suits. I never saw anyone wear these until I moved to Florida, and people wear them all the time down here. Onesie bodysuits that look like singlets. They give instant camel toe and don't look good on anyone.
I dont care if theyre apparently comfy. Fashion-wise, a huge no.
Edit: wear whatever you want around home or whatever, its them being worn out and about, people matching their crocs to their outfits very intentionally, etc. that's questionable to me.
I broke my foot and it never healed right and I have trouble wearing regular shoes for long periods of time. I am so glad crocs exist!
that f*****g mushroom haircut
The cop mustache’s. Why are dudes rolling with cop stashes?
The fake freckles across the cheeks and bridge of the nose and the fake red nose. So stupid looking.
High waisted jeans. Makes me feel like I'm wearing a diaper and I can't find regular jeans in the mall anymore.
Even more infuriating are those bikini bottoms that go up over your hips and up your butt crack.
I've actually been waiting years for high waisted jeans to come back into fashion. I prefer the shape to the low ones where your pubic hairs show.
Those stupid a*s slides that look like prison shoes
I think it makes people look like they work in a small town municipal leisure centre as a pool attendent.
Eyebrow lamination where people pay to look like werewolves
Some are pretty awful, I agree. Might look good if understated and natural.
Low rise jeans. I’m all for people wearing what they want but if you’re midsize or above they’re very challenging and almost guaranteed to fall down/show buttcrack/give muffin top and affect the way your shirts fall. All for what, to look like you have a super long torso? No thanks.
I remember mid riff shirts used to be popular for both sexes back in the ‘80s. (Thinking of Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure.) I think midriffs and low rises are they are there to show off the work you’ve put into your abs. To pull it off well you couldn’t have have a tummy or love handles that doesn’t go over the pants’ waist. It’s kind of a look I’d associate with youth and certain sports, dancing, and workout activities. Nothing wrong with it but not something I’d ever call classy or professional attire.
Do the broccoli haircuts count?
Those weird half-cut tops. Excuse me Target, some of us are not teenagers. I'd like to cover my midriff.
Long denim skirts. They’re so trendy right now and I’m not sure why. Not flattering at all.
Least you can bend over in a long skirt without the white world seeing what you had for breakfast.
Men’s dress slacks are too tight and they look like high waters. Looks like their pants are too small. Also I’m not going sockless in my $250 loafers. They’d be ruined by sweat in a few outings.
Ugh, I know; this looks so classless and tacky. Makes me cringe so much >_<
Acid washed mom jeans. I lived in those in the 80’s and 90’s, why on earth would anyone bring them back now? They look terrible on most people that wear them.
Not only are they ugly AF, here in the US that "acid wash" is ANIMAL tested! Should be a law that it's disclosed on labels!
Kids wearing hoodies ALL THE TIME. I live in FL and was driving by the local high school the other day. It was 93 degrees and sunny outside. Nearly every kid was in dark jeans and a dark hoodie.
Edit: Yes, it gets cold in class. I’m taking long breaks or waking home in obnoxiously hot weather, or just wearing those clothes in the middle of summer.
How about we stop judging others for their fashion choices and just check ourselves. It's nobody's business how another person chooses to express themselves. Want to wear a mullet with saggies and a hoodie while sporting long pointy nails and fake eyelashes? You do you and be proud!
There's a big difference between saying you don't like (or even hate) some fashion trends and considering you are the only stylish person on Earth and whoever likes what you don't is either stupid or a red neck.
This post brought out a lot of opinionated and gross people. Let people live.
unpopular comment time. I honeslty dont care what people wear or do with themselves. Sure I have a preference but my opinion has no bearing on them nor should it. You do you and as long as youre happy with what you are wearing/doing all the power to you. Fashion is such a silly thing to worry about. once we solve climate change, wars, and pverty we can worry about low rise jeans or ramen hair.
The tony hats, like a small beanie skull cap. It's a hat that deliberately doesn't cover your ears, why?! I have such an irrational hatred of them, it's probably classed as a phobia.
I have to search the whole town to find plan V neck woman's sweater. They are all cropped up to show stomach, or have holes or some weird non-functional buttons and zippers, lace and who knows what? I just want plain, cute, sweater for me! no holes, not cropped, not knee length, no lace, no frills, just normal! Is it too much to ask?
A lot of kids feel the same way about crop tops. My 16 year old gets so mad every time she finds a cute shirt and it's cropped. Not everyone wants to show their belly, and also there are school dress codes. We don't want to spend twice the money to layer and sweat our butts off in the summer either! The fact that even in the kids section it's all crops and short shorts is so frustrating because it's impossible to find school clothes. And all the cropped sweaters are so dumb. We would like out stomachs and low backs to be warm too.
This is so funny. These people are acting like these things are new. These trends have been going on for generations lol!
I'm so glad that work pants, flannel, and boots will like never go out of style, cuz that's what my entire wardrobe consists of
I don't get mad or angry about fashion, each to your own, but I don't get flip flops and jeans, is it hot is it cold? And I don't understand short trousers with suits and no socks. Again I find these weird, but if you are happy then up to you.
My personal take on the flip flops and jeans is more for the convenience side of flip flops. If I'm not going too far out of my apartment, then I don't really want to take a few extra seconds of putting on and taking my shoes off. Heck, I've even done it some times in late fall, early winter to go to the convenience store near my apartment, but that's only a 2 minute walk.
I didn't see UNDER B O O B anywhere on this list and it's been bugging the heck out of me for a couple of years now. I just don't understand the trend AT ALL!!! Looks so uncomfortable, unflattering, and completely stupid. Am I alone?
Can’t say much of this is all that new, really. I have some bad memories from the nineties, let me tell you. THAT was some bad fashion, damn. I’ve no objections except for crop tops and low cut pants - those have never been a like of mine. Not even when I was a teenager. They’re unfortunately very unflattering for anyone human shaped. But that’s just personal preference; rock that crop top if it takes your fancy.
Fashion trends I don't like: depressingly bland colors like tan on children, and synthetic clothing for everything. It takes a very special child to prefer beige to other colors; most littles like something bright. And synthetic fibers are just terrible for your skin. Unless you're playing sports in the rain, or some other special requirement, stick to fabrics that moderate your temperature, are gentle to your skin, and don't collect body smells that you can't clean.
How about we stop judging others for their fashion choices and just check ourselves. It's nobody's business how another person chooses to express themselves. Want to wear a mullet with saggies and a hoodie while sporting long pointy nails and fake eyelashes? You do you and be proud!
There's a big difference between saying you don't like (or even hate) some fashion trends and considering you are the only stylish person on Earth and whoever likes what you don't is either stupid or a red neck.
This post brought out a lot of opinionated and gross people. Let people live.
unpopular comment time. I honeslty dont care what people wear or do with themselves. Sure I have a preference but my opinion has no bearing on them nor should it. You do you and as long as youre happy with what you are wearing/doing all the power to you. Fashion is such a silly thing to worry about. once we solve climate change, wars, and pverty we can worry about low rise jeans or ramen hair.
The tony hats, like a small beanie skull cap. It's a hat that deliberately doesn't cover your ears, why?! I have such an irrational hatred of them, it's probably classed as a phobia.
I have to search the whole town to find plan V neck woman's sweater. They are all cropped up to show stomach, or have holes or some weird non-functional buttons and zippers, lace and who knows what? I just want plain, cute, sweater for me! no holes, not cropped, not knee length, no lace, no frills, just normal! Is it too much to ask?
A lot of kids feel the same way about crop tops. My 16 year old gets so mad every time she finds a cute shirt and it's cropped. Not everyone wants to show their belly, and also there are school dress codes. We don't want to spend twice the money to layer and sweat our butts off in the summer either! The fact that even in the kids section it's all crops and short shorts is so frustrating because it's impossible to find school clothes. And all the cropped sweaters are so dumb. We would like out stomachs and low backs to be warm too.
This is so funny. These people are acting like these things are new. These trends have been going on for generations lol!
I'm so glad that work pants, flannel, and boots will like never go out of style, cuz that's what my entire wardrobe consists of
I don't get mad or angry about fashion, each to your own, but I don't get flip flops and jeans, is it hot is it cold? And I don't understand short trousers with suits and no socks. Again I find these weird, but if you are happy then up to you.
My personal take on the flip flops and jeans is more for the convenience side of flip flops. If I'm not going too far out of my apartment, then I don't really want to take a few extra seconds of putting on and taking my shoes off. Heck, I've even done it some times in late fall, early winter to go to the convenience store near my apartment, but that's only a 2 minute walk.
I didn't see UNDER B O O B anywhere on this list and it's been bugging the heck out of me for a couple of years now. I just don't understand the trend AT ALL!!! Looks so uncomfortable, unflattering, and completely stupid. Am I alone?
Can’t say much of this is all that new, really. I have some bad memories from the nineties, let me tell you. THAT was some bad fashion, damn. I’ve no objections except for crop tops and low cut pants - those have never been a like of mine. Not even when I was a teenager. They’re unfortunately very unflattering for anyone human shaped. But that’s just personal preference; rock that crop top if it takes your fancy.
Fashion trends I don't like: depressingly bland colors like tan on children, and synthetic clothing for everything. It takes a very special child to prefer beige to other colors; most littles like something bright. And synthetic fibers are just terrible for your skin. Unless you're playing sports in the rain, or some other special requirement, stick to fabrics that moderate your temperature, are gentle to your skin, and don't collect body smells that you can't clean.